Acupressure is great because everybody can do it once they know the correct points. It’s like acupuncture but we use our fingers instead of sticking needles into our bodies. Acupressure originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This holistic practice is also an excellent way to induce DIY relief from various aches and discomforts.
Let’s look at some common acupressure methods to ease common problems across the body. We’re looking at everything from basic headaches to pregnancy relief. Acupuncture is safe, even if it doesn’t work, because it’s essentially a focused massage. The idea is to release energy blockages and ease mild pain.
Everybody experiences headaches in various forms whether it be tension or migraines. Several pressure points may help to relieve this pain. First, there’s GB-20 (Fengchi) at the base of the skull above the neck. Anybody can use this point to ease hypertension as well as wind conditions.
The DIY method involves applying gentle pressure to the area and pressing it for 30 seconds. Don’t hold it too strong because that can be counterproductive. Then release and softly massage before repeating several times. This is a good one to ask a friend or family member to help with too (via Phoenix Rises Acupuncture).