Humans often like to share treats with their kitties, including some of their food. The problem is that some food that’s safe for humans is not safe for cats. Cats have different nutritional needs than humans, and even some foods your cat loves might wreak havoc on their digestive system. This awareness has discouraged many cat lovers from giving their kitties any “people” food. Humans are omnivores, and cats are classified as obligate carnivores. That is a special class of meat-eater that has come to rely on a diet of meat only. Some human foods are safe for cats to eat.
Cats derive their energy from protein, not carbohydrates. Unlike humans, cats don’t need to eat vegetables, although some cats will chomp on plants now and then to get a bit of roughage. Once you find out which foods they can eat, you can feel free to share your food with them now and then. Alternatively, you can make some delicious treats for them. An average cat needs about 200 to 250 calories a day, and snacks should make up no more than 20 calories a day. Moderation is essential when feeding your cat human food. Here are 40 foods you can safely feed your feline friend.

40. Avocados
Avocados are all the rage right now; you have probably seen many avocado pieces of toast and avocado pictures used as a topping to many popular dishes. Avocado is very high in fat, and you often see it as a staple to a ketogenic diet. Avocado is okay for cats to eat, but only in tiny quantities. If cats eat a large amount of avocado, it can be deadly – so give this to your cat as a treat at your own discretion, or ask your veterinarian first to be on the safe side. Avocados are packed with vitamins and minerals that can be healthy for your cat.

Avocados are full of vitamins A, C, E, and B6. All of these vitamins can aid in your cat’s overall health, and it will immensely help their coat be shiny and help if they have dry skin. It is only okay to give your cats small amounts of avocado and should only be done seldom. Avocados are full of healthy fats and amino acids, which are great for their diet. Make sure only to give your cat the avocado flesh as well – do not feed your cat avocado skin or the avocado pit. If you don’t like it, then neither will your cat!