
Hilarious Mental Health Tweets That Will Make You Laugh, Then Cry

21. That’s Not What That Means We’ve all heard the scientific research that the brain isn’t fully developed until you’re 25, but that doesn’t mean you… Trista - June 27, 2022

Dealing with your own mental health is a daily struggle. Sometimes, it can feel like you’re never going to see the other side and experience joy again. However, it doesn’t hurt to laugh every once in a while to get your spirits up. That’s not to say that these tweets are going to cure whatever’s ailing you, but a good laugh could be what you need in a given day to get you heading in the right direction. Here are 50 of the most hilarious tweets on mental health that you may be able to relate to.


50. Being There For You, Literally

It pays to know that someone will be there for you through thick and thin. So receiving this kind of message would make anyone’s heart swell with warmth. It can make you feel recognized and that you’re not entirely alone with what you’re dealing with. It’s just a shame they took this message was taken in the wrong way. It’s still a hilarious outcome, discovering this kind of message from an Uber driver waiting outside. That must have been an awkward ride they both had to endure for however long the drive was for.


49. Playing A Different Game of Poker

The metaphors used in the dating scene are definitely some of the most hilarious. This poor woman thought she would find a partner who would care enough to see how much effort she was putting into the start of the relationship. Instead, she’s ending up with nothing. After all, if you’re going to liken the dating scene to poker, then there’s no reason for someone with no money to try and get into the game. Unfortunately, she had to endure this, but let’s hope she’s on the mend and focusing more on what she wants instead of trying to please other people.


48. Killing Two Birds With One Stone

Overthinking things can be a real problem for those who deal with anxiety. Of course, this overthinking can push the edges of patience for everyone else, but the worst thing you can do is get mad at them. They can’t help it, after all. So what’s the best way to deal with someone who gets mad at you for it? Just assume that you were right all long to overthink in the first place! Instead of getting angry, exercise patience, and reassure the person that overthinking may not be the best choice. This tweet definitely captured the right mood in the most hilarious way.


47. Calling Kettle Calling Itself Black

A little self-deprecating humor can go a long way, as long as you’re not too heavy-handed. This guy knows how to play that game. Instead of pointing out the state of his mental health in his tweets, he turns the tables around and jokingly points out that everyone else is at fault for liking him when there’s clearly something wrong with him. Of course, it can also take on a serious note. Someone with poor mental health isn’t “quirky” or “unique;” they need genuine help. Liking someone because of how they act with a mental illness can lead to some unfortunate circumstances.


46. Being Able To Laugh At Yourself

It’s one thing to be able to admit what your toxic traits are, but this person definitely took their tweet in a completely different direction. You can feel like a target when your friends start talking about your personal problems, but this person decides to put a positive spin on it by laughing at themselves. Of course, nobody is perfect, and everyone will have issues of their own that they deal with daily. So learning to accept them in stride and roll with the punches can be one of the most positive ways to deal with them, honestly.


45. Putting The Therapist On Blast

Having a therapist is a great way to help you deal with your problems. However, when you find one who completely understands you to the point that they know exactly what you’re going to say, then they’re a keeper. To be honest, the tweet about this conversation sounds more like two good friends than a therapist and their client, which can be a good and healthy way to look at it. Even if the therapist does sound a little bullied in this interaction.


44. Getting Over Past Feelings

This tweet takes the cake. We’ve all had an ex at some point that we all thought was the bee’s knees, only for them to turn your lives upside-down when they leave. It can leave behind a hole in your life that you don’t know how to feel. And sometimes, that can lead to many tears, as this person demonstrated. There’s nothing wrong with crying if that gets all the feelings out. Sometimes, raw emotions are a lot better than words anyway. This person definitely summed those feelings up with very few words.


43. Feeling Like A Cracked Glass

Dealing with your mental health problems is a constant struggle, but many people don’t understand that enduring this struggle is a way to make you come out stronger on the other side. That couldn’t be further from the truth; this person summed it perfectly. The struggle can leave you with many regrets instead of healing and make you bitter towards people who do and probably don’t deserve it. Furthermore, there’s no strength in being angry at everything around you. It can make you not want to try at all in the end if you don’t have someone to help you along the way.


42. Heard That Before

Whenever you find the courage to share your problems with other people, more often than not, they will tell you that everything will be okay. Many people with mental illness have heard this all their lives. Thus, to hear the same thing come out of a therapist… It’s beyond aggravating and the very title of this person’s life story. We’re sure that it’s the title of many people’s life stories, especially if they’ve struggled with mental health on their own their entire lives.


41. Keeps Going And Going And Going

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as seasonal depression, shifts and changes with the year’s seasons. It usually occurs in the colder months and then improves when the year gets warmer. That can be something actually to look forward to. Nevertheless, what can you do when you’re stuck in a place like California that doesn’t have seasons? There’s never really the chance for it to “go away” when it’s the exact same temperature all year round. So what should be “seasonal” ends up becoming a year-long event.


40. Thinking Too Highly Of Themselves

Exes always want to act as if they give you everything and that you’re indebted to them somehow. Little do they know that what they’re really contributing to your world is emotional damage. You can look back and laugh at it now, but it wasn’t so funny back then when they did whatever they could to make you miserable. And they must have, or else they wouldn’t be your ex in the first place. Of course, nothing feels better than putting down someone who thought too highly of the impact they had on your life.


39. Spotify Will Always Find You

Some people hide their emotional state from their friends and family because they don’t want to be asked questions or have to explain anything. It just makes it easier to deal with things by yourself. Furthermore, what do most people do when they want to be alone? Listen to music, of course. And Spotify can sense your moods from which songs you’re listening to, deciphering the trend and putting on hits that seem to match the rest of your playlist. Spotify knows. It always knows.


38. Accepting Your Fate

When dealing with a mental health crisis, most people would seek the attention of a therapist to get some help. It can help you to pinpoint what solutions may be available to you so that you can have a more positive outlook on what’s going on in your life. However, therapy can be expensive. As this person humorously points out, just accepting the way things are is also a completely reasonable response… and is entirely free. It can be pretty unfettering to accept bad things and move on with your life instead of dwelling on things you can’t change.


37. Dim But Still Functional

Sometimes, we all just lose that little spark inside of us that makes us want to get out of bed in the mornings. That doesn’t mean that we can’t operate. We just don’t do it with as much vivacity as we used to. Just like this tweet, just because the light inside the vending machine doesn’t work anymore, it doesn’t mean you can’t get what you want out of it. It just requires a little more patience and care, which can benefit those who just aren’t having the best brain space days.


36. Definitely Misunderstood

Everyone gets misunderstood sometimes, and it is not easy when you’re trying to deal with your own mental problems. Not everyone understands you. However, it can be a little disheartening when your therapist doesn’t get you. Nevertheless, this Twitter user completely spun the story on its head and gave it a horoscope twist. Sagittarius is often the misunderstood sign, with no one really knowing what they’re doing. That’s what takes this “could be depressing” gesture and turns it into something we can all laugh at. What’s wrong with some humor once in a while?


35. Conflicting Messages

Going to a therapy session isn’t puppies and rainbows. You have to deal with some serious stuff that can take a lot of energy. The hardest part is being honest with your therapist despite knowing that all they want to do is help you. Of course, this person’s suggestion adds a lot of humor to the situation. Everyone has sent the wrong emoji at some point responding to someone’s text message, so bringing confetti to a therapy session accurately reflects that situation.


34. The Sun Behind The Rain Cloud

At least this person knows what’s important! Feeling unloved as a child for a Leo means they’ll look for attention elsewhere, even if it’s from people they don’t know. After all, burying themselves in the love and adoration of fans, though not an accurate replacement for the love they missed out on, certainly can help! At least this tweet tries to put a positive spin on things instead of dwelling on matters they can no longer change. Best to look to the future, they say!


33. A Distraction From It All

There’s one thing to be said about mental health: it’s difficult to deal with. It takes a lot of effort to get the ball rolling and keep it moving in the right direction. But when the lack of motivation is there, this person has the perfect solution to that conundrum: distraction! Their house may not need painting, but it doesn’t hurt to put their mind to something productive that will give them new walls to look at. Of course, the problems will still be there once they’re done, but at least they had a few hours of happiness doing something they wanted to do.


32. The Flip-Flop Of Mental Health

Never has there been a tweet more accurate. One minute, you could be doing absolutely fine, and all it takes is a small switch in your head to go off, and then all the encroaching thoughts start. That big success you just achieved? You probably could have done it better some other way. Giving yourself a break from a hard day at work? You’re wasting your time and not doing enough. Spending more time focusing on the positives rather than the negatives because this optimistic thinking pattern can be difficult to break.


31. It’s Not That Scary

Would you prefer a difficult task or having things easy for a change? We think that was the point that this person was trying to make. We’re not suggesting that one should resort to such measures, but this person isn’t wrong about fearing death. It can be challenging to want to continue the struggle especially when it comes to a person’s mental health. When the stakes are stacked against you, is there really a reason you’d want to endure even more torture?


30. Having A Relatable Therapist

Nothing can be more aggravating than a therapist who doesn’t “get you” or understands what you’re going through. This can usually be because of a culture clash, evidenced by this person’s tweet. Without explaining exactly what they meant, their therapist completely understood their lingo and knew what they were talking about. In that sense, the bond between therapist and client could only grow stronger. Isn’t that something everyone would want when dealing with their mental health? It would definitely make therapy sessions more enjoyable ad productive.


29. The Currency Of Emotion

Nowadays, it has become more common for young adults to remain at home with their parents for much longer before finding their own place. Of course, even though their stay is mostly rent-free, they pay for their accommodations in other ways. Parents can be annoying at times, especially when it comes to your adult life. They want to have a say in everything you do, down to the point that it can make you feel like you’re seven years old again. That can definitely cause an identity crisis for young adults who want to start living their own lives.


28. Life Without A Plan

It’s nice to have a plan in place for your life, but your mental health seems to want to go in the entirely opposite direction. It’s a shame that it can’t be more predictable so that we can plan our lives accordingly. Just like any good rap artist worth his weight in salt, your mental health does whatever it wants and doesn’t care about the consequences, regardless of what situation you find yourself in. If only it could be reigned back in and tamped down a little so that our lives weren’t completely thrown out of balance.


27. Exams Are The Worst

No one has ever looked forward to taking an exam in their lives. In fact, we still dream about having exams to this day, even though college was more than a decade ago. So the pressure is real, especially when you can’t remember what you’re supposed to remember. It’s a harrowing experience to sit in front of a test sheet, trying to remember the answer to the question, literally begging your brain to recall anything from what you read the night before. At worst, your brain is uncooperative in the end, leaving you stumped and in tears while trying to finish the test.


26. That’s Not How You Want To Be Found

TikTok is a fun and strange thing. You can choose to watch videos from your favorite creators or browse through the “fyp” page to see the new content being generated. It’s all well and good… until you learn that your therapist could find your videos and discover all of the things you may not be telling them in your therapy sessions. That’s why social media can be dangerous if you’re not curtailing the kind of content you’re putting out there for the world to see.


25. Can Only Take So Much

This is another tweet that recognizes how easy it could be to go back to living with your parents… and then you remember why you moved out in the first place. When you’re younger, you basically accept everything you’re told because you don’t know any better. Nevertheless, as you grow older and start thinking for yourself, you come to terms with the fact that maybe your parents aren’t as reliable as you once believed them. And that staying with them for any amount of time is going to make you lose your mind.


24. Bonding With Your Spouse Over The Wrong Thing

When a marriage is on the rocks, seeing a marriage counselor is the first step to patching things up and compromising on what the both of you can do differently to help your marriage work. A therapy session can lead to long conversations that you can’t avoid afterward. However, what you don’t expect is that your spouse would agree with you… about how much your marriage counselor sucks. Maybe it’s not an essential aspect of your relationship, but anything that brings you closer together with your spouse is better than nothing.


23. The Brain Is A Marvelous Thing

The brain is capable of many things we don’t have to think about. It’s somewhat short of a miracle that this organ so small. It automatically takes care of your bodily functions by releasing chemicals, moving your body parts when you want them to, and is generally capable of some fascinating things. So the fact that it continues to go to work even when you’re asleep is intriguing. It keeps going at it, even when you’re sleeping. Whom is it trying to impress?


22. Distractions Are A Wonderful Thing

The brain and the body always deserve rest, but there are moments when curiosity gets the better of you. A random question pops into your head, and instead of leaving it until morning, your brain demands that you look up the answer right now. Of course, smartphones have made it even easier to satisfy one’s curiosity while they’re under the covers, so they can find exactly the answer they’re looking for… instead of going to bed as they should. It’s time to start putting the smartphone on the other side of the room if you’re not disciplined enough to go to bed at a reasonable time.


21. That’s Not What That Means

We’ve all heard the scientific research that the brain isn’t fully developed until you’re 25, but that doesn’t mean you have free reign to be completely stupid before then. Critical thinking doesn’t seem as familiar as it used to be, where people make silly choices without thinking about the consequences of their actions. There can be an excuse for some things, but others make you want to grab someone by the shoulders, shake them vigorously, and ask them why they thought their actions would be a good idea.


20. The Brain Can Be Your Worst Enemy

Remember when we said that the brain is a wonderful thing? It can also end up screwing up your daily life and making things worse for you than they should be. Especially if you have anxiety, your brain can’t help but fill itself with intrusive thoughts that you don’t want to have. This makes it difficult for you even to want to get out of bed. Yet your brain acts like everything should be okay with the burden that it’s given you that you didn’t even ask for.


19. A Little Warning Doesn’t Hurt

It would be nice if people in the dating scene were honest about themselves before you get too deep into something you’re not ready for. This person has the perfect solution to that problem, and that’s sharing their social media tweets with any potential dates beforehand. After all, some people tend to be a little more honest on Twitter than in person. A person’s Twitter page can be a good reflection of what’s going on in their head, so who would want to pass up that opportunity?


18. Why Weren’t You Invited?

It’s always a concern that people could be talking about you behind your back, especially if you’re dealing with feelings of inadequacy and other mental health problems. Confessing these things to your therapist should be a safe space for you to be vulnerable, so when they respond like this, well, it’s ironic. Your therapist is talking about you in a group chat with your parents without you knowing. As if that kind of knowledge wouldn’t make your mental health worse…


17. Oversharing In The Wrong Place

It’s easy to go onto Twitter and spill how you’re doing to the whole world. After all, you can hide behind a screen, and no one knows who you really are. The anonymity of it all makes it easy just to put your thoughts out there and then walk away. So when a therapist asks if anyone else is aware of your mental health, you’re not exactly lying when you say yes. The real question is whether the right people know about your mental health and who are capable of helping you out.


16. Misinterpreting Pregnancy Tests

Unexpected circumstances can make us confused and scrambling for explanations for our situation. Logic is thrown out the window, leaving us to come to the strangest conclusions on our own. An unplanned pregnancy is one of those circumstances, and although it’s a little laughable that this friend was actually pregnant with four children simultaneously, that’s not what it means. Hopefully, after she’s had a good cry, she’ll laugh at what she said and start to take care of herself.


15. It’s Like Groundhog Day!

Sometimes it can feel like you’re living the same horrible day repeatedly, waiting for something good and different to happen. Unfortunately, in the adult world, it doesn’t work that way. Mondays will always show up until the end of time. We’re all going to experience Mondays for as long as we live. Mondays are not going to go away. The only real solution is to change the day’s name to something else. That would essentially eliminate Mondays and make us start hating something else.


14. Putting On A Brave Face

This picture perfectly reflects how we can all be when we’re out with our friends. We’re laughing on the outside, but on the inside, we’re desperately trying to bury all those negative emotions in hopes that they don’t crawl out and expose themselves in your current social situation. You don’t want to be the one who ruins the mood, so you just keep smiling so that everyone can continue to have a good time. You tell yourself that you’ll deal with it later when you’re at home. By yourself.


13. An Exercise In Futility

Dealing with one’s mental health can be extremely draining. So even when you know that you should be doing the things to make it better, you don’t have the energy to get up and do any of those things, leaving you in a horrible spiral that you don’t know how to get out of. It doesn’t hurt to ask for a bit of help, of course, so that you can have the energy and motivation to do just one thing to get your mental health moving in the right direction.


12. Denying The Truth About Your Mental Health

It’s easy to look at other people and see how they’re not taking care of themselves. Of course, when the mirror is put in front of us, we tend to deny what we see and act like everything is absolutely fine. And that gives people an excuse to continue their bad habits, which only makes their mental health worse over the long run. Acceptance should be the first step, and you should start changing those habits into healthier ones. However, before you can get acceptance, you have first to recognize where your mental health is.


11. Making The Right Choice

The advent of social media has distracted people from the aspects of their own lives by giving them something to focus on. That has left many people with voids where their concerns should be. But to be fair, it is much easier to read about other people’s lives than to look at your own problems and go through the difficulty of trying to fix them. So why waste the effort? Just delete your mental health so you can drown yourself in other people’s problems and make yourself feel better about yourself (we’re kidding, of course).


10. Getting The Lyrics Wrong

The brain can be an extraordinary thing. It makes connections where there are none, twists lyrics into completely different sentences, and comes up with bizarre ideas you couldn’t have come up with on your own if you tried. And although this person is entirely right about money, that’s not actually how the song goes. Furthermore, the fact that their way makes more sense makes it even more puzzling as to why they wrote the song that way in the first place. Maybe they have a career as a lyricist and don’t even know it?


9. Not The Answer They Wanted

The typical conversation involves someone asking how you are, and you reply with “fine.” That’s become the standard because no one really wants to have an awkward conversation about mental health. And for that reason, everyone is walking around with problems that could be taken care of already. Extend that question of how you’re doing to a concert, where the guy on stage is trying to rile up the crowd, and the blatant honesty makes for quite a hilarious response in this situation. What makes it even funnier? Is that because this Twitter user isn’t even raising their voice? There’s no way the singer is even going to hear them anyway.


8. Waiting Too Long To Respond

We’ve all been there: you get an email you know needs your immediate reply. But what do you write? We tell ourselves to put it off until later, when we’ve formulated the right answer in our head. A day goes by, and then two. Then a week. Then a month. Then we’re riddled with too much guilt even to respond and end up never sending that reply anyway. Surely, they’ve already forgotten about that email by now, right? We may never know because we’re still too afraid to ask.


7. That’s Not The Best Way To Look At Things

Kanye West has been in some controversies lately, which can be worrying as he has come out about his mental health. That’s definitely not an excuse for what he’s done and said, but that can make a person view his activities slightly differently. Moreover, for someone to think that his actions and choices of words are “okay” means that there’s a problem that person should probably take care of. Because Kanye’s behavior is quickly getting him on people’s “do no like” lists.


6. Unfortunate Circumstances

It’s one thing to become comfortable with your therapist, but it’s something else to overshare. What you think might be a funny piece of social media could end up biting you in the butt the next time you meet them. As this tweet demonstrates, your therapist will use all the information they know to help you with your mental health, including upping your meds. Although it may seem funny at first, maybe there are some things you should keep to yourself instead of sharing. You don’t want your therapist to take your social media links the wrong way.


5. Avoiding Your Therapist’s Advice

The best thing that you can do is listen to your therapist’s advice. They know how to help you get on the right track to helping your mental health. The advice listed here is sound and seems pretty easy to follow. But, of course, someone with mental health issues isn’t going to be the most rational regarding their daily choices. Moreover, as this person demonstrates, is making the exact opposite choice to what their therapist says they should do.


4. A Different Appreciation For Art

If you’re the creative type, it’s a given that you’re going to be hypercritical of your own work. That’s just how things go: you notice all of your flaws and mistakes while everyone else’s work around you is absolutely flawless. Well, this person definitely has a solution: pretend as if you made that other person’s artwork! That way, you can exercise the same critical eye you use for yourself, and you’ll see things that you never noticed before. It can be an excellent way to uplift yourself, realize that other people make mistakes too, and accept that your artwork is just as worthy of attention as everyone else’s.


3. Guilty Pleasures Of The Mind

As the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover. People are allowed to read what they want, and although it can feel good to read a book that teaches you something, there’s nothing wrong with reading a trashy romance novel either. Not everything has to be about working or getting smarter, just like there’s nothing wrong with choosing a bag of potatoes over a rich gumbo that has been cooking for hours. Some people just want an easy way to relax, and others shouldn’t judge them for it.


2. First Impressions Do Count

It’s not great that we all judge people by their first appearances without knowing what kind of people they really are. We seem to tuck them away into different categories of people in our minds so that they can fit into specific check-marked boxes. Of course, this person explains it in a much lighter sense, not unlike children finding a bug for the first time: putting them in a box or a jar and shaking it feverishly to see what they’ll do. Thankfully, this is all taking place in one’s mind, so no one is getting hurt.


1. Not the Kind Of Multitask You Expect

It’s one thing to multitask, but it’s another to be good at it. Studies have shown that multitasking actually makes you less productive at all the tasks you’re engaged in. However, this is one perfect example of being able to multitask and accomplish all of your goals. After all, it’s all taking place internally, so all you have to do is sit there and let it happen. Honestly, nothing could be easier than sipping on a wine cooler while your internal screams reverberate inside your head.
