
Medical Miracle Survival Stories That Are Hard To Explain

Moreno Just Wasn’t Ready to go Yet Alcides Moreno survived a 47-story fall from a high-rise building, gripping a narrow window washer’s platform. Tragically, his brother… Alexander Gabriel - August 12, 2023

Medical miracles showcase the astonishing power of modern science and the human spirit. They defy odds, leaving us in awe. Patients recover miraculously, surgeries restore sight and mobility – these events astound. Medical miracles inspire by pushing boundaries and offering hope globally. They highlight human perseverance and medical innovation, transforming lives beyond imagination. These remarkable achievements stand as a testament to the unwavering determination of both medical professionals and patients. The incredible strides made in the realm of medicine continually remind us that the impossible can become reality through sheer dedication and ingenuity.


Marathon Runner and Miraculous CPR

In January 2017, attorney Rand Mintzer set out for his 25th marathon, aiming to complete his 11th Houston Marathon. However, things took an unexpected turn. He struggled with heartburn, nausea, and even vomited on the sidelines. Lightheadedness and blurred vision followed. At mile 15, he collapsed, experiencing full cardiac arrest. Fortunately, six CPR-trained spectators, his “angels,” rushed to help. Nearby was an assisted-living facility with an AED, a life-saving defibrillation device. Paramedics arrived, taking Rand to Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute-Southwest. There, Dr. Peter Chang placed a stent to address a severe arterial blockage. Now, Rand is on a mission to promote CPR awareness, driven by the desire to increase survival chances and reunite more families.


Alternative Therapy Creates Seeming Miracle

A man who sustained brain damage in a car crash regained his ability to speak after doctors applied a magnet to his head while he was in a coma. Medical professionals theorize that the electromagnetic field prompted nerve cells to send a “wake-up” signal to his brain, showcasing a potential efficacy of magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy, also known as magnet therapy, is an alternative medical practice that involves the use of static magnetic fields to improve health and treat various conditions.

UVA Today – The University of Virginia

The Training Turns Real

In February 2013, 75-year-old retired engineer Jim Malloy took on the role of a “medical actor” at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, mimicking an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), known as the silent killer. During his simulation, third-year medical student Ryan Jones felt a pulsing mass in Jim’s abdomen, signaling an actual aneurysm. Despite Ryan’s disbelief, subsequent tests confirmed a six-centimeter AAA that required immediate surgery and stent placement. Jim’s lack of symptoms and recent clean bill of health made the diagnosis even more surprising. Ryan’s timing proved critical, saving Jim’s life and evoking gratitude from both Jim and his wife, Louise.

The Sun

Nine Year Old Car Crash Victim

Jordan Taylor survived a car accident that resulted in a severe injury doctors termed ‘orthopedic decapitation,’ causing his skull to separate from his vertebrae. Given a mere one percent chance of survival at the time, his recovery is being hailed as a miraculous feat attributed both to divine intervention and the hospital’s efforts. Remarkably, Jordan defies expectations by engaging in activities like air hockey and moving, defying the aftermath of his near-fatal injury. A CBS reporter expressed amazement at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, emphasizing that Jordan’s survival and progress are against all odds. The incident prompted the collective power of prayer from numerous churches, a testament to the incredible impact of community support.

Verywell Family

23 Week Miracle

Samuel Rodriguez’s journey will bring tears to your eyes. He was born in April 2017 at just 23 weeks and 3 days due to a spontaneous placental abruption. Jennifer Fresneda from Tioga, Texas, rushed to the hospital in labor, where an emergency C-section was the only hope for her baby’s survival. Samuel took his first breath, then underwent immediate intubation and transfer to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). In the NICU, the sight of their delicate newborn covered in wires left Jennifer and her husband both moved and amazed. Samuel’s NICU stay lasted four months, involving two surgeries, including one to correct a heart anomaly. On August 9, a day before his expected due date, Samuel left the hospital, though still reliant on an apnea monitor and oxygen. Jennifer reflects, “I never imagined such tiny babies could defy the odds.”


Brain Eating Amoeba

On July 19, 2013, Kali Hardig battled a brain-eating amoeba infection. Playing at a water park had turned into a nightmare of headaches and nausea. Doctors revealed she had contracted a near-fatal condition called primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. The odds were grim—only two survivors existed in North America. Nonetheless, Arkansas Children’s Hospital sprang into action, treating her aggressively with drugs, a coma, and temperature reduction. Ventilators and dialysis machines sustained her as her medical team fought to stabilize her condition. Slowly, signs of improvement emerged, and Kali’s eventual awakening marked her as the third survivor of this condition. The inexplicable reasons behind her survival, according to Dr. Matt Linam, include divine grace and a string of small miracles.

Blog Memorial Hermann

Unbreakable Spirit for This Prom Queen

Breaking the mold of a typical high school senior, Katie Vacek stood out as a class officer, sixth-ranked graduate, school band member, varsity cheerleader, and powerlifting team participant. However, a tragic incident altered her future in February 2017 when a fall from a tree during a nature walk left her with severe injuries, including a fractured sternum, broken ribs, collapsed lung, and a broken spine. Despite facing potential paralysis after a lengthy spinal fusion surgery at Memorial Hermann Red Duke Trauma Institute, Katie remained resolute. Sharing her determination with the TIRR Memorial Hermann physical therapy team, she aspired not just to survive but to stand and dance with her boyfriend at prom. Their ingenious harness creation enabled her dream to come true, as she not only danced at prom but also claimed the titles of prom king and queen, marking a testament to her indomitable spirit.

Daily Mail

Birth and Death

After a normal C-section birth, Ruby Graupera-Cassimiro faced cardiac arrest, prompting her return to the operating room at a Florida hospital. Intubated swiftly by Dr. Jordan Knurr, her heart struggled for over two hours, even halting its pumping. Amidst farewell preparations, her heart astonishingly reignited without medical intervention, attributed to an amniotic fluid embolism. Despite odds, Ruby emerged in excellent health, leaving the hospital days later with her newborn daughter. In awe of her recovery, she acknowledges a higher power’s role, stating, “Someone else was running the show that day; there’s no doubt in my mind.”

Go Fund Me

Three Time Childhood Cancer Survivor

At the age of 6 in 2007, Zach Swart confronted acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a formidable adversary that defied initial treatment and recurred twice over the years. After enduring a long stretch of chemotherapy, a recurrence, and subsequent treatments, a moment of hopelessness gave way to a remarkable turn of events. Dr. Kevin Curran of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center introduced Zach to the transformative “CAR-T cell treatment,” propelling him into complete remission in a matter of weeks. He stated, “I was initially afraid about CAR-T’s side effects, but then I didn’t have any at all. I was so lucky, and it feels so good not to be sick anymore and to be home and see my friends. I’m determined to leave cancer far behind me.” His mother aptly describes his journey as a miraculous transformation, witnessing Zach’s joyful and carefree spirit shine once more.


A Heart That Healed Itself

On August 17, 2012, 23-year-old Michael Crowe faced dire symptoms, marked by vomiting and a sudden freeze. His heart’s function plummeted from 25 to 10 percent due to acute myocarditis. Considered for a heart transplant, he chose to take the chance. Connected to an ECMO machine, his health worsened, prompting the need for a transplant. However, a blood infection halted the plan. Remarkably, his heart began healing itself, astonishing his doctors. After days on a specialized machine, his heart fully recovered, defying all odds. Grateful for his second chance, Michael now enjoys perfect heart health.

The Healthy

Waking From a Coma

One summer, Jennifer Beaver fell from a golf cart, suffering a severe brain bleed. Doctors had to remove half her skull to relieve pressure. Colin Looney, MD, an orthopedic surgeon and friend of Jennifer and her husband, Bill, operated on her. Her prognosis was grim. Bill recalls the rapid shift from joy to uncertainty. Jennifer emerged from a coma, astonishing everyone with her recovery. Dr. Looney was moved by her progress. Jennifer returned to work without major issues and recognizes herself as a “walking miracle.” She remains grateful to her doctors, especially neurosurgeon Lola Chambless, MD.

The New York Post

Moreno Just Wasn’t Ready to go Yet

Alcides Moreno survived a 47-story fall from a high-rise building, gripping a narrow window washer’s platform. Tragically, his brother did not survive. Despite multiple surgeries and future physical therapy, doctors are confident he will walk again. Firefighters found Moreno sitting semi-conscious after the fall, leading doctors to call his survival miraculous. Dr. Philip S. Barie from New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center deemed it a true miracle. Throughout his hospital stay, Moreno told his wife he wasn’t ready to go yet.


A Mother’s Love is the Most Miraculous

March 25, 2010, marked a parent’s greatest nightmare for Kate and David Ogg as their twins, born 14 weeks prematurely at slightly over two pounds each, battled for survival. The boy, Jamie, seemed beyond help, his heartbeat fading and breaths stopping. Holding on to hope, Kate held him and talked to him, believing his gasps indicated life. Wrapping him between them on the bed, Kate and David’s skin-to-skin touch worked a miracle. Jamie gasped, then began breathing and reached for his father’s finger. Today, eight years later, both twins, Jamie and Emily, thrive happily.

The Houston Chronicle

Luck and Good Doctors

Michael Cassidy’s survival defies the odds. One March, he was flung from his motorcycle into a fire hydrant, breaking his pelvis completely. Dr. Michelle McNutt, Chief of Trauma at Memorial Hermann Red Duke Trauma Institute, swiftly employed the REBOA technique, using a catheter to halt blood flow beyond a balloon inflated in the aorta, acting as an internal tourniquet. Laura Moore, MD, FACS, credits REBOA for saving Michael’s life, calling it revolutionary. Access to this technique was crucial, a stroke of luck that played its part in his recovery.

The Daily Mail

For This Man, God Works in Mysterious Ways

Amidst a century-old church and its crumbling steps, a 56-year-old cancer-stricken man, Greg Thomas, sought solace. Diagnosed with inoperable head and neck cancer in 2009, he faced searing headaches and pain. Yet, as he sat on those steps, Greg made a pact with destiny: he would restore the dilapidated church. He’d fix the peeling paint, leaking roof, mangled steps, and rotting floorboards, under one condition: access to worship. Greg’s efforts fueled his strength, remarkably coinciding with shrinking tumors. Four years later, his feeding tube was removed, and Greg stood officially in remission, free from cancer and the need for follow-up tests.


Cancer Actually Saved His Life

Dr. David Shusterman, a New York City urologist, offers a unique perspective on cancer diagnoses as potential miracles. He recalls a recent patient, details confidential. Prior to surgery, standard protocol involves pre-surgical assessments, including blood tests and an EKG, to gauge overall health. A bladder cancer diagnosis revealed an unexpected severe heart condition, a potentially lethal threat. Detection in time averted imminent heart failure. The patient not only overcame the heart ailment but also conquered bladder tumor treatment, defying two potential killers.

CBS News

Four Months with no Heart

Doctors in Miami announced that an American teenager, D’Zhana Simmons from South Carolina, managed to survive nearly four months without a heart, thanks to a specially designed artificial blood-pumping device. This extraordinary feat marked the first known case of a child enduring this procedure for such an extended period. While similar cases involving adults have been documented, D’Zhana’s experience, as she expressed at a news conference held at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center, was undeniably “scary” due to the uncertainty surrounding the functioning of the machine sustaining her blood circulation.

Raising Children Network

Unconventional Procedure Leads to Bundles of Joy

Shannon and Mike Gimbel confronted a heart-wrenching decision when informed by doctors that one of their expected twin girls needed termination to save both lives. However, innovative thinking prevailed as physicians opted for a unique approach — conducting laser surgery within the womb to cauterize the problematic blood vessels that were endangering the twins. Expressing gratitude for this unconventional procedure, Shannon shared, “I cherish every single moment with them… Three o’clock in the morning with two screaming babies really isn’t that bad.” Mike echoed her sentiments, expressing joy in witnessing their growth, smiles, development, and the profound bond that comes from holding them close.


Breaking Skulls and Records

Reports confirm that Michael Hill has secured the Guinness World Record for the “Largest Object Removed From Human Skull,” a peculiar and unwelcome achievement. His resilience came to the fore when he endured a knife assault on April 25, 1998, wherein a 20 cm (8 in) survival knife became lodged in his brain. Astonishingly, he managed to journey to a neighbor’s residence post-attack, maintaining consciousness despite the daunting intrusion into his brain matter. Regrettably, the incident left him grappling with memory impairment and the partial loss of function in his left hand. Michael Hill’s compelling saga garnered attention on the TLC network’s program “Trauma: Life in the E.R.”


Back From the Dead

On May 24, 2008, Velma Thomas experienced a remarkable series of events. Her heart stopped three times, doctors thought she was dead. She was taken to a West Virginia hospital after a heart attack. For over 17 hours, she had no brain waves. They induced hypothermia to stimulate her brain. Family said goodbyes and began to make funeral plans. Life support was removed, and she came back to life. Her arm and foot moved, and then… she spoke. Thomas’ return baffled doctors.


11 Year Old Beating the Odds

In 2018, a series of mysterious and inspiring medical cases included the remarkable healing of an 11-year-old girl diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor. Roxli Doss from Texas was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, but weeks later, the tumor disappeared from MRI scans, defying all expectations. Doctors remain unable to explain the phenomenon. Roxli’s mother, Gena Doss, believes that “God healed Roxli.” Now, Roxli is as active as ever, enjoying activities like horseback riding, according to her father, Scott Doss.

USA Today

Trenton McKinley, an Almost Organ Donor

Just before doctors were scheduled to terminate life support systems for 13-year-old Trenton McKinley, the boy’s mental cognition began to show signs of improvement. His condition had been so dire that his parents had already consented to donating his organs to five other children in need of transplants. Trenton’s critical state resulted from an accident where he was flipped in a cart while being pulled by a utility vehicle. He faced multiple instances of cardiac arrest at the hospital, with one episode lasting for 15 minutes. According to his mother, Jennifer Nicole Reindl, during his last resuscitation, Trenton exhibited no brain waves. The remarkable turnaround defies explanation other than as a “miracle,” she affirmed.

ABC News

The Young and the Old

Earlier this month, Brazilian doctors made a groundbreaking announcement that a baby girl had been born healthy and was thriving. This achievement marked the world’s first successful instance of using a uterus transplanted from a deceased donor. The mother of the baby utilized the uterus of a 45-year-old woman who had previously given birth to three children and had passed away due to a stroke, as outlined in a case report published in the medical journal Lancet.


Her Dog Saved Her Life

Stephanie Herfel received an ovarian cyst diagnosis and was discharged with pain medication by an emergency room doctor. However, her dog, Sierra, exhibited anxious behavior, sniffing her lower belly and hiding, prompting her to seek a second opinion. This led to the discovery of her actual condition: ovarian cancer. Subsequently, Sierra detected Herfel’s cancer two more times, in 2015 and 2016, through sniffing and hiding. Presently, Herfel has overcome cancer and is actively raising funds to support ovarian cancer research.


The Power of the Mind

A previously paralyzed man, who prefers to remain anonymous, regained the ability to walk after 5 years of immobility. This incredible feat was achieved through a combination of technology, robotics, and his brainwaves, marking a significant medical breakthrough. The man had experienced a severe spinal cord injury in 2000 that left him unable to walk. Researchers consider this a historic milestone in medical advancement, as it is the first documented instance of a person walking again after a spinal cord injury solely through the power of their brain.

Evening Standard

Sacha Saucek Fights for His Life

A branch fell on Sacha Saucek, causing life-threatening injuries. He sustained multiple fractures, including broken arms, right leg, pelvis, a bone in his lower spine, and five ribs. Doctors informed his mother that even if he survived, he would likely be permanently disabled. Recalling the horrifying event, Sacha’s mother recounted how the seven-year-old was crushed by the massive branch from a height of 100ft in a park. Despite the grim prognosis and slim chances of survival, Sacha fought for his life and made a remarkable recovery, which doctors consider a medical miracle.


A Human Torch Survives

After enduring major fire burns, Rob Small underwent 30 operations. His survival baffled doctors who were initially concerned about his chances. The horrific fire incident left nearly half of his body severely burned. Despite doctors estimating his chances of survival at only 30%, a miracle gene in his body contributed to his remarkable burn recovery. Following a month-long coma, Rob Small emerged on the path to recovery. Trapped in a blaze, he unintentionally ignited a puddle of petrol while attempting to escape, resulting in him becoming engulfed in flames like a “human torch.”

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