
Secrets to Getting Rid of Constipation for Good

Probiotic foods or supplements can aid in constipation relief. If you are suffering from chronic constipation, probiotics will be of great help. People with chronic constipation… Trista - July 31, 2020

There’s no need to endure constipation if you know more about some helpful home remedies. If you are feeling uncomfortable and bloated, you might be experiencing constipation. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to this common condition! Over 4 million Americans are dealing with constipation daily. Among them, women are the maximum patients. This fact is because of the slow food movement through their intestines and the effects of female hormones on the GI tract.

Constipation means you are not adequately hydrated, and there’s not enough water in the stool. As per the “National Digestive Diseases Information,” you are having constipation if you have fewer than three bowel movements within a week, and your stools are rock solid, small, and dry. That makes them difficult to pass through the colon. Some women might have a natural bowel movement one or more times per day. Then you have others who might visit the toilet a few times in a whole week. There’s no need to get yourself a constipation tablet unless you are going a lot less than your original routine.

Dealing with constipation is never a pleasant experience. Image via Shutterstock

There are many symptoms of constipation, including hard stool — or the inability to pass any.

Some simple signs indicate that you are suffering from chronic constipation. Passing fewer than three stools in a week or having some hard or lumpy stools are some of those signs. Even straining to have a proper bowel movement and feeling like there’s a blockage in the rectum for preventing correct bowel movements are some of the symptoms that you are suffering from constipation.

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Sometimes, you might feel that even after trying hard, you can’t empty the stool from the rectum. Or, you might need physical help to unload the rectum, like using hands to press the abdomen or using a finger to remove stool from the rectum. These are some signs that mean you are suffering from constipation. Sometimes, this constipation can be targeted as chronic if you experience such symptoms for a longer time, like the last three months or more. If you experience any persistent and unexplained changes in bowel habits, consulting a doctor is a must.

Everything you need to know about this vital organ, your stomach. Image via Freepik

Irregularity and cramping are additional signs of constipation.

If you are suffering from “pebbles,” then you should consult a physician first. You might be suffering from constipation. Apart from the symptoms mentioned already, sometimes you might feel cramps or pain in the abdomen region, especially the lower portion. You may even feel bloated or nauseated. These are some other signs of constipation. Moreover, if your bowel movement is irregular, and you can’t seem to free your rectum from the stool, there will be a loss of appetite as well. Even if you see your favorite food lying in front of you, you won’t want to have a taste.

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On its own, constipation is pretty uncomfortable but can’t be life-threatening. But the situation might worsen if there’s an underlying condition to it like colorectal cancer. If not treated correctly or on time, constipation might cause severe damage, occasionally leading to fatal results. Severe constipation can cause rectal bleeding or anal fissures, which are like a small tear around the anus due to extreme pressure to get the stool out. Some constipated people might even deal with symptomatic hemorrhoids, which are often called piles. These are inflamed and swollen blood vessels located near the anal region.

Untreated constipation can become quite detrimental to your health. Image via Shutterstock

Vomiting or inability to pass are additional symptoms.

Fecal impaction is another serious reason why you should get constipation treated at its initial stage. In this stage, the dried stool starts to stagnate and collects in the anus and rectum. It can eventually lead to mechanical obstruction. Some of the other possible complications will be depression and reduced life quality. If you can seek some medical advice from healthcare professionals, that might save you from further complications.

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Feeling a vomiting tendency or inability to pass gas are some of the primary symptoms of constipation. Sometimes, it might lead to extreme lower back pain, which will prevent you from sitting comfortably for a long time. As you aren’t eating anything due to a bloated stomach, you will start losing weight without trying. So, getting malnourished is pretty standard if you deal with chronic constipation. Get ahold of a doctor right away for instant help!

One of the most common causes of constipation is not drinking enough water. Image via Shutterstock

There are several causes of constipation, including an unhealthy diet.

Constipation causes are divided into three major categories, including primary, secondary, and congenital. The standard form is the primary one, and it isn’t life-threatening. It can further be divided by age as well. The primary constipation is often called functional constipation and defined by some of the ongoing symptoms lasting for as long as six months. It is not the result of any underlying problem of a medical condition or side effects from medication. This kind of constipation is not related to abdominal pain. So, you can distinguish it well from irritable bowel syndrome.

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Primary constipation is pretty standard and often multifactorial. In adults, the leading cause behind primary constipation will be some unhealthy diet choices with insufficient fluid intake and a decreased consumption of fibrous foods. It can also be a result of some behavioral causes like lesser physical activity. Some of the common reasons behind primary constipation in the elder community will be not adequate dietary fiber inside the body, lower fluid intake, and even medication side effects. Elders can further suffer from primary constipation due to colorectal cancer’s obstruction and hypothyroidism.

Some diseases can lead to constipation, such as hyperthyroidism. Image via Shutterstock

Medications can be secondary causes of constipation.

Some of the secondary causes behind constipation will be medication side effects, including endocrine drugs, opiates, and even some metabolic disorders like hypothyroidism. Non-celiac based gluten sensitivity and celiac diseases might also lead to constipation. If you have been the unwanted victim of chronic constipation, the chances are high that you might develop cystocele with passing time.

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Sometimes, diet can be one cause behind unwanted constipation suffering. Constipation can be exacerbated or caused due to improper dieting without any professional help, just like lower liquid intake and a lower fibrous diet, as mentioned already. The primary function of dietary fiber is to decrease the time of colonic transport, which helps increase the stool amount but softens it at the same time. So, make sure to have enough fiber in your diet plan if you don’t want to suffer from hard rock stool, leading to piles and other unpleasant conditions.

Some medications can also lead to constipation, especially if they’re affecting the gut. Image via Freepik

Constipation is a side effect of certain medications.

Some medicines have constipation as their side effects. Some of those will include diuretics, opioids, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antispasmodics, and antiarrhythmics. If you are on tricyclic antidepressants or beta-adrenoceptor antagonists, you may be the victim of the hardened stool as well. Some patients on anti-diarrheal, aluminum antacids and 5-HT3 receptor antagonists like ondansetron might also be the victim of constipation. Some of the calcium channel blockers, such as verapamil and nifedipine, will cause constipation levels because of motility dysfunction in the rectosigmoid colon. If you are taking any iron or calcium supplement, make sure to consult a doctor first. Some of them might have constipation as their prime side effect.

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If you are voluntarily trying to hold stool from coming out, this practice might result in constipation. There might be various reasons people withhold stool like fear of using public restrooms, laziness, or even simple fear of pain from piles. Whenever a child is trying to hold stool, a combination of fiber, fluid, and laxatives can prove useful for them to overcome the issue. Withholding stool for a long time can give rise to anal fissures. So, to prevent that from taking place, early intervention is necessary.

Some cases of constipation are genetic, such as specific congenital conditions. Image via Freepik

Genetics play a factor in the likelihood of constipation.

There are multiple birth-related diseases, which can lead to constipation in children. The most common congenital condition resulting in constipation is HD or Hirschsprung’s disease. You might even come across some congenital structural anomalies as well, leading to the same result. Some of those issues are strictures, imperforate anus, displacement of the anterior anus, and even smaller left colon syndrome.

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Some endocrine and metabolic issues might even be the cause behind constipation. These issues include cystic fibrosis, diabetes mellitus, panhypopituitarism, chronic kidney disease, porphyria, hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, and even hypothyroidism. If anyone has myotonic dystrophy or muscular dystrophy, constipation can be a severe issue for them.

Celiac disease can also cause constipation, as the gut is unable to deal with wheat proteins. Image via Shutterstock

Systemic diseases such as celiac disease can sometimes cause constipation.

Sometimes, constipation comes with systemic diseases, which will include systemic sclerosis and celiac disease. Constipation has its share of structural causes too. It might create some space-occupying lesions within the colon, which will force stool from passing through it. Some examples are rectoceles, colorectal cancer, strictures, and post-surgical changes. Malignancies as extra-intestinal masses might even give rise to constipation from such external compression.

Hirschsprung’s disease affects the large intestine; the nerves do not give off signals, so there is no “alarm system” to pass stool. Image via Shutterstock

Neurological causes of constipation are more rare, but do occur.

Most people might not know this, but constipation has its neurological causes too. Some of those causes are descending perineum syndrome, HD or Hirschsprung’s disease, and even anismus. HD is pretty common among infants as one medical disorder related to constipation. Anismus takes place in a few people with obstructed defecation or chronic constipation. Some neurological disorders and spinal cord lesions like pelvic floor dysfunction and Parkinson’s disease can even lead to constipated results in the end.

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Sometimes, stress and even a change in routine can lead to slower contraction of the colon or even delay the urge to visit the bathroom, leading to constipation. Traveling to a new place will also change a lot of your regular daily routine. On the other hand, pregnancy is another cause of constipation.

Several underlying medical problems can often lead to constipation. Some diseases like diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke can often cause constipation. Even if you are having an issue with your rectum or colon like IBS or diverticulosis, it can also lead to the same result. To top it all, some people misuse laxatives or end up overusing them. That might result in constipation as well, just like any hormonal problems like an underactive thyroid gland.

There are some natural remedies you can take for a happy poo. Image via Shutterstock

Don’t worry; you can discover multiple treatments to resolve constipation.

There are various medications available that are designed to treat constipation. Some are over the counter medicines that you can get without a prescription. Then you have others that are prescription only. Depending on the constipation type you have, it is better to head for the correct medications. Doctors will mostly follow a proper step approach to treat your constipation from the core.

Rich food for constipation. Image via Shutterstock

In case you have infrequent bouts, you don’t need to take any medication at all. You just need to adjust your current eating habits by adding some more fiber-rich products to your diet. Make sure to stick to a regular bathroom schedule, and if you do feel pressure, don’t hold it for long. Nature is the best medicine, and you should let it take its course.

Adding more fiber to your diet will keep you regular, as long as you don’t overdo it. Image via Shutterstock

Fiber can be consumed naturally or in supplement form.

It is always better to get some fiber in your diet if you want a more evident bowel movement every morning. Taking in foods that are rich in fiber can do the trick. You can get some supplements as well. So, if the dietary change fails to perform well for your body, an additional fiber supplement might help you big time. It is highly recommended to get fiber supplements, which have psyllium in them. It is an active ingredient designed to treat chronic constipation.

Psyllium. Image via Shutterstock

Psyllium helps increase a person’s bowel movement frequency by a minimum of one or two times every week on average. The best brand known to have psyllium in it is Metamucil, even though the market houses some generic brands as well, which are less expensive and readily available. Before purchasing a psyllium supplement, don’t forget to check out the ingredients on the back of the package.

Some supplements, such as iron tablets, can lead to constipation. Pixabay

You should avoid taking too many supplements.

However, you need to be very careful as taking way too many fiber supplements is a common mistake and can easily lead to gas, bloating, and cramping. Start with recommended lower doses and then gradually move up the course as per the doctor’s prescription. Some of the fiber supplements might have sugar in them. So, it is not the right choice for diabetic patients.

Fiber supplement. Image via Shutterstock

Increased fluid intake can always solve all kinds of constipation problems, no matter how chronic it is. Some people fail to maintain a routine with liquid intake, which will seriously harm their bowel movements. In case you are taking some fiber supplements, it is always advisable to drink a lot of water with it. Otherwise, the supplements might fail to provide their most pleasing result. Doctors might also recommend exercise as one potential remedy for your constipation. The benefits are not much, but it is worth giving a try, at least!

Once you are done with fiber supplements, you can grab stool softeners from the pharmacy. Some examples include Regulan and Colace, which have one primary ingredient known as docusate. Some are available with calcium and others with sodium. This drug’s main aim is to retain water with stool and keep it soft for a long time. Even though there is no particular way of taking this drug, it is always advisable to consult a doctor first. After judging the stage of your constipation, they might change the dose as needed.

Laxatives are usually the first thing people go to when they suffer from constipation. Image via HEB

Laxative usage is common to treat constipation.

Laxatives are the most common option among individuals to treat constipation. There are multiple options available to it, with saline laxative being the popular one. These drugs are magnesium-based and known as “milk of magnesia.” Some other laxatives will have “phosphor-soda” or sodium phosphate. These laxatives will help draw more water into the colon to soften stool. However, using extensive laxatives can result in electrolyte imbalance, which is common among children. If anyone has a kidney problem, such laxatives might not be the right choice.

Bisacodyl and senna – Laxative drugs. Image via Prescription Giant

The market has some stimulant laxatives as well, like bisacodyl and senna. These drugs are widely used to stimulate the muscles of the intestines to move stool. This rapid movement can sometimes cause cramps, lessen the water absorption, and finally soften stools. If you are suffering from basic or primary constipation, these stimulants are great, but they can’t work for chronic constipation. So, they are not recommended to be used for a long time.

Another final laxative group is the osmotic laxatives based on the active ingredient polyethylene glycol or lactulose. You can get polyethylene glycol commonly in pharmacies and other outlets like grocery stores without showing any prescription.

This is a molecule of lactulose, which is being used in more laxatives for more comfortable relief. Wikimedia Commons

There are other prescribed medications to treat constipation.

There are mainly three prescribed medicines designed to treat constipation. Those are lactulose, lubiprostone, and linaclotide. The market has some new drugs up its sleeve called Linzess and Amitiza, which help to line the intestinal wall for secreting sodium, water, and chloride to help soften stools. The FDA has approved these medications for treating IBS and chronic constipation.

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Studies have found out that around 45% of people suffering from chronic constipation didn’t see any long term help from Amitiza compared to the remaining 67% who got placebo medication. But, this is not the case with everyone. It depends on the level of constipation you have. One study on adults suffering from constipation proved that Amitiza boosted weekly bowel movements from just one to five or more. Around 57% of people will have their proper bowel flow within 24 hours of taking this medication.

However, just like with any other medication, Amitiza has its share of side effects, too, with headache and nausea being the common ones. Some might even feel breathing difficulty or chest tightness. So, consulting a doctor before taking this medicine is mandatory.

Lactulose is effective but can lead to some very unpleasant side effects. Image via Shutterstock

Lactulose is a commonly utilized constipation medication.

This form of medicine has been rocking the constipation world for the past 40 years and helps relieve constipation by pulling water right into stools. However, it has its side effects as well as frequent bowel movements, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, and gas. Sometimes, it might leave a bad taste in your mouth. But, this medicine has not yet been proven to cause any massive harm to animals. However, if you are pregnant, then consulting a doctor is a must, even though this medicine has not been shown to harm a fetus. There are multiple generic versions of lactulose available nowadays, which are cost-effective compared to other new medications. Depending on the dose, a month’s supply will vary.

Image via Southstar Drug

Apart from the drugs already listed, there are other medicines available to treat constipation, especially when it has been the result of opioid painkillers. Those are Naloxegol and Methylnaltrexone. You can get Naloxegol in an oral tablet form, and the other option is mostly available in its injected method.

A cup of coffee is a great way to help your body pass stool. Image via Freepik

Several home remedies can help relieve constipation, including coffee.

Constipation is one widespread problem that has been affecting adults and children alike. Even though the market has so many OTC medicines and proven laxatives, there are some natural remedies that you might want to give a try as well. So, without wasting time, let’s get into some home remedies first.

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For most people, drinking a cup of coffee can improve their urge to visit the bathroom. It is mainly because coffee helps in stimulating muscles in the digestive system. One study has stated that caffeinated coffee can help promote the gut just like a complete meal. The effect remains 60% stronger than just drinking water. It is even 23% stronger than gulping down decaffeinated coffee. Sometimes, coffee might have smaller soluble fibers to prevent constipation by balancing gut bacteria.

Senna tea helps to relax the gut and adds more hydration to the body. Amazon

There are a variety of herbal options for you to choose from.

Senna is an herb that utilizes the leaf, flower, and fruit of the cassia plant. Senna is a notable herbal laxative, which is designed to relieve constipation. It is available online and over the counter, and you can take it either rectally or orally. This herbal laxative comprises various plant compounds, also called glycosides, which eventually help stimulate nerves in a person and speeds up bowel processes. Often drunk as a tea, senna can be very useful and work within several hours after consumption. It is safer for adults to have this laxative for a short period. But, if the symptoms fail to go away, consulting a doctor is a must. Senna is not for pregnant women or nursing mothers. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, this medicine isn’t for you.

Probiotic foods promote good gut flora so that there are fewer instances of constipation. Freepik

Probiotic foods or supplements can aid in constipation relief.

If you are suffering from chronic constipation, probiotics will be of great help. People with chronic constipation will have imbalanced bacteria in their guts. Probiotic food or supplements will help maintain a proper balance between good and bad bacteria, thus preventing constipation. Probiotics can further treat constipation by increasing bowel movement frequency and improving the consistency of stool. They can also produce short-chain fatty acids and lactic acids to improve gut movements.

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To add probiotics to your diet chart, make sure to eat food rich in good bacteria. Some of those foods include sauerkraut, yogurt, and even kimchi, known to have good live bacteria. If you are not into these types of food, you can try out probiotic supplements. It is recommended to have one daily for a minimum of 4 weeks to get some beneficial results. Make sure to take supplements daily for a minimum of 4 weeks.

IBS can be detrimental and inconvenient, so changing your diet can help to reduce the symptoms. Image via Shutterstock

Try incorporating a low-FODMAP diet into your lifestyle to minimize your constipation.

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome might lead to constipation. A lower FODMAP diet is mainly defined as an elimination diet designed to treat IBS. It is somewhat practical to treat constipation, but only if irritable bowel syndrome causes it. FODMAP is the short form of “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.” The chart will limit the higher FODMAP food items for a certain period before reintroducing the same in your diet plan. The main aim is to see which foods you can tolerate.

Low FODMAP diet. Image via Shutterstock

But, if you have IBS, which is predominated by constipation, a lower FODMAP diet is not enough to give you the best result. You must pay attention to some other diet aspects, like getting enough fiber and water. That helps in experiencing some relief from your constipated symptoms.

Different kinds of soluble fiber can be used to eliminate future constipation, especially in children. Image via Pinterest

There are several types of soluble fiber.

Eating enough fiber can contribute to a healthy digestive system. Soluble fiber gives stool density. Dietary choices have a substantial impact on constipation. Glucomannan is mainly the best example of soluble fiber, which is proven to treat constipation effectively. Children get the maximum benefit from having such a supplement. Recent studies showed 45% of children experiencing relief from chronic constipation compared to a mere 13% in the control group. Besides improving the present bowel movement, this supplement can also work as a prebiotic and boost the good bacteria’s balance within your gut.

Glucomannan. Image via FoodNavigator-USA

In case you are suffering from constipation, you can try adding some glucomannan to your diet plan. You can procure this by taking a supplement or by adding shirataki noodles to your diet. These noodles are made out of glucomannan. These supplements might often vary in brands, so always compare before making the final purchase.

Bananas are excellent at keeping you regular. Image via Freepik

You can incorporate prebiotic food into your daily diet.

Remember that dietary fiber is perfect for increasing stool’s bulk and its consistency, which is ideal for improving your current bowel movements. Fibers can also treat chronic constipation by working on your digestive health. Prebiotic fibers will improve digestive health by adding friendly bacteria to your gut.

Image via Live Science

Some prebiotics like galacto-oligosaccharides will increase bowel movement frequency and help make the stool softer for an easy pass. Some of the foods you should try that are high in prebiotics are onions, garlic, and bananas. So, try to incorporate these elements into your daily cuisine and see the changes in no time.

Magnesium citrate is very effective at eliminating constipation and is easy to get your hands on. Image via Amazon

Did you know that magnesium citrate is a common remedy for relieving constipation?

Magnesium citrate happens to be a common and popular home remedy for those suffering from constipation. It is an effective form of osmotic laxative, which you can purchase online or from a nearby pharmacy. You don’t have to show a prescription to get one. Taking the proper amount of magnesium citrate will help you get instant relief from constipation. If you have been suffering from constipation for a long time, higher doses are recommended. The main aim is to clean out the bowels before any medical procedure, like surgery.

Prunes are rich in fiber, and so is an excellent remedy for constipation. Image via Freepik

Prunes offer many health benefits, including constipation relief.

Raw prunes and their juices are some of the best homemade remedies for treating constipation. Other than having the right amount of fiber in it, prunes have sorbitol, a natural laxative. So, this is a sugar alcohol with a higher laxative effect. Sometimes, prunes are way more effective than other fibrous diets. If you are constipated and need a natural solution, try grabbing a handful of prunes for a snack. If you are more interested in drinking prunes, a six-ounce glass of prune juice could be a sufficient remedy to end constipation. For an adequate dose, eat around 50gms of prunes twice daily. But, if you have irritable bowel syndrome, prunes might not be a good option.

Stay away from dairy, including cheese. It will only bind you up even more. Image via Freepik

If you are experiencing constipation, you may want to try avoiding dairy in your diet.

In some cases, dairy might cause constipation because of its effect on gut movements. Sometimes, children might be lactose intolerant as well as some adults. If you think that dairy products are not meant for you, then altogether remove them from your diet plan. You can try eliminating dairy temporarily to see the results. If you are feeling okay by not having dairy products, then you should permanently stop having any. Replace dairy items with other calcium-centric food, as your bones require it.

Look for more natural remedies to help treat or prevent constipation altogether so that your body can stay healthy. Image via Shutterstock

There are a variety of additional natural remedies.

Add around two to three tablets of Triphala to your diet plan. You can even use it in its powdered form and mix it with warm water. Take it before going to bed. Triphala is made out of Harad, mostly called black myrobalan, which acts as an excellent laxative. Furthermore, it contains anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic properties. So, these tablets are perfect for treating any kind of infection, causing constipation.

Black myrobalan, Image via Shutterstock

Sodium bicarbonate reacts pretty well with stomach acids and produces water, salt, and carbon dioxide. These products are perfect for improving bowel movements and can further cleanse your colon. So, take one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it well in around 1/4th cup of lukewarm water. This mix is perfect for covering not just constipation but also mild stomach pain and acidity. Whether you are going for an in-home remedy or trying out the laxatives and other medicines from the market, always consult a healthcare provider first. As you have so many stages of constipation, choosing the right call is essential. Only a professional can help you with that after judging the present condition of your stomach. Get instant results by following the steps as asked for.

Water should be incorporated into your daily routine. Image via Shutterstock

Drinking enough water helps your body function properly.

It is critical to ensure that you are drinking enough water daily. Being dehydrated regularly can make a person constipated. To prevent this, it is essential to drink enough water and stay hydrated. When an individual becomes dehydrated, the body starts pulling water from all over the body, including the colon. If you are experiencing constipation, you might find relief from drinking some carbonated or sparkling water. This drink can help rehydrate you and get things moving again. Staying hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can help make bowel movements more frequent and comfortable.

Exercise is a healthy habit of keeping your body at its best. Image via Freepik

Regular exercise can help combat constipation.

Regular exercise in your routine can help maintain healthy bowel movements. Both vigorous and passive activity can have a positive impact on the bowels. Running can jostle the intestines and colon in a manner that encourages the stool to move. Also, participating in sports activities, dancing, or walking can help keep your movements regular. Constipation can be uncomfortable, which makes exercise difficult at times. There are many more relaxing approaches to relief that can be achieved through stretching or practicing yoga. The twisting motion of the torso involved in yoga can squeeze the intestines and ultimately loosen the colon’s stool.

Coffee is a standard beverage in many peoples’ daily routines. Shutterstock

Consuming coffee can aid in constipation relief.

One home remedy for dealing with constipation is to drink coffee. For some people, consuming coffee can increase the urge to go to the bathroom. That is because coffee stimulates the muscles in the digestive system. Caffeinated coffee can stimulate the gut in the same way that a meal can. The simple act of drinking coffee in the morning stimulates a reflex that helps jump-start your bowels whenever you eat or drink. Caffeine can cause the muscles in the intestines to contract. Coffee can also contain small amounts of soluble fibers that help prevent constipation by improving the gut’s balance. While there are benefits to drinking caffeinated coffee, it is also incredibly important to ensure you are drinking enough water as well.

Soluble fibers such as glucomannan can aid with constipation relief. Shutterstock

Glucomannan can be taken in a supplement form.

Glucomannan is a type of soluble fiber from the konjac plant’s roots that is effective against constipation. In addition to improving bowel movements, glucomannan can also act as a prebiotic to improve the gut’s balance of good bacteria. Glucomannan can be consumed in many forms. You can get glucomannan from eating shirataki or by purchasing glucomannan supplements from the store or online. They vary in their benefits by brand, so it is best to compare brands before buying. If you experience constipation consistently, it may be beneficial to research adding a glucomannan supplement into your routine.

Tea is also another popular beverage that can be consumed to help combat constipation. Image via Shutterstock

Many different teas can be helpful if you are experiencing constipation.

Warm liquids can be soothing to the digestive and gastrointestinal systems. The more hydrated you are, the better lubricated your intestines are, and the more moisture remains in your stools. Certain teas such as ginger and peppermint can help upset stomachs. If you are experiencing constipation, there are a variety of tea flavors that can provide relief. Chamomile tea can relax the digestive muscles, which prevent the bowels from moving on their own during stressful times. Ginger tea generates heat and speeds up digestion. Licorice root tea also contains anti-inflammatory properties that can ease the digestive system after a meal. Last but not least, dandelion root tea helps alleviate mild constipation by stimulating the liver. Choosing any of these tea flavors can provide you relief.

Vitamins can help keep your body balanced, especially if you don’t eat consume a healthy diet. Image via Shutterstock

Ensuring you have enough of each vitamin can aid in constipation relief.

Vitamins are an essential component of keeping your digestive system balanced. It is crucial to be sure that you are consuming enough of each vitamin to maintain your overall gastrointestinal health. Some of the most essential vitamins include vitamin C, vitamin B-5, vitamin B-12, vitamin B-1, and folic acid. A lack of B vitamins can contribute to constipation. Folic acid can also ease constipation by stimulating the formation of digestive acids. Increasing digestive acid levels can help speed up your digestion and move stool through your colon. Eating foods that contain these vitamins could help improve your number of bowel movements. Suppose you struggle with eating the foods that contain these much-needed vitamins. In that case, they are also available in supplement form to ensure you are getting the proper amount of your daily recommendation.

Fatty omega-3 oils have a variety of health benefits. Image via Shutterstock

One of the omega-3 oil’s many benefits involves providing constipation relief.

Omega-3 oils are found in fish oil, hemp seed oil, and flaxseed oil. These oils help to lubricate the intestinal walls for a laxative effect. By incorporating fish such as salmon, flaxseed, avocados, and hemp products into your diet, you can naturally introduce these oils to your digestive system. Omega-3 oils also promote a better composition of gut bacteria and decrease harmful bacterial groups, creating a healthier microbiome. It also reduces the likelihood of inflammation and constipation. Like many other remedies, there are also available supplements if you do not like or cannot eat them regularly.

Coconut oil is a superfood with many health benefits. Shutterstock

Among its many benefits, coconut oil can be used to treat constipation.

Coconut oil can be used as a home remedy to treat constipation. It is due to its laxative effect. Coconut oil contains an abundance of medium-chain fatty acids that stimulate bowel movements and soften the stool. Coconut oil has also been said to increase metabolism and help food pass more quickly through the body. That may mean more frequent bowel movements. However, before purchasing coconut oil for constipation relief, be sure to read the labels carefully. Many varieties are refined, which removes some of the health benefits in the processing plant. Instead, look for organic, virgin coconut oil. The label may also say unrefined. This type of oil has not been processed, so all health benefits and micronutrients have been preserved.

Lemon juice offers you many health benefits, including constipation relief. Image via Shutterstock

Lemon juice can assist in constipation relief.

If you are seeking natural constipation relief, you may want to stock up on lemons. Using lemons for their juice is a refreshing way to get things chugging along. There are two components in lemon juice, citric acid, and vitamin C, contributing to its effects on the digestive system. Citric acid acts as a mild stimulant, while vitamin C has an osmotic effect that pulls water into the colon. Increasing water content inside the gut can help soften stools and stimulate bowel movements. Lemon juice is also a diuretic, which will help eliminate waste and flush out toxins. Lemon is also beneficial in improving liver function. This action is meaningful because the liver plays a vital role in your body’s overall digestion.

Massages can provide relief to your body. Image via Shutterstock

Abdominal massages can be used to help combat constipation.

One beneficial home remedy for combating constipation is to massage the abdomen. Abdominal massages can increase the frequency of bowel movements, decrease the time it takes to move through the colon, and relieve pain and discomfort. If you are experiencing constipation, it might be worth trying. First, lie on your back and press your abdomen in a clockwise motion for approximately 10 minutes. If needed, you can do an abdominal massage two or more times a day. The clockwise motion is vital as it helps push the stool in the colon toward the rectum. An added tip is to drink hot water or tea, such as the ones listed above, before doing the abdominal massage. Consuming the warm beverages and then doing an abdominal massage further improves the gastrointestinal system to get things moving.


