We have been on the hunt for the Fountain of Youth since the 1500s, but we have not quite managed to find the magic formula yet. Until then, we will have to make do with human-made products! Not only have we compiled a skincare regimen to keep your youthful glow, but we have also included some helpful tips on what you may be doing wrong and what you should be doing instead.

We all know how important it is to wash our face – it has been drilled into us from childhood. We need to wash up when we wake up because our skin secretes all kinds of oils while we sleep as part of our healing and rejuvenation process, but we do not need those same oils when we are awake. The best thing to do first is to wash up with a gentle foam cleanser. These should be suitable for all skin types and will not strip your skin of the hard work it did overnight! Avoid soaps with high concentrations of alcohol or fragrance. Paula’s choice has many great options in that field.

After a long day, your skin is ready for a refresher again – whether you have been running marathons or marathoning Game of Thrones. Make sure your cleanser is safe for daily use. We recommend having two cleansers – an AM and a PM one that suits your skin type (oily, dry, normal, or combination). Never use regular soap bars!