You have probably heard the phrase that your body is a temple. It is usually a statement people make when explaining why it’s crucial for you to take care of your body. For example, if a grandparent or parent is against you getting a tattoo or piercing. While we often don’t believe this phrase – or overthink about it, ultimately, it’s true. It’s essential to take care of our bodies. After all, if you don’t take care of it, you can often find yourself struggling internally, getting sick constantly, or feeling tired all of the time. You’ll also be at the doctor a lot.
Get ready to learn amazing facts about human bodies. In fact, your body is capable of many things. There is another phrase that runs around the world that states your body is a wonderland. It is probably just as accurate as saying it’s a temple. Think of it this way – every memory you’ve kept in your mind is essentially a part of your body. Without your body, you wouldn’t be able to get where you wanted to go, physically at least. While many wonderful things happen with our bodies, there are also many not-so-wonderful facts.

20. Menstrual Cramps Causes Your Womb To Feel Like It’s Suffocating
If you’re a female who has ever dealt with menstrual cramps, you probably agree with this statement. You’ve probably found yourself lying down in the fetal position after work or even spending extra time in the bathroom during work to manage the pain associated with period cramps. Most people take the time to explain that they feel pangs during their monthly cycle because the uterine lining is making its way out of your body, so it can make room for the lining that will take over the following month – sounds great, right? Well, this isn’t the full nitty-gritty story when it comes to menstrual cramps.
One of the best ways to describe the reason for the painful cramping and, honestly, really put it into perspective when it comes to your feminine body is that your womb feels like it is suffocating during this process. Your womb needs to contract to get the uterine lining out, which takes away its natural structure. In fact, the womb can contract so tightly that oxygen can’t reach its blood vessels. In return, your brain receives a signal from your body saying it’s in pain and something is wrong. Of course, the next part of the process is for more contractions to unfold because the process increases your production of chemicals called prostaglandins. Good grief!