Movies often paint a distorted picture of medicine and medical procedures. In these cinematic portrayals, medical professionals effortlessly diagnose complex conditions in a matter of minutes, and treatments yield instant results. Dramatic surgeries and life-saving interventions are often exaggerated for heightened entertainment value, disregarding the painstaking reality of medical practice. The portrayal of medical professionals as superhuman beings with limitless knowledge and unwavering confidence can lead to unrealistic expectations among the audience. In reality, medicine is a nuanced field that requires years of study, collaboration, and careful consideration of risks and benefits. While movies can inspire and captivate, it is important to recognize their limitations in accurately depicting the complexities of healthcare. Thanks to Hollywood, we’ve come to believe in some pretty dumb ideas about injury treatments. Here are some of the dumbest things we’ve come to believe thanks to movies.

You Can Walk Away from Major Car Crashes with No Serious Injuries
Movies frequently perpetuate the misleading notion that car crashes are events from which people can effortlessly walk away unscathed. Cinematic portrayals often showcase characters emerging from catastrophic collisions without significant injuries or long-term consequences. This glamorized depiction can create a dangerous misconception among viewers, downplaying the severity of real-life car accidents and the potential for devastating physical and emotional trauma. In reality, car crashes are highly unpredictable and can result in severe injuries or even fatalities. The impact of a collision can cause a range of injuries, including fractures, internal organ damage, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.