
Warning Signs of Piles (Hemorrhoid) You Shouldn’t Ignore

3. Prolonged Sitting or Standing Worsens Symptoms Prolonged sitting or standing can exacerbate hemorrhoid symptoms, as these positions place additional pressure on the rectal veins. For… kalterina - September 25, 2024

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the lower rectum or anus. They can be internal (inside the rectum) or external (under the skin around the anus). While hemorrhoids are common and often harmless, they can become painful and lead to complications if not properly managed. Recognizing the warning signs early is essential for effective treatment and prevention of further discomfort. In this article, we’ll explore 20 signs of hemorrhoids you should never ignore, with detailed explanations for each.

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20. Rectal Bleeding

One of the most common and alarming signs of hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. You may notice bright red blood on toilet paper, in the toilet bowl, or on the surface of your stool. This bleeding occurs when hemorrhoids are irritated or inflamed, often during bowel movements. While it can be a frightening experience, rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids is typically not life-threatening. However, it can cause concern and should be checked by a healthcare professional to rule out more serious conditions like colorectal cancer or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids usually occurs after straining during bowel movements. If you notice blood consistently after going to the bathroom, it’s important to seek medical advice. Although hemorrhoid-related bleeding is typically painless, the presence of blood can be a clear indication that your hemorrhoids are inflamed and may require treatment to prevent worsening.

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19. Itching Around the Anus (Pruritus Ani)

Itching around the anus is a common symptom of hemorrhoids, caused by the irritation of sensitive skin in the area. Hemorrhoids can cause moisture or mucus to leak from the anus, irritating the surrounding skin. This persistent itching can lead to scratching, which worsens the irritation and may even cause small tears or infections in the skin. Over time, the itching can become more intense, making it difficult to sit comfortably or sleep.

This symptom can be recognized by a persistent urge to scratch the anal area, especially after bowel movements or prolonged sitting. If you experience itching along with other symptoms like swelling or discomfort in the anal region, it could be due to hemorrhoids. Over-the-counter creams may offer temporary relief, but it’s essential to address the underlying cause to prevent further irritation.

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18. Pain or Discomfort During Bowel Movements

Hemorrhoids can cause significant pain or discomfort during bowel movements, especially when they become swollen or thrombosed (when a blood clot forms within the hemorrhoid). The pressure from passing stool can further irritate the inflamed veins, leading to sharp or burning pain. This discomfort can make going to the bathroom a distressing experience and may lead to straining, which worsens the condition over time.

You may recognize this symptom by the sharp or aching pain you feel while passing stool, particularly if you’ve been constipated or have experienced difficulty in passing a bowel movement. If this pain becomes frequent or unbearable, it’s essential to seek medical attention. In some cases, severe pain may indicate a thrombosed hemorrhoid, which may require more immediate treatment.


17. Swelling Around the Anus

Swelling around the anus is a clear sign of external hemorrhoids. The swollen veins can create a noticeable lump or bump, which may be tender to the touch. This swelling can make sitting, walking, or engaging in physical activities uncomfortable, as the pressure on the swollen area exacerbates the discomfort. In some cases, the swelling can become more severe if the hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed, leading to significant pain.

You can spot this symptom by gently feeling the area around your anus. If you detect a swollen or tender lump, it’s likely an external hemorrhoid. The lump may be soft or firm, depending on the severity of the swelling. If swelling persists or worsens, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider to discuss treatment options.


16. Mucus Discharge

A lesser-known symptom of hemorrhoids is mucus discharge from the anus. This can occur when the lining of the rectum becomes irritated by inflamed internal hemorrhoids. Mucus can leak out during bowel movements or even when passing gas, leaving a slimy residue in your underwear. Over time, this discharge can irritate the skin around the anus, leading to itching or discomfort.

You may notice this symptom if you see a clear or whitish substance on your underwear or toilet paper. If mucus discharge occurs regularly or is accompanied by other symptoms like bleeding or pain, it may indicate that your internal hemorrhoids are irritated. It’s important to get this checked to prevent further irritation or infection.


15. Anal Tenderness or Soreness

Hemorrhoids can cause tenderness or soreness in the anal region, especially after bowel movements. This tenderness is often the result of inflammation and irritation caused by straining during bowel movements, wiping too hard, or sitting for long periods. The affected area may feel sore to the touch, and this discomfort can make it difficult to sit or engage in daily activities comfortably.

You may notice this symptom if your anus feels sore or tender after using the bathroom or sitting for an extended period. If this soreness persists and is accompanied by other signs of hemorrhoids, such as swelling or itching, it’s important to address the underlying cause to alleviate the discomfort.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

14. Feeling of Incomplete Bowel Movements

A common yet frustrating symptom of hemorrhoids is the sensation that you haven’t fully emptied your bowels after a bowel movement. This feeling of incomplete evacuation can lead to repeated trips to the bathroom and unnecessary straining, which only exacerbates hemorrhoid symptoms. This sensation occurs because hemorrhoids can obstruct the rectum, making it difficult to fully pass stool.

If you regularly feel like you need to go to the bathroom again shortly after a bowel movement, it could be due to hemorrhoids. The sensation of incomplete evacuation is not only uncomfortable but can also lead to more irritation and swelling. Addressing hemorrhoids early can help alleviate this frustrating symptom and improve bowel function.


13. Lumps Around the Anus

Lumps around the anus are a sign of external hemorrhoids, which form when the veins under the skin become swollen and engorged. These lumps can vary in size and may be painful, especially if they are thrombosed. The lumps may also cause discomfort when sitting or moving and can become irritated by tight clothing or friction.

You can spot this symptom by feeling around the anus for any unusual lumps or bumps. If you notice one or more lumps, particularly if they are painful or tender to the touch, it’s important to have them evaluated by a healthcare professional. In some cases, these lumps may require medical treatment to reduce swelling and alleviate pain.


12. Painful Bowel Movements

Pain during bowel movements is another sign of hemorrhoids, particularly when they become inflamed or thrombosed. The pain may feel sharp or burning and is often worse when passing hard stool or after prolonged straining. This pain can make going to the bathroom a dreaded experience, leading to anxiety about future bowel movements, which in turn can contribute to constipation and worsen the problem.

If you experience significant pain every time you have a bowel movement, particularly if the pain persists for several minutes afterward, it’s likely due to hemorrhoids. Painful bowel movements are a clear sign that your hemorrhoids need attention, as continued straining can lead to complications such as thrombosis or even prolapse.


11. Difficulty Sitting

Sitting for long periods can be painful for individuals with hemorrhoids, especially if the hemorrhoids are external and swollen. The pressure from sitting can irritate the inflamed area, making the hemorrhoids more painful and tender. For those who work in jobs that require extended periods of sitting, this can become a daily challenge, affecting productivity and comfort.

You may notice this symptom if you find it increasingly uncomfortable to sit for long periods, especially on hard surfaces. If sitting becomes painful, especially if accompanied by other symptoms like swelling or bleeding, it’s important to seek treatment for your hemorrhoids to alleviate the discomfort and prevent further irritation.

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10. Protrusion of Internal Hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids can sometimes prolapse, meaning they protrude out of the anus during bowel movements. While prolapsed hemorrhoids may retract back inside on their own, in more severe cases, they may need to be pushed back manually. Prolapsed hemorrhoids can cause discomfort, a feeling of fullness, or a visible lump outside the anus, especially after straining.

You may recognize this symptom if you notice a soft bulge or lump that appears after you’ve had a bowel movement and doesn’t go away immediately. If the prolapsed hemorrhoid causes significant discomfort or cannot be pushed back inside, it’s essential to seek medical treatment, as prolonged prolapse can lead to complications such as strangulation or infection.

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9. Constipation

Chronic constipation is a major risk factor for hemorrhoids, and it can also be a symptom. When constipation leads to straining during bowel movements, it increases pressure on the veins in the rectum, leading to swelling and the formation of hemorrhoids. The harder and drier the stool, the more straining is required, which can worsen hemorrhoid symptoms and cause further damage to the veins.

If you frequently experience constipation, especially if it’s accompanied by other signs of hemorrhoids like pain or bleeding, it’s crucial to address the underlying issue. Increasing fiber intake, staying hydrated, and using stool softeners can help ease constipation and reduce the risk of worsening hemorrhoids.

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8. Anal Discomfort After Bowel Movements

Hemorrhoids can cause discomfort or a lingering ache after bowel movements. This discomfort may be mild at first but can become more intense if the hemorrhoids are left untreated. The sensation often feels like pressure or fullness in the rectal area and can last for several minutes to hours after going to the bathroom.

You may notice this symptom if you experience a persistent feeling of discomfort or fullness in the anus after passing stool. If this sensation occurs frequently, it’s likely related to hemorrhoids, and addressing the problem early can prevent further irritation.


7. Visible Blood on Stool

In addition to seeing blood on toilet paper, some individuals with hemorrhoids may notice bright red blood on the surface of their stool. This occurs when internal hemorrhoids become irritated or injured during bowel movements. While the sight of blood in the stool can be alarming, hemorrhoid-related bleeding is usually not dangerous. However, persistent bleeding should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out more serious conditions.

You can spot this symptom by inspecting your stool after bowel movements. If you notice small streaks of blood on the stool’s surface, especially if it’s bright red, it’s likely related to hemorrhoids. Continued bleeding may indicate more severe hemorrhoid issues or other gastrointestinal problems that require medical attention.


6. Leakage of Feces

In more severe cases of hemorrhoids, especially with large internal hemorrhoids, individuals may experience fecal leakage. This occurs when the hemorrhoids prevent the anus from closing properly, leading to a loss of control over bowel movements. Fecal leakage can be embarrassing and uncomfortable, as it may cause irritation and infection in the anal area.

You may recognize this symptom if you notice small amounts of stool in your underwear after bowel movements or throughout the day. If fecal leakage occurs regularly, it’s important to seek medical help, as this can be a sign of more advanced hemorrhoid issues that may require surgical intervention.


5. Thrombosed Hemorrhoids (Clotted Blood)

Thrombosed hemorrhoids are external hemorrhoids that have developed a blood clot inside them. This condition can cause sudden, severe pain, as the clot blocks blood flow to the affected area, leading to swelling and inflammation. Thrombosed hemorrhoids may appear as hard lumps near the anus, and they can become extremely tender and painful to the touch.

If you experience sharp, intense pain near your anus and notice a hard lump, it’s possible you have a thrombosed hemorrhoid. This condition often requires more immediate medical attention, as the pain can be debilitating. In some cases, the clot may need to be surgically removed to relieve the pressure and alleviate the pain.


4. Mucus on Underwear

In addition to mucus discharge on toilet paper, individuals with internal hemorrhoids may notice a slimy, mucus-like residue in their underwear. This can be uncomfortable and cause irritation or itching in the anal area, especially if the discharge is frequent. Mucus discharge is a sign that the internal hemorrhoids are irritated, and it can lead to further complications if left untreated.

You may notice this symptom if you frequently find clear or whitish mucus stains in your underwear. If this discharge is accompanied by other hemorrhoid symptoms, it’s important to seek treatment to prevent worsening irritation or infection.

Prolonged Sitting Or Standing

3. Prolonged Sitting or Standing Worsens Symptoms

Prolonged sitting or standing can exacerbate hemorrhoid symptoms, as these positions place additional pressure on the rectal veins. For individuals with hemorrhoids, extended periods of sitting or standing can cause discomfort, swelling, and an increase in pain, especially when external hemorrhoids are present. This can make it difficult to work, travel, or engage in activities that require long periods of sitting.

If you notice that sitting or standing for long periods worsens your symptoms, it’s a clear sign that your hemorrhoids are becoming more irritated. Taking frequent breaks to move around, using cushions designed for hemorrhoid relief, or adjusting your posture can help alleviate the pressure and discomfort.


2. Feeling of Fullness in the Rectum

Hemorrhoids, particularly internal ones, can create a sensation of fullness or pressure in the rectum. This feeling may persist even after a bowel movement, making it uncomfortable to sit or move around. The sensation of fullness is often caused by swollen hemorrhoids pressing on the rectal walls, creating the false impression that you still need to pass stool.

You may notice this symptom if you frequently feel like you need to go to the bathroom, even after just having a bowel movement. This feeling of fullness is a sign that your hemorrhoids are inflamed and may require treatment to reduce the swelling and discomfort.


1. Severe Pain and Swelling

Severe pain and swelling around the anus, particularly if accompanied by hard lumps or bleeding, can indicate a serious case of hemorrhoids, such as thrombosed external hemorrhoids. The intense swelling can make sitting, walking, or performing daily activities extremely painful, and it may require immediate medical intervention. In cases of severe swelling, the hemorrhoid may need to be surgically treated to relieve the pressure and prevent further complications.

You may recognize this symptom if the pain becomes unbearable, especially if it is sudden and sharp, or if the swelling persists despite home treatment. Severe hemorrhoids may require more aggressive medical care, such as minor surgery or other procedures to reduce the swelling and alleviate the pain.
