
Try Not to Cringe During these OB/GYN Horror Stories

Women already know that it’s never any fun going to the gynecologist for an appointment, no matter what the reason is behind it. It may be… Trista Smith - June 24, 2021

Women already know that it’s never any fun going to the gynecologist for an appointment, no matter what the reason is behind it. It may be uncomfortable, awkward, or embarrassing for some, especially for those who are self-conscious about themselves “down there.” But once you hit a certain age, you already know what to expect, for the most part, when booking an appointment to see your OB/GYN. We may not look forward to these appointments. However, they are essential to attend. Whether you go alone or bring someone along, sometimes things may not go quite as expected.

We already feel embarrassed about having someone take a look around down there, and it may feel awkward or even uncomfortable. However, we never expect to have something embarrassing happen while there. Sometimes women even cover up their underwear to hide them when asked to put a gown on. How silly is that? We just want to get in, get looked at, and get out as quickly as possible. Sometimes, that isn’t the case, and in this article, others have shared their stories of embarrassing, awkward, and worst experiences they have had while at the gynecologist. And, if you think these stories are cringe-worthy, wait until you read when people share their worst doctor visits.



20. A painful trip to the OB/GYN leads to a divorce.

“Worst experience: I noticed I had some dry area off to the very side of ahem, the most sensitive area. Go in, dr. says, “It looks like a form of eczema, but we should biopsy it anyway.” Next, I’m getting a shot of lidocaine to the vag. They kept testing to see if I was numb, then said, “It’s kind of hard to get this area exactly numb because of the folds of skin.” Awesome. So, it sort of feels numb down there, but not really, and they decide it’s good enough to go in and do the biopsy.

Which was really them just taking some scissors and snipping a piece of my vag off that might be close enough to be considered part of the clitoris. And, I was NOT numb. I screamed. Then, afterward, the lidocaine decides to kick in. My husband (now ex) can’t get off of work to pick me up, even though I’ve just had part of my vag crudely snipped off. So, I had to take the bus home. And on the ride, it’s bumpy, and the lidocaine wears off. TL;DR: I had part of my vag snipped off without being numb and felt all of it.” –xx_ClaireVoyant_xx



19. This OB/GYN assumes the girl has herpes and a cheating spouse.

“I had thrush (yeast) that made the outer parts of my labia positivity raw…basically adult diaper rash. I had just had my annual pelvic exam + blood test four months prior and was STD-free. My fiancé had just had his annual physical+blood test for work two WEEKS prior and also was clean. Both of us are and have always been clean, respectable, responsible, sexually active adults. My OB/GYN (an NP) insists I have herpes when I tell her what’s wrong with me. With no exam, I was still fully dressed.

I insist that that’s not the issue, that it’s obviously yeast. (I mean, the discharge is hard to copy; it was a rash — not lesions or bumps). I’m really sensitive down there and get infections a lot. And this one got out of control because it, of course, HAD to occur over the holidays when no one was open to getting examined early. She’s been my NP for five years; she should realize this. I explain we’ve both recently been examined, and neither of us has the herp. She replies, “Well, all men cheat. He cheated on you.” –Dianaofwhales



18. Some things should be left unsaid by nurses, especially at the gyno office.

“I was an egg donor, and before the procedure, they have to…prop you open. This happens a few minutes before they give you anesthesia, and for me, it was excruciating. It was only propped open like an inch in diameter, but it was some cold metal object, and I was shaking and starting to tear up. They asked if I was in pain, and I said yes, actually, a lot. The one nurse apologizes but then says, “Your boyfriend must be a lucky man.” I didn’t really feel like explaining that I didn’t have a bf.

But I wish I did because my best guy friend had driven me to the procedure and was in the waiting room. When he was driving me home, he was all awkward and said the nurses were talking to him and thought he was my boyfriend. I still cringe now because that guy is more like a brother, and I’m scared the nurses were talking to him about me like that.” Hopefully, the nurses weren’t! Talk about an awkward ride home. Also, should a nurse really be saying such a thing to a patient like that? Let’s see what others have to say about their experiences while at the gynecologist. –IThinkImDumb



17. Just an uncomfortable and unfortunate situation all the way around.

“In my early 20’s I had an unplanned pregnancy. I didn’t know I was prego until I went to the ER for pain and bleeding. By this time, my ex and I had just broken up (he was playing in the NFL), and when I told him, he was a TOTAL unsupportive dick and accused me of lying about it. The team he was signed to were in the Super Bowl, and on Super Bowl night, I experienced more severe pain, ended up back in the ER, and found out the pregnancy was in my tubes and was life-threatening. The super hot doctor doing my exam and procedure prep had the TV on in my room…turned to the Super Bowl.

So here he was, elbow deep in my vag, talking about how he was rooting for my ex’s team. He could tell how upset and nervous I was and said, “This must be really hard for you. Where is the baby’s father tonight that he couldn’t be here with you for something as serious as this?” I pointed to the TV, and after a few more questions, he got it and shut off the TV. A crap day all around, and it sounds terrible, but I am SO thankful the pregnancy wasn’t viable. I would have had a tough life.” –ELLE_S_D



16. Having to pee at the OB/GYN appointment.

“Had to get a pelvic ultrasound one time. I was instructed to drink about 3-4 glasses of water before going in to get the ultrasound. Plus, I have a tiny bladder, so I know this isn’t going to go well. I arrive at the office and already have to pee. They make me wait 15 minutes, and I REALLY gotta go, but they have to do this freaking ultrasound on a full bladder. If you’ve never had a pelvic ultrasound before, allow me to share the experience with you. They take a dildo-shaped device, stick a condom and some lubricant on it, and shove it up your vagina to get images.

Then, after that, they take the regular ultrasound device and press it down on top of your bladder to take images of that. All while you really, really, REALLY gotta pee. It was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. Thankfully there was a bathroom attached to this particular exam room, so they let me know as soon as I could relieve myself, and I flew off that exam table and into the restroom. I cannot describe how good it felt to finally relieve myself after holding it in (after four glasses of water!) for so long.” –QuietLotus



15. A gushfest at the OB/GYN is never good.

“I was 38. I’d been on the pill most of my life and, after I was done having kids, decided to get a non-hormonal IUD. Well, the pill really shortens your periods and, all of a sudden, mine were 10-day gush fest. Disgusting, clotty, Ultra Super Tampon, changing it every hour, hell. And then I had to take a seven-hour red-eye flight right in that two-day window of anemia. I’ve had two baby skulls pass through there; surely, I can put two or three tampons in! Yeah. Somehow I lost one. I may have been (was) drunk.

Halfway through the vacation and halfway through sex, I stop and go down on my husband and nearly die from the smell. We both take showers, still with the gag-inducing smell. I call a moratorium on sex, suspecting bacterial vaginosis, and see my doc ASAP. He pulls out a grey (GREY) tampon that he dumped directly into the hazardous waste container. The smell, I don’t even know how to describe it. Spoiled, rancid meat? It was horrific, and I’ve never been more mortified in my life.” That would have been a little embarrassing, for sure. But luckily, it wasn’t something more serious. –NotAtAllCool



14. Her experience was so bad, that this story is a two-parter.

“My first semester at college, I visited the health center on campus. I have ovarian cysts, and they can be painful. The doctor decides that she will schedule a pap smear for my next visit to see if I would be a good candidate for the Mirena IUD. I’m like, “All right, cool. I’ve had them before, and it’s no big deal.” She asks if one of her students can be present during the examination, which I agree to think that it will be her performing the exam and watching. I WAS WRONG.

I come in that next week, and I get undressed and wait for the doctor. Well, she comes in, then the student who is a male. They start lubing up the speculum, and I’m going to my happy place. The next thing I know, the student puts on gloves. I’m thinking that he is just going to be handing over the instruments. Then he sits at the foot of the sheet and goes to town. He put the speculum in wrong. Then he turns it around and fixes it.” Continue reading to hear how the rest of this experience goes for them. -N/A



13. The second part of the embarrassing OB/GYN visit.

“Then the doctor leaves. (Mind you, my vagina is out and about for the whole world to see.) She returns with about four other students, and leaves the door WIDE open. So the count goes up to about six people in the room, all nodding and looking at my vagina. “Ah yes, I see; her cervix IS pear-shaped, ahhh.” The dude then decided to swab my cervix for something. I don’t know what, but I have never had it happen before. Plus, I do not know how he did it, but it was so excruciating. After I let him finish the swab, I started crying.

The lady doctor then berates me for being a cry baby and not having a higher pain tolerance. Furthermore, if I could not handle that pain, I couldn’t have the Mirena. I then got up and told them all to get out. So, I dressed and went to the lady at the desk and told her to pull my records and shred them or do whatever they do to records of patients they will never see again. I have never been so humiliated in my life. I have not been back to a doctor for a pap smear in two years now.” -N/A



12. When Mom isn’t welcome at the OB/GYN appointment.

“This was about two years ago. I was 22, living on my own. I went to my regular doc for my yearly pap/pelvic/breast exam. My doctor asked if her student could sit in. I didn’t mind, so her student (a male, which was awkward for me anyway) formally walked through my examination. After the speculum is cranked open and my doctor is telling her student about the appearance of my cervix, there’s a knock at the door. My doc seems confused and answers, “um, yes?” The door opens, I tilt my head to see who it is, and there’s my mum, just smiling at me. We looked at each other for a moment, me clearly on my back and in stirrups.

After a 5-second awkward pause, I found the connection to my brain and yelled, “Mooom!!!! Get out of here!” She starts apologizing like crazy, shuts the door, and leaves. When I look back at my doc and her student, all red from embarrassment, we all burst out laughing. The rest of the visit was smooth sailing. I found out from my mum later that she was in for an appointment at the office (it was a general docs office, and my whole family went there), saw my name on the door, and thought she’d pop her head in and say hi.” –TheDreamingMyriad



11. Talk about a possibly embarrassing moment.

“I went to the doctor to get a prescription for birth control when I was about 15. The doctor said that I would need a “pelvic exam” before she could give me the pills, so I would need to remove my jeans. Now, I’d gone commando that day, and since I thought a pelvic exam would just entail her poking at my abdomen, I was pretty mortified that she would get an unnecessary face full of my genitals. I even apologized, “Hey, I’m sorry you’re about to see my vagina.” She seemed surprisingly cool with it, though, and calmly directed me to the stirrups (which should have tipped me off as to what was about to happen).

I lay back, lifted my shirt for her, and waited. All of a sudden, a freezing cold wand thingy got shoved inside me and wiggled around! It was horrifying. And to make matters even more embarrassing, I was extremely self-lubricated because the goddamn nerves from the whole experience got me wet. Hopefully, that didn’t cause her to mistake my shocked gasp for a sign of pleasure.” Talk about embarrassing, although the doctor probably didn’t even notice or care. They may rethink wearing underwear next time, however. Keep reading to see what others have experienced. –Witchhuntress



10. Well, that was a bit unexpected, even for the OB/GYN.

“Went to the gyno in Jerusalem. I was very particular about not going to clinics in any religious neighborhoods because I was going to birth control because I’m a sexually free woman. And religious gynos don’t like that. So I was looking up online, and I saw a clinic in the city center that I THOUGHT specialized in adolescent gynecology. So I was like, sure, they seem secular. I go there. First off, the only entrance is through all of the birthing rooms. Like, these aren’t even rooms; they are just blinds separating each room. Women with head coverings clutching their swollen bellies, religious men just sitting apathetically, waiting for the birth of yet ANOTHER baby.

I was starting to sweat because, WTF, and the whole thing was pretty disgusting. So I get to the clinic, and everyone I see around me is religious. Like, head coverings, long skirts. I’m really starting to freak out because I do not want to be put in a situation where I’m judged by these religious women. I see that the doctor is also religious, and I’m about to run out of there, but I can’t because I really need my refill. At the end of the day, it was fine. She gave me my prescription. I was on my way, having to exit again through the birthing rooms. Ew.” –marmaladeskies7



9. Doctors should really be nicer to their patients.

“I had the absolute worst gyno ever do my first pap smear. She found out that I was a lesbian when we got into my sexual activity/whether or not I was using protection, and started asking me all these really inappropriate questions, like “Do you feel amorous feelings towards your partner?” and “Do you think your partner feels amorous feelings for you?” And all in all, she just came off as really judgy and rude. But this was in the south, and I was admittedly used to people being jerks about me being gay, so I let that bit slide.

Then the actual speculum went in, and I don’t know why, but it hurt-hurt-HURT. Like, I’ve had paps plenty of times since this incident, and it didn’t hurt like this. I was screaming, crying, and begging the gyno to stop, but she refused and told me to stop being a baby, that it couldn’t possibly hurt that much. It really, really sucked. Thankfully, my partner rec’d me to her gyno after the fact, and I haven’t had any problems since.” No doctor should judge a patient about their pain tolerance. Good thing this person was able to find someone else that treats them well. –hyattisqueen



8. An embarrassing, but normal reaction to the OB/GYN.

“Started off just like any other, awkward and uncomfortable, but not the end of the world. The nurse left the room for me to undress, and I sat down on the exam bench. I immediately started to notice that something felt odd. For no possible reason I could think of, I started getting “wet.” (I apologize for using such a vulgar term; I’m just not quite sure how else to describe it.) The doctor came back in, and it continued to get worse throughout the exam. To the point that I could literally cringe hear what was going on.

I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say! I should mention that this was not my first visit. I’ve been to quite a few without any issues. I should also mention that it was a female doctor, female nurse, and I am in a committed heterosexual relationship. Nothing was different about this exam than any other I’ve had. The moral of the story: there was nothing sexual about what was going on. I wasn’t mentally aroused–far from it, in fact. I was extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable.” Sometimes things happen with no real explanation, and even though it may be embarrassing to us, it’s perfectly natural. –TwoXChromosomes



7. Fingernails like that should not be allowed in that type of profession.

“My regular gyno was on vacation, and some other doctor was subbing for her. No one told me it wouldn’t be my usual doctor prior. This woman had inch-long, dagger-shaped fingernails. Just looking at them had me panicked. I’m holding really, really still when she checks my cervix. She goes, “Wow, you’re right. Really tight. I can’t get my fingers inside. Yikes.” She’s pushing and pushing. I’m hyperventilating. “How did you even get pregnant? Is your husband smaller than my fingers? I don’t think you’re going to be able to give natural birth.”

She braces herself and starts pushing harder. I’m crying now while she just keeps chattering away. “I can’t reach your cervix. You probably shouldn’t have sex. You’re too narrow.” I had a full-on panic attack and pushed her away to get dressed. Her response was, “If you’re in that much pain from just my fingers, sex must be unbearable. Your husband is a monster. You should divorce him.” I ran out crying. I fired my doctor for putting me in with her and found a different one. How that woman ever got a license to practice is astonishing.” –wyldepixie



6. Boyfriend abuse or bull riding incident? The OB/GYN wasn’t sure!

“Last year, I went in for my wellness woman. I had just drunkenly ridden a mechanical bull at the fair, so my thighs were super bruised. The gyno was like, uhh, is everything okay in your home life? “Oh, uh, that’s from last night at the fair. It was a, uh, mechanical bull…” She didn’t believe me and went to consult with the woman at the front desk about what to do. At that time, my boyfriend came in and asked if I was still there. I took the bus there because he was in class, but he was my ride back.

I didn’t tell them my boyfriend was coming to pick me up because I didn’t think anything of it. Long story short, they definitely almost called the police and had my boyfriend arrested because they thought he was sexually assaulting me and was coming to monitor my doctor’s appointment. It was horrendously embarrassing, and while I appreciated the vigilance (doctors paying attention to stuff like that has almost certainly saved lives), it was a very bad situation.” Wow, that could have gone bad had they called the cops. Thankfully they didn’t, though. Keep reading to find out about others’ experiences while at the gynecologist! -N/A



5. Two stories for the price of one.

“The first was two years ago, and everything was normal up until about halfway through the exam. At this point, I am already up on the table with my lady bits being examined. So my feet are up in those ridiculous stirrups that make you feel both equally uncomfortable and insecure when the left one suddenly freaking collapses, and it was so loud that it sounded like the whole table buckled. I almost fell onto the freaking floor, and my doctor had jumped up from her chair. To top it off, the nurse in the next room overcame, rushing in to make sure we were okay.

The second thing happened last year. I decided after the stirrup incident to take advantage of the student health clinic on my college campus instead of seeing my normal GYN. They have really reduced prices for the students, and I figured going somewhere different would make me feel less embarrassed. Wrong. I was already undressed and waiting in the room when my teacher walked into the room. Yep. I’m a health major, and it turns out my Women’s Health professor volunteers at the clinic as a nurse. So she was the one who got to ask me all the uncomfortable sexual history questions while I sat in front of her in a paper gown.” –irishluck92



4. That OB/GYN appointment took a turn.

“When I went for a physical a couple of years ago, it was my first visit in years. I wore the gown, and toward the end, the doctor asked if I wanted a pelvic exam. I said no, but if she thought it was needed, just do it. She said she would like to do it. I had told the nurse earlier I was a virgin, and she confirmed it with me. Because I’ve never had sex, a Pap wasn’t necessary, so she just did a bimanual exam. It was one of the most painful, uncomfortable moments I have ever had. I only used regular tampons and had only been using tampons for about two years prior to this.

I started crying. It hurt so bad. When she withdrew, I wiped my tears and put my underwear on. She then asked me gently if I had ever been sexually abused. I haven’t, but for some reason, that started the waterworks again. She just said that sometimes people who’ve been sexually abused have a hard time with physical exams, but “you’re just not used to it, it’s okay.” She was the nicest doctor ever. She really cared that I was uncomfortable. But man, that turned me off from getting another physical for a while. I am still embarrassed I was near sobbing.” –notovertonight



3. Having a good sense of humor can help at these appointments.

“A few years ago, I went to my urologist to get a bladder installation for my Interstitial Cystitis. Basically, I’m in pain 24/7, and the lidocaine from the installations helped calm my bladder down. On this certain day, the power to the building went out. I drove almost 2 hours to get there, and the doctor and nurses told me they could just hold a flashlight to get the catheter in. I was on the 3rd floor, and the window blinds were open, but I thought nothing of it.

They had two nurses with flashlights pointed at my vag, and the doctor was putting the catheter in, and all of a sudden, the freaking window washer to the building popped up and saw everything! I thought it was the funniest thing ever. The nurses had to run to the window to close the blinds. My doctor just said thank God it was you. I think you may be my only patient who would laugh at this. Still my favorite story.” At least this person had a good sense of humor about their situation. Not everyone does. –SweetDumper



2. Don’t read this one if you have a weak stomach!

“I was 24 years old at the time and running late to my yearly exam appointment. Riding up 15 floors in the elevator, I felt a huge dump brewing, but my willpower and the fact that I’m already late and had no time to crap held the monster at bay. I’m lying up on the table and finishing the exam when I feel some pressure down under and clench my cheeks as hard as I can against the clinician’s fingers. (I didn’t know they were in there, so I thought I was keeping the crap in). She quickly pulled her fingers out, and yeah. There was poop all over the bright pink gloves.

I gave her the wtf look, and she nicely stated that after 30, it is routine to check my butthole. (She didn’t say butthole, but you get it). Shocked, I asserted, but I’m only 24! She laughed and apologized, saying I seemed so mature she just assumed my age to be older. I told her the next time I come here. I’ll make sure my age is known for sure! Lesson learned. rather be a little later to the appointment that has an ass full of crap at the gyno…..” Well, that story definitely took a turn at the end. –lovergirl333



1. Name-calling is so unnecessary for all professionals.

“I had been going in to complain about some pretty intense vaginal contact pain, like so bad that if someone whispered at my vag, I would twinge. On a previous visit, she swabbed the outside, and my body clenched. I was tested for everything, everything came back negative, but then I started getting a weird discharge, so I figured it was time to go in again. I’m in the stirrups explaining to the doctor the intense contact pain now has discharge yadda yadda yadda, and without ANY warning what so ever she jams the speculum inside me while telling me it’s all in my head.

Surprise penetration is pretty much never good, not to mention the addition of lightning bolts of pain running through my love tunnel while being told those lightning bolts aren’t real. I yelped and jumped up as a reflexive reaction, and she sternly told me to “stop being such a drama queen.” Now I didn’t even blink an eye when I got my IUD in, so my pain tolerance is relatively high, and I was certainly not being a f-ing “drama queen.” Edit: and when I say jammed, I mean she jammed it. There was enough force behind that thing that follow-through was needed to complete the motion.” –username
