
40 Reasons Why Free Play is Essential for Child Development

  NEXT >> Trista Smith - September 15, 2019

There is something special about watching a child at play. The whole world seems to be at their fingertips. Playing is an important part of childhood, and many experts stress the importance of free play as part of a young child’s development. Free play is considered the unstructured and voluntary activity that provides children the opportunity to use their imaginations while they explore the world around them.

While guided activity promotes a certain response, children can dictate what happens during free play. This spontaneous play activity allows them to experience things the way they see them, and it sparks the natural curiosity. There are several other reasons why children benefit from free play. Check out these 40 important facts about free play and how they could be beneficial.

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1. Free Play Lets Kids Be Kids

Free play is defined as unstructured and voluntary activity that a child chooses what he or she would like to do. It is spontaneous and creative. They get to decide what to do. Some examples of items used in free play include dolls, building blocks, molding clay, crayons and paper, and other kinds of toys.

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When children are allowed to dictate what and how they want to play, they are allowed to express their emotions. Children are encouraged to use their imagination in creative ways. Toys can only be used one way, whereas passive activities like playing video games on a tablet do not spark the same kind of creativity.

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2. Free Play Promotes Physical Development

While they are playing, the children are growing as active play is important for physical development. The Child Development Institute states that 75 percent of brain development occurs after birth, and the physical development is needed to connect nerve cells and the brain.

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Once these connections are developed, many skills are improved, such as fine motor skills, language, socialization, and personal awareness. Sports and other physical activities strengthen muscle control, coordination, and reflexes. The children are encouraged to push limits, try new things, and grow in the process.

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3. Free Play Can Begin At Any Age

It is never too early to learn through playing because there is no limited age to free play. Experts have indicated that infants have also benefited from play activities. This is especially true at the very start of life when they are surrounded by loving and supportive family members who are committed to their well being.

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By starting early, parents are nurturing a lifetime of learning for their infants. Some ideas for interactive infant play include games like peek-a-boo, talking and asking questions while waiting for a coo as a response and letting the infant track an object as you move it slowing from the baby’s eyesight. As your child grows, you can incorporate more complicated games in their free play.

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4. Important Indicators in Playtime Learning

When children play, there are several ways that parents and educators can see if young students are conducting in free play learning. For example, free play promotes choice and wonder. Children are showing that they are given choices by setting goals, sharing ideas, developing new plans, making rules, and deciding how long to play. They are also exploring, creating, pretending, and learning from trial and error.

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Perhaps one of the biggest indicators of playful learning is seeing the delight on the children’s faces. These kids are smiling, laughing, being silly, and are feeling at ease with their surroundings. How amazing it is to see their young minds work in ways that they truly enjoy.

siblings together playing with toys in home. Image via Freepik


5. Free Play Promotes Intellectual Function

Executive function skills are also important as children grow and mature. These are important to have as they get older. Studies have found that free play builds content knowledge and creative thinking. When they are building blocks or drawing a picture, the children at play are also counting, classifying, and creating patterns.

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Other kinds of free play can strengthen other intellectual skills. For example, a dramatic play promotes storytelling in a sensible order and a richer vocabulary in the dialogue. These skills will become especially important as the children get older and are given more writing assignments in school.

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6. Recess Is Important

Children are mobile by nature, and unfortunately, many schools have altered their curriculum to cut recess and free play in exchange for more classroom time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in 2017 that only eight states in the US have policies requiring daily recess in schools.

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A growing body of research, however, suggests that students are better able to absorb their lessons if they are allowed to free play. An elementary school in Fort Worth, Texas, has expanded its recess time with additional 15-minute breaks throughout the school day. The breaks are built around having unstructured time on the playground. Advocates say the extra recess time not only breaks up the day, but it allows the young pupils to apply what is taught in the classroom.

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7. Free Play Promotes A Healthier Lifestyle

More active children are less likely to develop health problems like obesity. Adding a physical activity and eating healthy food each day is especially important for young children and teens. The Department of Health and Human Services say that children from age six years old to adolescence should receive at least an hour of physical activity each day.

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Free play provides several healthful benefits, including the opportunity to keep their hearts and lungs strong and healthy. Children who engage in exercise are more flexible, develop strong bones, keep a healthy body weight, and lower the risk of serious diseases and health problems. Exercise also improves mood and self-esteem.

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8. Free Play Deters Sedentary Behavior

With free play, children are less likely to develop sedentary behavior habits. Sedentary behavior means the kids are spending time doing very little physical activity, such as watching television, playing video games, or sitting in front of the computer. Time spent in front of screens should be limited, especially for young children.

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The World Health Organization has issued guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior for children who are younger than five years old. Children ages 2 to 4 years old are advised to have no more than one hour of sedentary screen time each day. Experts also say Infants should also receive no more than one hour of restrained time in a high chair or sitting device.

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9. Free Play Allows Children to be Independent

In addition to promoting a more active lifestyle, free play allows children to become more independent. Building a child’s independence is an essential part of child development. The self-reliance helps them realize that they have control over their own lives. Without it, they may be more prone to react in anger and resistance when they are challenged.

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A September 2018 NPR highlighted the Let Grow Initiative, which reaches out to elementary schools across the country and allows participating kids to decide to do something that they had never done before. The homework assignments only had one requirement: no adult direction, just free and child-led play. The play clubs have led to positive effects in the classroom, and the children are more self-assured and confident as a result.

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10. It Can be a Big Confidence Booster

With the newfound confidence built through free play, many children have found that self-importance and that they are worthy of time. By choosing the activity, the child can feel valuable and accomplished. What they say matters, and that can be a big step toward their self-esteem.

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Children who are more confident in themselves are more likely to try new things. They are also more likely to put forth their best effort in all the tasks that they set out to do. Building confidence in students has been known to prevent student dropout rates and encourage attending college. Confidence also ensures that they will maintain their love for learning while they achieve their dreams.

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11. Free Play Can Help Kids Diagnosed with ADD and ADHD

Exercise and free play have been determined to be one of the best natural ways to help children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The physical activity helps raise the dopamine and norepinephrine baseline levels in the brain. The physical activity should be started at a young age in hopes of managing the symptoms and influencing the child’s personal development.

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Not every child who has ADD or ADHD is exactly alike. It is important to find the right activity for each child’s unique set of symptoms. Once this free play activity is established, parents can help promote happiness and self-confidence, along with avoiding a meltdown. Many experts have suggested activities like dancing, aerobic exercises for coordination, and martial arts as part of their treatment plans.

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12. Children Become Leaders in Their Own Playing

Free play allows children to become the stewarts in their own learning. Pretending often mimics how they see the world around them. The drawing of a tree, playing with dolls and building a tower out of blocks become realistic portrayals of their imaginations.

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A study from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that a balanced approach to learning with free play helps pre-kindergarten students process the world at their own pace. While they may not be able to share feelings and thoughts at length, children can use playtime as a way to process complex emotions.

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13. It Encourages Childhood Joy

It is no secret that children enjoy playing because they are having fun. Studies have shown that when teachers and parents incorporate activities that are considered fun, the students are more likely to get involved and participate because the process is more enjoyable and memorable. It is something that they want to do.

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During this free playtime, children can create good memories. A study published in the American Psychological Association in 2018 found that people who have fond memories of childhood tend to have better health, less depression, and fewer chronic illnesses as they became older. Good memories like those in free play had a positive effect on health and well-being.

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14. Free Play Can be Used to Incorporate Life Survival Skills

In addition to helping the children learn motor skills and confidence boosters, children can also learn several tactics that can prove to be beneficial as they grow older. The survival skills can be dressed up in a way where it seems like a game, but the most important lessons can be successful takeaways in other areas as well.

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Some examples of developing these crucial survival skills include “The Lights Out Game,” where the lights are turned off, and children and parents pretend the electricity is out and go over what to do in a power outage drill. Flashlight games, reading by firelight, sleeping in sleeping bags and other tactics can help ease children’s minds during a storm.

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15. Free Play Helps Children Overcome Fears

Playtime can assist children in learning about themselves, and the confidence gained through free play, kids can overcome their fears. Many common fears, like socializing with other peers, can be easily alleviated when children are used to playing with others. It teaches teamwork so children can be more comfortable with who they are as individuals.

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Because social interaction is how children learn to cooperate with others, free play can act as a safe place for children to deal with conflict. Sharing, taking turns, and following and giving instructions are all learned and practiced during free play.

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16. Pretending with Free Play Starts Observations

Famous child entertainer Fred Roger once called play “the work of childhood.” As children grow and develop, children are introduced to more complex ideas through the ways they play. From the time they are infants, children are watching how mouths work and figuring out what movements are needed to use later. They watch facial expressions and body language.

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Watching the world around them when they are small is one of the first ways children are introduced to the world around them. It all starts to make sense to them, and they can articulate how they feel. As they grow and they learn different actions, watch more play, and start to engage in their own child-led activities, children become more in tune with what they believe in.

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17. Free Play Might be a Child’s Favorite Way of Learning

Free play can be a favorite way to learn something new because it often does not feel like the child is learning. The unstructured nature of the lesson promotes other important aspects of growth and development that are just as important as those found in a textbook.

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Children often find new ways to use the toys that are provided. Pre-kindergarten pupils can use silks as costumes or as ways to decorate for a princess party. The possibilities are endless.

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18. It Breaks Up the Boredom

Life can be busy at times, but it is important to make sure to make time when it is needed. Experts state that one of the most impactful ways that parents can do to spark creativity is to factor in free and uninterrupted blocks of time for free play. The freedom to get involved in what they want to do helps break away the monotony of the everyday. It can be something that they look forward to.

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Boredom can come with its own set of benefits, and because free play encourages critical thinking, children have the opportunity to practice making choices, plan their time and create something from nothing. A simple stick could be just the thing that is needed to stir up some creativity for the next adventure.

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19. Free Play Promotes Empathy

Because children are watching others behavior as to how they should act, it is important to be a good influence. Children often adopt empathy and express the value of feelings, and it is easier to engage in those practices when they can connect those feelings with their own experiences.

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Children in free play can connect thoughts, behaviors, and feelings and understand what another person is going through. Strong empathy skills can lead to great successes later in life. Research has shown that empathy builds a sense of security and strengthens relationships with other children.

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20. It Teaches Cause and Effect

One of the first lessons that children learn is how things work. It starts as a simple call and response. Babies learn that when they cry, adults come to them. Shaking a favorite toy will make it rattle. Learning cause and effect is key in helping a child learn that behavior comes with results.

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The lessons do not end when the babies get older. There are quite a few ways to help children learn cause and effect through free play. Toddlers can learn how to open and close a door or flush a toilet. Cause and effect can also be demonstrated while reading books and play-acting.

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21. Free Play Encourages Divergent Thinking

Divergent thinking is the ability to think outside the box and problem solve in ways that are not as obvious or typical. The focus is not on the right answer or finishing on time. It instead focuses on looking for as many possible solutions to the problem at hand. The more solutions that an individual can come up with, the more divergent of a thinker that person has proven to be.

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Because this style of thinking is more spontaneous and free-flowing, it pairs well with pretend play. Children are encouraged to be free thinkers, and the skill will prove to be useful later in life.

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22. Free Play Can Be Dangerous (In a Good Way!)

Experts believe that free play provides a chance for young children to practice many useful and crucial skills, including an important emotional skill – fear. Children can learn how to regulate fear and anger while maintaining emotional control in real-life situations.

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“Dangerous” play has been described as the emotionally exciting ways that children play in. Children enjoy being chased by a “monster,” climbing the highest tree in the yard, leaping from the swing at the highest point possible or any number of other stunts that their imaginations can come up with. Researchers note that this play had its limits and children challenge themselves with just the amount of fear that they can tolerate.

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23. Free Play Stimulates Logical Reasoning

English researchers discovered more than 30 years ago that young children could solve logic problems in the context of play that they were not able to solve in a more serious and academic context. The four-year-olds in the study who engaged in play were able to complete problems that were thought to be for those studying junior high.

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The study pinpointed the sharp distinction between two different kinds of reasoning — concrete reasoning and abstract reasoning. Because child’s play involves imagination, children are led to think about things as they might be instead of what they currently are. The preschoolers were able to problem solve because they believed they were playing a game.

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24. It Helps Kids Learn What to Do When Problems Arise

Life can be full of disappointments, and knowing when not to give up can be an important lesson to learn. When children are shown that they can weather setbacks, they are more likely to take risks again. What they set out to do may not have worked the first time, but succeeding can still be an option.


Being able to cope with disappointments is a life skill that children need to grow and develop. The setbacks teach what the child views as important, what they find important, and what will make them happy.

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25. Free Play Incorporates Boundaries

Free play does not mean that parents, guardians, and other loved ones cannot be involved in the children’s playtime activities. It also does not mean that there is a lack of order.

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Play can be led by what the child wants to do and still be considered safe and ordered. Parents may be present and ask questions about the activity and respond accordingly to how their children react.

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26. Free Play Can be a Barrel of Laughs

The old adage that laughter is the best medicine has some truth to it. Laughter can make everything better, and there is research that backs it up. The Mayo Clinic states that laughter can be a stress reliever.

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Free play is not only a fun way to pass the time it also provides free expression so children can be as silly as they want. It is all up to them.

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27. Playtime is Considered a Human Right

The United Nations High Commission for Human Rights has deemed the ability to play as a right of every child. Even though it is established as a birthright, playtime is challenged by outside forces that look to rob young people of those opportunities. Child labor, exploitation practices, war and neighborhood violence, and poverty are just some of the obstacles some children face throughout the world.

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Not everyone sees why free play is so important, even in places where access to resources is readily available. Because children deserve the opportunity to create and develop, many advocates for free play have to consider other factors that may interfere with each child getting to reap the advantages.

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28. Free Play Is Also a Special Time for Parents

Mothers and fathers are their children’s first teachers. Because play can begin at any age, mothers, fathers, and other caregivers can be the gateway to assisting children to engage and interact in the world around them. A child’s developmental trajectory is encouraged through their relationships.

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Parents and guardians can use the time spent engaged in free play as a way to see the world through their children’s vantage point. They can immerse themselves in their child’s creative minds as they get a glimpse into how the kids are learning to communicate more effectively. Their nurturing guidance can set another example of how to grow.

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29. Free Play Stresses There Is No Wrong Way to Play

Kids who are immersed in play learn that there is no wrong way to learn, as long as they are learning something. A structured lesson plan is not the only way to build cognitive skills. Children need time to experience and learn from their own surroundings.

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Children-led free play helps them gain cognitive abilities that they will be able to use later in life. They can analyze what is right and wrong by doing and trying something. This trial-and-error process is an important aspect of growing.

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30. Free Play Can Help With Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and depression have risen in the US over the past several decades, and while everyone experiences bouts of sadness, extreme bouts of depression can lead to young people to think about or commit suicide. Suicide is the leading cause of death in children between 10 and 24 years old.

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A renowned expert, Dr. Peter Gray of Boston College has studied the impact of play for decades, and he states that the recent rise in mental health issues may be correlated to a decline in the ability to play. When children are less likely to engage in activities that they direct, they feel like they do not have control over their own lives. They develop a sense that they are alone in the world. Free play encourages social interaction and dispels feelings of isolation.

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31. It Creates Personal Space

When children feel like they are in more in charge of their own destiny, they are more likely to have more positive feelings about themselves. Parents can set up a creative space that encourages free and active play that could be used again and again.

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Parents and guardians are advised to keep the battery-operated toys out of the free play space area in favor of passive toys like blocks and dolls. Children will be less likely to be programmed to sit and watch these toys and instead will be dreaming up their own creative scenarios during their play.

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32. Free Play Should Be Engaging, But Not Overpowering

When you yourself play with your child, remember that you are the assistant and they are the director. Do not send them the message that your ideas are better, that you can teach them, or that you will make it “more fun,” “more educational,” etc. You follow their lead as passively as possible without being disconnected or detached.

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This trains their muscle to take the lead in play and to be the authors so that they aren’t reliant on your inner world, but rather on their own. And they learn that their ideas have value and are worth pursuing, and they don’t need an adult to give them direction.

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33. It Promotes Alone Time

In today’s social world, it can be beneficial for children to learn to play independently. Parents who constantly hover over their children and their activities are known as helicopter parents. Research has shown that this style of parenting is not providing many benefits to their children’s development. Some have even suggested that helicopter parenting may trigger anxiety.

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Parents who want to encourage free play activities can ensure that the space is safe for children at a certain point to be left alone for small amounts of time. They can have age-appropriate toys on hand that encourage and do not interrupt their flow of play. It is important not to interrupt children when they are in the middle of playing. Let them grow and learn at the moment.

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34. Free Play Helps Sharpen Decision-Making Skills

Because free play centers the action on what the children would like to do, it sets up scenarios where the kids are making the decisions. They are in charge.

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One way to help foster those decision-making skills is to play a game called “Would You Rather.” Parents and guardians quiz their children on different questions and let them experience the consequences of what those decisions may be. For example, shorts on a chilly day would mean they experienced cold legs during recess.

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35. It Is All About Exploration

In addition to helping children make decisions, free play time benefits nearly all areas of a child’s development. This is because the activity that they have chosen is all about them and their exploration.

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Children can work out and test what they perceive all in the name of play. Without predetermined rules or guidelines, the child is the master of whatever he or she wants to explore. Anything can and will be possible.

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36. Free Play Can Involve Inventing

The imagination is a powerful trait to have, and free play helps this cognitive development. Children can explore the past and predict the future. Imagination influences everything we do because it is part of everyday life from the moment we are little until we are grown into functional adults.

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Children’s ability to make up their own games and guidelines fosters this creativity. Studies have shown that active imagination can lead to greater successes later in life.

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37. It Builds Relationships with Peers

When children can work together during unstructured play, they can establish their own rules. They collaborate and solve problems with their own resolutions. They take turns, listen, and share. They have the chance to learn on their own how to make friends.

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Preschool friends are instrumental in helping build social and emotional skills. They help with a sense of belonging and can be an important part of managing stress. As children grow, these social relationships become even more important to their social development.

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38. It’s Fun!

One of the reasons that children look forward to free play is because it can be a fun time. It is enjoyable to explore and interact with the world. Children can race through a structure that they created or retreat to a quiet corner for some reflective time with a crayon and paper. Each can be just as fun.

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By trying out what they find as fun, children can take what is available and make it theirs. They can remember what was fun before and try other ways to make it just as fun or different as the previous time. Playgrounds and outdoor space can be just the place for continuous fun.

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39. Free Play Can Mean Time for Praise

Because playing is so natural to children, chances are the children in your life are already engaging in some form of free play in their daily routine. Parents can encourage more of these kinds of activities by telling their children what a good job they are doing and how impressed they are by the tower that they are building.

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It is time to bring back playtime. Free play presents several benefits for children that can help them throughout their life. From babies to school-aged students, many kids can grow and learn all in the name of fun.

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40. The Benefits of Free Play Last a Lifetime

When a child develops an early love for learning, it opens up so many opportunities. Children who love to learn are inquisitive, curious, and more likely to try new things. Learning at a young age is effortless because kids learn for the sheer joy of it. It feels natural.

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Captivating a young mind through free play provides lifelong skills beyond the classroom. A love for learning can be maintained throughout the school years and throughout adulthood. Children may be more likely to pick up a musical instrument or learning a new language.



How Smartphones Affect Our Bodies: The Good, the Bad, and the Radiation

These days, it’s rare to meet someone who doesn’t own a smartphone. Whether you’re a fan of Apple, Samsung, Motorola, or another phone brand, smartphones give… Trista Smith - September 1, 2019

These days, it’s rare to meet someone who doesn’t own a smartphone. Whether you’re a fan of Apple, Samsung, Motorola, or another phone brand, smartphones give us access to the entire internet right in the palm of our hands. They make it easy to communicate with others, get work done, and have fun. Smartphones are also handy for taking great pictures, watching videos, and even meeting new people. In this digital age, it’s hard to imagine not reaching for our phones throughout the day for updates.

Have you ever considered how your smartphone could be impacting your health? Maybe you’ve noticed that your vision has changed. Or that your neck seems sore at the end of the day. Perhaps your thumb begins to cramp after a full day of scrolling through your phone. Experts believe that quite a few medical conditions have cropped up that are entirely caused by the constant use of smartphones. To learn more about your smartphone could be affecting your body, keep reading.


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1. Smartphones 101

Smartphones are different from traditional phones in that they have advanced mobile operating systems and stronger hardware. These devices allow us to browse the internet, listen to music, watch videos, and much more. Phones like these have numerous sensors inside that help to connect to Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and GPS navigation.

Smartphones were originally intended to bridge the gap between PDA devices and cell phones. The early versions of smartphones were bulky and had a short battery life and unreliable data service. In the early 2000s, Windows, Blackberry, and Motorola all had popular smartphones on the market. It wasn’t until the iPhone launched in 2007 that the smartphone truly became mainstream.

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2. A Brief History of Mobile Phones

The development of the smartphone dates back to 1959. That was when the MOSFET, a type of transistor, was built. This device is the basis of all computing devices.

The technology that was advanced through MOSFET led to the building of wireless mobile networks, which are required to operate a smartphone. Because of that technology, several wireless mobile networks were built in the late 1990s, and by the early 2000s, advances had been made to increase bandwidth. Additionally, the lithium-ion battery was invented in the 1980s, commercialized in the 1990s, and became the primary energy source for smartphones.

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3. How It All Works with Hardware

Like computers, smartphones contain a central processing unit, known as a CPU. CPUs in smartphones are designed to work in environments with low power. Smartphones are unique in that their screens fill almost the entire face of the phone. Some smartphones have screens that are so large that they resemble tablets.

The most common types of displays for smartphones are LCD or liquid-crystal displays. These screens are designed to be pressure-sensitive, so they can work as touchscreens. One thing about smartphones is the battery life. While phone batteries have gotten better recently, you may find that your phone will suddenly lose a charge very fast. Because of that, people have started carrying a portable phone charger as well as using one in their car.

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4. Software is Essential for Smartphones

The operating system that smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other mobile devices use is referred to as a mobile operating system. A mobile operating system takes features that are found in the operating systems of personal computers and makes them more optimal for handheld use. This software is essential for your phone’s cellular data, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and even touchscreen to operate.

Different types of phones like the iPhone, Galaxy, and Google Pixel use different operating systems. Most smartphones will have two mobile operating systems. One focuses on running the leading software while others will manage other hardware such as the radio.

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5. Smartphone Sales

You may be wondering how the sale of smartphones overtime has any correlation to your health. Nevertheless, it is vital to be aware of how many people truly utilize a smartphone to determine how many people are being affected, and how. The reach of smartphone shipments since 1996 has steadily increased. By the fall of 2011, nearly 30% of all photographs taken were with smartphones equipped with cameras. Four out of every five smartphone users will use their phone for online shopping.

In 2013, the number of smartphones that have been shipped reached 1 billion units. The brands that have the highest rates of shipment are Apple and Samsung. Huawei, Lenovo, and LG are the next most popular brand of smartphone. While Apple has been seen as the most popular type of smartphone, Samsung’s sales have been slowly overtaking them.

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6. Almost Everyone Uses Smartphones Everyday

Smartphones are great for a wide variety of things. They are ideal for keeping in touch with friends and family, running a business, and in case of emergency. Many people choose to have more than one mobile phone.

Mobile phones give many people access to phones when they wouldn’t be able to have a landline. Many television companies are using mobile phones to get viewers interested in watching live TV programs. Approximately 86% of people in America scroll through their smartphone while watching TV. Smartphones have also become useful for companies to advertise their products. Many brands create content specifically for mobile devices.

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7. Social Media is a Popular Activity

Aside from calling and texting, the number one use of smartphones is most likely social media. It’s hard to find anyone these days who isn’t on at least one social networking site. Websites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat dominate popular culture, especially among teens and young adults.

Social media is a great way to communicate with friends and meet new people. You can join groups and pages based on your favorite TV shows and artists. Many people turn to apps like Tinder or Bumble for online dating right on their phones. Even though social media can be fun, many reports have come out about social media and mobile phone addiction being on the rise.

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8. Driving with Smartphones

While driving while using your phone is not always allowed, this practice is quite common. Many people will text and drive, and some even dare to play games behind the wheel. Another big reason for using a smartphone in the car is for GPS navigation.

While you may not realize it, distracted driving, even for a few seconds, can lead to an accident. Studies show that the rate of distracted driving has gone up since smartphones became popular. To combat this, many new phones can recognize when you’re driving and won’t let you answer a phone call or text message.

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9. Help with Mobile Banking

Another great use of smartphones is mobile banking. It’s incredibly convenient to be able to check your bank balance and make transfers on the go. Some phones will even hold onto your credit card information so you can go places without your wallet.

The first mobile banking payments happened in 1998 when two Coca-Cola vending machines began to accept SMS payments. With mobile banking, you may be able to transfer funds to another person via text message. Several countries operate as branchless banks, doing business strictly online and via mobile phone. You may notice some stores like Target, Walmart, and Starbucks have sensors so you can glide your phone across them and make a payment.

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10. Tracking and Other Smartphone Security

While you may not think about it much, smartphones and other mobile devices are frequently tracked. Many machines are easy to follow, which can lead to issues for many people. Our cell phones are continually collecting location data, even when we don’t realize it.

When a mobile phone is on, your movements can be easily traced. Smartphones will ping when near a cell tower, marking down your location. Additionally, your SIM card works to track your whereabouts. Mobile phone security is important because hackers can find a way to hack into your phone to find the location, record calls, and access text messages just with your phone number.

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11. Smartphones Help with Education

The use of smartphones may lead to a decline in children’s and teenager’s schooling. It’s easy for kids to become distracted during and after class by what’s on their phone. Studies have shown that banning smartphones in school can improve a student’s academic performance, benefiting them as much as an extra week of class per year.

In addition to being distracting, students can use their phones to cheat on tests and even take inappropriate pictures. In many places it’s illegal, but some schools have turned to cell phone jamming to disrupt a phone data signal, making phones unusable in school. On the other hand, allowing cellphones in school is beneficial because it gives kids access to their parents in an emergency.

Credit: National Review


12. Health Aspects Regarding Smartphone Usage

You may be wondering if the frequent use of a smartphone can affect a person’s health. In reality, using a mobile phone can impact many aspects of our health. The main reason for this is the radiation emitted by smartphones.

Smartphones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, which many believe can be harmful to the health of humans. The World Health Organization determined in 2011 that mobile phones could be possibly considered carcinogenic to humans, on the same scale as coffee and gasoline. Some studies have shown a possible link between cell phone use and tumors in the brain and salivary glands.

Credit: Dad Logic


13. Spreading Germs

Cell phones are quite possibly one of the germiest devices out there. We take our smartphones everywhere with us — in the kitchen, in bed, and even into the bathroom! Can you remember the last time you cleaned your cell phone?

A recent study found that 1 in 6 smartphones has E.coli bacteria, viruses, and other germs on it. That could be because users aren’t washing their hands properly. Fortunately, smartphones are hard surfaces on which bacteria have a difficult time surviving. Be sure to wipe your phone down with cleanser occasionally. You can even find devices designed to sanitize smartphones.

Credit: Spectrum Health Beat


14. Text Neck

Have you ever felt the tension in your neck at the end of the day? Does looking down at your phone feel weird or painful? Then you may have a case of text neck syndrome.

When we look down at our phones frequently throughout the day, we can cause tightness, spasms, and neck strains. This nerve pain can even extend to your back, down your arm, and to your shoulder. To avoid text neck syndrome, take a break every 20 minutes to stretch, walk around, and arch your back. Avoid hunching and try to hold your phone up higher to protect your neck. If your posture is pretty weak, consider taking yoga or Pilates to strengthen neck muscles.



15. Smartphones and the Brain

Studies show that the average American touches their smartphone at least 2,600 times each day. What effects can this constant scrolling have on our brain? Should we be worried?

Researchers have found that introducing children to mobile devices at an early age can change brain development. The more a person is attached to their phone, the harder time they have with thinking conceptually, deeply, and attentively. It can also affect how well they remember necessary information like phone numbers, email addresses, and even birthdays. Having a smartphone in sight, but not on, can still result in issues with problem-solving and short-term memory.

Credit: Yaasa


16. Shoulder Pain

Holding a smartphone up to your ear for a phone call may seem harmless, but it can do some severe damage. Pinching a smartphone with your shoulder is an unnatural position and can cause much tension. Like text neck syndrome, shoulder pain due to smartphone use is real and painful.

If holding a phone to your ear starts to hurt your shoulder and neck, take a break from using your phone and move your neck from side to side to stretch it. If the pain won’t go away, rest your neck, and apply a heating pad. You can take some pain relievers to help with stiffness and inflammation. Try to find a pair of earbuds or headphones with a microphone to make taking phone calls easier.

Credit: Harvard Health


17. Blue Light

One thing we probably all do is use our smartphones at night. Many people have the bedtime routine of scrolling through social media and chatting with people while we lay in bed. This habit is not only bad for your eyes, but it can also disrupt your sleep.

The blue light emitting from mobile devices has been known to cause serious health issues. Being exposed to too much light after the sun goes down can lead to developing hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and other serious health issues. Try to put your phone down at least an hour before bed to sleep better. Additionally, being exposed to natural light during the day will lead to a more restful sleep at night.

Credit: The Ladders


18. Walking and Talking

It may seem possible to walk around from place to place and text at the same time but think again. In the few seconds, you take to look down at your phone; you could walk into a busy intersection and be hit by a car. Talking on the phone isn’t any safer. It’s possible to be distracted by a phone call and not hear a car horn honk at you before it’s too late.

This applies to using the phone at home as well. Most common injuries happen while being on the phone at home. Head injuries, muscle sprains, tendon issues, and broken bones can all be attributed to not paying attention while on the phone. If you need to use your phone, take a break and have a seat while you use it.

Credit: CNBC


19. Human Decency

The reliance on cell phones has gotten in the way of basic human decency. We’ve become so wrapped up in our phones that we tend to pay less attention to the world around us. Studies have found that the use of smartphones has led to a reduction in human trust and kindness.

People are less likely to offer to help strangers on the street, smile at people we don’t know and accept people from different backgrounds. You may not realize it, but casual interactions are imperative for building social skills. They help us learn how to read emotions and initiate conversations. The use of smartphones has made people way less skilled at connecting with others.

Credit: Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images


20. Smartphones Can Cause Cancer

As we mentioned before, radiation emitted by cell phones can cause cancer. This theory is considered controversial, but as smartphone use increases, it’s becoming more likely to occur. Heavy cell phone users have been shown to be at risk for developing salivary gland cancer as well as a type of brain tumor known as a glioma.

Radio waves emitted by cell phones along with the extreme rise in cellphone users have led many to believe that smartphones can cause cancer. It may be that not enough time has passed to conduct thorough studies on the connection between cell phone use and cancer. To avoid your risk of developing cancer from your cell phone, use a headset, earpiece, or speaker mode when talking on the phone.

Credit: Greenbot


21. Arthritis from Texting and Scrolling

Continually holding your phone in your hand in the same position, day after day will most certainly lead to hand issues. Arthritis can creep up because of the repetition involved with using a phone. This can be especially apparent in your thumbs.

Gripping a smartphone tightly with your thumbs can cause tightness, tenderness, and pain at the base of the thumb where it meets the wrist. Pinching your thumb and forefinger on the screen, holding onto your phone, and using your phone to text can worsen arthritis in your thumb and hand. There is, unfortunately, no cure for this condition, but you can alleviate symptoms with medication, rest, and a splint.

Credit: How It Works Magazine


22. Insomnia and Smartphones

Staying up late looking at your phone is terrible for your sleep. The blue light can affect your eyes, and the mindless scrolling can disrupt restful sleep. Not to mention constant notifications that can wake you up throughout the night.

The blue light emitted from your phone can do more than interrupt your sleep. It messes with your hormones. The human body produces hormones while it sleeps. The hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin, which regulate appetite, are created at night. If your phone keeps waking you up and preventing a sound sleep, it can lead to weight gain and diabetes.

Credit: Today Show


23. Trigger Thumb

Trigger thumb occurs when your phone becomes stuck in a bend or makes a popping noise when you straighten it. This condition can be painful and lead to tendon and joint issues. When the sheath around your thumbs tendon becomes so thick the muscle can’t slide freely, trigger thumb develops.

This condition can be caused by a massive amount of texting. Also, holding onto your smartphone very tightly leads to trigger thumb. The best way to prevent this from happening is to limit the use of your smartphone. If you must be on your phone, lay it on a table while you scroll. You can also use your phone’s microphone function to write text messages and emails.

Credit: Reviewed


24. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

You’ve probably never heard of cubital tunnel syndrome, but it’s a condition that occurs when too much pressure is applied to the ulnar nerve, also known as the “funny bone.” If you find yourself frequently leaning on your elbows to text people or hold your phone to your ear, you may be at risk of developing it.

Cubital tunnel syndrome causes tingling and numbness in your ring and small fingers. You may also feel soreness inside your elbow and forearm. To prevent this painful condition, always cushion your elbows when leaning on hard surfaces. Avoid bending your elbow for long periods and be sure to move your arms in different directions every once in a while. You can even try wearing a splint at night to keep your arm straight.

Credit: Time Magazine/Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images


25. Smartphones Related to Mental Health

Being on the phone constantly can not only affect us physically but mentally as well. As smartphones have become more popular, mental health issues have arisen in young adults and teens. A lack of social interaction can be harmful to our mental health, mood, and self-esteem.

Studies show that spending time with people in person leads to happiness. Relying so much on smartphones for entertainment make people less likely to build social skills, setting them up for a sheltered life. It also leads many to only interact with people who share similar points of view instead of interacting with people with all kinds of opinions.

Credit: Business Insider


26. Eye Issues as a Result of Smartphones

Staring at a smartphone screen all day and night can lead to eye problems. The blue light emits a shorter wavelength that makes your eyes tired quickly. This leads to pain and in some cases, eye damage.

The blue light that is given off when we use our smartphones can damage the cornea, which is the clear lens at the front of the eye. Studies have shown that lying in bed in the dark while using a smartphone can cause temporary blindness. Limit how much you use your mobile devices during the day and avoid using them at night. If you need to be on your phone a lot for work, take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest. You may also be able to find special glasses to wear while you use a smartphone that protects your eyes from blue light.

Credit: Pinterest


27. Smartphone Interference

For those that wear medical devices, be aware that smartphones can interfere with how they operate. Things like implanted defibrillators and pacemakers can be interrupted or stopped entirely by radio waves emitted by mobile devices. Even certain brands of hearing aids can be affected when you use a smartphone.

Smartphones can also cause issues at doctors offices and hospitals. If doctors and nurses have their phones on in their offices or operating rooms, that may pose a risk to their patients, especially those who wear medical devices. If any issues arise with your medical devices, contact your doctor for assistance.

Credit: CNBC


28. Health Care Mistakes

When you visit a doctor, you like to know that their focus is on you and your health. Seeing a doctor or nurse distracted by their phone is not a reassuring occurrence. This can lead to distrust between patients and their health care providers.

Additionally, smartphones can distract medical professionals while in the operating room. A recent study found that the number of mistakes made when treating a patient and diagnosing symptoms can go up by 12 percent from just one single interruption from a smartphone. If you feel that your doctor is unprofessional by checking their phone, say something. Your health needs are more important than a random notification.

Credit: Lifehacker


29. Smartphones Affect Relationships

Being distracted by your phone can ruin your connections with those around you. If you’re on the phone all the time, you let life pass you by. Having meaningful conversations without disruptions with those you love is essential.

Try to focus on your loved one when spending time with them instead of scrolling through your phone. Leave social media and texting for later and enjoy the moment. It will make your friends and family happier as well as improve your mood. Spending a little one-on-one time with someone without a smartphone to distract you is excellent for enhancing social skills and forming connections.

Credit: PBS


30. Parenting in the Age of Smartphones

Another time to put down your smartphone is when you are spending time with your children. Kids are wired to obtain attention from their parents because that’s how they feel loved. When you neglect your kids to scroll through your phone, you can end up developing emotional issues in your children.

Parents who are physically present with their kids but have their attention elsewhere is a problem. This sends a message to children that they are not as crucial in their parent’s lives as a smartphone or tablet. Try to use your phone as little as possible when spending time with your kids. Take them outside to play and leave the phone behind.



31. Smartphones Can Cause Anxiety

Studies have shown that the more people use Facebook, the more their well-being declined. Using social media, especially on your smartphone, can lead to anxiety and depression. The FOMO, or fear of missing out, trend leads many to believe that their lives aren’t good enough compared to what they see online.

Smartphone use can evolve into a full-blown addiction. Known as “nomophobia,” the fear of being without a mobile phone is genuine and can damage a lot of people’s well-being. The stress of being away from an online world of social media, games, and internet friends can cause anxiety levels to rise. If you feel like your smartphone use has increased your anxiety, speak to a mental health professional.

Credit: The Daily Beast


32. Smartphones and Healthcare

Even though smartphones can be seen as addictive and problematic, advanced technology has been used in health care settings. Smartphones and tablets are increasingly being used in hospitals and doctors offices. Research shows that in the United States, smartphone ownership among health care professionals is roughly 91 percent.

Mobile devices are great for communicating with patients and examining them from different rooms. They make it easy for doctors to share data and quickly reply to patients via email. Doctors can reach out to other health care professionals in different buildings or even different cities for a consultation.

Credit: RateMDs



33. Using Smartphones for Diagnosing and Treating Medical Conditions

Smartphones and tablets can be used for checking vital signs and diagnosing conditions. Many devices can be outfitted with weight scales, pulse oximeters, and blood pressure cuffs, making it easy to track data. These tools are especially great for home health care nurses and doctors. By making the process of taking vitals easier, it gives nurses and doctors more time to focus on their patients.

Many medical devices connect with smartphone apps to track their health. There are sleep apnea machines, blood sugar trackers, and more tools that work seamlessly with smartphone technology. Additionally, these apps and devices make it easy for you to send medical information to your doctor.

Credit: Wired


34. Detecting HIV

You may not realize it, but your smartphone could be used to detect serious diseases. HIV/AIDS affects more than 37 million people around the world. Early diagnosis of this disease can save lives, as access to antiretroviral medication can add ten years to someone’s life expectancy.

Researchers from the University of London have developed a disposable sensor that plugs into smartphones. This sensor holds particles that react to HIV. Within ten seconds of adding blood from a patient into the sensor’s channels, HIV can be detected. Results will be uploaded into a smartphone app and sent to a patient’s doctor.

Credit: Thanh Nien News


35. Diagnosing Malaria

Malaria is a life-threatening disease that can be hard to diagnose correctly. Many times health care workers in countries where malaria isn’t common won’t think to test for it. Additionally, they may not have enough experience to be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

A device created by researchers in the Netherlands utilizes a smartphone’s camera. A tiny glass ball is placed on the camera lens of a smartphone to transform it into a microscope by increasing the view over eight times. By being able to zoom in on a blood sample further, doctors can detect malaria, which shows up as a dark spot contained by a lighter ring.

Credit: New Scientist


36. Identifying Parkinson’s Disease

Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and ALS affect many people around the world. Over 10 million people live with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s affects the nervous system and causes rigid limbs, slow movement, and muscle tremors.

Parkinson’s is most often identified after it has progressed. In Greece, researchers have created an app that works with fitness bands, smartwatches, and smartphones. This app tracks numerous biological clues that could indicate the beginning stages of Parkinson’s disease. Also, this app provides games to help improve a patient’s physical and emotional state as well as diet. Thanks to artificial intelligence present in smartphones, we may be able to identify the onset of several diseases.

Credit: UW-Madison News


37. Eliminating Respiratory Disease

The World Health Organization has determined that one of the top causes of death for children around the world is a respiratory disease. This condition is caused by a wide variety of things, including genetics, environment, and pollution.

Physicians from Massachusetts General Hospital have developed a smartphone app designed to identify acute respiratory disease in children. This app works by analyzing how a child’s cough sounds. Experts believe that the app, called ResAppDx, may be able to replace CT scans, X-rays, blood and sputum tests, and spirometry. This innovative smartphone app is currently going through clinical trials to test its effectiveness and get it ready for mainstream usage.

Credit: VideoBlocks


38. Measuring Blood Flow

When a patient is getting ready for a serious procedure like dialysis, bypass surgery, or a coronary angiogram, doctors must test how well blood flows through their arteries. This is commonly done using the Allen Test. With the Allen Test, the doctor will press two spots on the wrist to stop blood flow for a few seconds. After the pressure is released, they then monitor to see how long it takes to return color to the area.

A study found that a free smartphone app called Instant Heart Rate is more accurate at analyzing blood flow than the Allen Test. Using a smartphone’s camera lens and light, the app tracks the light reflection from a person’s finger. It also examines changes in color or brightness that indicate changes in pulse.

Credit: NPR


39. Eye Exams

Going to the eye doctor can be a hassle. You’ve got to complete several stages of an exam, take a few tests, and then go through the process of choosing a pair of glasses. Thanks to smartphones, the process has gotten much more accessible.

Many companies in the United States offer online eye exams that utilize a computer or phone camera. The smartphone camera can figure out the right prescription, identify astigmatisms and colorblindness, as well as test light sensitivity. These tests are ideal for people between the ages of 18 and 39 looking to update their prescription. They don’t usually work for diagnosing cataracts or glaucoma.

Credit: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


40. Preventing Suicide

The tenth leading cause of death in the world is suicide. Research shows that suicide is happening more and more each year. There are ways to determine who may be at risk of contemplating suicide, but it’s nearly impossible to pinpoint when someone attempts it. Research teams and Vanderbilt University and Harvard University are looking into ways that smartphones can help to identify risk factors for suicide and offer ways to step in to stop it.

In their studies, they are monitoring people who have a high risk of attempting suicide. They are asked to wear sensors to track activity and sleep levels as well as answer text messages sent to them throughout the day. The idea is that smartphone technology will be able to see patterns that humans are unable to. Then scientists can create programs designed to flag people who are at immediate risk of attempting suicide so they can get help.
