It may be time to look at some foods that are probably staples in your diet to find out whether you’ve been storing, cutting, cooking or eating them the wrong way. Fruit is a healthy, delicious snack you should eat more of, but sometimes you may prepare or even eat it incorrectly, wasting its juicy goodness. Some of these hacks may make your favorite foods easier to eat. And, they may even maximize your intake of all their healthy nutrients.
After reading this, you will think twice about the way you cook and eat your vegetables. Many factors impact the nutrients you get from them, including ripening, cooking and food pairing. Raw is not necessarily always best, and you may be throwing away some of the most nutritious parts, too. Also, many people have room to improve when it comes to the way they store, cook and eat proteins. So read on to find out about some of the common mistakes people make in the way they prepare and consume fruit, veggies, dairy products and meats.

40. Cupcakes
Sometimes eating a cupcake can seem like much more an ordeal than it is meant to be. Without fail, you are bound to get frosting everywhere. When we prepare cupcakes, it is customary to add the frosting to the cupcake’s top. Would you be surprised if I told you that there is a much easier way to eat this delicious dessert without having all of this mess? The trick is to break off the bottom half of the cupcake and put it on top. You would add the frosting to the middle of the two cupcake pieces. Essentially, you are creating a sort of cupcake sandwich.
While your fingers might get a little covered in frosting during the process, the result will allow you to enjoy the delicious treat without making a huge mess. If you have the frosting all on the top, the first bite is usually just frosting with minimal cupcake. By splitting it down the middle and strategically putting the frosting in the middle, you can get balanced nibbles of frosting and cake. The top cake bun will help prevent that dreaded frosting nose that you have often encountered when eating a traditional cupcake. The next time you have a birthday, holiday, or another fun event to celebrate, give this a try and watch how impressed your guests are.