Artificial wombs could very well become one of the most important inventions in the history of mankind. While some might believe that is some sort of exaggeration, rest assured that it is not. What exactly is an artificial womb, you may ask? It is technically an artificial uterus. Artificial wombs are technically only hypothetical right now, it isn’t going to stay that way. These wombs are designed to provide an environment that can sustain the growth and development of a fetus outside the mother’s womb. This also means that every stage of a child’s development will be held in a laboratory environment.
From connecting the sperm and egg to produce an embryo to the development of the said embryo. The idea behind this is that it will essentially replicate the conditions of a natural womb that can support the gestation of a fetus. All of this from conception to birth will be handled without the need for a person to carry a child and birth them naturally. Yet if we’re able to do this, we’ll be able to do quite a lot. Not just for the child inside the womb but much more too. To get here, we will also learn how to do other things that could become a massive asset to mankind long-term. We discuss all of this below.

We Should Start With The Obvious
It would be wrong to ignore the obvious when it comes to this. Just ask literally any woman who has ever given birth, like your own mother for instance. If you told them that they could have you without having to go through all the pains of pregnancy, as well as the entire birthing process. Would they be upset by that? Chances are, they’d take the artificial option. Very few women “love” the feeling of pregnancy and the birthing process. Everything that comes with it will still be there with this. Instant skin-to-skin contact, for example, would happen. Women who want to breastfeed could be given estrogen supplements to start on a few weeks or months before their child is due. Thereby giving them everything post-birth that women enjoy naturally. Therefore, this still can offer great natural experiences while removing the toughest part.