
Anti-Aging Foods That Will Keep People Feeling Young

Itching And Dry Skin People over the age of 50 or sometimes 60 will frequently suffer from itching and dry skin, mostly on their elbows, lower… Trista Smith - July 4, 2020

You can’t stop your aging cycle, no matter how hard you try. With growing age, your health starts to deteriorate, and you can also see some changes in your skin and nails. Collagen is the vital hormone that helps to tighten up your skin, giving it that young and youthful glow. With growing age, your body starts to decrease collagen formation, leading to wrinkles, saggy skin, and all other aging signs. Not just your skin, but even your nails and hair strands will get hampered with passing the time. So, to get help naturally, trying out some anti-aging foods will work magically.

Green vegetables, leafy food items, and even fresh fruits without preservatives will help your body grow its natural vitamins, minerals, and iron, which will again influence your skin and hair’s healthy condition. Your body needs proper nutrients and minerals from time to time. As you grow old, the need for natural minerals increases because your body needs more to function correctly. Indulging in some of the best treats will help your skin, nails, and hair get their natural shine. You don’t have to bother to smudge some paste on the skin or go for the over-the-counter lotions, as raw food items are way more potent than chemically-induced creams.

As people age, skin becomes more fragile and thin. Pixabay


Skin Conditions Among The Elderly

With growing age, the skin will undergo some profound changes. How your skin will be affected primarily depends on many factors, including heredity, diet, lifestyle, and other personal habits like drinking and smoking. The leading cause of skin damage is harmful UV rays. It helps break down the elastic tissue within the skin and causes it to sag, stretch, become blotchy, and more. In some instances, people might be unfortunate victims of skin cancer as well. Knowing the causes and ways to combat it before it gets worse is vital for keeping your skin as healthy as it can.

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Some of the other factors contributing to skin aging will be a loss of proper fatty tissue between muscle and skin, gravity, stress, and tension of daily work life, and even regular facial movements. Even in some individuals, obesity plays a pivotal role in changing one’s skin condition. Some of the skin changes that accompany aging will be dry or rough skin, benign growths like cherry angiomas and seborrheic keratoses, thinned or transparent coats, and more. Some might even suffer from loose facial skin, mainly around the jawline, eyes, and cheeks. Once you are over 40, 50, or even 60 years of age, specific skin-related issues become prevalent.

Aging skin naturally loses its moisture, making it itchier. Flickr


Itching And Dry Skin

People over the age of 50 or sometimes 60 will frequently suffer from itching and dry skin, mostly on their elbows, lower legs, and even arms. The dry skin patches will always feel scaly or rough, and there are various reasons for that. Not drinking the right amount of liquid or spending extra time in the sun can dry up your skin fast. Moreover, being addicted to smoking, living in dry weather, feeling stress, and even losing oil and sweat glands can also result in rough skin normal when arriving at an older age.

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Some health problems might be the reason behind dry skin as well, like kidney issues or diabetes. Always remember that too much perfume and soap or even antiperspirants can worsen the skin’s condition more, especially if it has too much alcohol or any other irritable chemicals. Sometimes, using some medicines can cause your skin to itch. As older people in their 50s or 60s have thinner skin, scratching might result in bleeding, leading to infection. It is essential to keep your skin hydrated using moisturizers like lotions or ointments, taking fewer showers, or using a milder soap with warm water.

Skin also loses its elasticity over time, leading to the development of wrinkles. Shutterstock.


Wrinkles and Bruises

With passing time, your skin starts to form lines. UV rays will make skin less elastic among older people in their 50s or 60s, and the gravity will then force their skin to sag and wrinkle later. Some habits like smoking regularly and drinking alcohol can also wrinkle skin. Many treatments claim that they will take your wrinkles away. Trying out painful injections won’t do you any good, and sometimes they can be dangerous. Because of this, maintaining a healthy diet will help, including drinking a lot of water for hydration and moisturizing daily.

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Bruises are very common the older we get, and we need to be prepared for them. Older people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s have higher chances of getting bruises quickly when compared to the younger generation. Furthermore, it takes more time to heal an injury. The reason for this is a combination of less subcutaneous or fat tissue and more fragile blood vessels because of loss of elasticity. Occasionally, some illnesses or medicines can cause bruising. If you see these signs, don’t wait to consult a doctor and learn about the solutions.

Skin tags become more common as we age; some may even need removal. Shutterstock


Skin Tags And Age Spots

Liver spots and age spots are caused if you are out in the sun for too long. Compared to freckles, these spots have larger sizes and can be seen mostly on the back, hands, face, feet, and arms. One way to evade liver spots to appear is to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that can protect your skin against UVA and UVB rays from the sun, and it will prevent more age spots from appearing. Even though they are harmless, it is always good to protect your skin so that other skin conditions do not affect your health.

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On the other hand, some older people will suffer from skin tags as well. These are primarily skin growths with flesh color and a raised surface. With growing age, skin tags have become common, mainly in women. You can find them mostly on the neck, eyelids, and in body folds like the chest, armpits, and groin. Most skin tags rub off on their own, but sometimes they can cause pain and be bothersome, so you may opt to have them removed by a doctor. There are a few procedures to remove them, like Cryotherapy, electrosurgery, and ligation. It’s a quick procedure that usually doesn’t require anesthesia.

Hair loses its melanin as we age, hence why hair becomes white. Peakpx


Change In Hair Conditions With Growing Age

The change in hair color seems to be the most definite sign that you are aging. Your hair gets its color from a pigment called melanin, produced straight from the hair follicles. These follicles are skin structures, which will help to grow your hair. With passing time, the bristles start making less melanin, leading to a gray color. You can see bits and pieces of those gray strands right from the late 30s and early 40s, and the process speeds up once you reach the late 50s. When in the late 60s, around 70% of your hair turns gray.

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Scalp hair starts graying around the temples and then extends to the top of the scalp. With passing time, the hair color becomes lighter and then turns white eventually. Facial and body hair also starts to turn gray, but that happens later than the scalp hair. The hair on your chest, armpits, and pubic areas might not even change color. Graying is primarily determined by the genes your body has. Gray hair will occur first in white people and then later in Asians. Vitamins, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle choices will lower the graying rate to a minimal extent but can’t stop it completely.

Hair also starts to become thinner, so don’t be surprised if you develop bald spots. Needpix


Change In Hair Thickness

Each hair is made out of multiple protein strands. Usually, the life expectancy of a hair strand is within 2 to 7 years. Then the hair falls out and gets replaced by a new one. The thickness of your hair on the scalp and body will get determined by the genes you share. With growing age, hair strands will have less pigment and will become smaller in size. So that coarse hair of a young man will become light-colored and thin over time. Even some hair follicles might stop producing some new hair strands, leading to baldness. Some men show signs of baldness when they reach 30, and some might be bald at 60 years of age. Some unfortunate victims might then suffer from male-pattern baldness, where they start losing hair at the temples and around the top portion of the head prematurely.

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Even women can develop such baldness with passing the time. It is often called female-pattern baldness. Here, the hair becomes less dense, and the scalp line gets visible. With increasing age, your body and face will start to lose hair as well. The remaining facial hair in women might turn coarser, mostly around the lips and chin, during the 50s and early 60s. On the other hand, men will grow longer and coarser hair around the ears, eyebrows, and nose once they reach their 60s.

It becomes more difficult for nails to absorb nutrients so that ridges can develop. Wikimedia Commons.


Changes In Nails With Growing Age

With growing age, just like your skin and hair, your nails change too. They tend to grow slower and might become brittle, making them easier to break and dull. Some of you might even suffer from yellowed or opaque nails. When you expose them to harsh cleaning chemicals or nail polish remover, it can make things worse. Nails, especially the toenails, will become thick and hard. After you reach your 50s, ingrown toenails are pretty standard. Even the tips of fingernails might also break. Some people might have ridges developed in their toenails and fingernails.

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It is mandatory to check with the nail salons and experts to develop ridges, pits, shape changes, lines, and any other differences that might need your attention. Anything can result in nail deterioration with growing age, like kidney disease, anemia, atherosclerosis, iron deficiencies, hormonal problems, and even proper nutrition deficiencies. Something common with the elderly is also getting fungal infections. Thankfully there are a few treatments, either oral or topical, plus many antifungal preparations that need to be administered for a few months to keep your nails healthy. Your doctor can tell you which option is better for you.

There are some foods you could start incorporating into your diet more to help improve the condition of your skin and nails. Wikimedia Commons.


Anti-Aging Food For Your Skin, Hair, And Nails

A diet full of healthy fat, water, antioxidants, and essential nutrients will ensure that you maintain a healthy and youthful look, even when you reached the 50s. Skin is primarily the first part to show some internal trouble and even some signs of aging, and it is good to make sure to ingest foods that will work from the inside out. There are so many creams, masks, serums, and lotions available to help you get that claim that you can get your youthful look back. Never trust any of them and aim for the natural choices instead for a more effective result.

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Eating fresh vegetables and fruits will be the safest way to combat some fine lines and dull complexions. As your body gets all its valuable vitamins and minerals, your skin, hair, and nails will be healthy as well. Your skin needs foods rich in ellagic acid, biotin, and Vitamins C and E to boost your collagen and keep you radiant. Having a fair amount of collagen in our dermis ( the middle layer of our skin) will keep your skin full and plump. So, let’s jump straight into some anti-aging foods for maintaining that youthful look.

Watercress is rich with nutrients that help the body absorb more oxygen into the blood. Flickr



This food is a nutrient-filled leafy vegetable. Watercress is a hydrating green food product rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, and vitamins, including A, B1, B2, C, and K. This product acts within the internal skin as an antiseptic and increases proper circulation of noted minerals across the body to every cell. It helps in enhancing the level of oxygen within the skin. Furthermore, as this item is packed with Vitamin C and A, it has a high amount of antioxidants in watercress. It helps in neutralizing all kinds of free harmful radicals to help keep wrinkles and fine lines away!

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Not only does it helps slow down the skin from aging with all its nutrients, but it can also help make your body healthier overall. It helps lower your blood pressure because of its nitrate content, which helps create elasticity and blood pressure. In turn, it helps lower your blood pressure. It can also help you fight breast and colon cancer because of the compound Phenylethyl isothiocyanate that interferes with a critical cancer development protein. It can even improve your eye health which tends to be weaker the older we are. The compounds Zeaxanthin and Lutein help block the blue light from reaching the retina.

Blueberries are a natural antioxidant that boosts the immune system. Wikimedia Commons



Having a good bowl of oatmeal with blueberries sprinkled on top has never been so delicious after knowing how they can benefit your skin. These berries are mainly rich in Vitamin C and A, with the right amount of an antioxidant, called anthocyanin. That’s why blueberries have a deep blue color. The antioxidants are quite powerful for protecting skin from sun-based damage, and these superfoods have the highest antioxidant properties of all fruits and vegetables. Blueberries will even protect your skin as a shield from pollution and stress by preventing collagen loss and moderating inflammatory responses.

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These delicious spheres of nutrition are really good for the skin in so many ways. Not only because of their anti-aging capabilities, but they can also combat acne. A study from the Harvard School of Public health found that eating blueberries at least three times a week can significantly reduce a heart attack risk. They can also help reduce blood pressure, lower the risk of Type II Diabetes, improve memory and mood swings, and because of their anti-inflammatory properties, they can ease arthritis and joint pain. So make the change and eat a cup of blueberries as a snack, or in your breakfast, your skin will thank you.

Bell peppers, especially red ones, are good at reducing pain in the body. Pexels


Red Bell Pepper

Known for its higher antioxidant levels, red bell pepper is a must for anti-aging products. Besides adding a higher Vitamin C content, red bell pepper is known for adding up carotenoids in your diet plan. On the other hand, Vitamin C is perfect for producing collagen, which helps in tightening up your skin for a long time. Carotenoids are mainly defined as plant pigments, which give yellow, red, and orange colors to many veggies and fruits. Even red bell pepper is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, these peppers help protect your skin, especially sensitive ones, from surrounding toxins, pollution, and sun damage.

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It is more than having clear, radiant, and youthful-looking skin, being the largest organ in the human body. It means that you need to also take good care of it. The skin is the body’s first line of defense against many bacteria, viruses, and pollutants in the environment. Eating veggies full of vitamins and nutrients will give you the boost your body needs to keep itself healthy and ready to fight off free radicals that can cause premature aging and even cancer. So get yourself a good healthy meal and sprinkle a few slices of peppers to keep your skin and body glowing.

Broccoli is rich with calcium, which is useful for maintaining healthy bones. Shutterstock



I know you might not like broccoli. It is the one vegetable your parents force you to eat when you were little. However, they were not lying when they told you it was good for you. Broccoli is mainly known for its anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. This green veggie has tons of fiber, folate, calcium, lutein, various antioxidants, and even vitamin C and K. Your body needs Vitamin C as it helps produce collagen, the primary product for your skin. Vitamin C helps in improving the elasticity and strength of your skin.

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Broccoli can play an essential role in your body, it can go beyond making your skin stay beautiful and radiant, but it can also help you in other aspects. This green veggie has can help prevent everything from cancer to heart diseases, with several research papers to back it up. In a study of almost 5,000 breast cancer survivors, 62% found a reduction in mortality for women who ate vegetables, mostly broccoli, regularly. People believe that the compound sulforaphane, when activated with myrosinase, plays a role in defense of your organism.

Papaya is great at improving the elasticity of the skin so that the appearance of wrinkles is reduced. Flickr



Known as a superfood, papaya is perfect for its vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. It improves the elasticity in the skin and even minimizes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Some of those nutrients are vitamin B, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamins A, C, K, and E. The vast number of antioxidants in this fruit will help fight some free radicals and delay the aging process. Papaya is known to have another enzyme called papain. Back in the day, the papain enzyme was used to tenderize meat because it can break down the tough protein chains found in muscle meat. It adds up to the anti-aging benefit by working as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

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Papaya has its exfoliating ingredients as well. Because of free radical activity, it is believed that this is the reason sagging, wrinkling and other skin damages happen with age. However, the Vitamin C and lycopene in the papaya can protect your skin and reduce many aging signs. Many studies have shown how lycopene for 10 to 12 weeks can decrease skin redness after sun exposure which is a sign of injury. So, eating papaya will always help your body shed dead skin cells and present you with vibrant, glowing skin.

Avocado has plenty of rich, healthy fats that are also good at reducing wrinkles. Shutterstock



With a fair amount of fatty acids, avocado helps fight skin inflammation to promote supple and smooth skin. Even avocado contains major nutrients like potassium, vitamin B, C, E, A, and K to prevent any form of a negative aging sign. Avocados have a higher vitamin A content, which helps your body shed dead cells and leave you with flawless skin. The carotenoid in this fruit will help block toxins and damage from the UV rays. Your skin can get the best protection from skin cancer as well.

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We know that people tend to avoid fats, but they can nourish your skin and prevent dryness. Avocados are packed with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These are good for you, helping keep your skin hydrated and healthy. It also has lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help protect you from UV damage. They can also help your body absorb Vitamin A and other nutrients better. So next time you see guacamole in a get-together with your friends, feel happy enjoying it knowing that your skin will benefit a lot from it.

Spinach actually has a lot of vitamin C as well as antioxidants. Pixabay.



There is a reason Popeye loves eating his spinach to be stronger, and he was not wrong either. Known for its super-hydrating property, spinach is also packed with antioxidants. It helps to oxygenate and then replenish your body. Furthermore, spinach is known for housing magnesium, plant-based iron, vitamin A, E, C, K, and even lutein. The vitamin C in spinach helps in producing collagen to keep your skin smooth. On the other hand, Vitamin A helps in promoting shiny and healthy hair. Then you have Vitamin K in spinach to help reduce cell-based inflammation.

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One cup of spinach has around 38% of the daily value of Vitamin C. This vitamin protects your skin from oxidative stress, inflammation, and even skin damage which can accelerate the signs of aging. Since it has so much Vitamin C, this will also help with the Iron absorption in the body that can help prevent hair loss associated with iron deficiency. It can also help you with other things, like lowering your blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels. Furthermore, spinach improves your eye health. How? By protecting it against age-related macular degeneration, which is a condition that causes progressive vision loss.

Nuts are a good source of protein, healthy fats, and oils to help the body stay flexible. Shutterstock



Give a nice chew to deliciously crunchy and nutritious snacks that your skin and body will love. With so many types of nuts, each with a nutritional effect, there’s a lot to choose from. Most nuts, mainly almonds, will have greater Vitamin E sources to help repair skin tissue, protect skin from UV rays, and retain skin moisture. Walnuts have a higher content of anti-inflammatory fatty acids like Omega-3 to help protect skin against sun damage, strengthen the membrane of your skin cells, and present your skin with a beautiful glow from within. It does that by preserving the natural oil barrier.

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Nuts like pistachios have the benefit of helping reduce acne by introducing antioxidants into your system that affect your blood sugar levels. Since your blood sugar aids the cycle of androgen go through your system, it reduces the chances of getting acne. There are also the delicious and popular hazelnuts that carry properties like large portions of Vitamin E, A, and C that reduce the chance of your skin getting wrinkles, and the flavonoids it has with antioxidants give your skin a more rejuvenated look. No matter which nuts you’ll end up adding to your diet, in the end, it will do a lot of good for you and your skin.

Pomegranate seeds can be challenging to remove from the fruit, but the high vitamin C content reduces inflammation in the body. Freepik


Pomegranate Seeds

Known for their higher medicinal help, pomegranates have a higher Vitamin C content and some potent antioxidants. Pomegranates will also help protect the body from free radical damage and can reduce inflammation within your system. These fruits have punicalagin, a beneficial compound to prevent skin collagen and slow the aging signs. Because of all the Vitamin C it contains, it works to reduce cellular damage in your body, working together with other compounds like tannins, ellagitannins, and anthocyanins. The nice thing is that if you don’t want to eat pomegranate seeds, they also work as a topical application with some benefits.

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When applied to the skin, the antioxidants helped decrease the incidence of age spots and wrinkles. Experts are still testing to understand all its benefits and how much it can provide to humans. They are researching the effects on increased cell regeneration, which is a way for your skin to get rid of old skin cells on the surface to rejuvenate new ones. That can also decrease inflammation to the skin and help with skin conditions like acne and eczema.

Sweet potatoes have a lot of fiber, as well as vitamin A to promote good eyesight. Needpix.


Sweet Potatoes

We love sweet potatoes, those sweet and starchy root vegetables that are as versatile as its cousin the potato, and it comes in many sizes and colors. Moreover, thanks to the higher doses of antioxidants known as beta-carotene, sweet potatoes have higher Vitamin A. This vitamin helps restore skin elasticity and promotes the current skin cell turnover, resulting in youthful and soft skin. It is a root vegetable that is also a great source of vitamin E and C, used to protect skin from free harmful radicals and keep a radiant complexion alive for a long time.

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They also provide a large dose of fiber that can help you beyond the skin and depending on the type of sweet potato. It can even bring more nutritious goodness to your body. Plus, they are easy to add to your diet. Since it has so much fiber, it brings many gut-related benefits, which keep your intestinal system in optimal condition, helping eliminate waste and toxins that can also affect your skin. Purple sweet potato has been proven to promote healthy gut bacteria growth that can lower the risk of colon cancer.

Cumin seeds are an excellent spice to add to any dish. It not only adds flavor but is also great for your skin. Freepik



Your favorite spices can not only make your favorite dishes taste amazing, but they can also bring many benefits to your health, going beyond your dinner. Even though some people might be skeptical, increasing your spice intake will help you maintain that youthful glow. Indian foods are pretty spicy as a whole and proved to be useful for anti-aging as well. Some well-known spices like fennel seeds, basil, cumin, and turmeric are known for preventing oxidative damage to your body’s cells, making them the perfect thing to have in your skincare regimen too.

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You can even use some spices on your skin to relieve it without having to ingest it (although we still highly recommend it). For example, Chamomile is excellent for shaving burns because it’s a natural anti-inflammatory that can soothe and reduce redness, itchiness, and swelling, working as a great alternative to cortisone. To treat the burn, all you need to do is steep a chamomile tea bag in boiling water for three minutes to release the anti-inflammatory enzymes. Place the teabag in the fridge, and once it is cold, you can apply it directly to the irritated skin for instant relief.

Green tea has many antioxidants that can improve skin quality. Pixabay


Green Tea

People in Asia swear by the health benefit green tea has for centuries, and there is no surprise to know it’s also a great anti-aging helper. If you want to reverse the current cellular damage and increase your cell life’s present longevity rate, you might want to have three cups of green tea every day. The benefits you have with it are just amazing. You can try out the green tea bags later as well, after straining the tea liquid out of it. Dab these bags on your skin and enjoy a refreshing look easily.

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Experts have proven that topical green tea can also help thicken the epidermis for healing wounds. It can inhibit an enzyme in your skin that causes uneven pigmentation, which means you’ll have fewer sunspots. Using a green tea lotion or serum on your skin 30 minutes before going out to the sun can even reduce DNA damage and the risk of getting a nasty sunburn, especially if you’re going out for a few hours. It works so well that you won’t need to apply sunscreen as much as you used to and still be protected from the sun.

Kiwi fruits have quite a lot of vitamin C in them, which promotes the cells of the body repairing themselves. Wikipedia



Drinking a new tropical smoothie on a hot summer day sounds lovely, but it can also help keep your skin radiant. If you want to prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, consuming kiwi daily might help to keep your younger-looking skin. Around 100mgs of kiwi comprise 154% of your daily vitamin C requirements. The amount is twice that of oranges and lemons. Vitamin C will also work as a powerful antioxidant, perfect for eliminating free radicals. So, now you know why kiwi is gaining such importance these days.

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Because of the high concentration of Vitamin C, it can hold on to the moisture and keep your skin hydrated by enhancing barrier lipids and skin microbiome that prevents water loss and invasions from microorganisms giving that glow to your skin. It can also make your skin firmer thanks to a nutrient called folate, which is critical for forming new cells. Researchers found that using a folic acid product helps improve collagen fiber density, making the skin firmer and tighter in the process. Next time you buy a folate-rich lotion, check the ingredients to see if kiwi is one of them.

Olive oil is a much healthier oil to use than vegetable oil, as it has many antioxidants. Freepik


Olive Oil

It is one of your pantry staples. Just like making your homemade dressings more delicious, olive oil has some mysterious powers for your skin as well. It is perfect for fighting off those unwanted wrinkles and fine lines. Unlike saturated fats, canola oil, and partially hydrogenated oils with processed omega-6 acids, olive oil is a natural and healthy fat, which can team up well with omega-3. These natural fat molecules will create a protective shield around your skin from free radical damage. Olive oil happens to have antioxidants, which help reduce skin damage, leading to blemishes and wrinkles.

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Olive oil is an excellent antibacterial. It is something that researchers are still going through. However, one study showed that when using olive oil on Staphylococcus aureus bacteria on the skin, virgin oil effectively eliminated the bacteria. It is excellent to treat skin infections and improve healing in people with foot ulcers caused by type 2 diabetes. It is also suitable for fading scars and helping the skin cells to regenerate faster. Massaging undiluted oil in spots with a squeeze of lemon can help treat hyperpigmentation areas due to scarring.

Tomatoes get their red color from lycopene, which is also a potent antioxidant. Freepik



This red food is one of those ingredients that you can’t get tired of. It works in burgers, salads, and pasta. Furthermore, it can also be beneficial for your skin. With some great vitamins and higher water content, tomatoes are the first pick for many people. They have more potent antioxidants under the name of lycopene, which helps neutralize free radicals and prevent the formation of wrinkles and aging skin. Some studies have further found out that natural tomato paste is perfect against sunburn and is also known for its skin-boosting benefit. Your body will absorb lycopene more when proficiently heated. That helps your skin to look radiant and flawless.

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Sun exposure puts you at a higher risk of getting nonmelanoma skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. However, researchers have found something impressive about tomatoes. It contains a high content of lycopene, a compound that gives the tomatoes their red color. Experts discovered that lycopene also has a powerful anti-cancer effect. They have yet to prove if it does something like a topical application. However, they have shown that lab mice exposed to UVB light three times a week and fed tomatoes had fewer tumors than mice with a different diet.

Dark chocolate is a special treat you can add to your diet, but only in small doses to maintain heart health. Wikimedia Commons


Dark Chocolate

Everyone knows that a piece of dark chocolate can lower blood pressure and get you in a better mood. However, there are some other benefits to it as well that will substantially improve your health that you might not know about. Eating chocolates with higher flavanols can easily help to protect your skin from UV rays. However, remember that overly processed chocolates will have much fewer flavanols than natural candies, which are expensive too. To get the best possible skin protection, try having dark chocolate with 70% cacao content. It has to be non-alkaline as well.

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Dark chocolate is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the planet. Studies have shown that it could lower the risk of heart disease if it’s consumed in moderation. The flavanols it has can also protect you from sun damage, improving the blood flow to the skin and increasing skin density and hydration. In one study, the people who consumed dark chocolate had a higher content of flavanols in their system for 12 weeks, protecting them better from UVB rays. So next time you go on vacation, remember to pack a bar of dark chocolate to keep you protected.

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of calcium for the bones, as well as probiotics to balance the stomach flora. Shutterstock


Greek Yogurt

For thousands of years, the Greeks and Egyptians were searching fountain of youth to keep themselves flawless forever, but in a way, we are almost there with the solution. While maintaining firm skin, you need a diet full of protein. It is rich in vitamin B, which is perfect for detoxing the skin. Nevertheless, it would help if you remembered that not all yogurts are created in an equal manner. Flavored yogurts are the ones that you better stop eating right away. It will fuel up the wrinkling process. In its place, what you can do is try out plain and straightforward Greek yogurt for the ultimate magic.

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The magic of Greek yogurt is that it has two and a half times the protein as regular yogurt. Proteins are perfect for repairing skin tissues and getting that glowing effect on your skin. Interestingly, you can either eat the yogurt or use it directly on your skin. Using Greek yogurt in your skincare routine with all the protein it has will help nourish, strengthen and repair. It also contains a fair amount of lactic acid, an organic compound that reduces wrinkles and fine lines by tightening and shrinking your pores.

Mangoes should be added to the diet to help the skin combat the harmful UV rays of the sun. Freepik



This tropical fruit is one of the most consumed ones globally. Over 100 countries cultivate them. There is no wonder why it is so popular. You might also not know this, but mangoes can help to protect your skin from harmful free radicals. Mangoes have enough dietary carotenoids designed to protect skin from harmful UV rays naturally. So, just like putting much sunscreen on your face, you might want to add mangoes to your diet plan to protect you from the inside out. It does contain many sugars, so eat in moderation, especially if you have diabetes.

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However, mangoes are loaded with vitamins and minerals that can give a boost to your body. One cup of mango has 67% of your daily vitamin C, plus copper, vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin E, and copper, making it a great combination of nutrition for your skin, plus a nice amount of antioxidants support. It helps your body produce collagen naturally thanks to vitamin C. Furthermore, it’s perfect for hydration. If you see mango butter, extract, and oil down the beauty aisle, we recommend you grab it and give your skin that extra care it deserves.

Skip the sugary cereals in the morning and opt for some healthy oatmeal instead. WebMD



Nothing will give you more energy than a nice bowl of hot oatmeal in the morning to start up your day. It has many nutrients like zinc, copper, and B vitamins which are the perfect combination to keep your nails looking healthy and strong. However, also zinc is the ideal nutrient to fight acne. It helps reduce inflammation and can kill acne-borne bacteria, helping it heal faster and with less scarring. The nice thing about oatmeal is that it is not only delicious to eat, but you can also use it for your skin.

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Choosing skincare products that are natural and beneficial for your body is something you should also look into. An awareness of the difference makes a healthy complexion when you choose the right ones for you, and one ingredient that makes the difference is oatmeal. Skincare products with probiotics in the elements will give you a natural barrier against bacteria, UV rays, and other external toxins in the environment. They are even better if it’s a gentle treatment to keep your skin balanced and hydrated, especially if you have dry skin or eczema.

There are some amazing bean recipes you can find that everyone in the family will love. Shutterstock



Beans are more magical than you think, especially when it comes to making your nails strong! They have a bunch of protein, zinc, and biotin, which is a vital ingredient to make your nails thicker, and it lowers the chances of splitting or breaking. They are also an enhancer for your hair growth for people with biotin deficiencies, keeping your hair shiny, thicker, and stronger. The high content of fiber, protein, antioxidants, and zinc is the perfect combination to boost your collagen production to make your skin glow and keep it elastic. There are many types of beans to choose from, but we know that all have many benefits.

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No matter if you like canned, dried, or frozen, or what type of beans you love, they all have one thing in common; proteins. It is a vital nutrient that helps repair and maintain your body in check. They are nine essential amino acids, and even if all beans have a few of them, only soybeans contain all nine amino acids. It is crucial to combine incomplete proteins by having a balanced diet with nuts, seeds, or grains in your meals to keep it in check. These amino acids will help your body heal and make new tissues like muscles, hair, skin, bones, and blood. So go now and eat a nice cup of bean soup and get going!

You might already know some of the benefits of carrots such as improving eye health. Shutterstock



Bugs Bunny is not the only one that is obsessed with carrots, and there’s no surprise there. Sweet and crunch carrots are packed with vitamins, carotene, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to be strong and have beautiful skin. They can boost your immune system with a hefty vitamin C dose, which will also shield your body from harmful bacteria. If you have oily skin, carrots can be your best fighter against it. Why? You can thank its beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A in your body. As a result, various forms like retinoids and tretinoins can help control the oils in your skin, keeping it balanced.

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Beta-carotene can also help in other areas of your skin, including making fine lines disappear. It might sound like magic, but even if you don’t see results right away, include carrots in your diet. They will give you a good dose of vitamins that will make your skin look more firm and plump over time. Furthermore, how about that healthy glow that you’re looking for? Well, the beta-carotene that orange carrots have will supply you with 300 percent of your daily intake of Vitamin A with just a small carrot. Who needs the sun for that beautiful summer glow?

Sprinkle some cinnamon on your foods whenever you can. It has a yummy flavor and antibacterial properties. Freepik



Cinnamon is a prevalent ingredient in many cultural families because of its sweet and woody flavor and medicinal contributions. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart diseases and control sugar levels, especially for people with diabetes, improving the sensitivity to the hormone insulin. However, cinnamon can also help have beautiful glowing skin, and it can be a lifesaver for people prone to acne. Because of its antibacterial properties, it can kill harmful bacteria that can affect your skin.

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A study published on PubMed Central showed that out of 26 ingredients with antioxidant properties, cinnamon was the most effective to fight free radicals. If you mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder with two tablespoons of olive oil and massage it on your face for 20 minutes, it will help keep your skin hydrated and smoother and fight those fine lines pigmentation away. Because cinnamon can stimulate blood vessels, it can promote more blood flow to the face and make your skin even-toned and plumper. So give it a try and make your skin radiant!

If you can stand these spicy peppers, then you can take advantage of their health benefits, too. Shutterstock


Hot Peppers

Spicy foods are not everyone’s cup of tea, but we do got to admire the excellent capabilities to make your body and skin better. Chili peppers have a good amount of capsaicin, a bioactive plant compound responsible for the taste of peppers and their color, and many health benefits. For example, it can be a pain reliever helping people with acid reflux and heartburn by desensitizing their pain receptors over time and reducing stomach problems’ burning sensation. However, it can do so much more, like helping people with skin problems.

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For people with psoriasis, the capsaicin in various hot peppers can help relieve the itchiness and improve the appearance of psoriasis-affected areas on your body. It can significantly reduce the redness, patchiness, and scaling of your skin when used topically for an extended period. The antioxidants will also help your skin glow and look healthy. Ferulic acid found in peppers can also reduce wrinkles and slow down the aging process when applied topically. Even if you don’t like eating hot foods, hot peppers used on the skin can help the skin heal faster and fight free radicals that can damage your skin.

If you can get past the slimy texture and unusual look, oysters can do wonders for your skin. Shutterstock



There is no need to find a pearl in your oyster to have beautiful skin. We know that some people don’t like oysters, but hear us out on this one because this is a game-changer. These slimy creatures from the sea are a great source of zinc, a major ingredient to help your body produce a lot of collagen to have structural support in your skin, including sagging and wrinkles. Plus, zinc is also an excellent antioxidant and a protective nutrient at the cellular level, helping your body fight harmful bacteria.

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Because of zinc’s high content, it can also help maintain stronger nails, protect your eyes from vision problems, and promote a healthy retina. However, it also keeps your scalp and hair healthy, and it has also been shown to help hair grow drastically. Making your hair healthier and a scalp free of any radicals that can cause hair loss is a must for anyone having problems with hair thinning. So even if you’re not a fan of eating oysters, give it a chance from time to time. It will help you on the road to beautiful and healthy skin.

You don’t need a big, orange pumpkin sitting in your kitchen. Think of unique and tasty ways to incorporate it into your daily meals. Eat This, Not That



We know you love decorating them for Halloween and also love that popular pumpkin latte (and everything pumpkin for that matter) in the fall, but did you know how good it is for your skin? Pumpkin is another fruit with a good amount of beta-carotene, which your body can turn into vitamin A. It is also a great sunblock, especially for those UV rays that are the worst enemy to your skin. When eaten, the carotenoids will spread into various organs, including your skin, and it can protect it from the harmful sun rays.

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Not only that, but pumpkins have a high amount of Vitamin C, which is a great protector of your skin and a must for your body to produce collagen to keep your skin healthy. It also has other vitamins and nutrients like lutein, Vitamin E, zeaxanthin, and more antioxidants that have been proven to boost your skin defenses against UV rays and other skin-prone diseases. So next time you go on a pumpkin-everything spree, remember all the benefits that rich orange fruit will have on your skin to keep you glowing all season long.

Did you know that eating ginger can help with aging symptoms? FristCry



Ginger might be your favorite Spice Girl, but did you know how good it is also for your skin? You might know that ginger is excellent for stomach problems, soothe nausea, and diminish flu symptoms. However, this spicy root is also great for skin inflammation and helps you get healthy-looking skin, hair and even fight cellulite. You can eat it but also applying it to your skin can do wonders with significant anti-aging properties. Its toning and antioxidant content can help reduce the appearance of scars when applied topically, but it can also help when eating it.

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Some studies have shown that ginger influences the enzymes that break down collagen, which helps contribute to a youthful appearance making it a fantastic anti-aging and even your skin tone. Your hair will also thank you because ginger increases blood circulation in your scalp, which can help stimulate hair growth, combat dandruff, and the vitamins and minerals can strengthen the strands. It also has a de-puffing property that can help minimize the appearance of dimpling, which will reduce cellulite. So no matter if you want to add it to your tea or use it on your skin, ginger will be the superfood you are looking for.

Have you ever tried this fruit? It has many healthy benefits! Freepik



This delicious citric fruit can do so many good things to your health being, but also it can make your skin look like a million bucks! People have used grapefruit for weight loss for centuries. Also, as a blocker of heart diseases and cancer as well as to lower cholesterol. But again, grapefruit will make your skin flawless without needing any laser treatment or acid peels. One of the reasons why it is so good is that it flushes out toxins and waste from all your cells. Also, it cleans your skin from it such toxins. Not only can you eat or drink it, but you can also apply it to your skin.

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Using grapefruit directly to your skin will fight those free radicals that can cause fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and discolorations that can make you look older than you are. Free radicals are those elements that are floating in the air and love to get attached to healthy cells on your skin, harming it. Grapefruit juice can also is an excellent skin toner. It can help even out your skin and cleanse it. It’s even better if you have oily skin because the juice is great for breaking down those skin oils and clear it up, leaving it smooth and healthy.

If you incorporate this healthy food into your diet, make sure you keep some mints, mouthwash, or toothpaste handy to deal with the bad breath. Freepik



One of our favorite ingredients to make food taste amazing is garlic. No matter if it leaves a quite smelly breath, it has many health benefits, and it’s incredible for your skin, especially if you have acne. Garlic has been used medicinally for centuries, with a few studies to back up all the benefits. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiseptic properties thanks to allicin which helps kill the bacteria that causes acne. It can also reduce swelling and improve blood circulation in your skin. With regular use, it can help clear the skin and leave it smooth.

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It has also been found that it can help with thinning hair giving it all the nutrients for your hair follicles to produce thicker, healthier hair. Foods that are high in cysteine, an amino acid found in garlic, can help you reinvigorate your follicles and improve every strand of hair’s growth and thickness. Garlic is also high in vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B6 and C, selenium, and manganese which are great for promoting healthy hair. Because of its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, it can also help kill bacteria and fight germs on your scalp.

Vitamin C is definitely an essential supplement to your diet, as it helps the cells stay healthy in the body and promotes cell repair. Flickr


Ways To Incorporate Anti-Aging Foods In Your Daily Diet Plan

First of all, you should aim for foods rich in Vitamin C. Remember to get around 75mg per day. For that, a breakfast orange, followed by five strips of a yellow bell pepper at lunch, can be a great option. For dinner, try incorporating a cup of broccoli and a bowl of strawberries for dessert. To give your skin that extra boost, you can add raspberries, blackberries, pomegranate, and cranberries to your diet plan as well. Try out a fruit salad in the middle of the day to eat many valuable berries. Some of them might even contain ellagic acid apart from Vitamin C, which can shield your skin from the harmful sun rays.

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Having a well-balanced diet that incorporates some of the veggies, fruits, and other items from the list can help you achieve feeling and looking like a million bucks. You can try all the lotions in the world, but it won’t do much for your body and skin if you have a poor diet. If you’re not used to eating fresh produce, it’s better to start small, a handful of mixed nuts as a snack, a cup of hot green tea after dinner, or sprinkle some pomegranate seeds on your dessert or salad for a nice delicious touch.

Egg whites are a good source of lean protein, as the yolk has too much cholesterol. Wikimedia Commons


Time For Lean Protein On A Plate

Just like focusing on the higher content of Vitamin C, you might want to get that lean protein on your plate as well. Some lean protein choices are egg whites, skinless boiled poultry, and even fish. You can cut small pieces and mix them with leafy vegetables for a perfect lunch salad for eggs and chicken. Some studies have shown that women who consumed soy protein for 12 weeks continuously showed improvement in fine lines and had greater skin elasticity. You can add soy extract to your salad and mix it well because consuming it will not just make you full but will provide your body with the protein it needs.

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The daily recommendation for protein intake is around 70g to 120g, depending on the person and your physician’s advice. However, even when you’re not used to eating protein, it’s recommended to at least a minimum of 70g to help your system. Eating enough protein can help even more when you have skin wounds since they tend to heal faster. It is also the best way to keep your eczema at bay to help your skin reseal itself. It’s essential to have a healthy and balanced diet with lean proteins. Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s an animal protein or plant protein. Your skin and body will thank you later.

Fatty fish provide the body with oils for good joints, as well as good hair growth. Shutterstock


Add Fatty Fish To The List

Salmon and tuna will add a hefty amount of omega-3 fatty acids to your diet plan, perfect for protecting you against sun damage. The fats further help reduce inflammation and some of the other immunological responses that will degrade collagen and trigger skin cancer. You can slightly grill the fish, but make sure not to overdo it as that will soak the fat out from the meat. You need to serve at least two servings of four ounces of rich seafood per week. A slightly baked or grilled fish with the necessary salt and pepper on top will be a great addition to your side of leafy greens. It will add a flavor to your food and help your body get what it needs.

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Some of the other choices to make in place of salmon and tuna are sardines, herring, mackerel, and even lake trout. In case you are not a fish guy, you can substitute it with some of the other options like canola oil, flaxseed, walnuts, tofu, and pumpkin seeds, known for ALA. It helps in converting the food into beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.

Whole wheat bread is better than white bread, as it doesn’t lead to more inflammation. Wikimedia Commons


Whole Grains To Be Added In Your Diet Plan

Whenever you are trying to replace white rice or flour-enriched cakes and bread with whole grain, half of the battle is won. Refined grains have a higher insulin level, which causes your body to inflame more and damage the skin. On the other hand, whole grains have a higher selenium source, which helps protect you against UV rays. Some studies have shown that higher selenium concentrations in the blood are well-associated with 60% lower skin cancer chances. They can also help you control your appetite and your blood sugar levels.

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Replace white rice with brown rice for lunch. You just need to steam it and eat a bowl of rice with your salad or grilled salmon. You can try oatmeal with milk and enjoy bread made out of whole wheat for your dinner plans for breakfast. However, be specific to limit yourself to three to five servings of grains daily. It helps you to net a proper serving of minerals minus the calories. For your lunch, try a roasted beef or grilled turkey sandwich with bread made from whole grains in place of refined wheat. One sandwich will deliver the goodness of whole wheat and turkey in just a bite!

Tomato juice is a great way to add more lycopene into your diet. Flickr


Some Colorful Produce To Consider

While discovering anti-aging foods to try out, the tomato has been one of them, thanks to its lycopene. So, try to incorporate a whole tomato or its puree version while making sauces for your pizza or pasta. When you are grilling a whole chicken or roasting some beef, you can add some orange-tinted vegetables by the side as well, like orange squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and more. These orange vegetables have a fair amount of beta-carotene within, which is a must-add to your diet plan. So, adding these vegetables to the side will help you start fighting aging skin big time.

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In terms of making salads for dinner or lunch, you can add some dark-green vegetables to them. Some of those are chard, kale, spinach, and even collard greens. These vegetables will supply lutein as well. To add taste to your food and improve your diet plan for fighting to age, you can add a few rosemary pinches, sage, or even coriander to food items. To increase the rate of absorbing carotenoids, you can add a few chunks of avocado and toss it with your vegetables. Studies have indicated that eating salads with around five ounces of avocado will increase alpha-carotene, lutein, and even beta carotene.

Avoid candies at all cost, as they will raise your glucose levels unnecessarily and actually damage your skin cells. Shutterstock


Avoid These Foods and Beverages

Just like with green vegetables and other meat options that you might want to address to fight off aging signs, some foods will make you look a lot older and, in the long haul, affect your body. Make sure to keep those items away from your diet plan. Refined carbs and sweets will quickly help raise your blood glucose level and put you at risk of type 2 diabetes. This step, in turn, increases AGE creation. These AGE products will interfere with elastin and collagen’s routine repair, which otherwise helps the skin maintain its firmness for a long time.

Image via Down To Earth


Make sure to keep saturated fat at bay. Besides promoting unwanted heart disease, these saturated fatty items can also make you look and feel a lot older. Overeating saturated fat can also increase inflammation in your skin. So, you might not want to include that in your list. The same goes for alcohol. Alcohol can dry out your skin a lot, making it lined and taut. Carbonated drinks have a lot of sugar that can affect your whole body, making your skin wrinkle faster. With that being said, you better avoid these food items altogether.

Maintain youthful skin by taking care of it with moisturizing lotion and good food. Pixabay


A Youthful Look

If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and work hard towards a proper diet plan, you can easily control the aging process. Indeed, you can’t stop the aging process altogether, but you can at least try to slow down the process by adding anti-aging foods to your diet plan. Start with healthy veggies and yummy fruits. If adding certain foods to your diet is tricky, at least get rid of the junk food. Sometimes taking something away from your diet is just as helpful. Not only that, but you can achieve healthier skin, nails, and hair without looking for procedures or surgeries.

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It is essential to know that if you have any health conditions or regulations, it is better to ask a dietician to recommend the best diet to achieve that youthful look you are looking for. Remember to keep your body hydrated to keep your skin elastic and radiant. Thus, it is vital to have a healthy diet and use lotions on your skin, especially sunblock, to protect you from UVB lights. Remember that everything you do will have consequence in your body, so treat it well and feed it the best you can to have a long and glowing life.

