
The Worst Medical Mistakes On Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy is just like a lot of other medical shows on television. They discuss or deal with several things that doctors or surgeons in the… Joe Burgett - July 26, 2023

Grey’s Anatomy is just like a lot of other medical shows on television. They discuss or deal with several things that doctors or surgeons in the real world might see and treat in the real world. However, when it comes to medical accuracy among medical shows, Grey’s Anatomy has long been known as the worst in the bunch. Shows like Chicago Med, ER, Code Black, The Good Doctor, House, and even Scrubs have better medical accuracy. Weirdly enough, Scrubs, scalpel-for-scalpel, is the most medically accurate medical show there has ever been. Likely thanks to never going too far, especially for residents at a hospital.

Grey’s Anatomy, on the other hand, has given people a very bad picture of the medical community. Not only have they made medical mistakes almost too many times to count, but they have given off ridiculous expectations. For example, doctors and nurses are not “getting it on” all the time. They are especially not doing this inside a hospital, at least not enough to make it a common theme. On top of this, Grey’s Anatomy has made people assume doctors and surgeons can do things that are simply not possible in the real world. There is so much we could point to regarding the show that we made a list of the worst medical mistakes they made.

Surgeons Washing Their Hands
[Image via Santypan/]


The Scrub-In Rules

Before a surgeon operates on a patient, he or she must “scrub in.” Essentially, they use not only a special cleaning area but even special soaps and cleansing agents to ensure they do not pass something onto a patient. The surgeon’s hands, nails, and even forearms are cleaned meticulously in order to make everything as safe and sanitary for the patient as possible. They’ll even avoid touching anything or anyone once they’ve washed up. However, Dr. Jackson Avery seems to have missed this entire semester of medical school.

Surgeon Scrubbing In Before Surgery
[Image via StockCanarias/]


After scrubbing in before a surgical procedure in Season 12, Dr. Avery crosses his arms and even puts his hands on his forearms. That is a direct medical violation of the rules when it comes to scrubbing in. His hands are now, technically, contaminated. Of course, to give him credit, Dr. Avery seems to realize this medical blunder after looking at his fellow doctors and quickly uncrosses his arms. However, bacteria are able to immediately cross over to Avery’s hands here. Therefore, he’d need to scrub in yet again before operating on the patient. If he were to give them any sort of infection, the hospital could easily be sued over this.

Derek Shepard CPR Done Wrong
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The Dreamy CPR Technique?

Dr. Derek Shepard was a neurosurgeon and eventually the Chief of Neurosurgery and Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace Hospital (or Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital). That said, we can perhaps forgive his problematic CPR technique. Meredith Grey falls into the water during a rescue during Season 2. Shepard sees this and jumps in to pull her out. Of course, this is icy cold Seattle water. Clearly, he was in an emotional state and is certainly not an emergency medical professional. In spite of the fact that Grey was perhaps in need of heat due to how blue she looked, Dr. Shepard also feels he needs to perform CPR.

CPR Done Right
[Image via Photoroyalty/]


She is not breathing, apparently, so this makes sense. However, we feel there is a lot of medical drama put into this save. At the time of the episode airing, the proper CPR technique was 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths. This was pretty well known, so much so that any medical student would have learned it. This was also the common CPR technique for a very long time. Shepard, however, is giving her one breath for every five chest compressions. Which is three times more breaths than he should have given. Today, however, rescue breaths aren’t always recommended during CPR. Yet it still would be viable for drowning victims.

Meredith Grey - Drinking
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Ms. Grey Forgets Her Liver Transplant

Dr. Meredith Grey might be essentially the main star of the Grey’s Anatomy series, but we cannot make her into a superhuman figure. This was made very well known when Dr. Grey needed a liver transplant. Her own father gave her part of his in Season Six. It should be noted that the liver does a lot for the human body, including filtering bad chemicals from the bloodstream before they reach other areas of the body. Yet if you do not have a liver or if it is not properly working, then drinking alcohol can be a pretty bad thing to do. Chemicals in alcoholic drinks aren’t the best thing for the body.

Meredith Grey Drinking Alcohol
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Our liver does a great job normally by breaking this stuff down before anything harmful comes from it, but that cannot happen if your liver isn’t working. Thus, when Meredith decides to drink as she did before her successful liver transplant, she could quite possibly die from that decision. She did this anyway and somehow was totally fine. How did she do this? Your guess is as good as ours. Even when one has a liver transplant, they are told to take it easy when it comes to drinking alcohol. Dr. Grey does not seem to care about this and has remained a devout drinker. It is possible her drinking is what led to her liver shutting down, to begin with.

Grey's Anatomy - Denny Duquette
[Image via Byron Cohen/Walt Disney Television]


The LVAD Wire Incident

The entire Denny Duquette situation was pretty insane. He was a heart patient at the hospital and became a love interest for Dr. Izzie Stevens, a surgical oncologist. Let’s forget that she would likely never need to be around a heart patient due to her work in the cancer field for a bit. What she does here is perhaps one of the biggest criminal acts we’ve ever seen in a medical show. Basically, Denny needs a new heart. He is using an LVAD (left ventricle assist device) Wire to get by, but he needed a new heart truthfully. Thankfully one became available. Sadly, an incident caused the first donor heart to not work and a second was also prevented.

Grey's Anatomy - Cutting LVAD Wire
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Izzie wanted to help him, but to do this she needed to actually make his heart worse to fool the labs. The only way to do that was to cut the LVAD Wire. While Denny tried to stop her, she made him feel he had to allow it. Once cutting it, she manually pumped his heart and then was assisted by others. Eventually, they get another heart and it works. He wakes up happy to have warm hands again, but later that night a clot caused him to die. Yet this entire incident was horrific. Izzie cut the wire and the interns around even assist her in keeping Denny alive. Everyone would have been fired in real life and Izzie would have her medical license taken away immediately!

Grey's Anatomy - Wearing Earring During Surgery
[Image via Eric McCandless/ABC]


Wearing Jewelry During Surgery

The operating rooms in a hospital are the cleanest places in the entire building for a good reason. You want to avoid any potential problems affecting the patient. This is why surgeons have to scrub in as we referenced above. However, there are also other basic protocols too. In an effort to keep everything safe and sterile for a patient, surgeons are also not allowed to wear jewelry. What about things like wearing a necklace underneath scrubs or a wedding ring band? While they might not become a problem, we cannot be sure of this. There are lockers where surgeons can keep their important belongings during surgeries, so these could easily be kept in there.

Grey's Anatomy - Wearing Watch During Surgery
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


One could also just choose not to wear those things on surgery days. Yet it seems that the Seattle Grace Hospital is not really big on the whole health and safety thing it seems. There are many situations where one can clearly see surgeons on Grey’s Anatomy wearing jewelry during an operation. Even things as simple as earrings are usually barred from operating rooms but both Cristina and Bailey have had them on. Watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and pretty much anything else that could be exposed in an operating room are not allowed for surgeons. The only exception to this rule might be belly button rings.

Kepner & Avery Greet Their Newborn
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Babies Come Out Pretty Fast

To be fair to the writers of Grey’s Anatomy, this has been done a lot in medical shows. They portray giving birth as a quick experience, which isn’t a good thing to do as it can make first-time mothers feel even more afraid. They are already told that this will be an incredibly painful experience, so we’re only adding to fear with stuff like this in medical shows. The writers have a woman go into labor and then have the child roughly 5 minutes later if that long. They did this in a major way during the Season 12 finale when April Kepner begins to go into labor at home. Ben Warren wants to head to the hospital but Kepner claims she does not want to give birth in a car.

April Kepner Has Her Baby
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


They decide to just deliver the baby inside the house instead. While this is all nice and dramatic, Kepner would be making a dumb mistake if this would have been real life. Usually, when a child is about to be born, a woman will have strong contractions. They can get so strong that Kepner would not have been able to calmly talk. In fact, she probably couldn’t at all by this point. On average, first-time mothers are in labor roughly 10 to 20 hours before it’s time for the baby to pop out. You’ll have several contractions giving you an indication that you need to get to the hospital. The closer they come, and stronger they are, the closer one is to actually giving birth.

Dr. Alex Karev and his Patient, Ava
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The Alex/Ava Relationship

A doctor and patient are normally never supposed to fraternize, as this could become a huge problem. Not just for the patient, but also for the doctor. It could result in several potential problems, so hospitals frown on this type of thing. That is especially true in the case of “Ava.” Dr. Alex Karev is a pediatric surgeon, so this entire thing really never made any sense. However, while this might be his specialty, he’s also been the Chief of Surgery at Seattle Grace. A young woman was rescued from a ferry crash but seems to be experiencing memory loss from it. Thus, she does not know her name or anything about her life.

Grey's Anatomy - Alex and Ava
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Somehow, she becomes Alex’s patient. Dr. Karev was very good to her as he stayed by her side and nursed her back to health. She managed to even regain her memory. After their remarkable situation, the two fell in love. How wonderful, right? It did not last, and it is possible that this whole ordeal caused her to have borderline personality disorder. She came back later on and tried to end her own life while Alex was back with Izzie. The problem with this Grey’s Anatomy storyline was that, well, it actually had many issues. Not only is Dr. Karev unqualified to help Ava here…the entire doctor/patient relationship thing wouldn’t be allowed.

Grey's Anatomy - Woman With Fork In Neck
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The MRI For A Fork In The Neck Problem

It is understandable that an issue can occur where one does not know specific hospital rules. The scrubbing in rules as well as CPR stuff can be slightly forgiven. Yet when Grey’s Anatomy pulls something idiotic out, it makes us just shake our heads in frustration. During one episode, a woman arrives with a fork in her neck. This is clearly something that is worthy of an emergency room visit. The doctors here are not certain what to do, which is a bit odd. Some want to pull it out and others want to operate around the fork. Obviously, this means they need to bring in a notable neurosurgeon for counsel!

Waiting For An MRI To Finish
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Enter Dr. Derek Shepard, you know, from the other emergency issue involving CPR earlier. McMoron decides to take a logical approach and schedules an MRI, ideally so he can see how far the fork is in. While it does make sense to get a bigger picture of what you’re looking at here, there is a big problem with this decision. MRI machines are very powerful magnets, which would probably cause some issues with this metal fork in the patient’s neck. We’re told on Grey’s Anatomy that Dr. Shepard is a world-renowned neurosurgeon, and somehow he does not understand how MRI machines work. We threw a fork at our television out of frustration!

Grey's Anatomy Residents - Season 1
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The Long Hours For Residents

The very first episode of Grey’s Anatomy aired on March 27, 2005. While nearly 20 years ago one might assume this would be different compared to today, that is not the case. During the show, surgeon Miranda Bailey tells the new residents that their shift begins now and will last for 48 hours. Even stating to them: “You run laps, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and don’t complain!” While doctors and even surgeons are known for working pretty long hours, this is not as much as shows like this claim. Yes, residents will work overnight shifts and pretty long hours overall. However, this number is now capped at 80 hours per week.

Grey's Anatomy Residents - Season 18
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The reason for this is the Libby Zion Law. In 1989, 18-year-old Libby Zion passed away unexpectedly shortly after she was admitted to the emergency room. Her death was heavily attributed to the fact that she was only being seen by medical residents. They were getting very little supervision and were seeing several patients at one time. It is possible some residents go slightly over the 80-hour cap during the week, but never by much. It is also very rare that residents or even full-fledged doctors will ever work a solid 48-hour shift. Although, it’s not unheard of to see residents working 18 to 24-hour shifts, but an entire 2-day shift? Nope!

Meredith Grey Shows Up To Work Hungover
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The Grey’s Anatomy Hangover Cure

We all know Meredith Grey is an alcoholic by the way she seems to consume booze quite often. Therefore, when she showed up to work hungover in Episode Six of Season Two, this was a huge problem. She was ready to go into surgery or see patients, but she was caught before that and put into a room with a “banana bag.” This is a yellow IV drip with fluid that is filled with vitamins and electrolytes. While this would potentially be helpful to people, it does not treat a hangover in any way. Of course, there are many “hangover cures” that people swear by.

Meredith Grey Given Banana Bag
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


However, the only real “cure” that we’re certain of is simply waiting for it to pass. It is best to drink a lot of water and only water, if at all possible. Some even claim having foods like steak, eggs, etc. can be helpful. It is thought that food can be somewhat helpful, but the exact food is suspect really. The best thing Dr. Grey could have done here was stay home. Showing up to work drunk or hungover is sometimes an instantly firable offense, depending on the hospital. Other times, it could be a suspension if nothing else. Grey was just given an IV bag and eventually went back to work.

Man Experiencing A Seizure
[Image via DC Studio/]


Restraining Patients When They’re Seizing

Seizures can be problematic, especially when they take place inside a hospital. Often, a seizure can occur due to a medication or treatment issue along with a potential accident that takes place. Since seizures are not unheard of during things like operations, there are sometimes restraints put on patients that are the most likely to do something like this. People can even have a seizure during a coma, particularly in cases of medical comas. In fact, studies have been done on this to prove how often this can occur. Most assume that you’ll be put into a medical coma after things like a traumatic brain injury or TBI only.

Man Laid On His Side While Having Seizure
[Image via Lisa-S/]


This is not exactly true. While yes, you can be for stuff like this, there are many other reasons to do it too. Yet 10 to 20% of those who are in the intensive care unit (ICU) after things like cardiac arrests or resuscitation have seizures or show signs of brain activity indicating this. Due to the massive amount of seizures a hospital sees, one would assume doctors on Grey’s Anatomy would know how to handle them. Rather, they have been known to hold and restrain everyone who is going into a seizure for several reasons. The best action to take is to turn someone on their side and put a pillow (or arm) underneath their head, yet there are even better ways to do this in a hospital!!

Not Speaking To Patient In Private
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Private Conversations With Patients Or Family Members Happening In The Waiting Room

To be fair to Grey’s Anatomy writers, they are nowhere close to the only medical show (or those who have had medical episodes) that have made this mistake. For a long time, there was a huge issue where confidential information about patients was being revealed like it was nothing. People could overhear conversations, and medical information that should be private wasn’t truly private. Along came the new HIPAA laws that changed how we did this forever. While HIPAA went into place in 1996, nothing was heavily enforced until between 2003 to 2005. This is pretty big because Grey’s Anatomy, a medical show, would have been well aware of this new policy.

Speaking To Patient In Waiting Area
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Plus, the show started around this point. If nothing else, it would be extremely helpful for storylines in the future to be aware of this. The new rules required doctors to shut the door when in a room with patients, especially during exams. Medical information could only be revealed to those you allowed. When family members were being informed about someone, they’d either be put into a private room with several others or brought into a counseling room. Yet this show constantly informs patients or family members about things in the middle of a hospital, waiting rooms, etc. Which is against hospital policies nationwide.

Doctor About To Use Defibrillating Shock Paddles
[Image via Wavebreakmedia/]


Shocking Flatlined Patients

It is a popular trope on medical shows, isn’t it? When a person’s heart stops beating, we clearly need to do something. It’s time to bring out the paddles or grab the nearest AED. This patient cannot die on us, we won’t let them. The heart isn’t beating, shock them more and more and more!! Oh wait, that’s not how medical science tells us to do things at all. Why? Because that is not how defibrillation works. We usually only use any form of shock or defibrillation when we’re trying to get a heart back to its correct heart rhythm. Fibrillation, or usually, in this case, atrial fibrillation, is one reason medical professionals will use these things.

AED Machine
[Image via Narin Phapnam/]


This is an issue where the heart’s upper chambers (or the atria) are beating irregularly, often in a chaotic form. They will be out of sync with the lower chambers, also known as the ventricles. That can be an issue where one needs to get their heart rhythm back on track. A-fib will cause fast, pounding heartbeats, shortness of breath, and even weakness. When one goes into cardiac arrest, a similar issue happens. The most common reason for cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation, which is similar to the atrial version. The ventricles can also stop working suddenly too. This type of thing might also occur during drowning situations too. That is why we administer CPR and obviously why we use a defibrillator. They are not used for every single purpose imaginable.

Grey's Anatomy - Intern Stitching
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The Oddest On The Job Training Ever

There is perhaps one of the dumbest scenes ever shown on any medical show in Season 5 of Grey’s Anatomy. Interns or residents at hospitals are there to learn from senior staff members. However, they have all finished at least most of medical school before they were allowed to even put in for an internship or residency at a hospital. During one scene that took place in Season 5, George O’Malley walks in to see something insane. The interns are practicing surgery, but not on some sort of dummy or even a cadaver. They are practicing on, well, each other. The interns were cutting themselves and then practicing stitching up the other interns.

Stitch Practice
[Image via Yupin Li/]


Sure, this is not considered medical malpractice. Particularly considering they were all consenting adults. However, this could be a huge problem and would have either led to a suspension of some kind or immediate dismissal. More importantly, it makes no sense at all. In medical school, you learn how to stitch people up by using dummies and cadavers as well as pig skin. Considering pig skin is essentially as thick as our own. More than this, they would have likely had numerous times in the hospital to perfect their stitching as several patients need this done per day. There are also much less dangerous ways to practice too.

Dr. Callie in Court
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


A Sponge, Callie? Really?

Dr. Callie Torres, on the show, is considered one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country. She was even the Head of Orthopedic Surgery at one point. Yet she made an insane call. Perhaps one of the most discussed incidents in the history of Grey’s Anatomy surrounds this move in Season 10. In the backdrop of the show, we’re told a well-known snowboarder named Travis Reed is in need of a hip replacement. While this would be pretty easy, Reed asks if Callie can do a “Smith-Peterson Resurfacing Hip Joint” instead. Apparently, his friend had this done and was back to boarding quickly.

Grey's Anatomy - Travis Reed
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


While nervous to do this, since she never had before, she agreed. During the surgery, however, Travis became unstable. That required Callie to close things up quicker than normal. She knew she left a sponge behind inside his body as it could not be located quickly. They did an X-Ray to find it but Reed ended up with an infection. Multiple issues occurred from clots to murmurs and Reed’s leg had to be amputated. He rightly sued over this, and in almost every single case of something similar like this occurring, the patient won. Not only was Callie not found liable for anything, she was not reprimanded by the hospital at all either.

3D Printer Making Artificial Heart
[Image via Guteksk7/]


Casually Printing Out 3D Organs

People are often surprised to learn that things like this are incredibly rare. Yet Grey’s Anatomy has acted like this sort of thing is commonplace. It is due to this show (among others) that people come to doctors with unrealistic expectations. Doctors have come out against one huge issue this show has been causing. Which is the idea that one can just print off 3D organs. This happened after Dr. Meredith Grey attempted to print a newborn baby a 3D heart. Just so you’re aware, this wasn’t a thing we could really do. Especially not with any sort of high accuracy. Plus, it would have made more sense to use specific parts from a cow or even a pig to help in cases like this. After this episode aired, some went to their doctors asking for a 3D liver, kidney, and other organs.

3D Printed Heart
[Image via Scharfsinn/]


We cannot do this. It is true that we have prosthetic limbs and have used 3D printers to make some of those products, that is very different from internal organs. We have never been able to copy and create a fully functioning organ. The issue here too is that Grey’s Anatomy producers aren’t helping things. They claim their show is helping people diagnose themselves, their kids, their friends, etc. Thus resulting in pushing their doctors on certain things. The problem here is that those without proper medical training do not really understand how to diagnose themselves beyond the average stuff. Therefore, people are asking for things they do not need and we’re creating a culture of Hypochondriacs and Munchausen syndrome/Munchausen syndrome by proxy cases.

First-Year Resident George O'Malley Doing Appendectomy
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


First-Year Resident Is Doing What?!?

While Dr. George O’Malley came a long way from his initial point on the show, we cannot ignore that this hospital allowed something horrific. During one episode in the first season of the show, Dr. O’Malley was chosen to perform an appendectomy. Keep in mind, he was a first-year resident at the hospital. There are several seasoned surgeons who would be scared to death about performing this surgery. Appendectomies are usually emergency surgeries, due to a bout of appendicitis. The appendix is part of the gastrointestinal system, connected to the large intestine. It is responsible for providing good bacteria to the body.

Appendix Organ - Inflamed
[Image via Ilya Lukichev/]


When you get appendicitis, the organ becomes swollen, sore, and often diseased. By this point, it is usually filled with mucus, stool, and parasites. Removing this organ can be tricky due to where it’s located, and how careful you need to be. Only seasoned surgeons would ever be allowed to do this. While first-year residents are sometimes allowed to assist and observe this type of surgery, they do not perform it themselves. It is simply too risky for hospitals to allow this because things could easily go wrong with someone of this experience level. Again, this is classified as an emergency surgery, which most residents alone wouldn’t do. Much less a first-year resident. They’re usually observing and learning how to take care of patients at this stage.

Grey's Anatomy - Bubble Boy
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


Super Secret Procedures

Season 10 of Grey’s Anatomy was filled with controversial medical moves. In the final episodes of that season, Dr. Miranda Bailey is treating a patient with a terrible immune system disease. It is so bad, he has to live his life in a bubble. Dr. Bailey decides to do an experimental procedure to help him, and it works. He’s able to leave the hospital and get well incredibly fast. There is only one problem though. The person she did this to was a minor and she did not have the consent of his parents to perform it. As a result of this, the parents are outraged that she’d do anything like this without their consent.

Grey's Anatomy - Miranda Preps For Surgery
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


They’re just about to press charges against her and the hospital over it until Resident Stephanie steps in to calm things down. However, we won’t allow Miranda to get away from this as easily as the parents did. In real life, Dr. Bailey would have been fired from the hospital on the spot for this move. To top it off, her medical license would have been likely revoked for good. What is so odd here is that Stephanie was actually suspended for a week while Miranda (WHO PERFORMED THE DANG SURGERY) did not receive any punishment from the hospital over this.

Doctor with Patient
[Image via Richard Cartwright/ABC]


Doctors Literally Doing Everything

Have you ever found it odd that medical shows love to have doctors doing pretty much everything? They’ll give shots/injections, take blood/then test said blood, counsel the patient, etc. You name it, these doctors are all over it. In some cases, you wonder if there is literally any nurse in the hospital to assist them. This is something so many people do not seem to understand. When you go to a hospital, if you’re in the Emergency Room or if you’re needing to stay for any reason, nurses are going to be the ones taking care of you. They will be the ones taking blood and sometimes running tests (depending on the situation). Sometimes there will be a room filled with doctors, even when it’s not necessary.

Patient With Room Full Of Doctors
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


They are also going to be the first people on the spot to give you any medications, injections, and help in times of crisis. Doctors, in these cases, pretty much do nothing compared to your average nurse. There is a reason hospitals have so many nurses while they have only a select number of doctors. On top of this, if a nurse is not running blood tests, they are sending it off to labs where specialists are handling that. While some doctors do perform surgeries, it is not at the rate we see in medical shows. More than that, Grey’s Anatomy is about surgeons and they are treating them like regular doctors most of the time. On top of the fact that they give them cases that have nothing to do with their specialties.

Grey's Anatomy Surgery
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


The Surgical Errors On Grey’s Anatomy Are Insane

On the show, we’re told that the hospital holds a very high rating as one of the top surgical and teaching hospitals. However, if this were a real-life hospital and everyone on the show were real… this hospital might have closed its doors by now. The number of lawsuits and medical licenses being revoked would be too much for them. We already highlighted Callie’s sponge drama. However, they have made many more errors too. For example, Preston Burke left a dang towel inside someone. They have also shown that they can make errors that most medical students wouldn’t make. Much less, would any surgeon make some of the blunders they have.

Surgeons Not Wearing Eye Protection
[Image via the American Broadcasting Company]


We referenced scrub-in issues, but they have also had doctors and often nurses work without gloves on even in times when this sort of thing would make sense. Sure, doctors should not be taking blood or injecting patients, but they’ve often done this without gloves on. Surgeons have even operated on the show without eye protection gear on quite often. Eyewear is not the most fashionable thing, but if blood starts to spurt out, you will be glad you have them on. Even something as simple as not understanding the protected airway for patients under anesthesia is mistaken repeatedly. This would never be a teaching school, if it was, people would die!

Where Do We Find This Stuff? Here Are Our Sources:

United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA)

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

UK National Health System (NHS)

Johns Hopkins University Hospital

St. George’s University School of Medicine

University of Twente

Association of Surgical Technologists

Children’s Hospital Association

Mayo Clinic

Red Cross

New York Times
