
How to Recognize and Fight Skin Aging Before It’s Too Late

8. Enlarged Pores As your skin ages, the reduction in collagen production reduces the elasticity of the skin. This has the effect of making your pores… Simi - May 7, 2018

Unfortunately, aging is part of a normal process. Being older and wiser brings some wonderful benefits, you might still feel young, but your body will begin to show some subtle and not so subtle signs of aging. Your skin is the first to demonstrate this, and you will soon notice the signs of aging skin. There are many ways that the process of aging will affect your skin. As your skin begins to age, you might notice the first signs of change. The main cause of these changes is a loss of the skin’s elasticity. Your hormones change as you age, and so does the way your body produces both collagen and elastin. These are mainly responsible for keeping the skin smooth.

Tight youthful-looking skin even as you age can be achieved by taking care of internal and external factors. Some of the main factors that affect your skin are harsh weather conditions, sun, and pollution and not keeping it pristine clean. Internally you can ruin your radiant complexion by poor nutrition, excess alcohol consumption, and by not drinking enough water. A lot of the research on aspects of aging skin dwells on the aesthetic aspects of aging skin. Scientific research is aimed at ending or reversing signs of aging. Here are 15 signs of aging skin and how you can combat some of these problems with remedies that you already have in your home.

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1. Wrinkles on your Neck

These lines that run across your neck are somewhat unkindly referred to as “Turkey neck.” These are one of the first signs of your skin losing elasticity. This jowly look comes from a loss in the elasticity of the skin’s inner dermal layer of the skin. The dermal layer is the next layer under the surface of the skin, and it contains collagen, which gives the skin its flexibility and smoothness. Once the production of collagen is reduced, the subcutaneous fat layer starts to thin, and the skin starts to sag. The neck is a large smooth, thin expanse of skin, so it loses its elasticity quicker. Losing weight can emphasize this effect and so can exposure to sun and weather extremes.

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Drinking plenty of water will help moisturize the skin over your whole body, but it will also help to remove neck wrinkles. As you age, drinking lots of water is even more important for your health. Being properly hydrated can help remove toxins from the skin and plump out your wrinkles. Your collagen production will increase with a diet that contains antioxidants, like raw fruits, berries, and vegetables. Your neck will thank you for using good sunscreen not only on your face but also right down to any exposed décolleté. This delicate area is prone to dryness, and a good daily moisturizer will make a difference. Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer and massage oil. Massage it into your skin with slow, upward movements. Regular massage before you go to bed will also help to tighten the skin and increase circulation.

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2. Crinkled hands

Another visible sign of your skin aging is the crinkly crepe-like skin texture of the skin on your hands. Hands are more susceptible to the first signs of aging, and they can often show your age sooner than your face. The skin on the back of your hands is much thinner than the skin on your face. There is very little fat on the backs of the hands, so it’s hard to keep them plumped out. Your hands take much more of a beating than your face and neck. Your hands are more exposed to the elements and harsh detergents and wear. Exposure to wind and sun, like the UV rays coming through your car window, can dehydrate them.

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Hands need more moisturizing and hydrating than your face. With a little bit of effort, you can improve the appearance of your hands. Hand cream is richer than body or face cream, and you can apply it up to three times a day. Shea butter is sufficiently rich to give your hands the extra moisture that they need. Olive oil or Vitamin E oil are both very good for plumping and smoothing out the crepe texture. Before you massage your hands with oil, give them a gentle exfoliation with a sugar exfoliator. Use half a cup of sugar one tablespoon of olive or coconut oil and a teaspoon of honey. Rinse off gently and then apply shea butter, or if your hands need some emergency hydrating, smooth on a mask. Mashed avocado with one tablespoon of honey will make a rich smoothing mask.

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3. Crow’s-Feet

These are the small lines that radiate out from the corners of your eyes. They start out as laugh lines and then remain as your skin ages. They can even start appearing as early as a person’s mid-20s and will slowly become more visible with age. The skin around your eyes is fragile and very soft, and the lines can develop quite rapidly. The sun can be responsible for most of the early damage, and so can smoking or pollution. Making faces, like squinting or frowning often can also lead to the formation of lines.

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This delicate area needs attention from an early age, but it’s never too late to start repairing with a daily routine. This area can also benefit from more in-depth pampering. Vitamin E oil is one of the best daily home treatments you can give these small wrinkles. If you don’t have a bottle of oil, you can break open a capsule and use this. Dab it on in small amounts in delicate tapping motions. Coconut oil is a lighter alternative for a daily beauty routine. Before going to bed try dotting on a few spots of aloe vera gel. If you have the plant, you can break open a leaf gel directly. A mask with egg whites will both tighten and hydrate the area. Egg whites are a natural astringent and contain ingredients that nourish the skin. Apply with a cotton ball and wash off after 10 minutes. Green grapes work for this area as they contain malic acid. Open up the skins and place them gently on the skin, fruit side down.

Dry skin. Image via Shutterstock


4. Dry Skin

Dry skin is often one of the first and most common symptoms of aging skin. This happens because the skin is no longer producing its natural oils. The decrease in hormone production and cell renewal can also lead to drier and rougher skin. Dry skin can also itch and is more prone to infections and damage than any other skin type. There are many factors that you can pay attention to, to help this problem. Make sure you always drink enough water, limit your exposure to the sun and be sure to always use protection. Keep your bath temperature warm rather than hot, and apply a moisturizer before taking a bath or a shower. Olive, almond and coconut oils make great body moisturizers. After you rinse off, you will be happy to find smooth, fresh skin.

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These oils, especially olive oil also work well when applied to clean damp skin. You can add a few drops of essential lavender or rose oil to the olive oil to make a luxurious restoring oil. If you live in an area where the air is dry, or if you have central heating, try to always use a humidifier. Spending long periods in dry air can all make this problem worse. Also, limit your usage of soaps and be in water that has a high temperature. You can substitute soap with a handful of oatmeal scrubbed all over the body once a week. You can also make a good scrub with sugar and olive oil. Sugar is an excellent exfoliator, and this scrub purges the skin of dead cells while restoring moisture.

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5. Laugh Lines

Generally, as your skin ages, you will find wrinkles in unexpected places. These creases or folds in your skin arrive as your skin ages appearing soon after 25. They are most common on the face and neck but can be seen on the hands and at the top of the forearms. They are mostly due to the lack of firmness and elasticity of the skin. The first thing you can do to reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth helps your skin to produce more of its key components.

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Repeated smiling or laughing causes laugh Lines. The mouth has smile muscles attached to it; when we smile, we pull this muscle, creating a line. Repeated smiling deepens these lines, which are called nasolabial folds. The first thing you’ll need to do to get rid of laugh lines and wrinkles around the mouth is to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Facial exercises are one of the best methods to increase muscle tone and firm up the skin around the mouth. Laughing is actually great for your facial muscles, but you need to stretch your face into other expressions as well. Opening your mouth wide into a surprise expression will help to activate the muscles around the mouth and make a good counter stretch to a smile. You can also pucker your lips into a close O shape while pushing against your mouth with two fingers. This activates the muscles around your mouth and helps get rid of laugh lines. Remember to keep this area well hydrated with a daily massage of olive or coconut oil.

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6. Sagging Skin

There are many factors that contribute to this effect. Whatever the cause it is clear that your skin starts to lose elasticity with age and begins to sag. The lack of muscle tone beneath your skin can also cause it to sag. A tendency towards fluid retention can also cause a puffy effect which will bring certain areas of the skin to sag. The lack of natural moisturizer combined with the loss of collagen will contribute to looser skin and a sagging effect. Your skin can sag from loss of muscle tone, rapid weight loss, incorrect alimentation, dehydration or environmental factors. In some cases even using incorrect skin care products can contribute to the effect.

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A combination of lifestyle change and a new exercise regime can be the best cure you can find for sagging skin. Toning up the muscles with weight training can recondition your skin by firming up the muscles underneath it. To get rid of the dead cells and improve the appearance of your skin use a good exfoliator under the shower. To promote circulation under the skin after a good scrub, try a quick dash of cold water. You can make yourself and sugar exfoliator with half a cup of sugar, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive or coconut oil. Add some drops of essential grapefruit oil for a firming effect. Make sure you drink enough water, especially if you step up the exercise. When moisturizing apply oil with large, vigorous firm upsweeping movements. This will stimulate circulation while making sure that your skin has the nourishment it needs.

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7. Discolored or uneven skin tone

An uneven skin tone, also known as age spots or liver spots is something that happens when your skin ages. These darker or browner areas appear as you grow older. Natural home remedies are quite effective to deal with these. These spots appear most often on the face but they can also be seen on the backs of the hands and more rarely on the neck. They can also occur as a result of various factors, such as nutritional deficiencies, genetic conditions, and impaired liver functioning. Hormonal changes as you age can also cause an excess in melanin production, which can make areas of your skin darker. These discolorations can also be caused by emotional stress or contact with certain chemicals.

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Lemon juice is one of the best natural skincare ingredients to help lighten the skin and remove age spots. Lemon juice has natural bleach and has been used as a beauty aid to keep the skin looking luminous for centuries. You can dab lemon juice on the skin with cotton wool, or you can mix it into a scrub with a bit of sugar and exfoliate the area. Aloe vera gel applied fresh from an opened leaf and smoothed or dabbed on the dark area overnight and rinsed off in the morning will help too. Buttermilk contains acid so it will cleanse your skin as well as remove darker pigmentation. Uneven skin tone needs to be looked after very carefully in the sun, so good quality sunscreen is essential. This should be applied thoroughly wherever the spots are, including the hands.

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8. Enlarged Pores

As your skin ages, the reduction in collagen production reduces the elasticity of the skin. This has the effect of making your pores appear larger. As the skin loses elasticity, the pores can get clogged more easily with dirt and sebum, and blackheads can form. You need to implement a simple regular skin routine. Regular cleansing is the key to dealing with blackheads and enlarged pores. The best deep cleanse is a steam facial. This is very easy to do at home with a bowl of steaming hot water. Place this on a table in front of you and bend over, so your face is over the steam. Cover your head and the bowl with a towel and relax. You don’t need to do this for long, nor repeat it more frequently than once a week in case you obtain the opposite effect.

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Once you have loosened the material caught in your pores you can move on to an exfoliator. You need to be gentle because aging skin is thinner and more delicate. Massage in wherever the enlarged pores are visible. Avoid sensitive or red areas. Rinse gently with lots of warm water, follow with a cold rinse or a toner to close the pores and then pat dry. Once your skin is squeaky clean, you can also use ice to tighten up, improve circulation and shrink pores. A small amount of ice enclosed in some light cotton makes a cold poultice that you can rub over the affected skin. Diluted apple cider vinegar will reduce pores and restore the skin’s pH. Apply gently with cotton half vinegar to half water.


9. Dark Circles under the Eyes

One of the first signs of aging skin is found in the appearance of your eyes. The area around your eyes which is covered in thin skin is very delicate. Their early appearance can make you seem older than your actual age. There are many factors that can change the quality of the skin around your eyes. You need to evaluate the cause of the dark circles before you decide on the treatment. The thinning out of the underlying bone causes the appearance of small hollows and shadows. As your skin starts to thin out as it ages it can become more transparent. This translucent effect allows the veins under the eyes to become more visible creating the effect of dark circles.

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Dark circles can also be caused by hyperpigmentation, like the dark spots that appear on your hands. They can appear from exhaustion or allergies. You can also cause these yourself by sleeping on your stomach or by constantly rubbing your eyes. If the area looks darker when it is stretched then the cause is probably from thin skin, so you need to apply rich collagen-creating moisturizers. If the color doesn’t change, it could be hyperpigmentation. You will need to use natural lightening treatments. Raw potatoes contain the enzyme catecholase which has skin-lightening properties. A mask will help to fade dark circles. Grate a peeled raw potato and put the shavings into a soft cloth, place it under your eyes for a few minutes and relax. You can keep this in the fridge and reuse it a couple of times a week.

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10. Droopy eyelids

Once your skin starts aging, the ligaments underneath your eyes holding back the fatty tissue start to weaken. The skin around the eyes loses its elasticity and the ability to hold up the increased weight of the eyelids. The tissue to slides forward and starts drooping. The edge of the upper eyelid sinks down into a lower position than normal. There are various other causes like thyroid dysfunction, fatigue, and fluid retention. Fluid retention can also happen while you are sleeping. During the night excess fluid can accumulate beneath the eyes as your circulatory system slows down. If you are more stressed than usual, your circulatory system will have more difficulty flushing out excess fluids.

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You can gently massage your eyes to improve blood circulation in this area. Olive oil or coconut oil is good for this area, but avoid adding other essential oils in case they get into your eyes. This is best done as part of your beauty routine at night time before going to bed. You should also make sure that your head is elevated to avoid a fluid build up in this area. Try not to sleep on your stomach and make sure you get enough sleep. Avoid food and drinks that cause fluid retention. Reduce alcohol and coffee as well as refined foods and cut down on salt. Vitamin C supplements, as well as serums with Vitamin C and carnosine, will help to strengthen collagen production. Don’t forget sun protection which is vital for aging skin on the face and always wear a hat and sunglasses in the sun.

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11. Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes are another symptom of your skin aging, but you can do a lot to help this symptom. Puffy eyes can be caused by excessive crying, hangovers, lack of sleep and some allergic reactions. Other causes are excessive stress, lack of sleep and reduced hormone production. Allergies can also trigger a release of histamines in the body, causing inflammation in the blood vessels and swelling. If your eyes are puffy over a longer period of time, then this is a sign of aging skin.

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First, you need to check if you have any allergies then you can look for the right remedy for you. You will also need to clear your sinuses of any excess fluid. Sitting over a bowl of steaming hot water will help. You can also add a tablespoon of bicarbonate to the boiling water to help with any inflammation. You can also irrigate your sinuses to help liberate them with a neti pot or a saline solution. Make sure you are getting sufficient sleep and that your diet is rich in fruit and vegetables. To help drainage remember to sleep with your head elevated and try not to sleep on your stomach. Make sure that you are well hydrated so your circulation can help you reduce excess fluid. Applying eggs whites, which are a natural astringent will help. Apply with cotton balls and wash off for a good skin tightener. Milk contains lactic acid which will reduce swelling and lighten the area making it less noticeable. Apply milk with cotton balls and lie still for 3 minutes while it dries. Wash off gently afterwards.

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12. Vascular issues

As your skin ages, it thins giving a translucent effect showing the veins below. At the same time aging also puts stress on the vascular system which can cause spider veins. You might have fine lines on your face or legs called spider veins. Spider veins are related to varicose veins but are more common. They look like a spider web and are mostly painless. These can also form due to pregnancy genetics, sun damage as well as from using steroids. Aging causes the blood vessels to become more fragile and break more easily. Due to the different factors that change your skin as you age, your skin takes longer to repair.

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Bruises should be iced with ice in a small cloth bag as soon as they happen. Wounds should be very well disinfected and covered to avoid skin infections. Sleep and a healthy diet are the solutions most likely to help with these kinds of problems. Spider veins are difficult to cure, they won’t go away on their own, and they may worsen over time thanks to already-weakened skin and cell walls. You can hide these lines with a good foundation base or use a self-tanner. The tanner will mask the fine lines avoiding the damage that going out into the sun will do to your skin. Dab on some apple cider vinegar before you go to sleep. It improves circulation in the vein walls and is an effective anti-inflammatory. Apple cider vinegar and witch hazel can help with the swelling and appearance of both spider veins and varicose veins after a few weeks of constant application.

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13. Skin disorders

As your skin ages, it undergoes many changes. These changes also depend on you and your hereditary factors. The variables are your diet, what you drink, how you exercise and smoking or exposure to UV rays. Your aging skin is more prone to skin disorders which are very common in older people. They can also be caused by nutritional deficiencies, which cause rashes or skin lesions. Skin tags, warts, rough patches, and other blemishes are also quite common. Older skin, especially skin that has been heavily exposed to the sun, can have precancerous growths, or skin cancer.

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Skin tags are soft, benign, harmless skin growths. They are quite common in older people and can occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, and under the breasts. You can have one or two or hundreds. A home remedy for skin tags is apple cider vinegar dabbed on with a cotton ball several times during the day for at least two weeks. You can substitute apple cider vinegar with tee tree oil, but sometimes this can take longer. Warts are from the human papillomavirus, and they can be treated with home remedies too. You can rub the inner part of a banana peel onto the wart. You can make a small poultice with raw honey, apple cider vinegar or garlic. Bind it to the wart, keep it for as long as you need to and change the dressing regularly. Rough skin patches need gentle hydrating exfoliation like sugar mixed with olive or coconut oil. In this case, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice or a few drops of lavender essential oil to make sure the area is well disinfected.

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14. Wrinkles

Apart from crow’s feet and laugh lines on your face, your aging skin will present wrinkles in other areas. Wrinkles will be more discernible right down the décolleté. The lines on the wrists will become more visible and so will the wrinkles on your forearms. Your skin could sag with a crepe effect on the inside of the forearms. As you age the skin on the arms tends to lose its elasticity and hang loose which gives them a wrinkled look. The folds in the skin should be kept clean and dry and treated gently to avoid tearing and leaving space for bacterial infections. There are some natural remedies that can be applied to the skin to reduce the wrinkle effect.

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Including some foods in your diet will also help to reduce wrinkles. A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish and low-glycemic foods has been associated with fewer skin wrinkles. You can apply the following remedies all over your body, as well as on your face. They should be left to dry and then rinsed off carefully. Lemon juice is a good cleansing agent and has astringent properties, and it will help smooth out some wrinkles. Cabbage juice is believed to help tighten up the facial muscles, but it can also be used on the arms. Rose water is a readily available remedy, and it can also be used to exfoliate the skin and prevent wrinkles. Make a paste of rose water, honey and turmeric. You can use egg whites, which help the elasticity, mixed with some coconut oil for hydration. This is a good all over body treatment.

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15. Dull skin

One of the effects of your skin aging is that you lose that bright, radiant effect associated with young healthy skin. Dull skin is actually one of the most common skincare complaints. It is often the result of poor circulation, which slows down when you age. It can also be caused by smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, dehydration and poor diet. Once your skin starts aging the circulation slows down, and less oxygen and nutrients are carried to the skin. Excessive exposure to the UV rays of the sun can cause your skin to appear dull and dry. Other conditions, such as lack of sleep, poor nutrition, can contribute. Dull skin is also caused by the excessive buildup of the outside layer of the skin. This lackluster look is one of the first indications of aging skin. Many factors contribute to the depletion of vitality in the body and skin, leaving it dull.

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A healthy diet with plenty of water and sleep can put you back on the right track. Exfoliating can be just what your skin needs. Your skin will benefit from a good all-round brushing. You can also brush your face although you need to be gentler. Sugar will make a good exfoliating mask, with oil added to moisturize. You can use it over your whole body and on your face. Lemons are great cleansers both inside and out. Drink a glass of lemon juice and water when you wake up to flush toxins out. Lemons are rich in Vitamin C which is a natural antioxidant, and it helps prevent aging when applied to the skin. They can also whiten and brighten the skin.
