Working in an emergency room is a shocking experience: doctors and nurses see a wide range of patients who need immediate attention. Some stories are gruesome, others are sad, and there are even a few funny stories in there too. That’s part of the reason some people choose to work in the emergency room; the other part being that they enjoy helping people who are in dire need. Just so you can see what ER doctors and nurses go through, here are some of the more interesting stories from Reddit for your entertainment. Although these might be crazy, at least they aren’t overly rude, like the time the people shared their worst doctor visits.

20. The patient didn’t have a leg to stand on — pun intended.
Diabetes is a difficult disease to control and can affect your body in extraordinary ways if it’s not kept under control. One way it does this is damages the nerves of the body and interfering with the transmission of signals. This can lead to diabetic neuropathy, where blood flow is reduced to the nerves, leading to overall numbness in certain body parts. The most common body part is the leg and/or feet, so any sore or wound can appear, and the person won’t feel a thing and won’t get treatment. For this patient, he should have gotten help a lot sooner.
“Well, the grossest thing I’ve seen so far has been a diabetic homeless guy with necrotizing fasciitis and a ridiculously uncontrolled maggot infestation of his right leg. The dude’s entire right lower extremity below the knee was black and smelled like a rotting animal carcass, with uncounted maggots boiling around inside. You could hear them from the doorway to his room. After he went upstairs to the ICU, we had to close that room for multiple days and have it sprayed for bugs because there were thousands of flies in there.” – erdoc_throwaway1