
Health Myths That Every Woman Should Know Are Bogus

11. Everyone gets sick at some point in their lives – no one is invincible! That is misleading, to say the least. Have you ever noticed… Trista - March 19, 2021

We should always be a little skeptical when reading a Facebook post or even watching the news on television. There is much propaganda and false info out there now. You can never be too sure of the information that is given to you. You want to make sure it is coming from a reliable, trustworthy source. Once you know it is coming from a good source, it is always good to double-check your facts. Some posted things are false, even when you know that they are most likely common knowledge. Sadly, this goes for health myths, too.

Use an analytical mind and question the things that you are unsure of, especially when it comes to health-related topics. If you put your complete trust into health-related things, you could think you are doing something good for your body, when in reality, you are hurting it. If you are unsure, it is always good to research, ask a friend, or even make a visit or call your doctor. There is so much helpful information online now, like Women’s Health, that you should be able to find your answer . That is a list of some common myths you see in news outlets that are usually bogus or only give you part of the whole story. After reading, you can explore more health myths! Check out the real health benefits of regular exercise next.

You don’t need eight hours of sleep a night. Experts recommend a range between seven and nine hours of sleep — whatever feels best for you. Credit: Shutterstock

40. Health Myth: You need an exact eight hours of sleep every night.

If you can get eight hours of sleep a night, that is great! It is not a set-in-stone number, though, so don’t sweat it if you can’t hit that number. The Nation Sleep Foundation doesn’t even have a solid amount that they recommend you get every night, but rather a range. The range they suggest is between seven hours and nine hours a night. If you can get in between that, you are doing good. As long as you feel rested throughout the day, you should be getting enough sleep, which, unfortunately, many people lack.

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Lots of people have a tracker, whether that be a Fitbit or an Apple Watch. These devices come with free apps where you can see how you slept the night before. It will give you your REM sleep range, light sleep, and when you woke up during the night. Keep track of these sleep patterns and how you felt during the day. You may find that you are more productive during the day when you get seven hours of sleep instead of nine. Everyone is different, so you just need to go by how you feel.

Soy-based products do not have enough female hormones in them to harm our bodies. Credit: Shutterstock

39. Health Myth: Soy is full of female hormones.

In general, soy can be bad for some people. It can hurt the body, having the same symptoms as an allergic reaction. That can include bad bloating, rashes and itching, and even constipation and stomach aches. Everyone is different, and this doesn’t necessarily happen more to women than it does to men for any reason. Some people say that soy is particularly bad for women because of the female hormone estrogen present in soy, which can cause an increased risk of breast cancer. However, this simply isn’t true. The hormone found in soy is called phytoestrogen.

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Phytoestrogen is weaker than estrogen found in the female body and has little to no effect on females when absorbed. It would take many phytoestrogens consumed to have a negative impact on women. Therefore it doesn’t pose much of a risk. Soy-based products can be a healthier option in some cases and should be considered when making food choices for yourself. You can have a soy-based meat alternative, for example, that can be much healthier when compared to a more common meat product. There are many alternative options at any local grocery store now; you don’t have to special order these products.

There are different medications and lifestyle changes you can make to make your period lighter. You do not have to suffer through heavy, painful periods anymore! Credit: Shutterstock

38. Do you have to live with a heavy period? The answer is no!

Some of us women have the unfortunate luck of having a heavy period, which can just be a unique trait to you, or could be a genetic factor passed down to you—not going to lie that it sucks. The good news is, you don’t have to deal with it. There are things you can do to make your period lighter or go away entirely, for some people. Make sure you talk to your doctor because a heavy period could be a sign of something more serious. Are you changing your tampon or pad every one to two hours and passing large clots?

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One thing you can do to make your period lighter is to go on birth control. You should speak with your doctor to determine if this is something you could do and find out which type of birth control would be the best for you. Eating right, exercising, and drinking enough water can improve your period’s symptoms, so it is essential to living an overall healthy lifestyle. Having an orgasm and sex regularly can also have a positive effect on your periods. Whether it is a medical option or lifestyle change, you can improve your periods. Just speak with your doctor.

Most women don’t go back to feeling or looking like their pre-baby self for quite some time. Think of it this way:: it took nine months to make a baby, so it can take that long to feel like your “normal” self again. Credit: Shutterstock

37. Health Myth: Most women “bounce back” quickly after having a baby.

Growing a baby takes almost a year. It is simply unrealistic to think that your body will spring back to its pre-pregnancy self after a year’s work. If people are expecting this of you as well or telling you this, they are misinformed. Everybody is different. Therefore there is no set-in-stone time frame for when you can get back a “normal” body. Your body may not go back to how it was before you got pregnant as well, and that’s okay. You can expect to see changes from 6-8 weeks postpartum, and it can take this long for your uterus to shrink back to its regular size.

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Many factors can play a role in how your body will change postpartum, and how everyone reacts to these factors is different. Nobody is the same postpartum, and that is okay and normal. If you don’t look how other women look after giving birth, that is okay. Suppose you had a vaginal delivery compared to a C-section or breastfeeding versus giving formula. It will all play a role in how your body recovers. Some women will feel more normal about their bodies after six weeks, while others will take over a year, and both are very normal.

Mixing carbohydrates and proteins is acceptable for your stomach, even though they are digested differently. Credit: Shutterstock

36. Health Myth: Mixing carbs and protein is harmful on your stomach.

There is a suggestion that since proteins need an acidic environment to digest, where carbohydrates need an alkaline environment to digest, that they shouldn’t be eaten at the same time. Both are indeed digested differently, but that doesn’t mean they need to be eaten separately. Our stomachs are very acidic either way, so any food we eat comes in contact with an acidic environment. There is no evidence to suggest that we need to eat our food types separately either, so we are in the clear for this one.

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While some diets are lower in carbohydrates or fats, this doesn’t mean they need to be eaten separately. While being higher in calories, protein and fats are very important to help us feel fuller for longer. We should focus more on eating a more balanced meal or a meal balanced for whatever dietary needs that you need. Not mixing certain types of food can have a restrictive feeling, leading to more significant food issues. You don’t want to practice bad food habits, creating a bad relationship with food. It is better to practice mindful eating and to notice when you are full and not overindulge.

Carbohydrates can be a part of any well-balanced diet, with no guilt! Credit: Shutterstock

35. Are all carbs bad? Definitely not — eat up!

Carbohydrates are given a bad rap when it is unnecessary. In fact, they can be part of any diet, whether it is a low carb or a high carb diet. Carbs were first given a bad reputation when the Aitkin’s diet became popular, limiting carbohydrate intake. Recently, the ketogenic diet is also a very low carb diet, often taking the stance that carbs are bad. Just because you are eating fewer carbs does not mean that they are necessarily bad for you. Many people lower their carbohydrate intake to lose weight, and it is often very effective but can be harmful to some.

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If you’re not looking to follow any diet plan and deal with certain restrictions, it can be better for some people to think of eating whole foods. Carbohydrates are found in many different fruits and vegetables. If you just try to eat a balanced diet full of good proteins, healthy fats, vegetables, and whole grains, you should get the benefits of eating this way. Carbohydrates are a part of any healthy diet, no matter if it’s a small portion or a significant one. You can’t cut them out completely, so it’s best just to find the best ways to eat them.

There is no enough evidence saying that bras cause cancer. If you are comfortable wearing a bra, you can do so without any worry! Credit: Shutterstock

34. Can bras cause cancer? The answer is no!

This myth has been around for a while, and it is just that, a myth. Wearing any kind of bra, whether it is a sports bra, an underwire bra, or a pushup bra, there is no evidence stating that bras will cause breast cancer. So, with that being said, whatever type of bra you want to wear, or if you’re going to be braless, it comes down to preference. If you are more comfortable without a bra, do that. However, don’t only go braless because you fear wearing one will increase your risk of breast cancer.

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One study done in 1991 looked at a group of women and measured their likeliness for getting breast cancer. The one group that was more susceptible to getting breast cancer did wear bras. However, they were also heavier and larger chested women, which means they would be more likely to wear a bra anyway. Unfortunately, being overweight itself makes it more likely to get breast cancer. If you are worried about or runs in your family, you are better off striving to live a healthier lifestyle, as wearing a bra doesn’t make it more likely.

Cold and flu season can happen anytime. It just happens more in the winter because more people are in closer spaces indoors. Therefore, it’s easier to catch the flu from someone. Credit: Shutterstock

33. Health Myth: Flu season is just in the winter.

It is a common misconception that you can only get the flu during a specific season. However, certain factors contribute to people getting sick more in the winter months. Flu season can generally start around October and go as late as May in some areas. These are the months where it does get colder, but the cold is not why we get the flu. The flu is the influenza virus, and the winter months are the best condition for this virus to survive. The cold doesn’t kill the virus as quickly, and it is dryer in the winter months. If we look at our behaviors in the wintertime, this will all make sense.

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We generally stay indoors more in the winter, with our heat turned up, and windows and doors closed. Because we are staying inside more, we are simply around more people, making catching the flu more likely. Also, in the winter, the days are shorter, which means we get significantly less vitamin D in winter. That is a huge factor in our likelihood of catching the flu, as our immune system isn’t as strong. In the winter months, it is a good idea to take a vitamin D supplement. The habits make catching the flu much more likely in the winter. However, anyone can get the flu at any time of year.

As long as you have soap and water, the water doesn’t need to be hot, and it will clean away any bacteria just as effectively. Credit: Shutterstock

32. Health Myth: You have to wash your hands in hot water.

While washing your hands in warm or hot water may be more comfortable for you, it is unnecessary. You can 100% wash your hands in cold water and have the same effect as hot water. So if you only have cold water, do not worry! The important part of hand washing is that you are using both soap and water. Water alone will not kill germs, as it needs to be so hot to kill germs that it will burn you badly. You just need to lather the soap to get rid of dirt, and using an antibacterial soap will kill any bacteria for you.

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While you don’t need to worry about the temperature, you need to know precisely how to wash your hands. It seems like a straightforward concept when you say it. However, many people are washing their hands incorrectly. To clean your hands, you need to wet your hands thoroughly, lather with soap getting all surfaces(palms, back of hands, in between fingers, and under nails), then rinse thoroughly, dry your hands and use the paper towel to turn off the tap. It is important to lather for the right amount of time, 20-30 seconds. Sing “Happy Birthday” twice in your head, and you should be good.

You can’t feel high blood pressure unless it is a severe case. You should check your blood pressure regularly because of this. Credit: Shutterstock

31. Would you know if you had high blood pressure? The answer — not always!

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when your arteries are narrow, and your heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout your body. Think of a smaller hose with water pumping through it. The water at the end of the hose will come out with higher pressure when compared to water being pumped through a wide tube where it will just drain out the end. Hypertension is prevalent and can happen simply by genetics or can happen because of poor lifestyle choices. It is estimated that half of America’s population has high blood pressure, so this is a widespread issue.

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Most people don’t know that they have high blood pressure because you can’t feel it when it is just moderate. When you have severe high blood pressure, you start to feel the side effects such as bad headaches, nosebleeds, and chest pains. If you think you have extreme high blood pressure, please contact your doctor as you may need to be on medication. You can reduce your risk of high blood pressure by maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly. That can be as simple as going for a 30-minute walk five days a week.

You can get pregnant during your period, so it is essential to use protection if you are not trying to get pregnant. Credit: Shutterstock

30. Health Myth: You can’t get pregnant during your period.

It is not very likely that you will get pregnant during your period. However, it can and has happened, so it would be unfair to say that you can’t. Specific scenarios make it more likely that you can get pregnant while on your period. If you are at the end of your period, say day seven or day eight, if you have an extended period, then there is a chance of getting pregnant. Sperm can live in your vagina for up to 6 days, and ovulation occurs in the middle of your cycle. If you have a short cycle, for example, 20 days, then pregnancy can happen.

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If you have sex on the first day of your period, the chances of getting pregnant are very low. Many women have 28-day cycles, which is the average length of a menstrual cycle. When you look at the days when ovulation occurs, around day 14, then you are usually in the clear if you have unprotected sex near the beginning of your period. If you are concerned about getting pregnant, it is best to take all the necessary precautions to avoid pregnancy. That includes using condoms, oral contraceptives, or spermicides. Remember, some of these methods do not protect against STDs.

LA Times.

29. Does slim equal healthy? Not always.

When you look at a smaller person, we often think they are healthier by society’s standards, but this is not always the case. That can be far from the truth. What matters most about our health is what we put into our bodies and how much we exercise. Someone who is “skinny” but only eats junk food can be much less healthy than a bigger person who eats a balanced diet and goes on regular walks several times a week. Unfortunately, because of our media, we view the larger person as the unhealthy one.

Making healthy choices can help you be a HEALTHY weight – but that doesn’t always mean skinny. Shutterstock.

Another factor can be our fat distribution. You can be a skinnier person but carry more fat around your middle or stomach area than someone larger with more proportioned fat distribution. Many other underlying health reasons could be present, making someone who is smaller less healthy. Someone could have an underlying medical issue or eating disorder that we can’t physically see. We should never judge someone by how they look, but instead, cheer each other on and be supportive. You never know what is going on in someone’s personal life, so it is best to encourage people to make healthy choices.


28. Are colon cleanses good for you regularly? No – they aren’t necessary.

Colon cleanses are not regulated by a governing body, so even though it can be labeled a “natural” thing to do, it is unnecessary. Our bodies are unique, and they eliminate things that we don’t need on our own. Sometimes, a colon cleanse is necessary if we are about to have a medical procedure done, so there are always exceptions. Colon cleanses are often marketed as a way to lose weight. However, there are some risks involved when doing a cleanse like this. You should speak to your doctor before trying anything new and make sure to read the labels of any products you use.

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There are claims that colon cleanses can help you lose weight, get rid of headaches, and give you more energy. With these claims, there are also risks which include dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and infection. If you have certain underlying medical conditions or have recently had any surgeries done, your chances can significantly increase. It is best to eat a balanced diet, up to your fiber intake, and drink plenty of water. If you are still concerned or worried about any health issues and think a colon cleanse could help, talk to your doctor about it. They could recommend being screened for any health issues involving your colon.

You don’t need a celebrity diet plan and workout routine to get fit! You can find lots of free resources online to help you on your fitness journey. Credit: Shutterstock

27. Will celebrity diets always help you lose weight? Heck no!

When you hear of a new celebrity fad or diet, you need to be very skeptical. Remember, celebs are being paid for to promote things. Thus, you shouldn’t believe any product that they claim to use to lose weight. Being paid to promote a product can be misleading because when there is monetary gain. It’s possible that the salespeople don’t even use the product frequently. Another scenario is that you only get a small piece of their whole diet plan or routine. It is best not to put all your eggs in one basket.

Credit: Shutterstock

If you do want to follow a celebrity routine or diet, make sure you do your research. If people are promoting something that sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is. It is okay for everyone to follow various diets or lifestyle methods because everybody is different. We all have other food preferences and different lifestyles. If you need to change things up a bit from their plan, do it! You can also talk to your doctor if you want to make sure you’re making the best lifestyle choices for you.

Your body is made up of mostly water – about 67%. To calculate how much water you should be drinking, take your weight and multiple that by 0.67. Credit: Shutterstock

26. Health Myth: You should drink exactly eight glasses of water a day.

People think everyone should drink a solid eight glasses. Commonly referred to as the 8×8 rule, eight 8oz cups of water a day are about two liters of water a day. What is frequently left out of this equation is that your water intake will also include the foods you are eating. So, if you are eating primarily whole foods, this will also increase your water intake. However, drinking two liters of water a day is not enough for more people, even though it sounds like a lot.

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That is why this is used as a baseline, more to just get people started. Our bodies are made up of mostly water, around 67%. To calculate how much water you should be drinking, take your total body weight and multiply that by 67%(or 0.67). If you are 150lbs, you will take 150×0.67, which equals 100.5. We can round our numbers to make this easier to remember. Someone who is 150lbs should be drinking 100 ounces of water per day (or 12.5 cups, or 2.96 liters). If you exercise regularly, you will need to up your water intake, about 12 ounces for every 30 minutes you work out.

Unfortunately, there isn’t any superfood that will help women be more fertile. The best course of action is to eat a healthy balanced diet. Credit: Shutterstock

25. Can certain foods help you get pregnant? Sorry, no.

Unfortunately, no one superfood will make you more fertile. There are lots of old wives’ tales out there that will have you trying many different foods like yams or goji berries, promising increased fertility and your chances of getting pregnant. You don’t want these wives’ tales to get to your head. A much better approach is just becoming healthier overall, eating more vegetables and whole foods, and exercising regularly. While the woman needs to do this, it is equally crucial for the male to do this for both health reasons and support.

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It is also important to be taking prenatal supplements if you are trying to get pregnant. Taking prenatal supplements is high in folic acid, which is essential for a developing embryo. Higher folic acid significantly reduces the chances of any neural tube defects and helps develop your baby’s brain and spine. If it is a whole, healthy food that someone suggests to try, it doesn’t hurt. Just know that it is your overall health that will be the biggest factor. If you are struggling to conceive, speak with your doctor, and they will be able to help you with the steps you can take.

The flu vaccine is given to millions of people every year, and it saves the lives of our most vulnerable population by protecting them against the influenza virus. Credit: Shutterstock

24. Does the flu vaccine even do anything? Of course!

The flu vaccine is effective for most people and can lessen the symptoms of the flu considerably. The flu shot is usually administered in your arm area, and there is a new vaccine every year (the influenza virus is intelligent and changes year to year), so you will have to go back every year to get it. There are some side effects of getting the flu shot. However, not everyone experiences these, and they go away quickly for most people. Some people experience headaches, chills, or a fever after getting the injection. Others find it irritating at the injection site.

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The flu shot isn’t for everyone. Babies under six months old should not get the flu shot, people with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), and people with egg and mercury allergies. It is recommended to get the flu shot if you are in a vulnerable category, especially, for example, over 65 years of age or are pregnant. Getting the flu shot every year reduces your risk of staying at the hospital, which is lessening the strain on our healthcare systems. If you are worried about getting the flu shot, there is much information online, or you can speak with your doctor.

Flip-flops can have a negative impact on your feet if you wear them all the time, so save the flip flops for only the beach if you can. Credit: Shutterstock

23. Do you think flip-flops are acceptable for your feet? You should think again!

Prolonged flip-flip wear can be terrible for your overall foot health. Wearing flip flops all the time can change the way that you walk, which in turn can be bad for your hips and back. Flip flops are fun in the summertime when you want to wear them to the beach or the lake, but they are not recommended for everyday footwear. If you are going to wear flip flops more frequently, it would be very beneficial to find a flip flop with a back strap to keep them on your feet and good arch support.

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The problem with most flip-flops is that they are made cheaply. It is so easy to have multiple pairs of flip-flops around the house that you can slide into whenever you need to run out the door. You can even get flip-flops for your local dollar store now. However, these sandals are not great to wear all the time. Often you are changing the way you walk to keep the flip flop on your foot, and they are usually thin with no arch support. Another con to having a thin shoe is that you run the risk of objects puncturing the shoe, and in turn, your foot.

Studies show that the average age for heart attacks is getting younger, and more younger adults have heart attacks. Credit: Shutterstock

22. Yes, young people are experiencing more heart attacks in recent years.

While it is more likely for an older person to have a heart attack, the rate of younger people having heart attacks is on the rise and, unfortunately, more common in women. Many factors cause heart attacks in younger people and can include substance abuse, poor lifestyle choices, and health issues. People who smoke or abuse alcohol are more likely to have a heart attack younger. They probably have high blood pressure, too. The good news is there are steps you can take so that this is less likely to happen to you.

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A great start would be to quit smoking and drinking. If you need help with this, reach out to your doctor or family members for support. Next, you will want to make healthier choices when it comes to your food and exercise. Weight and obesity are important factors in heart attacks happening in younger people, especially if your weight has made you have type 2 diabetes. If you have very low physical activity in your life, you will need to increase this. Start small and build healthy habits. That could look like going for a ten-minute walk every day then building up your time from there.

Heart attacks can have more symptoms than just chest pain, and it is vital to take care of our hearts by living a healthy lifestyle and exercising regularly. Credit: Shutterstock

21. Heart attacks don’t only cause chest pain — look for these signs, too!

While chest pain is the most common symptom of a heart attack, it is not the only sign. You can have a heart attack with no symptoms at all, which is more common in women than in men. You can take steps to prevent having heart attacks, like living a healthier lifestyle and quitting smoking. Heart attacks have other symptoms, such as shortness of breath and pain in your left arm and jaw. If you are experiencing these symptoms, call 911 immediately for help.

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Unfortunately, other symptoms are more common for women and can look like symptoms of other issues. These include feeling nauseous, dizzy and lightheaded, and unusually tired. If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or smoke, this will increase your heart disease risk and have a heart attack. If you experience these and think it could be because of a heart attack, seek medical attention immediately and advocate for your health. It is essential to try to reduce heart disease factors. Speak to your doctor about lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and quitting smoking if you need to.

Fruit has natural sugars, which are fine in moderation, and they also have essential vitamins and minerals. Credit: Shutterstock

20. Health Myth: Fruit has sugar, so it’s bad for you.

Sugars that you find in fruit compared to the sugars you find in candy and other sweet treats are very different. Sugar in candy and baked goods is called refined sugars, which you should limit. These can also be called fructose, along with many other names, and should only be enjoyed as a treat. These sugars are essentially empty and don’t have any benefits for your overall health. Sugars found in whole fruits, such as apples and berries, should not be lumped into this category because they are natural and have other benefits. Fruits are an essential part of a balanced diet.

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Fruits have other necessary things in them, like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fruit can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. However, it is not recommended to eat an excessive amount of it. You want to reduce the amount of blood sugar spikes in your daily life, and fruits are a better option than candy. Fruit has fiber in it, which reduces your blood sugar levels from spiking as much when compared to candy. Fruit can be just as satisfying for your sugar cravings and is a much better alternative. Plus, it is just as delicious!

An average cycle is 28 days long. However, a woman’s cycle can be anywhere from 21-40 days long, and everyone is different. Credit: Shutterstock

19. Health Myth: Your cycle comes every 28 days.

An average menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but that doesn’t mean that that’s what you should be too. It also doesn’t mean that something is wrong with you if it’s not 28 days long. Many women have cycles that are different days every time and not consistently the same month to month. It is also normal. A woman’s menstrual cycle can be anywhere from 21-40 days long. It’s the same with a woman’s period as well; it can range from 3 days to 10 days long. That is also normal and can change cycle to cycle.

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Some women find that the older they get, the more regular their period and cycle become, but sometimes it is irregular for its lifetime. You can use apps to track your menstrual cycle to make it easier for yourself, or you can mark it on a calendar. Also, if you decide to take birth control, this can make your cycle regular, though the period you have while on birth control is different. It is a good habit to track your period even if it is irregular so that in the future, if there is a medical issue, you have this information on hand.

Cranberry juice won’t cure a urinary tract infection(UTI), but it can prevent you from getting UTIs in the future. Credit: Shutterstock

18. Cranberry juice cures UTIs? Not exactly.

Cranberry juice does not cure a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), but some say it can help prevent it. Several studies show an improvement in the frequency of getting a UTI. Other reviews come up inconclusive. If you are going to add cranberry juice into your diet, you can add pure, unsweetened cranberry juice (not cocktail) or take cranberry pills. Cranberry pills are relatively inexpensive, and if you suffer from frequent UTIs, it could be an additional measure to take that won’t break the bank. Cranberry juice and be expensive. However, you can mix it with one part cranberry juice and one part water.

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There are other steps you can take to prevent UTIs from happening in the future. A UTI occurs when bacteria get into your urethra and sticks to the urinary walls. It makes it painful to urinate, and it can travel up to your bladder and further to your kidneys which can be fatal. UTIs are common, however(up to 60% of women experience them) and easy to treat, or they go away on their own. Make sure you go pee after having sex, and always wipe front to back after going to the bathroom to help prevent UTIs in the future.

As long as you are doing a low-impact workout, it is safe to exercise during pregnancy, and it is encouraged. Credit: Shutterstock

17. Health Myth: It is dangerous to workout during pregnancy.

Previously, it was thought not to be suitable for the women’s health or the baby’s health to work out during pregnancy and rest during their whole pregnancy. We know that this is not the case, and most women are encouraged to work out when they can during their pregnancy. If you have underlying health issues, like asthma or diabetes, you should modify your workouts or avoid them if necessary. Talk to your doctor to recommend working out and monitoring how you feel when working out. If it becomes too hard or you start feeling dizzy, stop doing the workout immediately.

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Some workouts that can be done during pregnancy are walking or swimming. Any lower impact or lower risk workouts can be done and encouraged throughout your pregnancy to continue a healthy lifestyle. Any movements that are very high impact should be avoided, along with any exercises where you could fall easily. You should avoid any activities that are also dangerous – for example, extreme sports – while pregnant. There are lots of lower impact exercises you can find online, and you can discover pregnancy-specific routines on websites like YouTube, where you can follow along. Take breaks throughout the workout if you need to.

Changes in your body temperature can make you more susceptible to getting sick. However, the air conditioning itself shouldn’t make you sick. Credit: Shutterstock

16. Going in and out of air conditioning will not make you sick, but something else could happen.

When you are going in and out of air conditioning, your body temperature is fluctuating a lot. The temperature change isn’t specifically why you’re getting sick. However, if it is happening frequently enough, it can lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. To combat this, you may want to keep your air conditioning comfortable instead of very cold. Room temperature can be around 68 or 70 degrees. If you keep it closer to 70, your overall home bill will be lower as well because you won’t be cooling off your house as much.

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If you’re still getting sick while keeping the temperature in your house milder, it could be another issue with your air conditioning. If your air conditioner hasn’t had the filter changed on time, then you could be blowing dust and other allergens around in your home. Also, if there is any mold in your home, this could be blowing around as well. You’ll want to check your air conditioner or have it serviced to ensure it is running optimally. Pay attention if you start feeling stuffed up or if you know you are prone to react to these types of triggering allergens.

You’ve probably heard someone tell you not to go outside if your hair is wet or else you will get sick. Now you can tell everyone that this is an old wives’ tale. Credit: Shutterstock

15. Will you get sick if you go outside with wet hair? No, but it could increase your chances of getting sick.

Similar to the previous point, the act of going outside with wet hair itself won’t make you sick, and this is an old wives’ tale. However, having wet hair when it is cold out can change your body temperature, making you colder. Therefore you could have a higher chance of catching a cold, but it is doubtful. Having wet hair in itself doesn’t make you more susceptible to catching a cold. Why? Because acquiring a cold requires transmission of bodily fluids, like breathing in the air after someone has sneezed. Those molecules can linger in the air and affect your health.

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One thing that you should be aware of, however, is the cold can be damaging to your hair, and that is what you should worry about. When you go outside in the cold with wet hair, you risk your hair freezing and breaking off. When this happens, you will end up with very uneven hair, and to fix it, your layers will have to be cut to the length of the shortest piece. If you don’t have time to dry your hair in the morning, it is best to use some dry shampoo and avoid washing it until you have time to dry it properly.

Protein is vital in any diet. People following vegetarian and vegan diets can get adequate protein through soy products, lentils, and beans. Credit: Shutterstock

14. Health Myth: Vegetarians and vegans need more protein than a regular diet.

Vegetarians and vegans don’t need any more protein than the rest of us, so this “rule” is a bogus wives tale that you can ignore. Everyone needs protein in their diet, but for most, it is usually an average amount. If you are trying to build muscle and working out a lot, sometimes it is better to incorporate more protein into your diet. You can research more about how much protein you should consume with specific workouts online or reach out to a nutrition specialist. A nutrition specialist will be able to tell you exactly how much protein you should consume and along with other foods as well.

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For vegans and vegetarians, they will need to get their protein from sources other than animals. They will need plant-based proteins, which are very easy to incorporate into most diets. Some good protein sources include beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, and tofu. There are many meat alternative substitutes now as well that can be found at most grocery stores with very high protein. If you are trying to transition to eating a plant-based diet and eating much meat before, many people use these substitutes to make the transition much easier.

High-fat foods are not all bad for you; however, if they are full of saturated fats, you will want to mostly stay away from these foods and only have them as a treat. Credit: Shutterstock

13. Are high-fat foods bad for you? The quick answer is nope.

That depends on what kinds of fats you are talking about. Trans fats are bad for you and are banned in The United States. Trans fat is the process of making fat a solid to prevent it from going bad, therefore lasting longer on our shelves. Saturated fats can also be bad, but that’s mostly because we consume too much of them. These can be fats from meats and dairy products like cheese. Saturated fats aren’t bad for you in small portions, but both of these types of fats can increase cholesterol, therefore, increasing your risk for heart disease.

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However, there are quite a few good fats out there that we should include in our diet regularly. These are called monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. These two types of fats can be found in certain oils like olive and avocado oil, in most nuts and seeds, and fish like salmon. This type of fat should be incorporated into our diet and healthy for us, again in smaller portions. While these foods are good for us, their calorie count is much higher, so just be mindful of that.

Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted disease, and there is a vaccine you can take to protect you. Credit: Shutterstock

12. Health Myth: If you are sexually active, you must get the HPV vaccine.

That is not true at all. If you can get the Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, you should get it. In some cases, it can be expensive. However, some places do have payment options, and sometimes it is covered by your healthcare provider. If you are sexually active, then it is a good idea to get the HPV vaccine. HPV is the most commonly sexually transmitted infection in the United States. There are over 100 different varieties of this STD, but the most common strains cause genital warts and cancer. The most common type of cancer this causes is cervical cancer.

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HPV is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. You can transfer it to your mouth, genitals, or anus. Also, because this STD can cause cancer, it is crucial to get regular pap screenings or screenings for other types of cancer if other symptoms occur. Pap tests should be done every 1-3 years for sexually active women. Thankfully, when cervical cancer is caught early, it is very manageable and can often cause very few long-term issues. Talk to your doctor about HPV and the HPV vaccine on your next visit if you are sexually active.

People get sick sometimes, but you can decrease your chances by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting the flu shot. Credit: Shutterstock

11. Everyone gets sick at some point in their lives – no one is invincible! That is misleading, to say the least.

Have you ever noticed that one friend who is constantly avoiding the flu or colds going around while you, your friends, and family all suffer one after another? We are here to tell you that they are not invincible, and they do and will get sick. Saying some people just never get sick is more specifically a figure of speech than reality. Everyone can and will get sick at some point in their lives. You can do certain things to make this a less common occurrence for you, though, or you may have some luck on your side.

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There are a couple of factors that can help you avoid the common cold or flu. You can get your annual flu shot, which does need to be received annually. Sometimes, it can simply be genetics running in your favor for how often you get sick as well. Adding certain foods to your diet can help avoid the flu or cold, such as garlic and foods high in vitamin C. Also, taking multivitamins can help you avoid getting sick while ensuring that you’re getting all the vitamins you need daily.

Detoxing is another fad that is popular among influencers and internet ads. However, it is something your body naturally does already if you are living a healthy lifestyle. Credit: Shutterstock

10. Health Myth: You need products to detox your body.

While you should be detoxing your body in the way of cutting out bad foods and eating more whole foods, it is a bogus statement that you should be “detoxing.” Any products marketed to you as a product that flushes out toxins and has you go through a “detox” is a bit more than gimmicky. You often see these products in teas or supplements, saying things like detox your body quickly or cleanse your body. You don’t need any of these products. Often they are costly for what you get as well, so save your money.

Credit: Shutterstock

Your body naturally detoxes, and it does that through your liver. That is your liver’s primary function. You can help your liver by not making it work overtime every day. Also, you should not consume alcohol often, overeat red meat, or smoke. You will also want to avoid any harmful sugars or a lot of natural sugars, as this can be hard on your liver. If you are eating a pretty balanced diet with plenty of whole foods and heavy on the plants and vegetables, your liver will thank you.

Maple syrup and honey are better for you than sugar, but only in moderation. Credit: Shutterstock

9. Should you swap sugar for honey or maple syrup? Yes, and each has different benefits!

Consuming many of these things, sugar, honey, or maple syrup, is terrible for your no matter what. Generally speaking, they are all not great. You will want to limit your intake of any of these ingredients no matter what. If you are looking to satisfy a sweet tooth craving, a better option is to have a piece of fruit or some berries. That, at least, is natural and has more fibers and vitamins. However, we know that sometimes you will have that candy or piece of cake, and once in a while isn’t going to derail your diet.

Credit: Shutterstock

When looking at all three of these ingredients on the glycemic index, which rates how these foods affect your blood sugar levels, sugar is the worst. Next would be honey. Then the best one is maple syrup. If you are more worried about your fat intake and want more vitamin benefits, honey would be your go-to. Either way, whichever you chose, just know that moderation is key, and you can enjoy any of the three options. There are tons of recipes that include substitutions for sugar using both honey and maple syrup for whatever you have on hand.

Unfortunately, sexually transmitted diseases don’t always show symptoms. You should get tested when you have unprotected sex with a new partner. Credit: Shutterstock

8. Health Myth: STIs always have symptoms.

That is not true, and many STDs don’t show any symptoms at all. Some STDs also show symptoms in some people and not in others, and in some cases, you can contract STD, and it will show signs one time but not another. That is why it is imperative to get tested regularly if you are sexually active and to have open and honest conversations with your sexual partners. It is essential to use protection when having sex, like using condoms. If your partner does not want to use protection, you may not want to have sex with them.

Credit: Shutterstock

Some of the more common STDs include Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes, and Trichomoniasis. All of these STDs can show symptoms and can also be asymptomatic. Often, these will present themselves, and you will notice a discharge, an unpleasant odor, itching, and a burning or uncomfortable sensation when urinating. If you experience any of these and are sexually active, it is essential to get tested. Millions of people are diagnosed with an STD every year in The United States, so it is nothing to be embarrassed about and is a very routine occurrence. Be sure to use protection with new partners to lessen the chance of getting an STD.

If you are pregnant, you are in a more vulnerable state for contracting the influenza virus. You should consider getting the flu shot! Credit: Shutterstock

7. Should pregnant women get the flu shot? Yes!

That is the complete opposite of what is recommended for pregnant women. While pregnant, you are more vulnerable to things like the flu, and your immune system is not as strong. It is vital to get the flu shot as a pregnant woman to protect yourself and your baby. You don’t want to end up in the hospital from the flu. Like other flu shots or vaccines, if you have a severe allergy to eggs, you don’t want to get this. Talk to your doctor before getting the flu shot to make sure everything is okay.

Credit: Shutterstock

There has not been any evidence to suggest getting the flu shot when pregnant can cause miscarriages or have any adverse effects on developing babies. Some women experience the same symptoms as anyone else getting the flu shot, which can be soreness around the shot injection site, headache, fever, and nausea. However, these symptoms usually go away within one to two days. Research more about what to expect when getting the flu shot or speak with your doctor before getting the flu shot. You can be more vulnerable postpartum as well, so you may want to get the flu shot after giving birth as well.

You can still get pregnant even when you are breastfeeding. Thus, it is good to keep track of when your period comes back and when you have unprotected sex. Credit: Shutterstock

6. Can you get pregnant when you’re breastfeeding? Yes, you can!

It definitely wouldn’t be fair to say that you can’t get pregnant when you are breastfeeding because there is a chance of it happening. If you are only breastfeeding, you will need to do so roughly every 4 hours. If you are not supplementing with formula or solid foods when the baby is older, then it is unlikely that you will get pregnant while breastfeeding. When you breastfeed, your hormones that produce milk suppress the hormones that have you make an egg and ovulate. That doesn’t mean that it won’t happen because it certainly can and has before.

If you don’t want to become pregnant soon after having your baby, it would be a good idea to speak with your doctor or ob-gyn and plan to go on birth control. You can go on the pill or get an IUD while breastfeeding, and it is entirely safe. When you talk to your doctor, you can determine the best form of birth control. If you don’t want to take anything, you can continue to breastfeed and can use condoms as well. Just know that your chances of getting pregnant are greater.

If you have any itching or discharge happening, you should speak with your doctor to be an STD or an infection. Credit: Shutterstock

5. If you have itching and discharge, it could be more than a yeast infection.

Itching and discharge are common symptoms of many STDs and other vaginal infections, so to say that those two symptoms are only signs of a yeast infection is false. If you are sexually active, then there is a good chance it could be something else, especially if you are unsure if your partner has had other partners. Sometimes symptoms for STDs don’t present themselves for several weeks. If you are unsure, you need to make an appointment with your doctor. If you leave it untreated, there could be further complications down the line and significant discomfort for you.

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There are over-the-counter yeast infection medications you can take. However, when you take these, it can be harder to diagnose another STD than it could be. The cultures in your vagina need to be present, and the medication for yeast infections gets rid of these. It is best to wait for a diagnosis from your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medications. Sometimes, if you have had a yeast infection before and haven’t been sexually active recently, your doctor will just tell you to take over-the-counter medications. If you are unsure, make sure you advocate for your own health and get checked out to be sure.

The ketogenic diet is trendy right now, and how people who follow this lose weight is by restricting their carbohydrate intake. Credit: Shutterstock

4. Health Myth: You need to go carb-free to lose weight.

With the ketogenic diet being one of the most talked-about and hyped up diets right now, it’s no wonder you see headlines like “you need to be carb-free to lose weight!”. The ketogenic diet is very similar to the Atkins diet, where carbohydrates are limited, and you burn fat instead to lose weight. The ketogenic diet works very well for many people and isn’t as restrictive as some other diets. However, you don’t need to cut out carbs or eat only small amounts of carbs to lose weight. You can still enjoy your carbohydrates and lose weight.

Credit: Shutterstock

Weight loss is as simple as calories in versus calories out; however, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is one of the best ways to lose weight healthily. Living a healthy lifestyle involves exercising regularly and eating well, so it is a no-brainer that this would also allow you to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you will need to eat in a caloric deficit, which doesn’t restrict carbohydrates, fats, or proteins. It is often better for your health to avoid refined carbohydrates like white bread and white rice, but natural ingredients like potatoes are good in moderation.

Heart disease in women is commonly known as “the silent killer.” Thus, it is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle and have regular visits to your doctor. Credit: Shutterstock

3. Health Myth: Women don’t need to worry about heart disease as much as men.

Men and women both need to worry about heart disease more now than ever. With more and more people gaining weight and being overweight, heart disease risk is much greater. Higher cholesterol due to poor diet and lifestyle choices are a common cause and worry for heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in The United States, so everyone should be looking to prevent it. There are multiple heart disease types, and using the term ‘heart disease” is just an umbrella term for all of them.

Credit: Shutterstock

Heart disease includes arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease (CAD), and other heart infections. These can lead to heart failure, which also causes heart attacks. Women, in particular, need to be careful when it comes to heart disease, as this is often called “the silent killer.” Many women can have complications with their heart and have heart disease and not know it. Sometimes no symptoms are present. That is why women need to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.

You should have your cholesterol checked to start in your 20s, especially if you have a family history of bad cholesterol. Credit: Shutterstock

2. Health Myth: You don’t need to have your cholesterol checked in your early adulthood.

More and more young adults are experiencing higher cholesterol, so it is something that both men and women should be worrying about as early as their early 20’s. More elevated cholesterol can have extremely adverse effects on the body, and you might not even know it because there are usually no symptoms. It is vital to get your cholesterol levels checked regularly, especially if high cholesterol runs in your family. High cholesterol can be one of the causes that lead to heart attacks and strokes. The good news is you can do things now to lower your cholesterol.

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If you need to lower your cholesterol, you will want to avoid unhealthy foods, especially trans fats and saturated fats. Focus on healthy fats that you will get through nuts, seeds, and fish. If you are going to have saturated fats, have them in moderation. Also, quitting smoking and lowering or quitting alcohol will help reduce your cholesterol levels as well. Sometimes higher cholesterol can be linked to your genetics, so eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can be even more essential. Also, for women, after menopause, your risk of having higher cholesterol increases, so it is recommended to have your cholesterol levels checked more frequently.

Always make sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds, lathering then rinsing. Credit: Shutterstock

1. Are hand sanitizers and antibacterial soap both needed in handwashing? No, not at the same time!

Now more than ever, we are constantly reminded to wash our hands with the Covid-19 pandemic. We need to be diligent with this to protect ourselves and our loved ones. What is the difference between these soaps and sanitizers, and which ones are better for us? While neither one is more crucial than the other, they are all critical now, but they serve different purposes. It can be best to use all of them throughout the day. We should be washing our hands multiple times a day.

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Regular and antibacterial soaps are used to wash out hands of any dirt or debris. Soap is used to get soiled hands clean, and antibacterial soap has the added benefit of killing more bacteria. Regular soap can do this, too, as long as your washing your hands properly. Hand Sanitizer is not meant to actually “clean” soiled hands but rather only kill bacteria and germs on our hands. It’s not meant to wash the dirt off. Hand sanitizer is great for when your hands aren’t soiled and when you want to make sure your hands are free from bacteria, for example, after you’ve touched door handles.



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