Almost every woman is familiar with beauty products: we all have our own products we use regularly, and we all have our unique application routine. Some of us put our “face” on every morning and have a separate supply of products to apply at night, either to reintroduce moisture into our skin or to clean our face of all evidence of makeup. If you have extra sensitive skin, there may even be certain products you have to avoid. But have you ever wondered why your skin reacts the way it does?
It’s essential to learn why skin creams and cosmetics produce rashes as well as which specific types of makeup are smart to avoid to prevent skin conditions from developing. Preventative measures and treatment options will also be discussed. Let’s first cover skin cream and then move into the world of cosmetics.

Natural Fat in Skin Cells
I think the most important question to answer is why, exactly, skin creams and makeup produce a rash. New research here suggests that the underlying problem is that both of these products strip the skin of its natural fat within skin cells. It would seem that there are certain chemical compounds within these products that cause this to occur. T-cells cause the resulting skin reaction within your body; T-cells are utilized in your body’s natural immune response. When the T-cells detect something foreign within your body (which could be any of the multiple chemicals present in the products you use), they spring into action: their destruction of foreign material is what produces skin rashes.
Researchers went on to explain that small compounds within these products cause contact dermatitis, but lack certain chemical groups that are imperative in producing an allergic reaction. Said chemical compounds should be too small for T-cells to notice and seek out for destruction, but sometimes the T-cells do react.