Getting healthier is an attainable goal at any age, and it can be crucial as you age. If you are thinking about improving your quality of life and committing to a healthier lifestyle, you should know that age is nothing but a number. The time is always right to put your health first. Experts suggest that senior citizens should have an optimal body mass index number between 23 and 23.9. Changes in body chemistry and metabolism causes unique challenges for elderly adults to stay fit. However, there are still simple ways to keep healthy and active in your golden years.
There is no time like the present to take a step in improving your health. At any age, what you eat and how active has a significant impact on how you feel. Adjusting to a regime is something that can be adopted with a few changes in routine. Nutrition experts have recommended that seniors pay particular attention to specific proper dietary intake and staying active for at least two and a half hours of moderate aerobic exercise per week. Before beginning a routine, you should consult with your primary care physician for advice. Keep reading to find out other ways for seniors to get active and healthy.

20. Figure out individual nutritional deficiencies for a healthy future.
What is on your dinner plate can go a long way in helping you feel better. It makes sense that once people age, their ability to absorb certain nutrients is not as strong as it used to be. This compromised ability could mean that your body may have trouble taking in calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D, among others. Because elderly adults tend to eat less, they are at risk of not getting the proper nutrition they need. Dietary deficiencies have also been linked to several chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis, among others.
Because proper nutrition is essential, seniors should make sure they get the appropriate amounts of certain nutrients. Calcium is vital for bone density and strength, and vitamin D works with calcium to promote strong bones. Magnesium regulates glucose and blood pressure. Seniors can make sure that they are getting these important nutrients by taking supplements and eating fortified foods like cereals, bread, and milk to keep their vitals working correctly. Talk with your doctor to find out what you are lacking and what foods you may want to incorporate into your diet to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need.