Women already know that it’s never any fun going to the gynecologist for an appointment, no matter what the reason is behind it. It may be uncomfortable, awkward, or embarrassing for some, especially for those who are self-conscious about themselves “down there.” But once you hit a certain age, you already know what to expect, for the most part, when booking an appointment to see your OB/GYN. We may not look forward to these appointments. However, they are essential to attend. Whether you go alone or bring someone along, sometimes things may not go quite as expected.
We already feel embarrassed about having someone take a look around down there, and it may feel awkward or even uncomfortable. However, we never expect to have something embarrassing happen while there. Sometimes women even cover up their underwear to hide them when asked to put a gown on. How silly is that? We just want to get in, get looked at, and get out as quickly as possible. Sometimes, that isn’t the case, and in this article, others have shared their stories of embarrassing, awkward, and worst experiences they have had while at the gynecologist. And, if you think these stories are cringe-worthy, wait until you read when people share their worst doctor visits.

20. A painful trip to the OB/GYN leads to a divorce.
“Worst experience: I noticed I had some dry area off to the very side of ahem, the most sensitive area. Go in, dr. says, “It looks like a form of eczema, but we should biopsy it anyway.” Next, I’m getting a shot of lidocaine to the vag. They kept testing to see if I was numb, then said, “It’s kind of hard to get this area exactly numb because of the folds of skin.” Awesome. So, it sort of feels numb down there, but not really, and they decide it’s good enough to go in and do the biopsy.
Which was really them just taking some scissors and snipping a piece of my vag off that might be close enough to be considered part of the clitoris. And, I was NOT numb. I screamed. Then, afterward, the lidocaine decides to kick in. My husband (now ex) can’t get off of work to pick me up, even though I’ve just had part of my vag crudely snipped off. So, I had to take the bus home. And on the ride, it’s bumpy, and the lidocaine wears off. TL;DR: I had part of my vag snipped off without being numb and felt all of it.” –xx_ClaireVoyant_xx