
Dumb Things We Believe About Injuries Thanks To Movies

Completely Unrealistic Superhuman Endurance Movies showcase characters who engage in prolonged physical activities or intense fights without displaying any signs of fatigue or exhaustion. These characters… Alexander Gabriel - June 29, 2023

Movies often paint a distorted picture of medicine and medical procedures. In these cinematic portrayals, medical professionals effortlessly diagnose complex conditions in a matter of minutes, and treatments yield instant results. Dramatic surgeries and life-saving interventions are often exaggerated for heightened entertainment value, disregarding the painstaking reality of medical practice. The portrayal of medical professionals as superhuman beings with limitless knowledge and unwavering confidence can lead to unrealistic expectations among the audience. In reality, medicine is a nuanced field that requires years of study, collaboration, and careful consideration of risks and benefits. While movies can inspire and captivate, it is important to recognize their limitations in accurately depicting the complexities of healthcare. Thanks to Hollywood, we’ve come to believe in some pretty dumb ideas about injury treatments. Here are some of the dumbest things we’ve come to believe thanks to movies.


You Can Walk Away from Major Car Crashes with No Serious Injuries

Movies frequently perpetuate the misleading notion that car crashes are events from which people can effortlessly walk away unscathed. Cinematic portrayals often showcase characters emerging from catastrophic collisions without significant injuries or long-term consequences. This glamorized depiction can create a dangerous misconception among viewers, downplaying the severity of real-life car accidents and the potential for devastating physical and emotional trauma. In reality, car crashes are highly unpredictable and can result in severe injuries or even fatalities. The impact of a collision can cause a range of injuries, including fractures, internal organ damage, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

Props and SFX

Gunshot Wounds are Easily Removed

The depiction of bullet removal in movies can mislead viewers into believing that it is an easy and uncomplicated task. Characters are often shown being shot, only to have the bullet effortlessly extracted without much consequence. However, bullet removal is far more intricate and fraught with potential complications. Removing a bullet requires careful planning, precise surgical procedures, and consideration of various factors such as the bullet’s location in relation to vital organs and the potential damage caused upon entry. In some cases, fragments of the bullet or shattered bones may be intentionally left behind to minimize further harm during removal attempts.


Non-Medical Professionals Providing Medical Care Flawlessly

Movies often downplay or ignore the importance of medical professionals, presenting scenarios where non-medical characters perform complex medical procedures without proper training or expertise. This portrayal undermines the vital role that healthcare professionals play in providing accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and compassionate care. In reality, medical professionals undergo years of rigorous education and training to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to handle medical situations. They possess specialized expertise and experience in various fields, ensuring optimal patient outcomes.


Jumping Through Glass Doesn’t Cause Any Kind of Injury

It is often absurd and unrealistic how movies portray individuals effortlessly leaping through plate glass windows without suffering even the slightest scratch. In these cinematic moments, characters effortlessly crash through these seemingly impenetrable barriers, emerging unscathed on the other side. However, in reality, plate glass is incredibly sharp and prone to shattering into dangerous shards upon impact. Such reckless actions would almost certainly result in severe lacerations, deep cuts, and potential life-threatening injuries. Movies, in their pursuit of dramatic visuals and thrilling action sequences, often prioritize spectacle over realism, perpetuating an unrealistic notion of invulnerability. It is important to remember that real-life physical encounters with plate glass are far more perilous.

Pivotal Motion Physiotherapy

Fixing a Dislocated Shoulder is as Easy as 1, 2, 3

Characters are frequently shown effortlessly relocating their shoulders with a quick movement or jerk. Yet, in truth, this procedure is far from simple and can be dangerous if attempted without proper expertise. Dislocating a shoulder causes significant pain and can result in damage to the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Incorrect or unguided attempts to self-pop the shoulder can lead to further harm, including nerve damage and complications. Truthfully, medical professionals employ specialized techniques, often requiring sedation or anesthesia, to safely and effectively reduce a dislocated shoulder.

Paste Magazine

CPR and Defibrillators Instantly Bring People Back to Life

The portrayal of CPR and defibrillators instantly bringing a person back to life in movies is inaccurate at best. These films create an unrealistic expectation that these interventions guarantee immediate resuscitation. However, the reality is far more nuanced. The effectiveness of CPR and defibrillators varies based on various factors, including the individual’s condition and underlying medical issues. CPR is meant to sustain blood circulation and oxygenation until professional medical assistance arrives, while defibrillators aim to restore a normal heart rhythm during cardiac arrest. Successful revival requires timely intervention, proper technique, and addressing the root cause of the cardiac event.


You Can Wake Up from Comas With No Side Effects

Characters seamlessly regain consciousness and quickly resume their normal lives, as if the coma had no lasting impact. The reality of coming out of a coma is far more complex and challenging. Comas can result in various physical, cognitive, and emotional impairments that require extensive rehabilitation and support. Common side effects can include muscle weakness, coordination difficulties, memory loss, speech impairments, and emotional changes. The road to recovery after a coma is often long and arduous, involving a multidisciplinary approach and significant effort from both the patient and their healthcare team. While movies may overlook the lingering effects of comas for the sake of storytelling, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the real-life struggles faced by individuals who awaken from this profound state of unconsciousness.

Chicago Tribune

Movies Turn Bulletproof Vests into Completely Invincible Shields

Movies often create the idea that bulletproof vests are invincible, leading viewers to believe that they offer complete protection against all types of ammunition. Characters confidently wear these vests and emerge unscathed from intense gunfights and firefights. However,while they are designed to reduce the impact and potential harm caused by bullets, they are not foolproof. The level of protection provided varies depending on the type of vest, and they cannot guarantee safety against all calibers and velocities of bullets. Additionally, bulletproof vests do not cover the entire body, leaving certain areas exposed. Movies often exaggerate the capabilities of bulletproof vests for dramatic effect, fostering an inaccurate belief in their invulnerability.


Falling from Truly Great Heights are Completely Liveable

Characters frequently plunge from tall buildings, cliffs, or other elevated structures, only to walk away with minimal injuries or without any consequences at all. However, in reality, falling from significant heights can be incredibly dangerous and often fatal. The impact upon landing can cause severe injuries, including broken bones, internal organ damage, and traumatic brain injuries. Surviving such falls requires exceptional circumstances, such as landing on a specific surface or using specialized equipment like parachutes or airbags. Movies tend to underplay the physical and physiological effects of falling from great heights, disregarding the immense risks and complexities involved.


Sucking Out Venom is the Best Treatment for Snake Bites

Sucking out poison is not an effective or recommended method for treating snake bites. The idea of sucking out venom is a myth that can do more harm than good. In reality, venom spreads rapidly through the bloodstream, making it impossible to completely remove it by sucking. Instead, immediate medical attention is crucial when someone is bitten by a snake. The primary course of action is to keep the affected area immobilized, at or below heart level, to slow down venom circulation. It’s essential to seek medical assistance promptly, as anti-venom treatment administered by professionals is the most effective way to neutralize snake venom. Furthermore, staying calm, avoiding unnecessary movement, and removing restrictive clothing or jewelry can help prevent the venom from spreading further.

Film School Rejects

Explosions Don’t Kill You, You can Just Walk Away

Explosions in movies are frequently portrayed in an exaggerated and misleading manner, suggesting that individuals can effortlessly walk away from these devastating events without harm. Characters often appear to quickly recover from massive explosions, showing no signs of injury or impact. However, the truth is that explosions have serious consequences. They unleash tremendous force and intense heat that can cause severe injuries, such as burns, shrapnel wounds, concussions, and internal trauma. The reality of surviving an explosion is far more grim and challenging than what movies suggest. It is crucial to understand that real-life explosions are highly dangerous, and their aftermath requires immediate medical attention and specialized care.


Recovering from a Knockout Only Includes A Headache Afterwards

Movies commonly depict characters being knocked unconscious but subsequently waking up with nothing more than a mild headache, completely unaffected by the experience. This portrayal simplifies the impact of head injuries and fails to acknowledge the potential seriousness of losing consciousness. Losing consciousness, even briefly, is a significant event with potential consequences. Head injuries can lead to concussions, brain trauma, memory impairment, cognitive difficulties, and other long-term effects. Additionally, the sudden loss of consciousness often comes with confusion, disorientation, and possible complications. Movies tend to underestimate the risks and downplay the potential aftermath of such incidents, creating a misleading perception and undermining the importance of seeking appropriate medical evaluation and care following a head injury.

Watch Mojo

Punching Bare Handed Never Results in Broken Bones

Movies frequently depict characters engaging in intense fights, repeatedly punching their opponents without any apparent harm to their own hands. This portrayal creates the illusion that one can deliver numerous powerful blows without suffering consequences. Yet, punching someone with full force can result in significant hand injuries. The human hand consists of delicate bones, tendons, and ligaments that can be easily damaged. Striking forcefully can lead to fractures, dislocations, and severe sprains, such as boxer’s fractures. Additionally, hitting a solid object, like a person’s skull or teeth, can exacerbate the damage.


As Long as the Bullet Misses a Vital Organ, You’re Okay

Movies often present gunshots in a way that suggests non-fatal wounds are easily manageable as long as vital organs are not hit. This portrayal creates the impression that such injuries have minimal consequences and can be shrugged off without much difficulty. In truth, even if a bullet misses vital organs, it can still cause significant damage, such as internal bleeding, fractures, and nerve injuries. These wounds can lead to long-term complications, chronic pain, and disabilities. Movies prioritize the excitement of action rather than accurately depicting the true impact of gunshot wounds. It is crucial to recognize that any gunshot injury, regardless of its location, should be treated as a serious medical emergency that requires immediate professional attention and care.


Last Minute, Life Saving Medications Cure Instantly

Movies often create unrealistic scenarios where life-saving medications and techniques are portrayed in a manner that goes beyond what is scientifically possible. Characters are frequently saved from critical conditions or injuries through the use of miraculous drugs or extraordinary procedures. These cinematic portrayals often involve instant recovery, immediate revival, or the sudden reversal of life-threatening situations. Medical interventions and treatments are far more complex and cannot guarantee such dramatic outcomes. While medical advancements have undoubtedly improved our ability to save lives, movies tend to oversimplify the intricacies and limitations of real-life medical practices.

Country Living Magazine

Doctors Are Able to Perform Complex Surgeries in Unrealistic Environments

Movies often depict doctors performing complex surgeries or medical procedures in non-sterile or unrealistic environments, which deviates from actual medical practice. These portrayals frequently show doctors operating in dimly lit rooms, unclean settings, or chaotic conditions without adhering to proper surgical protocols or using appropriate equipment. Performing surgeries in such environments would significantly increase the risk of infections, complications, and compromised patient safety. In reality, operating rooms are meticulously sterilized, and healthcare professionals follow strict protocols to minimize infection risks and ensure optimal surgical outcomes. Movies that overlook these essential practices perpetuate misinformation and undermine the importance of maintaining a sterile environment in real-life medical settings.

Team Wild

Completely Unrealistic Superhuman Endurance

Movies showcase characters who engage in prolonged physical activities or intense fights without displaying any signs of fatigue or exhaustion. These characters possess an uncanny ability to sustain an incredibly high level of performance, defying the limits of human endurance. Whether it’s running for long distances without tiring, engaging in multiple intense combat sequences back-to-back, or enduring extreme physical challenges without rest, these portrayals create an unrealistic expectation of what the human body is capable of. Realistically, even the most physically fit individuals have their limits and require rest and recovery to perform optimally.


Characters Knocking Out Opponents with a Single Punch

The cinematic trope of one-punch knockouts portrays characters effortlessly incapacitating their opponents with a single punch, rendering them unconscious for an extended period. However, it is important to note that such scenarios are not realistic. Achieving a knockout with just one punch requires precise force application to specific vulnerable areas, and even then, the outcome is unpredictable. Furthermore, the idea of prolonged unconsciousness resulting from a single blow is misleading. Knockouts typically involve a brief loss of consciousness followed by a quick recovery or grogginess. Prolonged unconsciousness usually indicates a severe head injury or a more serious medical condition.

Premium Beat

Characters Undergoing Extreme Physical Changes

Physical transformations in movies often showcase characters undergoing extreme changes in their physique, such as gaining significant muscle mass or losing weight, within implausibly short periods. These portrayals create the impression that achieving remarkable alterations to one’s body can be accomplished effortlessly and rapidly. Yet, in practical terms, such transformations require consistent dedication, long-term commitment, and disciplined lifestyle choices over extended periods of time. Building muscle or losing weight necessitates a combination of proper nutrition, regular exercise, and patience.

Scene 360

People Survive Extreme Fire Incidents Without Severe Burns or Complications

Misconceptions about burns persist in movies, as characters often emerge from extreme fire or explosion incidents without experiencing significant burns or long-term complications. However, these depictions neglect the harsh reality of burn injuries and the lasting effects they can have. In truth, burns can cause severe damage to the skin, underlying tissues, and organs, leading to intense pain, scarring, and potential complications such as infections or respiratory issues. Additionally, the recovery process for burn victims is often lengthy and challenging, necessitating specialized medical care, rehabilitation, and emotional support.

Everyday Health

Head Injuries That Could Obviously Cause Concussions are Ignored

The portrayal of characters ignoring concussions in movies sends a misleading message, downplaying the significance of seeking medical attention and taking appropriate measures for diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. This depiction undermines the importance of addressing head injuries and the potential long-term consequences they can have. Concussions are a form of traumatic brain injury that should not be taken lightly. Symptoms may be delayed or subtle, but it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of individuals by encouraging prompt medical evaluation and following the necessary steps for proper care and recovery. Neglecting to address concussions in movies contributes to misconceptions and can discourage people from taking the necessary precautions in real-life situations.

Word Press

Easily Pulling out Impaled Objects

Movies show characters removing impaled objects, such as knives or arrows, without considering the potential damage or risk of severe bleeding. This portrayal fails to address the seriousness of impalement injuries, where removing an object without proper medical attention can lead to severe bleeding, organ damage, or other complications. In truth, impaled objects should never be hastily removed, as they may be acting as a plug to control bleeding or prevent further injury. The safe and appropriate response to impalement is to leave the object in place and seek immediate medical help.

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