Have you ever had a bad dream and woke up abruptly feeling scared, covered in sweat, and breathing hard? You were probably thankful the sleep experience ended! What if this happened to you, but you were still having the vision? There is an odd phenomenon that can happen to people as they rest. It is called sleep paralysis. No, this isn’t a Freddy Krueger movie. However, this condition honestly sounds terrifying. Nevertheless, sleep paralysis can be more common than you think. About 10% of people can experience sleep paralysis in their lifetime. Here are some of our favorite Reddit stories explaining various experiences with sleep paralysis.

25. Sleeping on your side could help your sleep paralysis.
“Ironically enough, the reason I never sleep on my back is that when I was a little kid, I used to watch those alien abduction documentaries, and they would always reenact the abduction, and the person would always be laying on their back. I got it into my head that the aliens wouldn’t be able to abduct me if I just didn’t lay on my back. (I was like eight at the time). It is silly, I know, but I got into a habit that is hard to break even though I know better. To this day, I hardly ever sleep on my back and even then only when I move that way while I am sleeping, which rarely happens.” This could be the coping mechanism this deleted Reddit user needed as a child to trick themselves into not having sleep paralysis.
“Of course, the paralysis experience (I have never been “abducted” by aliens) has only ever happened when I was on my back. It is ironic that that little notion of an 8-year-old may have been more correct than I realized. To think that something like not sleeping on my back to prevent real alien abductions might actually have prevented the similar virtual experience that I was at the time unaware of. I wonder if I would have more of these experiences if I started sleeping on my back more… A sleep researcher should really look into this.”