
Signs of Axial spondyloarthritis You Shouldn’t Ignore

Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) is a chronic inflammatory condition that primarily affects the spine and sacroiliac joints, leading to pain and stiffness. Early detection is crucial, as… kalterina - September 25, 2024

Axial Spondyloarthritis (AxSpA) is a chronic inflammatory condition that primarily affects the spine and sacroiliac joints, leading to pain and stiffness. Early detection is crucial, as untreated AxSpA can cause lasting damage to the spine, affecting mobility and quality of life. Recognizing the signs early can lead to better outcomes through treatment and lifestyle adjustments. In this article, we’ll outline 20 warning signs of AxSpA that you shouldn’t ignore, providing detailed explanations for each.

20. Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain is one of the earliest and most common symptoms of AxSpA. Unlike typical back pain from injury or overuse, the pain caused by AxSpA is inflammatory, often worse during rest or after periods of inactivity, such as in the morning or after sitting for long periods. This pain can significantly disrupt daily activities, from getting out of bed to completing routine tasks. It can also lead to sleepless nights, adding fatigue to the list of challenges. Over time, this chronic pain can impact mental health, leading to frustration and decreased quality of life.

Spotting this symptom involves paying attention to when and how your back pain occurs. If you notice that your pain improves with movement and worsens when you are resting, it may be a sign of inflammation rather than mechanical strain. Chronicity is also key—if you’ve been dealing with lower back pain for more than three months, especially if it’s accompanied by stiffness in the morning, AxSpA could be a cause.

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19. Morning Stiffness

Morning stiffness is another hallmark of AxSpA. This stiffness usually lasts for at least 30 minutes after waking and can make it difficult to move or get out of bed. While stiffness in other forms of arthritis can be present, the stiffness from AxSpA is distinct in that it improves with activity and movement throughout the day. This can make mornings a frustrating time, as you may feel slow or unable to start your day as quickly as you’d like.

Morning stiffness can be spotted when you feel an overwhelming sense of tightness and reduced mobility, especially in the lower back and hips, upon waking. If stretching or moving around gradually relieves the stiffness and you feel better as the day progresses, this may be an indicator of AxSpA.

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18. Fatigue

Fatigue in AxSpA is often underestimated but can be one of the most debilitating symptoms. The inflammation caused by the condition triggers the immune system, leading to feelings of exhaustion that go beyond normal tiredness. This persistent fatigue can interfere with your ability to work, engage in social activities, or even take care of everyday tasks at home. For some people, fatigue becomes overwhelming, leading to a reduced quality of life and the inability to enjoy previously loved activities.

You may recognize this fatigue by its persistence, even after a full night’s sleep. It often feels more like a sense of exhaustion or weariness that makes it hard to focus or stay active. If your fatigue doesn’t improve with rest and is accompanied by other AxSpA symptoms like pain or stiffness, it’s worth discussing with a healthcare provider.

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17. Pain in the Buttocks or Hips

Pain in the buttocks or hips is a common symptom of AxSpA, often due to inflammation in the sacroiliac joints, which connect the lower spine to the pelvis. This pain can radiate from the lower back into the buttocks or even down into the thighs, making it difficult to sit for long periods or engage in physical activities. In more advanced cases, hip pain can limit mobility, making walking or climbing stairs painful and difficult.

You can spot this symptom if you experience deep, aching pain in your buttocks or hips, particularly after sitting or lying down for extended periods. If the pain improves with movement and worsens with rest, it’s a potential sign of AxSpA-related inflammation in the sacroiliac joints.


16. Difficulty Bending or Twisting the Spine

As AxSpA progresses, it can cause stiffness and a loss of flexibility in the spine, making it harder to bend or twist. Everyday activities like picking up objects, turning to look behind you, or even tying your shoes may become challenging. This limitation in movement can make physical activities, like exercise or sports, more difficult and can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, which further exacerbates other symptoms like stiffness and pain.

This symptom can be recognized when you notice restricted mobility in your spine or if you experience pain while bending, twisting, or reaching. If your range of motion feels limited or you experience discomfort when trying to perform these movements, it may be due to AxSpA-related inflammation in the spinal joints.


15. Tenderness Over the Sacroiliac Joints

The sacroiliac joints are a common site of inflammation in AxSpA, leading to tenderness in the lower back, just above the buttocks. This tenderness can be especially noticeable when pressure is applied to the area, such as when lying down or sitting against a firm surface. Over time, this can make sitting for long periods uncomfortable or even painful, leading to the need for frequent position changes.

Tenderness over the sacroiliac joints can be spotted by applying gentle pressure to the lower back and observing any discomfort or sensitivity. If you experience pain or tenderness in this area, particularly if it’s paired with lower back pain or stiffness, it may be a sign of AxSpA.


14. Alternating Buttock Pain

In some cases, pain in the buttocks alternates between the left and right sides, rather than remaining consistent on one side. This shifting pain is due to inflammation in the sacroiliac joints and can make it difficult to pinpoint the exact location of discomfort. The alternating nature of the pain can make sitting and standing uncomfortable and disrupt sleep patterns, leading to further fatigue and discomfort.

Alternating buttock pain can be identified by its shifting nature. If you notice that pain moves from one side of the buttocks to the other, and it worsens with prolonged sitting or resting, this could indicate sacroiliac joint involvement in AxSpA.

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13. Chest Pain

Chest pain in AxSpA can occur when the inflammation spreads to the joints between the ribs and the spine or sternum, making it painful to breathe deeply. This symptom can make activities like exercising, laughing, or even taking deep breaths uncomfortable. In more severe cases, it can feel as though your chest is tight or restricted, similar to the sensation of having a heavy weight on your chest.

This symptom can be spotted by discomfort or pain when taking deep breaths or if you feel tightness in your chest that worsens with movement or physical activity. If chest pain becomes persistent or affects your ability to breathe deeply, it’s important to seek medical advice to rule out other conditions and address potential AxSpA involvement.

Dry Eyes

12. Inflammation of the Eyes (Uveitis)

Uveitis, or inflammation of the eyes, is a potential complication of AxSpA. It can cause redness, pain, light sensitivity, and blurred vision. Inflammation can affect one or both eyes, and if left untreated, it can lead to permanent damage. Uveitis often flares up suddenly and can be quite painful, interfering with your ability to work, drive, or perform other daily tasks. Light sensitivity can make spending time outdoors or in bright environments difficult.

You can recognize uveitis by the sudden onset of eye pain, redness, or sensitivity to light. If you experience blurred vision or any visual changes alongside eye discomfort, seek medical attention immediately, as untreated uveitis can lead to serious complications.

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11. Reduced Chest Expansion

AxSpA can cause reduced chest expansion due to inflammation and stiffness in the joints connecting the ribs to the spine and sternum. This symptom may make it difficult to take deep breaths, and over time, it can restrict lung capacity, limiting physical activity and increasing feelings of breathlessness. Reduced chest expansion can interfere with exercise, talking for long periods, or even simple tasks like climbing stairs, as you may feel winded more easily than before.

You can recognize this symptom if you notice difficulty expanding your chest fully when taking a deep breath or if your ribcage feels tight or restricted. A significant decrease in chest movement, along with discomfort when breathing deeply, may point to AxSpA affecting the rib joints, especially if other symptoms like back stiffness or pain are present.


10. Neck Pain and Stiffness

In some cases, AxSpA can affect the cervical spine (neck area), leading to neck pain and stiffness. This stiffness can limit your ability to turn your head side-to-side or look up and down, affecting everyday tasks such as driving, checking your phone, or reading. Chronic neck stiffness can make it uncomfortable to sleep, leading to further fatigue and irritability during the day.

You can spot this symptom if you notice persistent stiffness or discomfort in the neck, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity. If the neck stiffness improves with movement and worsens with rest, it may be a sign of AxSpA. Difficulty turning your head or experiencing pain when doing so could also indicate involvement of the cervical spine.


9. Enthesitis (Pain at Tendon and Ligament Attachments)

Enthesitis refers to inflammation where tendons and ligaments attach to bones, which is common in AxSpA. This pain is most frequently felt in areas like the heels, elbows, and knees, and it can make daily activities such as walking, exercising, or even standing for long periods uncomfortable. Enthesitis can interfere with basic movements, and over time, it may lead to more severe discomfort in affected joints and tendons.

You can recognize enthesitis by a deep, localized pain in areas like the heels (often felt with plantar fasciitis), elbows, or along the Achilles tendon. If these areas are sore to the touch or you notice a sharp pain when moving, it may point to enthesitis related to AxSpA.

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8. Loss of Spinal Flexibility

As AxSpA progresses, it can cause a significant loss of spinal flexibility. This can make it difficult to bend forward, backward, or to the sides, limiting your range of motion. Daily activities like getting dressed, lifting objects, or even playing with children may become challenging due to the restricted movement of the spine. Over time, the stiffness may become permanent if left untreated, leading to a condition known as ankylosis, where the spine fuses.

This symptom is usually noticeable when bending or twisting becomes difficult or painful. If you find it increasingly hard to bend down to pick something up, or if your spine feels rigid and unresponsive, it could indicate loss of flexibility caused by inflammation in the spine due to AxSpA.

Skin Care

7. Heel Pain

Heel pain is another common symptom in AxSpA, often caused by inflammation in the Achilles tendon or plantar fascia. This pain can make it uncomfortable to walk or stand for extended periods, and it can feel particularly sharp in the morning or after periods of inactivity. Heel pain can limit your ability to engage in physical activities like running or hiking, and it may also affect your posture as you try to compensate for the discomfort.

Heel pain is usually felt as a deep, throbbing sensation in the back of the heel or the arch of the foot. If the pain worsens with movement or pressure and improves with rest, it may be due to inflammation in the tendons or ligaments, a common issue for those with AxSpA.

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6. Reduced Mobility in the Hips

AxSpA can affect the hip joints, leading to reduced mobility and pain in the hips. This can interfere with your ability to walk, sit comfortably, or engage in activities like running or cycling. Reduced hip mobility can also affect posture and gait, leading to compensatory pain in other areas of the body, such as the knees or lower back. Over time, this symptom can make everyday tasks, like climbing stairs or standing up from a seated position, more difficult.

You may recognize reduced hip mobility if you notice stiffness or discomfort when rotating or moving your hips, especially in the mornings or after sitting for long periods. Difficulty with movements like crossing your legs or bending at the hips could indicate inflammation in the hip joints caused by AxSpA.

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5. Fever or General Malaise

While AxSpA is primarily known for affecting the joints, it can also cause systemic symptoms such as low-grade fever and a general feeling of malaise. This symptom can feel similar to having the flu, with bouts of fatigue, weakness, and an overall sense of being unwell. These systemic symptoms can interfere with daily functioning and may cause feelings of frustration or irritability as you struggle to find the energy to complete basic tasks.

You can spot this symptom if you experience recurring feelings of being unwell without any clear cause, especially if accompanied by joint pain, stiffness, or fatigue. A low-grade fever that persists, along with other signs of inflammation, may indicate that your immune system is overactive due to AxSpA.

Prolonged Sitting Or Standing

4. Difficulty Standing or Sitting for Long Periods

AxSpA often leads to discomfort when standing or sitting for long periods due to inflammation in the spine and sacroiliac joints. Prolonged sitting can cause stiffness in the lower back and hips, making it painful to stand up or move around afterward. Similarly, standing for extended periods can strain the inflamed joints, leading to pain and fatigue. This can make working, attending social events, or traveling challenging, as you may feel the need to frequently change positions to relieve discomfort.

This symptom can be recognized by a sense of stiffness or pain after sitting for more than 30 minutes or standing still for a while. If you find yourself needing to shift positions frequently to avoid pain, or if standing up from a seated position becomes difficult, it could be a sign of inflammation in the spine or sacroiliac joints linked to AxSpA.

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3. Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of AxSpA, particularly in cases where inflammation affects the body systemically. Chronic inflammation can cause loss of appetite, digestive issues, or an inability to absorb nutrients properly, leading to unintended weight loss. For some individuals, weight loss may seem like a positive change initially, but over time, it can contribute to feelings of weakness, fatigue, and overall poor health.

You can spot this symptom if you notice a drop in weight without any changes to your diet or exercise routine. If the weight loss is accompanied by other signs of inflammation such as pain, stiffness, or fatigue, it’s important to address it with your healthcare provider to determine whether it’s related to AxSpA.


2. Pain in Other Joints (Peripheral Arthritis)

Although AxSpA primarily affects the spine, it can also cause inflammation in peripheral joints like the shoulders, knees, or ankles. This pain can make it difficult to move or engage in physical activity, especially when multiple joints are affected. Peripheral arthritis in AxSpA can cause swelling, redness, and warmth in the joints, limiting your range of motion and making everyday activities like walking or lifting objects painful.

You can recognize this symptom by the presence of joint pain and swelling, particularly in areas like the knees or shoulders. If you experience persistent joint pain that is not related to overuse or injury and is paired with other AxSpA symptoms like back pain or stiffness, it may indicate peripheral arthritis caused by the condition.

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1. Depression or Anxiety

Living with AxSpA can take an emotional toll, leading to symptoms of depression or anxiety. Chronic pain, reduced mobility, and fatigue can cause frustration, hopelessness, or feelings of isolation. Mental health can also be affected by the uncertainty of the disease’s progression, as many people with AxSpA worry about the potential for long-term disability or the need for invasive treatments. This can contribute to a cycle of physical and emotional distress, making it even harder to manage the condition.

You can spot this symptom if you notice feelings of sadness, irritability, or anxiety that seem to worsen as your physical symptoms intensify. If you’re experiencing mood changes alongside physical discomfort, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider, as managing both the physical and emotional aspects of AxSpA is crucial for overall well-being.
