
Natural Antibiotics That Actually Work

Pharmaceutical antibiotics are undoubtedly one of humanity’s greatest inventions. They help to save many people’s lives who would otherwise have died from various infections. Different types… Simi - June 5, 2018

Pharmaceutical antibiotics are undoubtedly one of humanity’s greatest inventions. They help to save many people’s lives who would otherwise have died from various infections. Different types of pharmaceutical antibiotics are available. Using different kinds, you can treat bacterial infections and some kinds of parasites. The trouble with antibiotics, though, is that they can’t treat infections that are caused by viruses or fungi. This means that infections like colds, flu, many types of coughs, and sore throats are immune to antibiotics treatment. Another problem with antibiotics these days is that they are over-prescribed at times. This is dangerous because the misuse and overuse of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance.

This is when an antibiotic has lost the ability to control or kill bacteria. In other words, the bacteria are now resistant, and they continue to multiply. Despite the presence of an antibiotic, infection tends to get worse. The good news is that nature has provided us with many natural antibiotics. These also help to fight many infections. They might not be enough to treat severe infections. But, they can sometimes be useful as an adjunct treatment along with what your doctor has prescribed. Read on for 15 natural antibiotics

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1. Garlic

This pungent little bulb beloved by many food lovers is, according to science, a natural antibiotic, with antiviral and antifungal properties. A 1999 study found that garlic contains sulfur compounds called allicins. These act as natural antibiotics. A study in 2011 confirmed the previous study’s findings, using garlic in the form of an extract. Besides, to its germ-killing abilities, garlic also contains a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are beneficial to the body. Garlic is low in calories, but it is rich in Manganese, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C. It also contains significant amounts of iron, Vitamin B1, phosphorus, potassium, and copper.

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Garlic can also help to kill intestinal parasites. To do this, eat 2 or 3 raw cloves of garlic every day on an empty stomach. Include garlic in your cooking, as well. You can also take garlic supplements to protect yourself against various diseases and pathogens. It is a good idea to consult a doctor before starting to take any supplement. Garlic is safe to consume, but its huge doses have the potential to cause internal bleeding. This is particularly important when considering garlic supplements or extract. Do not exceed the recommended dose. People who take blood-thinning medication should consult a doctor before taking garlic for antibiotic purposes. Remember garlic can amplify the effects of this kind of drug.

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2. Honey

For centuries, honey is prevalent in medicine for its antimicrobial and wound-healing properties. Herbalists those who prefer natural to pharmaceutical therapies still look to it as one of nature’s best natural antibiotics. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. In 2014, a study presented to the American Chemical Society found that honey cam fight infection on many levels. This makes the development of resistance to it far more difficult. Honey is high in sugar, but also contains hydrogen peroxide, polyphenols, and is high in acidity and osmotic effect. Enzymatic production of hydrogen peroxide is what gives most honey they antimicrobial properties. But, some types of honey are non-peroxide, such as Manuka honey. Studies have found that these non-peroxide honey also display significant antibacterial effects. This is because of honey’s low pH level, and high sugar content, both of which are likely to hinder microbial growth. As per laboratory testing, medical grade honey has potent bactericidal activity against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. But, not all honey is equal.

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To get the antimicrobial effects of honey, always choose honey that is raw and organic. Manuka is also a good choice. It is particularly beneficial in topical wound treatment where there is S. pyogenes infection. Topically applied, honey also keeps the wound moist and provides a barrier against infection. To keep your immune system healthy, mix equal quantities of honey and powdered cinnamon, and consume once daily. Other ways of enjoying honey and its health benefits include adding it to tea, juices or smoothies. You should never give honey to babies under one year of age. This is because of the risk of botulism.

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3. Oregano oil

Oregano, sometimes known as oreganum, is a fragrant herb often used to flavor food. Although native to Europe, it grows all over the world. The ancient Romans and Greeks utilized oregano for many medical applications. Its name even comes from the Greek to mean ‘joy of the mountain.’ In ancient times, brides and grooms were festooned with crowns of oregano as a symbol of happiness. There are many species of oregano, but only the oil made from Origanum vulgare and Thymus capitatus have therapeutic value. Oregano contains a lot of potent compounds, including phenols. These phenols are natural phytochemical compounds that act as powerful antioxidants to fight free radicals. These are effective against Candida, staphylococcus, E. coli, campylobacter, salmonella, klebsiella, giardia, pseudomonas, and listeria.

Oregano oil. Image via Freepik


Oregano also contains antibacterial terpenes, as well as a host of other disease-fighting agents. It also includes nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, manganese, copper, boron, and niacin. Oregano oil has a wide variety of medicinal uses, including antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. To help kill parasites and ease infections, dilute one drop of oregano oil with some coconut or other carrier oil. Place it under your tongue and hold it there for a few minutes. Then rinse your mouth. Do this four times a day. For a sinus infection or blocked nose, put a few drops of oregano oil into a basin or pot of steaming water. Place a towel over your head and shoulders to keep in the steam and inhale the fragrant vapors.

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4. Olive leaf extract

Part of the Oleaceae family that also includes jasmine and lilacs, the olive tree is an evergreen shrub or tree that is native to the Mediterranean, Africa, and Asia. It bears small, white flowers that, when pollinated, turn into the olive fruit that we know so well. The leaves are silvery green in color and grow to a most of about 10 centimeters long and 3 centimeters wide. Some researchers say that the olive tree originated in the region of ancient Persia and Mesopotamia, approximately 6,000 to 7,000 years ago.

The olive leaf was first used for medical purposes in Ancient Egypt, where it symbolized divine power. The olive leaf has been a powder, a herbal tea, and as an extract. Olive leaves contain many bioactive compounds with antioxidant, antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic and anti-hypertensive properties. There is growing evidence of the power of olive leaves for medicinal purposes. It includes benefits to both the immune and cardiovascular systems. In the early 19th Century, crushed olive leaves in drinks helped to lower fevers. Later on, they started using it in tea form for malaria. In Morocco, olive leaf infusions help to stabilize blood sugar, and control diabetes.

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The magic ingredient in olive leaf is oleuropein, a polyphenol that has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. While olive is a staple food in a country like Lebanon, Syria, Spain, Italy, France, and Morocco. Olive leaf is well-known for its medicinal effects outside of olive-eating traditional nations. Research has shown the effectiveness of olive leaf extract against many foodborne bacteria. These include Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli and others. It was used to reduce bacteria present in organic leafy green vegetables, and in shrimp.

It can also increase the quality and shelf-life of meat. The easiest way to get olive leaf extract is to buy it from a health store or online. Make sure it is organic for best results. You can also buy olive leaf tea bags. You should steep them in hot water for 10 minutes before drinking. Add organic honey for the best antimicrobial effects.

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5. Turmeric

The word turmeric comes from the Persian word for saffron. It has been used in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries for its ‘superfood’ properties. Well-known for giving the yellow color to curries, turmeric is not a tasty spice. It turns out that turmeric has antibiotic features, as well as anti-inflammatory. It also has cancer-fighting abilities. According to a 2009 study, curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. It had positive effects against Helicobacter pylori. This is a common bacterium that causes stomach ulcers.

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Curcumin has potent anti-inflammatory effects and is a powerful antioxidant. The trouble is that turmeric only contains about 3% curcumin by weight. Most studies on turmeric use turmeric extracts that contain curcumin at high doses. Using turmeric in your food is not enough to gain significant benefits from the spice. Curcumin supplements are very beneficial for health. Curcumin is also not well absorbed into the bloodstream. For better absorption, consume black pepper with it. For example, you could swallow a couple of whole peppercorns with your daily curcumin supplement to enhance absorption. Another way of reaping the benefits of turmeric is to mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with six tablespoons of raw, organic honey. Store this in an airtight jar, and swallow a ½ teaspoon of this mixture twice a day. You could also take turmeric supplements of 400 to 600 mg twice daily. As always, do consult your doctor before taking a supplement for the first time.

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6. Echinacea

You might know echinacea as something people take for colds and flu. But did you know that it is also known for its antibiotic properties? Native to the eastern part of America’s Rocky Mountains, as well as western states, Canada and Europe, there are several different species of the plant. You can use it for medicinal purposes. The Great Plains Indian tribes used the root, leaves, and flowers of the plant in traditional herb remedies. Settlers later adopted their methods. Its popularity waned with the discovery of synthetic antibiotics. But, there is growing interest in the herb because of problems with the effectiveness of specific antibiotics against some bacteria. Echinacea is effectively used against a variety of infections such as septicemia (infections of the bloodstream), tonsillitis, streptococcus infections, and urinary tract infections.

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Sometimes, applying Echinacea to the skin helps in fighting infections. You can use it to treat boils, gum disease, burns, and more. Echinacea is available in many forms, including tea, juice, and tablet. Some concerns have come up about the quality of some echinacea products on the market. Some so-called echinacea products don’t contain it at all, so be sure of the quality of the product that you buy. You can apply echinacea cream or ointment to disinfect wounds, as well as treating eczema and psoriasis. To help keep infections at bay, drink one or two cups of echinacea tea a day. You can also take echinacea supplements of 300mg, two or three times per day. As always make sure you consult your doctor before starting to take any supplement. Note that unless directed by your doctor, you should not take echinacea for more than one week. Also, this herb might not be suitable for people with autoimmune disorders. Consult your doctor if in doubt.

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7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another spice that we are using for thousands of years. There is evidence that Ancient Egyptians were using the spice as a perfuming agent during the embalming process as long ago as 2,000 BCE. It is also mentioned in the Bible’s Old Testament as an ingredient used in anointing oil. As per history, Arab traders brought it to Europe, where it proved very popular. Only small quantities were available, turning cinnamon into a status symbol in Europe during the Middle Ages. Cinnamon has a stronger ability to preserve meats. Arab traders were secretive about the source of the spice, and many opposing tales abounded. Finally, around 1518, Portuguese traders found cinnamon in Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka. By 1800, cinnamon was no longer particularly rare or expensive because it was now cultivated in other parts of the world.

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Cinnamon has antibacterial properties. When combined with honey (see above), they make a compelling duo to fight off infection. Taken daily together, they can help to prevent both bacterial and viral infections. They also help to strengthen infection-fighting white blood cells. Honey and cinnamon in water can heal coughs and colds, as well as bladder infections. Made into a paste, these two power ingredients can help to ease the pain of a toothache, as well as treat many skin infections. A study conducted by surgeons found that cinnamon oil in solution can kill many of the common infections. It is available in hospitals, such as MRSA and streptococcus. The oil uses are effective as synthetic antiseptics in the fight against infection. In another study, French scientists found that cinnamon oil uses 10% strength or less. It can fight various bacterial strains that are resistant to conventional antibiotics, including E. coli and Staphylococcus.

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8. Eucalyptus

The Eucalyptus genus is a vast group of trees and shrubs that dominate the trees of Australia. There are over 700 species, native to Australia, but also in small numbers in New Guinea and Indonesia. The oil extracted from the eucalyptus tree applies to many areas, including fuels, perfumes, as an insect repellant, and as an antimicrobial agent. In a study published in 2012, it shows that the oil from Eucalyptus globulus leaves is effective against both gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli, and against gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. Another study shows the oil’s efficacy against other bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as well against viruses and fungi, including Candida. The oil also has significant anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, spasmolytic, and immune-stimulatory effects.

Eucalyptus oil. Image via Freepik


Inhalation of the vapors of Eucalyptus oil can give relief for both purulent and non-purulent respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Although Eucalyptus people have been using it for many years for medicinal purposes, it is only recently that it has fallen under the scientific spotlight. Eucalyptus oil is also safe to use. It acts against a broad spectrum of microbes, so it is likely to make an attractive alternative to pharmaceuticals and synthetic drugs. In fact, towards the end of the 19th Century, English hospitals were using eucalyptus oil to clean urinary catheters. Modern research is starting to back up practices such as these. In 2016, Serbian researchers found that a combination of a particular type of eucalyptus oil and traditional antibiotics could lead to the development of new strategies to treat certain infections. This might, they say, reduce the need for synthetic antibiotics.

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9. Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is a product in which miniscule particles of pure silver gets suspended in either demineralized water or another liquid. Many claims of both systemic and topical successes with colloidal silver are in the making. For example, some people say that it can make a cold go away faster. Others say it can even treat cancer or HIV/AIDS. It uses it as an antibacterial agent that you can consume or use topically as a wound dressing. In the early 20th Century, Alfred Searle founded the Searle pharmaceutical company, found that colloidal silver kills pathogens, even the deadliest ones. He claimed that the substance killed microbes without harming the person. In fact, recent research discovered that colloidal silver could kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA, bird flu, and SARS.

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According to some sources, taking silver orally is not recommended. Detractors say that it can build up over time in the body tissues and give your skin and mucous membranes a grayish look. This is symptomatic of a condition called agyria, which is not reversible, but not dangerous on its own. Others have claimed that colloidal silver interferes with the way in which your body absorbs certain drugs. It includes antibiotics and medication prescribed for thyroid deficiencies. Pregnant women and nursing mothers who wish to use colloidal silver as an alternative to cold and flu medications should know that no study has shown the safety of colloidal silver in either scenario. It is, they say, safer to avoid colloidal silver when pregnant or nursing. Topical use, but, might be beneficial. Applying silver ointments to the skin could help to heal skin wounds, treat acne, and treat conjunctivitis in newborns because of its antimicrobial properties.

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10. Cayenne pepper

From the plant genus Capsicum, cayenne pepper is a pungent spice available for thousands of years for its healing and antibiotic properties. It turns out that this ancient remedy is now getting validation from science for having natural antibiotic powers. Cayenne peppers come from a shrub that initially grew in South and Central America. It now becomes in subtropical and tropical climates. The shrubs bear hollow, long, pod-type fruits that turn yellow, orange or red when ripe. It turns out these colorful little fruits are full of nutrition, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, potassium, and flavonoids. These have potent antioxidant properties to fight free radicals from harming the body. Cayenne peppers are low in calories, contain no cholesterol, and contain significant amounts of vitamin A.

Cayenne pepper. Image via Freepik


Named Cayenne after the capital city of French Guiana, seeds from the plant were lying on the cave floors where ancient humans lived. In fact, fossil evidence shows that people were eating these peppers as long ago as 7000 BCE. Consumed by the Hunza people of Asia it is a staple component of their diet. Interestingly, these people live to over a hundred years of age. Some say it is because of the cayenne peppers they eat every day. Nowadays, cayennes are everywhere, and they are gaining a reputation for their health-giving benefits. A recent weight loss regime and detox program is the cayenne pepper diet, which helps to ‘cleanse’ and flush out toxins from the body. Rather than taking radical action, you can incorporate cayenne peppers can into your diet. You can buy then in fresh, dried, and in powder form. Choose the freshest raw chilies that are bright red, with healthy skin and stem. Store inside the refrigerator inside a sealed container and they will stay fresh for around a week.

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11. Myrrh extract

Most people have heard of myrrh as the companion to gold and frankincense in the biblical story of the birth of Jesus. But myrrh gains familiarity for generations for various beneficial properties. Myrrh is a reddish resin or sap-like substance that emanates from a small, thorny tree Commiphora myrrha. These trees are native to northeastern Africa, as well as adjacent areas on the Arabian Peninsula. Myrrh is related to frankincense and is one of the world’s most widely-used essential oils. The myrrh tree has a knotty trunk and bears few leaves due to the dry conditions in which it lives. To harvest myrrh resin, making cuts into the tree trunks helps to release the resin. Allow the resin to dry and then collect it. Myrrh essential oil from the sap provides the means of steam distillation. The word ‘myrrh’ comes from the Arabic word ‘murr,’ meaning bitter. The oil has a sweet and smoky aroma, that is sometimes bitter. It is yellow-orange and is viscous in consistency. It is often used in perfumes and other fragrance products.

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But myrrh is also known as a natural treatment for a host of conditions, including infections. In fact, some tests show it to be so powerful that it was able to kill bacterial strains that are resistant to many antibiotics. Some people use myrrh to treat gum disease and other infections, but it takes a lot more research before traditional doctors prescribe myrrh as a medication. Myrrh shows promise in the laboratory and is being studied for its effectiveness in treating many bacteria. These include Staphylococcus aureus, which causes nasty skin infections that can become dangerous, and Enterococcus faecalis, which can cause meningitis, tooth infections, urinary tract infections, and more. Studies are going on to know its application against acne, food poisoning, and various other infections.

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12. Thyme essential oil

Thyme is a woody herb that most of us know from cooking. In fact, it is an aromatic, perennial, evergreen herb that has not only culinary uses but also medicinal. It belongs to the genus Thymus from the mint family and is a relative of oregano (see above). Thyme is available to human beings for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks believed it gave people courage, so they put it in their baths and burnt it as incense in their temples of worship. The ancient Egyptians, who are well-known for preserving bodies after death, used thyme as an embalming ingredient. Thyme spreads through Europe via the Romans, who used it in food and drinks and also to purify their houses. In the Middle Ages, Europeans often placed a sprig of the herb under their pillows to aid sleep and keep nightmares at bay.

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In present times, women gave gifts containing thyme in the belief that it would bring courage to a warrior. Europeans in the Middle Ages also put thyme on top of coffins as an assurance of passage into the next life. The essential oil of common thyme, Thymus vulgaris, contains a wide range of compounds, including 20 to 54% thymol. This substance is the active ingredient in many commercial types of mouthwash, including Listerine, as well as some alcohol-free hand sanitizers and household cleaners. Before synthetic antibiotics came into being, using thyme oil to medicate bandages for wounds was too common. It has more recently been found to be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In fact, a study conducted in 2011 found that thyme essential oil had significant effects on 120 strains of bacteria. These bacteria were taken as a sample from hospital patients suffering from various infections, as well as from the hospital environment itself.

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13. Grapefruit seed extract

The grapefruit is a citrus tree from subtropical regions that produces somewhat bitter fruit. It is a hybrid that originated in Barbados accidentally by crossing two introduced species: the sweet orange and the pomelo. Both of these came from Asia in the 1600s. The reason it called a grapefruit is that the fruits grow in clusters that look somewhat like bunches of grapes. Kimball Atwood was a pioneer in the early American citrus industry. After founding the Atwood Grapefruit Company in the late 1800s, the Atwood Grove became the world’s largest grapefruit grove, producing 80,000 boxes of fruit a year. The pink grapefruit was first discovered there in the early 20th Century. Developed initially as an anti-parasitic, grapefruit seed extract is effective against various bacterial, yeast, viral, fungal, and parasitic infections. While grapefruits and grapefruit essential oil can benefit the immune system, help reduce cellulite, and aid weight loss, grapefruit seed extract has a different set of benefits.

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Taking grapefruit seed extract is controversial because not enough research has been conducted into the effects of the extract on humans. The controversy stems from some commercial brands of the extract being contaminated with dangerous substances such as triclosan and benzethonium chloride. So, it is essential to use only quality extract and always to read the ingredients before use. Scientific research shows that pure, unadulterated grapefruit seed extract can kill many different kinds of infectious microbes. In fact, alternative health practitioners say that the extract can combat various health problems such as athlete’s foot, Candida infections, earache, throat infections, and diarrhea. It has also shown excellent results fighting strep infections, salmonella, flu, herpes, E. coli, Staphylococcus, parasites, and many more pathogenic microbes.

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14. Chili peppers

Most of us know chili peppers for the heat and flavor they add to foods, and for their pungent aroma. But it’s not only food that benefits from these hot little wonders. It turns out that they are being explored for their anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties. In fact, research is underway to look at the potential of chili pepper extracts in food instead of artificial preservatives. Food scientists and humans, in general, will benefit from scientific evidence that chili peppers have antimicrobial properties that can act even against antibiotic-resistant food-borne pathogens.

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The use of chili peppers by humans dates back to prehistoric times. Preserved peppers found in South America prove that local people ate chilies as long ago as 2500 BCE. They became available to people in other parts of the world in the 1200s. The chili pepper is a member of the Solanaceae family and is closely related to tomatoes, eggplant, tobacco, petunia, and potato plants. They usually grow in warm, humid areas like the tropics and sub-tropics, where people enjoy the fruits as food. However, studies of the medicines used by the Mayan people of Mesoamerica have shown that chili peppers were used in various doses. Ailments treated by these peppers included an earache, sores, bowel problems, and respiratory ailments. While they have high concentrates of several nutrients such as vitamin C, these little fruits have already shown a high degree of activity affecting the digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Some of the bacteria against which chili peppers have proved to be useful in the laboratory are Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, Salmonella, cholera, and Staphylococcus.

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15. Berries

Besides being delicious, berries such as blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries are also suitable for fighting urinary tract infections and other bladder problems, which can be painful and uncomfortable. The Natural Medicine Database conducted a study that found that drinking cranberry juice could prevent urinary tract infections in older women and pregnant women by acting against E. coli bacteria. The contention is that the juice might prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls, eventually causing infection. And it’s not the cranberry juice that is effective. It turns out that blueberry juice contains similar immune-stimulating compounds and antioxidants to cranberry juice and prevents urinary tract infections in the same way. In early 2018, a 15-year-old Irish boy called Simon Meehan won a young scientists award for a surprising discovery he had made. He found that compounds contained in blackberries were able to form antibiotics that kill Staphylococcus aureus, which is often known as the deadly MRSA bacterium that is resistant to pharmaceutical antibiotics.

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In other studies, researchers looked at Brazilian pepper tree berries that are used by traditional healers in the Amazon forest. What they found was more than they bargained for. They discovered that the berry could fight off life-threatening infections such as MRSA. This is important because of the rise of antibiotic resistance. A British government-commissioned report predicts that antimicrobial resistance could kill 10 million people worldwide by 2050. Research undertaken at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia found that the pepper tree compounds worked differently from synthetic antibiotics. Instead of destroying bacteria, they disarm them by preventing them from excreting the toxins they use to damage tissue. The great benefit of the pepper tree berry is that unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, they leave beneficial bacteria intact, thus preventing damage to the entire immune system. This allows the body to activate its normal immune system to heal a wound or infection.
