
6 Warning Signs of a Probable Heart Attack

Heart attacks are quite common nowadays. It is the result of inadequate blood flow to the heart muscles, which results in ischemia of the particular part… Melisa Silver - February 2, 2016

Heart attacks are quite common nowadays. It is the result of inadequate blood flow to the heart muscles, which results in ischemia of the particular part of the organ. An interruption in the blood flow mostly occurs as a result of ‘Atherosclerosis‘, a condition in which cholesterol plaques form an obstructive body in the vessel, preventing the blood from reaching the heart.

Fortunately, the management regimen for a patient with a heart attack has improved so much so that mortality has been reduced by half. Moreover, preventive procedures such as an arterial bypass, so as to avoid further such incidences in future have controlled this morbidity to some extent.

However, one must be completely aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, especially if they are at risk of it. Old age, a sedentary lifestyle, high cholesterol levels, and a positive family history are some factors that make a person prone to the possibility of having a heart attack at some point in their lives.

In the following article are mentioned a few important symptoms which indicate the probability of the presence of a heart attack. In case you find anyone with these symptoms, may it be even yourself, do not delay in calling 9-1-1 immediately.



Chest pain

Chest pain of any kind must NEVER be ignored. Chest pain associated with a heart attack is mostly dull and achy in nature and spreads toward the inside of the left arm and the lower jaw. People with heart attacks complain of chest pain that is shearing in nature, so much so that it becomes unbearable.

If you are someone who is above 40 years of age, has an unstable system of fats and cholesterol, and has a positive family history of heart attacks, you must then never take even a slight jest of chest pain lightly.



Shortness of breath

This is yet another common symptom associated with heart attack, although breathlessness indicates several other pathologies as well, especially those related to the lungs. When taking a flight of stairs is usually not a problem, but suddenly, walking a few steps up is making one breathe heavily, this could be a signal towards a heart attack, especially if they are at risk of it. Since the heart is responsible for supplying the body with oxygenated blood, a small amount of physical exertion during the condition can provoke shortness of breath.



Profuse sweating

Perspiration due to no apparent reason can be alarming, especially in the case of a person with a compromised heart and blood flow system. During an attack, the sympathetic activity of the body rises substantially, which makes the person perspire profusely.



Dizziness and nausea

Dizziness and nausea are so familiar that many times they occur without the presence of any pathology. In many cases, they are psychogenic as well. When a portion of heart muscles remains devoid of blood flow, nausea may occur as a ramification of many other events which follow the primary one. Nausea associated with chest pain is a highly alarming sign of a heart attack. Sometimes, patients may even become so much dizzy that they feel they may pass out at any moment. Allowing these events to persist even for a minute can initiate anxiety in the patient, which shall worsen the condition further. Hence, medical help should be obtained immediately.




Too much fatigue

Few days before the occurrence of a heart attack, some people may feel drained even after carrying out normal activities. Lifting up light objects would make them gasp heavily, and walking a few steps would make them give up and sit right there at that moment. If a person who is at risk of having a heart attack experiences such symptoms, you must not delay in getting them help, since extreme fatigue often occurs before an attack.



A pounding heartbeat

Every single person has experienced a racing heartbeat, as well as a pounding one, which is fairly normal. But in the case of a person at the risk, a pounding or an irregular heartbeat is rather a sign to pay attention to their condition. In this case, an immediate ECG must be carried out so that the probability of an attack can be dealt with quite early.

What to do next?

You are the victim yourself, or you are standing next to the victim, in any case, call 9-1-1 immediately. Assure the person that everything shall be handled quickly and that they are going to be fine. Assurance prior to the arrival of medical aid is quite IMPORTANT since the person going through an attack is on the verge of developing anxiety. Anxiety can be illicit ventricular arrhythmia which deteriorates the condition further.

Moreover, the person can even go into a state of shock due to extreme fear, since they are already in a state of shock. Hence, it is quite necessary that someone should be by the side of the patient to console them until medical aid arrives.
