It’s time to take your health and wellness seriously. According to the National Council On Aging (NCOA), approximately 49 million Americans are 65 years and older, with that number increasing to 98 million by 2060. For the majority of those adults, good health will ensure their independence, productivity, and overall security at that age. However, millions of people struggle with daily challenges such as chronic diseases, physical inactivity, falls, oral health problems, or behavioral health issues, which can all affect your quality of life. In order to live your best life as you age, pay attention to these 50 tips for optimal health and wellness. Besides, who wants their health to get worse? Nobody, obviously. But what is necessary to start improving your health? Here are 50 tips and tricks that you can start implementing one at a time. By the time you get through all 50, you will be looking and feeling your best.

50. Recharge Your Own Batteries.
Many people are so constantly rushing from one activity to another, from one person to the next, from one obligation to the next, that they never take the time to experience solitude. Solitude is not loneliness; it is being alone intentionally so that you can reconnect with yourself and recharge your batteries. You may not be able to get away for an hour every day, especially if you have kids and regular obligations outside of work. However, regularly getting away from the crowd, the hustle and bustle, and reconnecting with yourself to recharge your own batteries is an essential component of health and wellness.