
10 Colors and Their Health Benefits

6. Violet Color therapists assume that violet color is the shade of the crown ‘Chakra’ (which is the center of trust, happiness and connectivity with one’s… Melisa Silver - April 10, 2016

We love to learn certain psychological facts and horoscope clues, though we might not even completely believe in them, isn’t it so?

How many of you still rush up every morning to grab the newspaper lying in your mailbox, just to slip away the page containing horoscopes and scientific facts? Many of us would agree with it.

This piece of blog post has brought you something which is not a myth or a brain-tricking fact. Science has discovered some mind freaking and unusual impacts of different colors on human health, which are actually found to be authentic through various studies and research.

How could red color make your day? Or how could the green color ward off your illness? Curious to know? Well then click on the next button to discover which color affects your health and in what ways.

A monochrome rainbow in a red sky
A monochrome rainbow in a red sky

1. Red

The vibrancy of the red color is enough to boost one’s mood. But that’s not the end. We are not talking about a mere theory here. In fact, it has been proven that red color brings out the athlete in you. A study published in the journal ‘Nature’ in the year 2005 claimed that teams in red win more often than teams in blue. In several Olympic sports games, as studied by researchers from Britain that red teams have achieved more victories.

A study that was published in the journal ‘Appetite’ says that red color acts as a stop sign when it comes to eating. Subjects included in this study were observed to eat less from red plates and drink less from red glasses. Hence those trying hard to cut down upon food, surround yourself with this color.


2. Green

Green means ‘good health’. It is a fairly common practice to wear fresh green clothes when out for visiting a patient, since this color ignites a feeling of healthiness.

Green is nature’s color. This is the reason why moving to places surrounded with greenery gives pleasure and boosts health. Talking about color-meaning perception, a study was conducted to observe public’s approach and attitude towards green color food labels and food labels of other colors. Although there was no difference in the contents of the packets, however, the food labeled green was perceived to be healthier by people in general. For example, study no: 1 of the research setup concluded that people preferred candy bars with green calorie labels as compared to candy bars with red calorie labels.


3. Blue

In a research that included testing the impact of different wavelengths of light on the human circadian rhythm, it was observed that the light wavelength which lies within the range of blues has the greatest ability to reset the biological clock, whereas there was a significant decline in that associated with greens, and a mild boost in that of red.

Moreover, blue color is used to stimulate the feelings of peace in the mind. It is also considered to be a meditating color.


4. Yellow

There is a long list of health benefits that are associated with the color yellow. Yellow is for ‘sunshine’. Hence it is mostly associated with joy, happiness and hope. Moreover, this shade is meant to bring out the perception of self-respect, self-control, uplifting, contentment, decision-making and cleansing in oneself.

Surrounding depressed people with yellow-colored objects can help them in fast recovery. This method is also good for beating out negativity, fatigue and lack of confidence in one’s personality.


5. Orange

Since this color stands in between the two variations of its shades, that are red and yellow, the orange color is associated with health benefits that combine the strength of red and the joy of yellow. This shade is counted among ‘warm colors’, as it gives the human body a sensation of heat.

Increased determination, boosted enthusiasm and high levels of strength are some boons that the orange color imparts to human health.


6. Violet

Color therapists assume that violet color is the shade of the crown ‘Chakra’ (which is the center of trust, happiness and connectivity with one’s own self). According to therapists, violet affects the entire body, both physically and mentally. They say that it stimulates the spleen, adds to the bone growth and maintains the body’s electrolyte balance. Psychologically, the color brings out inspiration and humility in the personality and is good for provoking dream activity.


7. Pink

Those who say pink is for girls only, ponder over this myth at the end of the paragraph. Pink stands for gratitude, appreciation and love, and these characteristics are not linked with a specific gender. It stimulates the feelings of tranquility, warmth and nurture in one’s personality. The color is really good when it comes to reassuring and calming one’s emotions.


8. Grey

Despite the dark characteristic of this shade, the color grey is associated with ‘neutrality’. However, too much of grey can bring out negativity, depression, low moods, lack of energy and shrinking confidence in your personality.


9. Black

Black is not a shade actually; it marks the ‘absence of any color’. Things appear black when they do not reflect back any light, indicating that all seven shades of the light have been absorbed in the object. Black color is associated with glamour, security and sophistication. However, it is widely used to express sadness and grief.


10. White

An object is white when it reflects back all the seven colors. White stands for ‘purity’, ‘equality’ and ‘peace’. Cleanliness, hygiene and sterility are all associated with white. It also represents coolness, since it is the color of snow.
