Getting healthcare from anywhere in the world varies, of course, depending on where you are at. Nevertheless, according to some people, the United States healthcare has some of the worst to offer. While considering other countries that have free healthcare, that’s quite understandable, right? However, when it comes to treatment, it really shouldn’t matter where you are located. It should all be a similar experience, right? Sadly, though, for many, that just isn’t the case. In this article, you will read other’s stories about just how bad US healthcare really is.
Have a similar story to any of these? Share it with others to get it out there to be heard. Hopefully, you don’t, though. No one should have to deal with any sort of bad experience when it comes to healthcare, no matter the circumstance. Moreover, please don’t let these crazy doctor stories turn you away from seeking help if you need it. Maybe if enough of these stories are heard, something will be done about the healthcare that many receive in the US daily. It’s sad to think that so many people have such similar experiences, and there’s still nothing being done with the high costs of health insurance.

20. Prescription medications are not affordable in the United States.
“As an older American with company health insurance, your face is daily rubbed in the disgusting healthcare industry and the even worse politicians who have placed us squarely in this mess. The flyover land is fed up, and mark my words; a revolution is on the way. Just today, I was given a prescription by a doctor (50 dollar copay, by the way) for a 30-day prescription that costs 600 dollars. Insurance paid 400 and wanted me to pay a copay of 200 dollars. I said no. Contacted the Dr nurse and requested a less expensive substitute,” said redyrytnow.
“She called back and asked if I were on Medicare – I took it to mean if on Medicare the price would be taken care of one way or another. Then guess what – the nurse gave me a coupon that would reduce the price of the damn medicine to TEN DOLLARS!!! THERE IS NO REAL PRICE TO ANYTHING – just what they can get someone or some insurance company to pay. UPDATE: Picked up the $10 dollars medicine today and was told the pharmacy doesn’t get reimbursed for it – this is one of the largest drugstores in the world, and that tells me they are paying around $10 or less for the product – the pharmacy techs are disgusted by what is happening.”