
Signs of Mold in the Home and How it Can Affect Health

Having mold in your home is a serious issue. Not only can it damage your foundation, but it can also make you sick. Everyone tends to… Trista Smith - September 23, 2019

Having mold in your home is a serious issue. Not only can it damage your foundation, but it can also make you sick. Everyone tends to look at the shower curtain, under the sink, or in the basement when inspecting for mold issues, but mold can grow just about anywhere. Mold can be found in drywall, in the roof, and even in your Christmas tree. There are many different types of mold, including allergenic, pathogenic, and toxigenic. Mold illness is a variety of health problems that can occur from any mold exposure.

Some people may be more sensitive to mold spores than others, and they may develop respiratory symptoms after inhaling even a small number of spores. In large quantities, mold spores can cause ill health in almost anyone. Instead of waiting to see whether you should take action, here are some clear signs you can look for to know whether you have a mold problem or not. If you notice these signs of mold, reach out to your landlord, or seek professional cleaning help.

Your nose may be the first to notice the presence of mold. Flickr


50. Mold tends to create a weird, funky smell.

One of the first signs most people notice is a musty smell in the room. It may be undetectable at first, considering that your nose has likely acclimated to the scent, meaning you got used to the smell over time. Try to open some windows to let some fresh air in, and then close them again. If you do notice a weird smell coming from your more dark, damp rooms, then it is more likely than not that you have mold.

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There may also be a nasty smell coming from your air conditioner or heating system. Standalone air conditioning units are prime spots for mold growth as they are damp, dark, and frequently exposed to warm temperatures when not in use. Which just so happen to be the best breeding grounds for mold, of course. You’ll want to check them frequently for mold growth, and if you suspect any, get it taken care of right away before it becomes an even bigger problem.

Mildew is commonly found in household bathrooms. Pixabay


49. You may see mildew growth.

Mildew and mold are not interchangeable terms, although many people may mistakenly think they are one and the same. Mold tends to grow in spaces, while mildew grows on flat surfaces that can be scrubbed away. However, the presence of mildew is a sign that you’re heading towards the growth of mold, as they both tend to grow in moist, humid spaces. The bathroom is the most common room in the household that mildew is found. Maybe up in the corners of your shower?

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If you do spot mildew, you don’t want to keep that around either, even though it isn’t mold. If you spot it in your bathroom, it may mean that your bathroom isn’t well ventilated, and you need to fix that right away. Get a fan placed in any room you see mildew and open some windows even slightly if any are available to do so. You’ll also want to get a mixture of water and bleach, which is quite useful towards mildew and mold, and scrub the mildew away with a clean sponge.

Wood warping in your home may be a sign of a bigger issue. Pixabay


48. Mold may cause your wood to start warping.

Wood only tends to warp in moist conditions, so if you notice that your beams or floorboards are starting to bow out, then you may have a problem and should get it checked out right away. You may want to begin placing a dehumidifier in these rooms to decrease the humidity and hopefully get your wooden structure back into its standard shape. Failure to attend to wood that is warping in your home can only contribute to the mold’s growth.

Image via Old House Journal


If you cannot get the wood to go back to its standard shape, you may have to tear it out and start over from scratch by replacing the misshapen wood. That could also give you a chance to see what kind of damage the mold underneath the wood may have caused as well. Be sure to scrub out the area with a bleach mixture or another mold eater first if you can, before replacing the wood with new pieces to ensure the mold doesn’t regrow.

Excess condensation on your windows can be an indicator of mold. Pixabay


47. The presence of mold may create excess condensation.

Look out for excess condensation collecting on your ceiling and walls. Condensation is a sign of too much water vapor in the air, and if it’s piling on surfaces, it is collecting everywhere. This excess water vapor can easily lead to mold growth since there is nowhere for the water to go. Install dehumidifiers and extracting fans in these rooms to minimize the chances of this happening. When you can, also open windows in any room to vent it out as well.

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Failing to address excess condensation on your windows or ceiling can further mold spores in your home. You will want to get it addressed and taken care of right away before the problem continues to grow and spread further throughout your home. Not only will it become more expensive of a fix in the long run, but it will also jeopardize your health if you continue to breathe in air with mold spores in it. It won’t only affect you, but if you have pets in the home, it could affect them as they breathe it in, too.

Rust is a common effect of too much water. Pixabay


46. Too much water in the air may initiate the growth of rust.

Rust, also known as iron oxide, is developed by water vapor interacting with iron. Iron reacts very quickly with oxygen in the air, so it is prevalent. Seeing rust in your bathroom or any other area of your home signifies too much moisture in the air. Furthermore, affecting your metal hardware, which is not good. It does not take much longer for mold to start growing in the rest of the area.

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If you start to see rust in any parts of your home, you may want to begin an investigation. Figure out how to stop moisture from building up in your home by placing ventilation in each room and opening windows when possible. You can never be too careful when it comes to the concern of the potential future growth of mold in your home, especially when you already see signs. As previously mentioned, too much water or condensation in your home areas creates ideal breeding grounds for mold growth.

If you can see mold on common surfaces then that is an obvious sign of an issue. Flickr


45. Mold on open surfaces is the number one sign there is an issue.

The most obvious sign that you have mold, of course, is seeing mold on your surfaces. It can be black, greyish green, orange, red, or white. Pay particular attention to where you see the mold growing first. This area has the most condensation, so you should start working from this point outwards. If left untreated, it could permeate the rest of your surfaces and cause damage to your house. Not something you want to let happen because then it becomes a costly problem.

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Mold growth can commonly be found on ceilings, walls, or rooms with high temperatures and moisture, such as the bathroom. When you are bathing, a good idea is to turn the ventilation fan on if your bathroom has one or open a window just a little. If you can’t do either, maybe try leaving the door slightly cracked open so that the steam can be let out and not left trapped in the bathroom, causing a buildup of moisture on the walls and ceiling.

Peeling paint may be a sign that mold is present. Pixabay


44. Mold growth can cause your paint to peel or crack.

It’s one thing to have paint that starts cracking after several years of wear and tear, but it’s another thing for numerous cracks to form or for it to start peeling from the walls in huge sheets. Paint separating from the surface of your wall is a sure sign that you have moisture trapped behind it. Paint does not stick well to wet or even damp surfaces, so it could be a definite sign that you have mold growing behind your walls.

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Mold grows from a combination of things that make up the perfect environment, which can be somewhere that is damp, warm, and has shade, such as your walls! Nothing like thinking you got rid of mold in your home and giving your walls a fresh coat of paint, just to find out it starts to peel and chip badly in spots. Make sure it’s all gone before you take the effort to repaint your home. Be sure to keep an eye out for any paint chipping and cracking on your walls where it shouldn’t be.

Did you know that black mold is toxic — and sometimes deadly? Flickr


43. Black mold is extremely harmful to your body.

Black mold should be at the top of your list if you search for mold in your home. It is the most common sign of a humidity problem in your home, and it is also the most dangerous to your health. In what is known as black mold poisoning, a form of mycotoxicosis, the symptoms look no different from those of the flu, but it could lead to severe health issues if left untreated. Black mold is sometimes referred to as toxic mold.

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Some other black mold exposure symptoms include dizziness, constant fatigue, headaches, especially sinus headaches, respiratory distress, worsening asthma symptoms, and a persistent cough. If you find yourself getting sick without an explanation over some time, it may be a good idea to seek professional help and get an inspection underway of your home for black mold. If left untreated, black mold can cause serious long-term effects that may be irreversible, and you do not want that to happen.

Respiratory issues can be caused by a variety of exposures, including mold. Pixabay


42. Black mold can cause respiratory problems.

The first signs you will notice if you have mold in your home are respiratory issues. The mycotoxins created by black mold, when inhaled, can cause irritation and a burning sensation in a person’s mouth, throat, and nasal cavities. If you have a pre-existing breathing problem that seems to flare up after long periods, mold could be the culprit. It can be generally unpleasant as the mycotoxins get stuck in the mucus membranes and the lungs, leading to breathing problems and actual bleeding in the lungs. If left untreated, your health can be severely impacted in the long term.

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Suppose you notice you are suddenly having to take breaks to catch your breath while walking up a flight of stairs. Furthermore, you never had to stop before until now. Alternatively, maybe you have random coughing fits while sitting down. Do you have to use your inhaler more frequently even though you haven’t been more active? In that case, you should probably talk with your doctor. If they are unsure of any diagnosis of what could be causing it, the next step would be to test your home for mold.

Black mold can also cause severe respiratory reactions. Pixabay


41. Your body may have a severe respiratory response to black mold exposure.

In some slightly more severe cases, the inhalation of black mold spores can lead to pulmonary edema. That is the swelling of the lungs, and pulmonary hemorrhage, which causes bleeding in the lungs. Both of these are severe conditions, and you should seek medical attention immediately if you notice that you are coughing up blood. You may not even know that black mold is to blame. It is best to investigate at the first onset of these symptoms before it becomes even more severe.

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Mold spores can become lodged in your body and cause an exponential amount of harm before you are even able to determine the cause. Whether you have a pre-existing lung condition or not, black mold will affect your lungs when it is inhaled. Make sure to tell your doctor all symptoms that you may be experiencing, and let anyone know who may have been visiting your home recently, so they can keep an eye out for possible signs and get themselves checked out as well.

Your teeth and gums can provide much insight into your health. Shutterstock


40. Having teeth issues may not just be gingivitis.

What may be surprising to you and not even sound like it makes much sense is that black mold can cause your gums to bleed. That is because the mycotoxins get lodged in mucus membranes. It also includes the mouth and gums’ membranes. They interfere with the normal blood flow to the gums and teeth, which is why they bleed. That is made worse because inhaling mold spores can lead to a stuffy nose, making you more prone to breathe through your mouth and inhale even more of these spores.

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If you are experiencing teeth or gum issues, it may be worth adventuring outside of the usual causes. Talk with your dentist and brainstorm the possibilities of what could be causing your gums to bleed. It very well may just be black mold and not your typical gingivitis. If you suspect black mold is the cause, you will want to get an inspection done immediately of your home to find out where it is to get rid of it quickly.

Nosebleeds are commonly caused by dry air. Shutterstock


39. Bleeding nostrils can be caused by mold exposure.

In addition to bleeding gums, mold poisoning can also lead to nosebleeds. If you are already prone to these, it can be difficult to tell whether you are experiencing a regular episode or if your health is being affected. Nose bleeds can result from dry air, or they can be the result of inhaling toxic mold spores in your home, especially while you sleep. In any case, you should have your home looked at if you notice that you have had more nose bleeds at home than when you are outside.

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If your guests are also starting to have nosebleeds when they are over at your house visiting, they should get that looked at, too. If you suspect mold in your home, it is crucial to get that investigated right away so that it can get taken care of promptly. You don’t want it to cause any more problems than it may already have. The bigger the mold problem, the more issues you will have. Also, the more money it will cost to have it resolved.

Heart damage can be extremely detrimental. Pixabay


38. Mold exposure can cause damage to your heart.

Because the toxins from mold are absorbed through mucous membranes, it also gets into the blood. That means it is spreading through the major organs, one of them being the heart. Many conditions can arise from exposure to black mold. You can suffer from an irregular heartbeat, inflammation, and physical damage to the heart. It can be a slow, painful process that can eventually lead to death if it’s not caught early and treated. It is critical to be aware of your home’s aspects to ensure you are not inhaling potentially toxic spores.

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Keep an eye on your symptoms if you start to notice any slight changes in your health. Suppose you start to see any moisture buildup in any room, especially in the bathroom or rusting of any pipes. In that case, you may want to have your house investigated by a professional to rule out the possibilities of black mold taking over your home. The earlier you can fix the problem, the better for your own health, any pets you may have in the home, and your home itself.

Blood clotting is the body’s natural response. Pixabay


37. Hemophiliac tendencies may occur after mold exposure.

It’s crazy to think about what mold can do once it gets inside the body, like how it can even interfere with your blood as well. Because of the circulation of these toxins in the blood, they interfere with the body’s natural response to clotting. That means that when you get a clot, it will be harder to stop the blood flow and for a clot to form so that it can heal. It can be dangerous for the body, as it puts the liver into overtime with making new blood cells.

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Do you suddenly notice that when you get a simple paper cut or hangnail, and you can’t seem to get the bleeding to stop? You should have that looked at by a doctor, especially if it’s followed by fatigue. A drain is placed on the body to compensate for this, making you feel weak and tired most of the time. It’s best to seek help immediately if you are experiencing any of this as quickly as possible before it gets worse.

Some individuals experience low blood pressure that must be monitored or treated with medication. Pixabay


36. You may experience low blood pressure.

Low blood pressure may seem like something you shouldn’t be concerned about, but it can have detrimental effects on the rest of your body. Furthermore, black mold poisoning can lead to low blood pressure. Low blood pressure results in a reduced flow of blood to the organs. In the long term, when it comes to the effects it may cause, it puts you more at risk for strokes, kidney failure, and heart attacks. You can even experience shock in the worst-case scenario, where the organs don’t receive enough oxygenated blood.

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You may not even realize you are experiencing low blood pressure if you don’t have an at-home blood pressure cup. If you start to feel dizzy randomly and often, you should get that checked out. You will be able to get your blood pressure checked at your clinic to tell if your blood pressure is normal or low. If it is low, and it usually isn’t for you, then it may be time to look further into the cause for that.

Healthy bone marrow is a critical aspect of your overall well-being. Shutterstock


35. Mold can disrupt your bone marrow.

Bone marrow is the semi-solid substance found in the middle of the bones, so some critical stuff. It is where new blood cells are created and sent to the rest of the body. On average, marrow can produce about 500 billion new blood cells per day. Without that process taking place, the blood cells you have will die naturally without replacing them. You can only imagine what can happen to the body with such a condition.

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You won’t be able to tell that mold has caused any disruption in your bone marrow without the help of tests run by doctors and scientists in a lab. If you suspect you have mold growth in your home, you must inform your doctors right away to run tests to ensure that the mold has not caused any damage to the inside of your body. If it has, they can then start to treat you properly before it worsens.

Bleeding in the brain can be fatal. Pixabay


34. Too much mold can create bleeding in the brain.

Any amount of mold is too much mold, to begin with, right? Once blood becomes toxic with mold gets past the organs, it can go straight to the brain to cause havoc. Bleeding in the brain is nothing you want to experience, as the symptoms can become severely hazardous to your health. Headaches would be the first starting point, and then several psychological conditions would arise. Moreover, because there’s nowhere for the blood to go in your skull, the pressure would only increase. That damages the rest of your brain in the process.

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So if you start to notice headaches that become frequent and are followed by pressure in your head, you should get that checked out by a doctor. Your doctor will want to rule out any possible causes for your headaches and treat you as soon as possible. If mold is expected to be the cause, an investigation will be needed to get done inside your home to clear it out before you or anyone else in your home should re-enter your home safely.

Your eyes can reveal a lot about your health. Pixabay


33. Black mold impacts your eyes.

Your vision isn’t left unscathed because of mold, either. People can have allergic reactions to mold. Your eyeballs are giant spheres of mucus membranes, so they are bound to be affected, too, at some point. Some of the most common conditions that arise from black mold poisoning are blurry vision, eye inflammation, soreness, bloodshot eyes, or jaundice characterized by yellowing eyes. Although individuals with allergies also tend to have red or itchy eyes, you should track your symptoms for a week or two and seek professional medical help if the issue does not subside.

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If you think there may be allergies causing your blurred vision or eye inflammation. However, allergy medications aren’t helping alleviate the symptoms you are having within a week or two. You should get your eyes checked out by a doctor. They will be able to run further tests to see the cause, whether you have been exposed to black mold or something else is going on. Further testing and treatment may need to be done to help prevent the mold’s spread and the symptoms you are experiencing.

Mold poisoning can create abnormal skin conditions. Shutterstock


32. Skin conditions may be a result of mold poisoning.

As if inhaling mold spores wasn’t bad enough, toxic black mold can also be absorbed through the skin, the first few signs being severe rashes. However, continued exposure can lead to more severe conditions. Mold exposure can cause dry, scaly skin. The areas may also look pinkish or brownish and may even cause itching. Those who have had contact with mold have described a crawling sensation on their skin, which can be very annoying if you’re trying to sleep. Other symptoms can include dermatitis (such as rash and blisters) and yellowing of the skin. Mold-induced skin rashes can commonly disappear and return periodically.

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If you start to notice a rash anywhere on your skin but haven’t changed the type of laundry detergent you use, haven’t used any new lotions or soaps recently, or even gone into a new area with plants and rolled around on the ground, you may want to get your recent rash checked out. Especially if it disappears but then keeps returning. Keep an eye on any new rashes you may have to see if they worsen if anyone else in your house gets the same rash, or even if any of the pets in your home start to break out in rashes as well.

Mold can negatively affect overall immune system. Shutterstock


31. It affects the immune system.

Along with the body’s red blood cells, toxic mold can also affect the white blood cells and lymphatic system. That can lead to suppression of the immune system and make a person immunocompromised. This notion means that a person who is affected this way does not have the means to fight off infections or other diseases properly. They are more prone to getting sick with simple colds or other viruses that further compromise their health. They would have a hard time fighting off even the slightest cold.

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If someone were to have a lowered immune system and even catch a slight cold, that could become an even bigger problem if it’s not treated right away. If someone already has a lowered immune system and breathes in mold spores, their health will deteriorate even more, most likely sending their health in a downward spiral rather quickly. There is no time to wait if you think your home has mold in it, especially if you suspect it to be black mold, get it tested right away.

It is critical to take extra care of yourself when pregnant. Pixabay


30. Mold can create an increased risk of infertility, impotence, and miscarriage.

Black mold can lead to both men and women having fertility problems, probably not something you wanted to hear. What’s even scarier is that a pregnant woman may even have a miscarriage if she breathes in black mold spores. Men who are surrounded by black mold may have difficulty achieving erections in the bedroom, further complicating the matters if both parties are trying to get pregnant. Toxic mold poisoning is a reaction to prolonged exposure to Stachybotrys chartarum, also known as black mold.

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So if you are pregnant and notice any signs of black mold in your home, get out right away and get it taken care of as soon as possible. Same for if you are a male and suddenly start to have erectile dysfunction without any known cause, especially if you are still young. Get a professional to come to take a look inside your home and run some tests. If they find any mold inside your home, you will want to get that out as soon as possible before going back in there safely.

It is crucial to be extremely cautious about what you are exposed to while expecting. Shutterstock


29. Mold spores can create developmental problems with the fetus.

Not only is black mold dangerous to us, but it’s quite hazardous to unborn babies as well. The black mold toxins are teratogenic, meaning that they can cause fertility problems and the fetus’s actual development in a pregnant woman. Repeated and prolonged exposure to black mold can affect the physical development of a fetus. They are also mutagenic and cytotoxic, meaning that they cause mutations in cells and affect the fetus’ body’s ability to synthesize DNA and RNA, the basic building blocks of the fetus’ development and growth.

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Severe maternal allergies secondary to black mold exposure can enhance potential severe damages to the growing fetus. That includes brain damage and problems with the respiratory system. You may not even know what all damage is being done until after your baby is born. If you find black mold in your home and are pregnant, it is vital to let your OBGYN know right away, so they know what to look out for if anything comes up in any ultrasound and any symptoms your baby may have after it is born.

If your body always hurts, you may want to look into the less obvious reasons. Pixabay


28. Exposure can cause your body to always ache.

Toxins from mold can spread to the muscles and lead to all kinds of pains all over the body. Muscle pain is the most common of them all. Further complications can include chest pain, similar to a heart attack, and severe abdominal pain. Other complications are more likely to occur when an individual has allergies. While any sort of over-the-counter antihistamines can help treat regular seasonal allergies, mold is a little bit more complicated when it’s time to treat it.

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If you take any sort of allergy medications to help treat the symptoms you may be experiencing, but the medicine does not help alleviate the symptoms, you may have a bigger problem on your hands. You should seek medical attention immediately if you feel any or all of these symptoms. Moreover, if not only you but others in your home are also experiencing some of the same symptoms, they should get checked out as well. There’s a good chance you have been exposed to mold.

Mold illness symptoms can be similar to those of the flu. Pixabay


27. You may not really have the flu, but mold exposure might feel like it.

How can you tell if you have got the flu or mold poisoning? You can’t because the symptoms look quite similar. Headache, body aches, fever, and feeling generally achy and tired all over are the first signs of poisoning, but those also sound like symptoms of the flu, huh. However, because the flu is so rampant, most people don’t notice or take it as seriously as they should. And because the flu forces them to stay inside more, they are inhaling more of the mold, making their symptoms worse.

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If you feel like you may have the flu, and it’s just not going away after weeks of being stuck in bed feeling sick, you should seek medical help. A doctor will test you for the flu to rule out any possibilities of it being that or something else. If it’s the flu, they can give you some medication and send you on your way, but if it is mold that is causing you these flu-like symptoms, you know not to return home and get it taken care of soon as possible.

A variety of situations can cause digestion issues. Shutterstock


26. Digestion issues can be a result of mold exposure.

The effects of black mold may eventually reach the stomach lining and the rest of your intestines. Blood flow to these areas may increase, leading to nausea and the possibility of vomiting blood. Diarrhea also follows, resulting in severe dehydration of the body and making it more prone to other infections. You should take these digestive issues seriously so that you can get medical assistance. Mold exposure can disrupt your digestive system, which can be extremely painful. If you have unexplained digestive problems, you may want to explore non-conventional explanations.

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Get checked by your doctor right away if you are experiencing unexplained nausea that may lead to vomiting up blood and diarrhea. If you haven’t had any changes in your medications or diet, looking further into your environment would be the next step in figuring out what could be the cause of these symptoms. Make sure to stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, to help avoid severe dehydration, which can cause more problems.

If you feel exhausted all day, you may want to seek professional medical advice every day. Shutterstock


25. Mold illness can cause an overall lethargy every day.

It’s one thing to feel a little tired after a long day of work. However, if you notice that you’re feeling exhausted every single day, even after a long night of rest and having plenty of food and caffeine, then there’s something else going on. Chronic fatigue is a condition you should take seriously. Other symptoms you may notice are drowsiness throughout the day and weakness throughout the body. Together, these symptoms could mean that you have a black mold problem. Toxic mold affects everyone differently.

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If you find yourself addicted to hitting the snooze button and can’t seem to wake up during the day, mold could be the root of the problem. Explain to your doctor what is going on with you. That way, they can run some tests to see if you have been exposed to any toxic mold. You may also want to have a professional come in and test your home for any mold so that you can get it taken care of right away before it becomes an even bigger issue.

Ingesting mold spores may cause you to not feel like yourself. Shutterstock


24. Feelings of malaise may arise.

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you just feel like crap all day, and you don’t know why. Perhaps you feel discomfort all over, an illness, or uneasiness with no explanation, but you don’t know what to do about it. Malaise could eventually devolve into headaches and fever, which you might misinterpret as stress or just getting another cold. Nevertheless, these are milder symptoms of what we’ve been talking about, so you may not even know how sick you are until it’s too late.

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If you notice that you start to feel off about things but aren’t sure why and aren’t feeling sick enough to take the day off work, keep an eye on your symptoms. If they persist or seem to get worse over some time, you should seek out a doctor to run some tests. Explain your concerns and symptoms so that they can help you get to the bottom of what’s going on, and hopefully, it’s not too late to catch the culprit and stop it.

Baldness is typical, but pre-mature baldness may be an indicator of a health concern. Flickr


23. Mold exposure can be a cause of baldness.

Blood flows to hair follicles to help them grow. If there are mycotoxins in your bloodstream, then your hair follicles will be affected as well. Moreover, this can mean that your hair starts falling out. The follicles can die and shrivel up, so the next time you run your hand through your hair, it may come away with a lot more strands than you are probably comfortable with. You can lose your hair in one of two ways from household mold.

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The first way you can lose your hair from household mold is from mold allergies, which cause hair loss by disrupting your body’s natural hair growth. The second is a fungal infection that creates an environment on your skin that reduces hair growth. If you usually have a thick and luscious head of hair and realize you are now suddenly losing hair at an alarming rate, you may want to seek medical advice as soon as possible. No matter why a serious issue can cause sudden hair loss, it should be looked into promptly.

If you are experiencing an unexplained loss of appetite, you may want to seek out unconventional causes. NetDoctor


22. Black mold can contribute to a loss of appetite.

With all the vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea, you may not notice right away that you are losing an unhealthy amount of weight. Left unchecked, you could end up with anorexia. Anorexia is usually considered an eating disorder that is closely tied to mental health. However, it can also be a physical symptom that you have no control over if there is black mold in play in your home. When ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, mycotoxins may cause or contribute to a reduced appetite.

Image via Verywell Health


You may find yourself suddenly not as hungry as you once were, passing up on your favorite courses and snacks. Suppose you notice a sudden decrease in appetite and even start to have unexplained nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In that case, it’s essential to see a doctor right away to run tests and get to the bottom of what is causing these symptoms. Left untreated and without feeding your body the nutrients it needs, your organs will start to shut down.

An unexplained loss of hearing can be attributed to black mold in your home. Shutterstock


21. Hearing loss can be caused by mold exposure.

Mold can harm practically every part of your body, including your ears, believe it or not. Things may sound a little quieter than usual if you have black mold poisoning because it can severely affect your hearing. Not many think of the ear as a mucous membrane, but it can get quite moist in there. Having mold spores entering the ear canal and having toxic blood flowing to the inner ear can compound both sides’ problems.

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Suddenly, do you find yourself asking people to repeat themselves because you didn’t hear them the first time they spoke? Do you have to turn the TV up louder than usual just to listen to it better? If you haven’t started any new medications that may affect hearing or haven’t been blasting music through your headset recently, it might be a good idea to get your ears and hearing checked. Your doctor will be able to test for mold exposure to see if mold is the possible cause of your hearing loss.

If left untreated, health issues caused by mold exposure could have long-term impacts. Flickr


20. Severe mold exposure can lead to comas.

As we have seen, black mold can interfere with all of the body’s natural functions. The combination of all these symptoms is inevitably a shock to the system. That is why a coma is not unexpected when you have had extended exposure to these toxic spores. Because the symptoms themselves are hard to diagnose, an individual falling into a coma can be sudden, and medical personnel may not be able to find out its cause until it is too late.

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If you or a loved one suddenly slips into a coma without explanation, it might be a good idea if someone were to take a look at the home said person was living in and take some tests to see if mold may be a causing factor. If it is, and anyone else is living in the home, it is essential for them and any pets that may also be inside the home to get out immediately. The house will need to be thoroughly cleaned out and cleared of mold before it is safe for anyone to go back into the home safely.

Your liver can be impacted by exposure to mold. Shutterstock


19. Liver disease is just around the corner if you are exposed to mold.

The liver’s functioning is one of the most important regulations that keep the body in working order. Its purpose is to filter out toxins from the blood as it passes from the digestive tract before re-entering the body. Of course, with the buildup of these toxins in the liver, it’s like dumping a whole pile of garbage into your backyard, the grass isn’t going to grow, and you will end up with toxic sludge. The liver is the same way, and these mycotoxins wreak havoc on its normal functions.

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The only way to know for sure if your liver is working correctly would be for your doctor to run tests to see how it functions. If you suspect that you have been exposed to mold and are not sure how long you have been around it but are worried that it may have caused damage to your liver, you should discuss your concerns with your doctor. They may agree and want to run tests to confirm one way or another as well.

Heavy exposure to mold that is left untreated could be detrimental. Pixabay


18. Death could be inevitable if left untreated.

After a coma, if left untreated, death is the only inevitable end. We have all heard Britney Murphy and her husband’s story and how they passed away under mysterious circumstances. Many speculated that the toxic mold in her home resulted in a more raw form of pneumonia, which became untreatable with over-the-counter medications. It was a shame that they did not get help before meeting their tragic ends. Do not let that be you and your family.

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No matter how small or mild the symptoms may seem to you, you should get them checked out if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Leaving something to get checked out later isn’t an excellent idea because it can go from being nothing to something colossal overnight. Wouldn’t you instead make a big deal out of something small, rather than not make a deal out of something, and it ends up being a big deal and it does not end well?

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17. You can develop cancer as a symptom of mold exposure.

Depending on the kind of toxic mold you have in your home, you may be at risk for cancer. As if mold wasn’t bad enough, right? Experts have suspected that strains like Aspergillus are capable of causing cancer, as the spores are carcinogenic. The most common type of cancer that exposed individuals are most prone to is lung cancer. That is because the mold causes bleeding and scarring of the lungs, which leads to abnormal cell growth when trying to repair the damage.

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If you or someone else in your home was diagnosed with lung cancer, it might be a good idea to test your home for mold. What could it hurt, right? If it does turn out that mold is the cause, you need to get that taken care of immediately before it affects anyone else even more. There may be no cure for cancer, but you can at least stop the spread of the mold and help it from causing any more damage to your home and others’ health.

Having a foggy mind can be a concerning sign. Pixabay


16. You may be concerned if your brain is in a muddled place.

With bleeding in the brain as one of the symptoms of exposure, you will start experiencing other problems as well, which is no surprise there. Do not be surprised if you feel like you are in a brain fog or have problems paying attention and concentrating on things. Exposure can result in a shortened attention span and difficulty concentrating on tasks at hand. Not only is this annoying, but it can also make it very difficult for you in your professional life.

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If you find it hard to concentrate and focus on things you used to excel at before, you may want to bring it up to your doctor. Your doctor will run some tests to try and get to the bottom of what may be causing these symptoms. If it is a diagnosis of mold exposure, you will need to test your home and make sure that it is clear of any mold before re-entering your home safely.

Are you moving at a slower pace than normal, with no explanation? Pixabay


15. Your dexterity may go down.

If you are someone who likes to go on runs or participate in sports, and you have been exposed to black mold, you may notice that you’re not as quick as you used to be. That has nothing to do with aging. Exposure can result in slowed reflexes, so you can’t run as fast or dodge as quickly as you used to. If you have noticed this physical change in your body, it would be good to make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

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To lose dexterity suddenly is not normal, and your doctor will want to run tests right away. They will want to rule out the possibility of any sort of illness that could be causing these types of symptoms. Suppose it does turn out that you have had mold exposure, which is why your slowed reflexes and all-around slower movements. In that case, your house will need to be tested and cleared of mold as quickly as possible.

It’s okay if you find yourself grappling with putting items together or where they truly belong when dealing with mold exposure. Pixabay


14. You may struggle to put the pieces in place if you don’t realize mold is the culprit to your health ailments.

Can’t find your car keys? Don’t remember whether you closed the garage door before leaving home? Most people pass that off as healthy aging and cognitive decline, but mold could also be responsible. Think about it, mold can affect people of all ages, and memory loss doesn’t affect aging people until they are much older, whereas some people are having a hard time remembering things even in their 20s and 30s. If you’re having memory issues at this point, then your exposure to black mold has gone on too long, and your health is in serious jeopardy.

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The best thing you can do is remove yourself from the environment first before you start treatment. That may be hard, though, if you’re not even aware that mold is the cause of your memory problems. You may get false diagnoses before the doctors can determine the real reason, but just stay patient and persistent. Keep a log of all symptoms you or anyone in your home have, write it down, and share it with your doctor at your next visit.

Hallucinations can be a scary effect of mold exposure. Libre Shot


13. Hallucinations can be a complicated issue to deal with.

Because of bleeding on the brain, the skull’s pressure will increase, which presses down on other areas of the brain. It can lead to neurons misfiring and your senses going wild. Visual and auditory hallucinations may result. They can be unnerving to deal with if you have never experienced them before in your life. Just try and remember, they aren’t real, and you will be okay. Easier said than done, though, right? There isn’t much else that can be done until you start to recover from the toxic mold exposure, in any case.

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Hallucinating is a pretty scary and severe thing. If you or anyone in your home starts to experience them, get help right away. Pay attention to any other signs or symptoms they may be or have been showing lately as well and make a list. Putting two and two together might help connect the dots in figuring out the root cause of the hallucinations. As stated above, there is no real cure, and the only way to stop them would be when you are recovering from exposure to toxic mold.

If you find yourself having rapid mood changes, you may want to see a professional doctor. Pixabay


12. Mold illness can cause rapid mood changes.

Your brain is responsible for the release of hormones into the body that regulates your mood. However, if your mind is on the fritz, these hormones are going to be too. You may start to experience anxiety, aggression, depression, or a wide variety of other mood changes that you have no control over. That can make it challenging to seek help, as these kinds of changes could result in terminated friendships and relationships. As frustrating as it may be, try to stay calm and seek professional help where you can.

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Explain to your doctor that these sudden mood changes are not typical for you, and explain how they make you feel. Do not hold back any details that you can remember of when they started. Also, if you noticed anyone else in your home having the same mood swings or changes in their moods, bring that up and take note. Every little bit helps to try and figure out what may be the cause of all this disruption.

Uncontrollable fits may be cause for more significant concern. Pixabay


11. Uncontrollable fits can result from mold exposure.

Along with the biochemical parts of your brain, motor functions can be interrupted as well. The neurons that send signals to the body’s muscles can also misfire, resulting in a physical movement that you have no control over. That can lead to trembling, shaking, or even a seizure in the worst-case scenario. For someone who is not prone to attacks, to begin with, doctors may have a hard time diagnosing the problem if they do not know you have mold in your home.

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First thing’s first, though, if you notice a weird twitch, tremble, or shakiness in any part of your body that you never had before, keep an eye on it. If it doesn’t go away or worsens, seek help from your doctor. They will want to run some tests to determine the cause of these new twinges in your body. Also, ask if anyone else in your home has been experiencing any of the same symptoms. It may not just be a coincidence at that point if they have as well, and your doctor might realize that.

Mold can be more irritating to those with allergies. Shutterstock


10. Those with allergies may experience more irritation.

People with allergies may be more sensitive to mold in comparison to those who do not have allergies. Someone with allergies may experience a variety of symptoms, which could be an indication of mold existence. Some of these symptoms might include a runny or blocked nose, a dry cough, a sore throat, wheezing, or watery, red eyes. Severe mold allergies can cause more severe symptoms, including shortness of breath. Also, mold exposure can worsen asthma or lung problems in individuals with pre-existing lung conditions. The presence of mold can increase the risk of developing asthma in children.

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If you are already on an antihistamine for your allergies and have to up the dosage of it or start taking one if you aren’t already, you may want to let your doctor know about the symptoms you are experiencing. Also, let your doctor know if your asthma symptoms are worsening and you are finding yourself having to reach for your inhaler more frequently or wheezing more often. Getting down to the bottom of what is causing your distress is essential, so be sure not to leave any information when talking with your doctor.

Mold can appear in a variety of ways in your home. Shutterstock


9. Dark or colored spots on your walls may be an indication of mold in your home.

Mold can appear in a variety of ways, including in many shapes, textures, or colors. It can look like anything from green, dripping slime to a grey-looking fuzz. While these are both things that you may quickly notice as being out of the ordinary, you may not have known the cause. Just because you have mold in your home does not mean that you did anything wrong to bring it on. Some houses aren’t built with well ventilation systems and get moisture trapped between the walls more easily.

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However, if you begin to see that you are experiencing or finding dark or odd-colored spots on the walls within your home, it may be worth investigating further. It would be recommended to double-check that there is no leak in the pipes or perhaps uncontrolled humidity in the room. You may need to get a professional to come in and do an investigation to see if they can diagnose what type of mold you may have in your home and find out what you need to do to get rid of it for good.

Are your clothes making you itch? It could be mold. Shutterstock


8. You may find that you are experiencing unexplained itchiness.

While most people are aware that mold can grow in various locations, including basements, they may not be fully aware of all of the places mold can infest. One commonplace that is often forgotten about is your clothing — specifically, damp clothing. If you tend to leave your wet towel on the floor after your shower or drying your clothing on a rack indoors, mold fibers could be growing on the threads and irritating your skin. To prevent this, it is always critical to dry wet clothing as soon as possible and at the moment.

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Avoid allowing damp towels to accumulate on the bathroom floor to avoid the growth of mold. Always hang up your towel after using it, whether from drying off after a shower or even after just washing your hands. It’s also a good idea to hang up your bathing suit to dry after changing out of it when leaving the pool or beach. You also never want to leave clothes in the washer overnight. If they are wet, they will start to smell and get mildew-y. You are eventually growing mold that you may not even notice in the pockets of your clothes.

Humidifiers are common items in households, but make sure you only use it when necessary. Shutterstock


7. Using a humidifier may be an indication of mold in your home.

Many individuals have humidifiers in their households. While the moist air coming from the humidifier might be doing wonders for your skin, it could also be encouraging the growth of unknown mold in your walls. Using a humidifier on a low setting during the dry winter or summer months to help combat some of the effects of dry air on your skin and health should not be too much of an issue. However, if you are continually humidifying, you should be extremely cautious that the extra moisture being fed into the air into a breeding mold could unintentionally impact your health or breathing.

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If you must use a humidifier, be sure that you are using it in a well-ventilated area. Make sure you change out the water in your humidifier daily and follow the cleaning instructions for it. Watch out for any possible spots on the walls and ceiling that may appear to look discolored over time, indicating that mold is growing behind it. If you start to feel sick over time, with no real explanation, you may want to stop using your humidifier and get your home checked for mold, just to be on the safe side.

Growing mold signs can present themselves in many ways, including in your sink or toilet. Shutterstock


6. Your sink or toilet flooding could be a sign of a larger issue.

Any occurrence of flooding is likely to guarantee that mold is on its way. Most people know that a massive basement flood can lead to mold, especially when it takes a while to get it all cleaned up. However, even a smaller incident like an overflowing bathtub or constantly leaking sink pipes can create a mold infestation condition. If you are experiencing flooding in your sink or toilet, that may also sign that the environment for mold growth is present. If you suspect that your home is infested with mold or issues with flooding, it is best to seek a professional’s advice.

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A professional will be able to test your home and determine whether there is a genuine mold concern. If there is a mold concern, they should tell you where to go from there in terms of how to handle it and get rid of it. It may not be safe for you to control the situation yourself, however, so a team of professionals may need to come in to have the mold removed for you. They will know how to do it without breaking anything.

A variety of things can cause tingling and numbness. Shutterstock


5. Exposure to mold can cause tingling and numbness.

Mold can grow just about anywhere, including on your floors, inside your walls, or on your carpeting. If the mold is not discovered quickly, airborne levels of mold spores will continue to increase, even without your knowledge. When mold is absorbed through the lungs, it can lead to neurological issues, including a condition called peripheral neuropathy, where the nerves are damaged. Peripheral neuropathy can give you that mysterious tingling and numbness feeling, like your limbs have fallen asleep. That occurs because your peripheral nervous systems are disrupted by something traumatic, such as mold exposure.

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This exposure communicates that it is in trouble, which is why you may experience neurological effects. If this occurs, it means that you have been exposed to toxic mold for over a long period. You will want to let your doctor know right away when you start to experience this tingling and numbness sensation so that it can be looked after. If it continues to get worse, testing will need to be done to determine the cause. That is something that you should take very seriously.

Vertigo is a feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness. Shutterstock


4. Mold in the home can lead to vertigo.

Almost any illness can cause you to feel lightheaded or dizzy, and mold exposure is no different. Infections that impact your inner ear are particularly likely to upset your sense of balance. Conditions due to mold exposure can cause the tube in your ear to become clogged with mucus, and therefore affecting the pressure in your ear and upsetting your balance. While mold can grow indoors and outdoors, mold spores’ concentration is much higher when presenting indoors and creating much greater risk. Vertigo can cause you to feel like you may faint and last only a few minutes or several hours.

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Suddenly feeling lightheaded or dizzy, but haven’t had a cold recently, aren’t on any new medications, and are staying well hydrated? You should see your doctor if you are losing your balance at random times with no explanation or if you have any of the other symptoms listed above that also go with vertigo. Something is going on with your inner ear. Your doctor will need to look into what is going on to figure out the cause. Anyone else in your home dealing with the same vertigo symptoms? Let your doctor know as well.

Excessive thirst can be a sign of concern. Shutterstock


3. Exposure to mold can cause you to have excessive thirst.

Mold exposure can present itself in a variety of ways, including frequent urination, strangely enough. If you are experiencing frequent urination, the simple answer may be finding yourself thirstier than usual. Excessive, unexplained thirst can be a sign of a more considerable health concern. One of those potential concerns can be exposure to mold in your home. As mold levels increase, it can impact your body by causing decreased levels of certain hormones that cause you to be excessively thirsty. If you are experiencing excessive thirst with no apparent cause, it may be worth checking into the mold levels within your home.

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Feeling as if you are dehydrated and not getting enough fluids is a sign of something serious. That is worth getting checked out. Especially if you are not diabetic, pregnant, or living where it’s super hot out currently, let your doctor know how often you are chugging down a glass of water throughout the day and how often you have to take trips to the bathroom. They will be able to run tests to rule out any possibilities of underlying causes.

An unexplained metallic taste in your mouth can be alarming. Shutterstock


2. An unexplained metallic taste in your mouth can be a sign of mold exposure.

If you are experiencing an unexplained metallic taste in your mouth, this could be a definite signal of mold exposure. It is a strange symptom. However, this symptom is most commonly associated with black mold exposure, and a doctor should be contacted immediately. The mold exposure essentially disrupts and damages the nerve cells linked to your taste buds, creating an unfavorable taste in your mouth. The metallic taste can linger in your mouth and throat for days or weeks. It depends on the extent of your exposure. If the taste lingers and is left untreated, it may cause more devastating health effects.

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The taste of metal in your mouth is an unpleasant one and would most certainly be a noticeable symptom. Unless you have decided to randomly pick up a nail to start sucking on, which is not recommended, you should not be experiencing a metallic taste in your mouth. Call your doctor right away and explain what is going on. They should know as soon as possible to be tested to see if you are showing any other symptoms of mold exposure. Your home should also be tested as well as cleared of mold before you re-enter safely.

Reproduction can be more difficult if there is mold in your house. Shutterstock


1. Mold exposure can cause reproductive complications.

Exposure to mold, especially black mold, can create many health issues for women trying to conceive or pregnant. One health impact that may be surprising to some is that mold exposure can make reproduction more difficult. Women are often told to take extra care of themselves during pregnancy. Sadly, if a woman comes into contact with black mold and inhales the mycotoxins released, it can cause unimaginable damage. The presence of mycotoxins in your body throws off your hormonal balance, making it more difficult for a woman to conceive a child and carry a healthy baby to term.

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So if you and your significant other have been trying for a while to conceive but haven’t had any luck, black mold may just be the cause. It isn’t the cause for everyone, of course, but it doesn’t hurt to check for it in your home, only to be on the safe side. It also doesn’t hurt to test for it in your home if you have experienced several unexplained miscarriages as well. If black mold is to blame, the sooner it is permanently out of your home, the better for you and your family.
