
The Top Medical Advancements and Inventions of 2019

Feel Stronger and Healthier There’s nothing better than getting medical care to overcome all your ailments. Treating their patients rightly and addressing their concerns, medical professionals… Trista - December 7, 2019

Human lives are prone to diseases. Several diseases can even become a life-threatening concern. Whether to blame the unhealthy lifestyle or lack of proper nutrients, our immune system tends to become weak and vulnerable to external attacks.

It is essential to keep our lifestyle healthy and follow a healthy diet to keep our body fit and steer clear from diseases. Every year a majority of death is recorded due to illnesses and lack of proper treatment. And it has been found that the number keeps on increasing with each passing year. This shows that it is essential to prioritize health care, remain vigilant regarding the symptoms of diseases, and deploy the right treatment before things slip through your hands.

Cancer is one of the life-threatening diseases which was once incurable. With the advent of technology and medical advancement, now cancer is not such a big issue. With proper care and treatment, you can fight off cancer and bring back your healthy state. Medical advancement has played a significant role in enhancing procedures and methods and bringing positive changes to the pharmaceutical industry. Whether it is bringing new medical technology or finding new treatments to cure a disease, there are plenty of medical advancements that have shaped the future of the pharmaceutical industry and made it possible for medical professionals to treat their patients for the better.

Medical advancement not only includes the discovery of new therapeutic techniques and treatment methods, but it also consists of research and finding that further lays the groundwork for development. In this article, you will learn more about the medical advancements and which among them have made it to the limelight this year. But, before going any further, it is crucial to understand the importance of health care and why it is necessary to prioritize it.

Avoid health emergencies by getting regular checkups and staying abreast with the latest advancements in healthcare. Pexels

How Can the Proper Medical Care Improve Health?

All the efforts incurred to maintain or reclaim the physical, mental, or emotional health of a person can be deemed as medical care. When a person gets ill due to many diseases, the treatment given to him/her to get back to their healthy state is known as medical care. Medical care is generally provided by professional, trained, and certified medical professionals who have in-depth knowledge regarding the concerning issue and who are best practices to resolve it.

It is essential to reach out to a medical professional if you have been suffering from any disease or witnessing any symptoms. You must seek medical care to treat yourself and gain back your healthy physical and mental state.

When it comes to assessing the contribution of medical care in enhancing health, it is essential to acknowledge the vital goals of such care. The first and foremost goal is to save the lives of people from any life-threatening situations. There are other important goals as well that are equally important to contribute towards health improvement. Let’s take a look at the contributions made by medical care to improve overall health.

You can live longer if you focus on your health and wellness. Pexels

Increase Life Expectancy Rate

Life expectancy is the number of years a person is expected to remain alive. It generally varies according to the geographical area and the medical conditions. Medical care has primarily contributed to stabilizing the life expectancy rate.

But by providing people with adequate medical care, medical professionals are leveraging their life expectancy and making their immune system strong for long life. Preventive care also helps in decreasing the death rates that eventually contribute to the life expectancy rate.

You will feel comfort knowing people understand what you are going through — and how they can help. Pexels

Relief From Physical And Mental Pain

When a person suffers from a disease, whether minor or significant, they tend to experience pain that cannot be controlled or tamed by them. That’s where medical care comes to the rescue and provides permanent or temporary relief to the pain. It has been statistically proven that medical care provided in the form of hospital treatment and therapies are known to provide considerable assistance from the pain caused by their disease.

For instance, if you have broken your foot in an accident, the medical professionals will cast your foot in plaster. Still, they will also provide you with the appropriate painkilling medicines to dampen the pain you experience. That’s precisely what defines medical care.

Proper medical care helps you overcome your ailments both physical and mental. Pexels

Feel Stronger and Healthier

There’s nothing better than getting medical care to overcome all your ailments. Treating their patients rightly and addressing their concerns, medical professionals try their best to provide them with all the required medical attention. It not only helps in curing the disease, but it also makes the patient’s immune system stronger.

If you have ever noticed the prescription of your doctor, you would know that apart from treating your specific disease, they will also prescribe some medicines to maintain your general health. Medical care is all about keeping patients healthy, both physically and mentally. When a person lives a healthy life, it eventually contributes to improved health in the nation.

The healthcare system plays a significant role in public health. Pexels

Enhance Public Health

Medical care has paramount significance in public health. As mentioned earlier, it helps in increasing the life expectancy; medical care automatically give rise to sound public health. Public health refers to the health condition of a particular demographic.

Health services provided by medical institutions and hospitals are counted as the medical care provides to maintain or restore public health. Even the government contributes to enhancing public health and takes several initiatives to make the best use of medical care to improve the health of their public.

Medical advancements can help reduce the risks associated with diseases. Pexels

Reduce the Risk of Disease

When you acquire adequate medical care, it reduces the risk of arising from the diseases. Every ailment has its own set of risks that you need to dodge to steer clear from its wrath. Medical care does what it should. It keeps you protected from all the possible dangers concerned with your specific disease.

For instance, if you have developed viral flu, the medical care will include treating the issue and providing you with adequate medicinal treatment to steer clear from the symptoms that can lead to other severe ailments. Medical risks are everywhere, and it is vital to adopt proper medical care so that you can dodge them as much as possible.

Technology in medical care can change everything. Pexels

Impact of Technology in Medical Care

Technology is omnipresent; multiple benefits now influence every other sector. The medical industry is no different. There is more than one way in which technology has improved health care and safeguarded the lives of millions of people.

Technology is continuously leveraging medical care and the health sector with its remarkable perks. It has contributed immensely in making the healthcare sector more refined and upgraded. Let’s take a look at the efforts made by technology to harness the potential of the health sector.

Everything is on the computer these days. Pexels

Digitization of Records

One of the greatest trends towards improving healthcare management was the digitization of health records. With digitization taking over the entire job, the health industry has also harnessed this technology to make their records digital. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have replaced the traditional paper records that were hard to maintain and preserve for long. With these digital records, medical professionals can keep track of the files and segregate them into categories.

Technicians and nurses can input patient data into the system, and doctors can get access to the data anytime, anywhere, to get a better understanding of the condition of the patient. This database is also essential to keep track of the patient’s progress, billing, appointments, diagnosis results, etc. Doctors can put their information on the system, and even patients can see their reports online.

Advanced medical equipment can save lives. Pexels

Improved Medical Treatment Equipment

With the advent of technology, it has become possible for the medical sector to introduce improvised and reliable medical equipment. It is quite evident that even medical professional requires the assistance of machinery to conduct their treatment. From pacemakers to chemotherapy, everything is possible with the help of technology. It has contributed immensely in bringing innovations to medical equipment that have enhanced the treatment quality as well.

Today, all severe ailments have a cure, and that is possible with the help of technology. Medical experts regularly conduct research and studies to find the next best solution to a concerning disease. Technology assists in the process by providing them with the right resources to support their investigation. You cannot deny the fact that technology had leveraged the way the healthcare sector used to function before technology had made its contribution.

Better care of the patients has become possible thanks to medical advancements. Pexels

Greater Patient Care

Technology has made it easier for doctors to treat their patients. Whether it is providing adequate equipment or treatment methods, technology has contributed to making medical care much more straightforward and useful for patients.

Doctors can connect with their patients in a much-refined way, keep track of their progress, make appointments on the go, and provide them with adequate medicinal treatments as well. Several medical institutes and hospitals have their dedicated software from where patients can access medical services, book appointments, and seek medical advice from specific medical professionals. Everything can be managed within a few clicks.

Technology has made medical care simpler for the doctors and useful for the patients. Now you don’t have to wait in long queues to book an appointment with the doctor. Even technology has enabled patients to get their required medicines at their doorsteps. There are plenty of medical apps that provide all sorts of drugs. You can book these medicines just like you place an order on the eCommerce application, and your order will be delivered in no time. Some apps provide medical consultation, as well.

Advancements in technology make the workflow much more efficient. Pexels

Workflow Management

Just like any other sector, the healthcare sector is also brimming with work. A lot is going on in medical institutions that might not be evident from a patient’s perspective. Duties have to be allotted, patients have to be categorized, plans have to be made, and there are a lot of other management tasks that need to accomplish. Without the assistance of technology, all these tasks can become a severe burden on the medical professional.

Today, everything has become automated, within a few clicks and scroll, you can do things without any hassle. There is plenty of therapeutic software to manage the workflow of Medical Institutions. Technology has significantly contributed to making tasks easier and simplified for professionals. Now medical professionals don’t have to waste their time in managing tasks and concentrate more on the patients and work on enhancing their well-being.

Medical Advancements in The Year 2019

Smart inhalers for people with asthma. Pexels

Smart Inhalers

Asthmatic diseases can take a toll on your life. There are plenty of health risks associated with asthma, like breathlessness, difficulty in breathing, blocked lungs, and so on. Inhalers have remained reliable equipment to treat asthma and dampen its symptoms. Over the years, inhalers have gone through several transformations that have eventually made them an effective means to address asthmatic issues. Inhalers generally work for 90% of patients. Research shows that only 50% of patients are benefiting with the use of inhalers as the rest of them are not able to use inhalers correctly.

There has been a significant development in the manufacture of inhalers to make them more efficient for users. Bluetooth devices are omnipresent, and we can see Bluetooth-enabled devices everywhere. Now, you can even use a Bluetooth-enabled inhaler. It is basically a small device attached to the inhaler. It keeps a record of the date and time of each dose. The main advantage of this smart inhaler is that it lets you know whether you have taken the treatment correctly or not.

Robotics in medical care make even the wildest ideas possible. Pexels

Robotic Surgery

Automation has taken over the world. Robotics is another significant trend toward radical development. Making the tasks easier to complete and minimizing the risk of errors, the inclusion of robotics technology have made drastic changes in all industries. The medical sector is also embracing robotic technology by bringing them into surgery. Robotic surgery is a brand new wave of technology in the health sector.

It is generally used for minimally invasive procedures. Robotic surgery is primarily aimed to provide precision, control, flexibility, and reliability in operation. As mentioned earlier, with robotics technology, there are minimal chances of errors. Hence, robotic surgery will increase efficiency and minimize the probability of risk involved in a particular operation.

With the help of robotic surgery, surgeons can conduct highly complex procedures with ease that is otherwise hard to complete. There are plenty of hospitals that have already adopted this technology and have been embracing its benefits. It is anticipated that soon robots will replace surgeons and conduct all the major surgeries with a 100% success rate. While there were many criticisms of robotic surgery, but its efficiency in performing the procedure has cleared the dark clouds of apprehensions.

Wireless brain sensors are advanced medical equipment. Pexels

Wireless Brain Sensors

Brain sensors are highly essential equipment to monitor brain sensations and record nervous system behavior. There are plenty of reformed brain sensors that are used to do the job. Over the years, these brain sensors have transformed and contributed to enhancing medical services. With the advent of technology and medical advancements, scientists were successful in creating bioresorbable electronics that are used as brain sensors and work more efficiently than their previous versions. These devices are used to measure the temperature and pressure in the brain which functions as useful insights to conduct the treatment.

When your brain goes through a severe ailment, it is necessary to gauge the brain functions and make a well-informed treatment decision that works best for your mind. The latest advancement in brain sensors has enabled doctors to read the measurements of the brain effortlessly. These devices are wireless and hardly require any maintenance. Several medical institutions have already adopted these wireless devices and started enjoying its benefits.

Some studies have also proven that these devices have even reduced the need for surgeries that were once mandatory to determine and treat brain functions. Doctors ad surgeons equally prefer this device and said that it had made their job a lot easier. This wireless device reads the correct temperature and pressure of the brain. Just like any other medical advancement, wireless brain sensors also faced some criticism, and constant research is being conducted to bring these sensors into the mainstream healthcare industry.

3-D printing brought more clarity to the medical field. Pexels

3-D Printing

This reformed way of printing has become a hot topic in the market. Providing life-like images of an object and making it easier to decipher the information, 3-D printing is one of the most significant technological developments of the decade. 3-D printing has showcased its prowess in almost every industry. Whether it is architects’ designs or artistic painting, 3-D painting has changed the way images were perceived earlier. The medical sector is newly benefited by this revolutionary technology. 3-D printers are used to create images of joints and muscles during the surgery. This way, surgeons will get a better understanding of the patient’s body.

3-D printed prosthetics are increasingly becoming popular in the medical sector as they are highly functional and brimming with state-of-the-art technology. Allowing doctors to match the patient’s measurements to the millimeter, 3-D printers have made the job easier for the doctors.

3-D prints can be used for both long-term and short-term use. For instance, if you want to monitor the development of a particular cancer cell in the body, 3-D prints will enable you to get life-like images and complete the growth of the cell. You can also use these prints to conduct a sonography or X-ray test. Either way, 3-D prints are useful.

With artificial organs, people can live longer. Pexels

Artificial Organs

While 3-D printing is making a revolution in the medical industry, bioprinting is also making its presence felt in the sector. Primarily aimed to regenerate cells for burn victims, bioprinting has paved the way for several other medical possibilities as well. There has been constant research conducted behind bioprinting, and scientists have been making advancements in this technology. So far, they have been able to create blood vessels, synthetic ovaries, and pancreas. With the help of artificial organs, patients can receive better replacements. Artificial organs come in handy when an adequate donor is hard to find. Though these organs are quite expensive, they do the work effectively.

Artificial organs can grow like an original organ once they are replaced against the faulty organ in the body. It is important to note that artificial organs cannot be placed in the body just like that; doctors need to prepare your body before inserting artificial organs.

There are instances when the body rejects the organ which further generates severe issues in the body. Hence, it is essential to conduct proper treatment before welcoming an artificial organ. Apart from this minor concern, artificial organs have successfully found their place in the medical industry and saved millions of lives so far. These life-saving transplants have saved many lives, and there have been sporadic cases of side effects.

Advancements in Pharmacogenomic testing help with diagnosing diseases. Pexels

Pharmacogenomic Testing

There have been several advancements in the diagnosis methods over the years. Every patient has their own metabolism and immune system that makes a difference in their diagnosis and testing. Pharmacogenomic testing is a brand-new way to determine patients’ health conditions for a particular treatment or therapy. It identifies a patient’s genetic formation so that medical treatment can be tailored accordingly. In layman’s terms, pharmacogenomic testing determines how the patient’s body will respond to a specific treatment, therapy, medication, etc.

There are split reviews regarding pharmacogenomic testing, while some medical experts are in support of this radical medical advancement, others are quite pessimistic about this. Despite technological progress, not every hospital can include this testing method into their treatment approaches.

Pharmacogenomic testing is still undergoing research, and stakeholders in the United States and Europe are inspecting the pharmacogenomics and its benefits in the medical industry. We are yet to see whether pharmacogenomic testing will be brought to the mainstream healthcare industry or not.

Artificial intelligence in the medical field is really making strides. Pexels

Artificial Intelligence

There’s no doubt in asserting that artificial intelligence has taken the world with a storm. Artificial intelligence has been intercepted into every possible industry now. The digital system basically can perform tasks that are commonly completed with human information. Artificial intelligence is generally used to reason, discover, generalize, and learn more about the concerned subject matter.

Artificial intelligence matches the social performance of tasks, and they are even used to complete the tasks with more efficiency than humans. Now, the medical industry is embracing artificial intelligence. Medical diagnosis and diagnostic scans are primarily benefited by artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is primarily used to assist medical professionals in generating accurate medical diagnoses and identifying pathology on the scan. It can also be used to interpret an infinite amount of health data. Artificial data can handle unlimited data, and the health sector can harness this potential to manage their data in the best way possible.

Furthermore, artificial intelligence is making baby steps towards dominating each department of the medical sector. We would have to wait a little longer to see artificial intelligence taking over the pharmaceutical industry. It is anticipated that within 2025, artificial intelligence will be all over the medical industry, helping doctors to treat their patients in a more refined way.

Treatment is changing for strokes and other serious medical conditions. Pexels

Treatment of Acute Strokes

Heart strokes have become a grave medical concern worldwide. Blame it on the unhealthy diet or negligence towards the health, heart strokes have become a major medical issue that often leads to death. Over the years, scientists have been working to find a reliable treatment for heart strokes.

American Heart Association and American Stroke Association in 2018 have opened a new avenue for the treatment of stroke. The 2018 guidelines were a revised version of the 2013 guidelines, which mentioned the mechanical thrombectomy trials. The recent instructions say that there are clear benefits for an “extended window” mechanical thrombectomy. It can treat patients with large vessel occlusion. The guidelines also mentioned that it could manage the patients within 16-24 hours, which is considered as the major attraction of this treatment.

Improving the immune system one technological advancement at a time. Pexels


There have been several advancements in the medical industry aimed to treat the immune system. Safeguarding our body from the entire chronic ailment and creating a protective shield around your body to protect it from diseases, it is essential to keep your immune system boosted.

There are plenty of conditions that hamper the functionality of your immune system. Cancer is one such life-threatening disease that attacks your immune system. Immunotherapy is the latest advancement in the medical industry that has revolutionized cancer treatment. It is aimed to leverage the immune system and to make it capable of fighting tumors.

Solid tumors such as melanoma and small-cell lung cancer are primarily treated by immunotherapy. Immunotherapy has the high potential to address cancerous cells and prep your immune system to fight off the tumors. Though so far, immunotherapy is only used to treat small cells of cancers, it is anticipated that it will soon treat all types of tumors. The coming years will be highly crucial for the development of immunotherapy. So far, the medical institutions who have adopted immunotherapy have realized the ubiquitous benefits of this reliable cancer treatment.

Virtual reality can be fun, but also very helpful. Pexels

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is omnipresent today. VR/MR applications are everywhere. Providing users with a life-like experience of viewing virtual reality creates an alternate reality for the viewers. The medical industry is also harnessing the potential of virtual reality. Generally, virtual reality is used in medical education. With the immersive approach, virtual reality is an excellent initiative for audio, video, and kinesthetic learning for medical students.

Virtual reality requires VR goggles, superimpose computer-generated images, and sounds to provide real-world ambiance for the users. Virtual reality allows medical students to take their learning experience to the next level. Not just watching a surgery, they can experience the operation going on in front of their eyes.

This way, medical students can learn beyond their bookish knowledge. It is quite evident that practical know-how is greater than experience, and virtual reality is the most effective way to boost practical learning. Virtual reality applications are also used in surgical simulation and diagnostic imaging, as well. In the coming years, virtual reality will take many leaps forward in the medical industry and bring positive innovations aimed at enhancing the medical profession. Till then, medical students should embrace virtual reality to the most.

More amazing medical achievements are to come! Pexels

Take Advantage of Medical Care Improvements

No matter how hard you try and how safe you keep yourself, there will be some loopholes left from your body that can be attacked by diseases. Medical care becomes an essential element to maintain or restore the health of patients. Every year, there is a significant advancement in the pharmaceutical sector that contributes to leveraging health improvement.

There’s no doubt in asserting that technology has made it possible to make such significant medical advancements. It is essential to remain vigilant about these advancements and stay updated on the latest upgrades in the pharmaceutical industry to make the most of the development. These medical advancements work as a breakthrough in the healthcare industry and bring radical changes that are fruitful for both medical institutions and patients.

The above-mentioned were some of the most significant medical advancements that happened this year. These cutting-edge medical advancements are yet to receive global popularity. Whether it was finding new vaccines or curing HIV, each advancement has touched a specific department and leveraged its potential for the betterment of the patients. Now with these advancements, patients can avail of best-in-class treatments, and doctors can deploy quality treatment methods to get the best results.

With a brand new year all set to bring new opportunities, we can anticipate some more refine medical advancements that are yet to turn the tables for the pharmaceutical industry. For the time being, we must welcome the current progress and bring innovations to the medical industry. When we start embracing the improvements, healthcare options can have significant growth.
