
People Who Had No Shame When They Were Caught for Their Nasty Habits

27. Taking Your Business Outside Before there was indoor plumbing, people had to go to the outhouse. And before the outhouse, people would just do their… Trista Smith - June 9, 2022

Bad habits are extremely difficult to break, and it takes a lot of willpower to stop having them as part of your life. Unfortunately, once they’ve been instilled into your everyday life, you may not know how to function without them. They become that itch that you absolutely have to scratch. But these bad habits are something else entirely: they’re downright disgusting. And there are some people who have no shame whatsoever when it comes to continuing these bad habits. Keep in mind that some of these stories do involve bodily fluids, so if you’re squeamish, this article may not be for you.


50. That’s Not Supposed To Be A Snack

Picking at your acne is a really bad habit because it leaves scars all over your skin. What you don’t expect is that some people… “treat” themselves to the contents of their pimples for some reason. Just thinking about it is making me gag because that stuff is literally bacteria in your pores that’s being eaten. Why would anyone think that’s a good idea to put in their mouth? A better question is what would make them want to try it in the first place? There are far better snacks that are edible and healthy for you.


49. Russian Roulette With the Fridge

We’re not really sure what that is when it comes to health or what it has to do with keeping urine in the fridge, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it’s not a good idea to want to stay over at this person’s house anymore. It might have been a better idea for this Reddit user to have started bringing his own beverages (BYOB) when they went to this friend’s house to avoid the unusual decision of what to drink from the fridge. Keep reading to discover the worst gross habits and dirty hygiene revealed by Reddit users.


48. Saving For Later?

Maybe the person in this story was thinking of donating to a sperm bank so that he could collect one big fat cheque… but that would be wishful thinking. It’s not as if the stuff stays fresh for very long after leaving the body, and there would probably be absolute shock on the face of the person at the front desk, watching this guy bring in all these bottles. What’s worse is that because no one asked him why he was doing it, he probably thought it was completely normal.


47. It’s Not Supposed To Go Back Down

There are sometimes unfortunate circumstances where you have something stuck in your throat and you need to get rid of it. Most people would cough it up and spit it onto the ground. Gross, but it gets the jobs done. Apparently, this person wanted a second go-around and sucks their loogies back up. Maybe it’s out of embarrassment? Because no other reason you could possibly think of makes sense. I would have to say that this is absolutely 1000% times worse than people who eat their boogers.


46. Wash Your Bed Sheets

Not many people wash their bed sheets as often as they should, probably because it’s a hassle to get all of those bed sheets into the washing machine and put a new set on the bed. But most people, once they’ve got something gross on their sheets, wouldn’t hesitate to get them off so that they can sleep in a clean bed. Not this guy: he just leaves his mess behind right on the bed skirt, probably because he thinks no one else can see it. We can only hope that he reads this story, realizes it’s about him, and takes some action to put everything in the wash.


45. Putting Non-Food In Your Mouth

When you find a hair in your food, most people feel a little grossed out and try to get it out of their meal as quickly as possible. Or worse, when they take a bite and end up with a hair in their mouth. It can be a gross feeling, but not for the subject of this story. He purposely goes out of his way to pick up the clumped hair from the bottom of furniture legs and puts it in his mouth to eat. Most people with cats hate hairballs, but this guy was trying to make his own, it seems. Keep reading for other dirty habits that will make you gag.


44. Chewing On Her Entire Hand

It’s difficult to understand what her circumstances are that would lead her to this kind of bad habit. This wasn’t just chewing on the skin, as the Reddit user explained that her entire arm was raw. It’s possible that it was a medical condition and because of her circumstances, she couldn’t take care of it with professional help. To be frank, it’s not disgusting at all compared to some of the other stories in here, but it’s definitely a little on the squeamish side.


43. Crunchy Frozen Delights

It’s one thing to eat your boogers, but it’s something else to go out of your way to prepare them. This Reddit user shared a story about their 5th grade teacher when the latter was a kid: he would go out of his way to get some tin foil, put his boogers on them and then pop them into the freezer to chill them. Like he was preparing a tray of popsicles. What this story needed was some adult intervention to tell this kid that this kind of behavior was gross.


42. Multi-Purpose Eating Utensil

Forks are for eating food, and that should be their only purpose. Beard combs were invented for a reason, but this person apparently didn’t have one on hand at the time. Fair enough, but it wasn’t as if his beard required any grooming then and there. He could have waited a few seconds to get to the bathroom and get his beard in order instead of using the fork he’d just eaten with to comb through his beard tangles. At least a pair of eyes on him made him self-conscious enough to be more mindful in the future.


41. Being Super Flexible To Be Gross

Being able to get one of your toes into your mouth is hard enough; this person had the flexibility to get their toe into their mouth and chew off their toenail. Now, in general, toes and feet are usually pretty dirty, unless they’ve just been washed. So imagine how much bacteria that person put into their mouth while biting their toenails off. The addition of the sock fuzz makes this story even more repulsive, because it seems like he wouldn’t care about putting that stuff in his mouth either.


40. You Are Not A Cat, Sir

You wash your face (and the rest of your body) with soap and water. Not saliva. Saliva is meant for the digestion of food and possibly spit-shining shoes. Otherwise, it’s not exactly considered a cleaning agent, especially for your skin. Maybe this person had just lived with too many cats growing up and didn’t know that their principles didn’t apply to humans. Blaming it on how he was raised can only go so far, especially when you become an adult. By that point, you should have learned how people really clean themselves.


39. Spit Is Not Soap

This is another story of someone thinking that the spit in their mouth is just as good as other things that are typically used on the skin. Instead of soap, this person thinks that saliva makes a great moisturizer for his hands and spits on them regularly when they start to feel dry. One can hope that he grew out of this bad habit eventually, because in the working world, no one would want to shake his hands if they saw him doing this. Keep reading for other gross habits that people actually admitted to doing!


38. Ear Wax In A Drawer For Two Years

Although it’s not recommended to use Q-tips in your ears, people do it anyway. And the best place to put them after you use them is in the garbage. Finding an entire drawer filled with two years worth of used Q-tips is simply… baffling. Did this person not have a garbage can in the bathroom or were they really just that lazy? Of course, they had no explanation for their actions so maybe we’ll never get a true answer as to what they were thinking when they did this.


37. Not The Target He Was Going For

Not exactly a gross story, but it’s the results that sickened this person out. Spitting on the street is mostly just bad manners, and just a tad gross. Being spit on the face is not only humiliating, but feeling the hot liquid running down your face adds to the grossness factor. For this Reddit user, it was obviously a traumatizing experience, as it would be for anyone. It could have been worse: she could have had her mouth open while saying hello.


36. Who Needs A Tissue When The Sidewalk Will Do?

Whether you’ve got allergies, a clogged nose, or just boogers, most people would reach for a tissue to deal with any of these problems. It would be the polite thing to do, after all. But not for this person. Maybe he hadn’t heard that tissues had been invented already or maybe he just didn’t care, but he deemed it fit to just empty the contents of his nostrils onto the street where he saw fit. A shame to anyone else who accidentally stepped into the mess he left behind on the ground.


35. Not Putting The Spice To Good Use

Curry powder is meant to be used as a seasoning in food, not as… whatever this person was using it for. What makes this worse is that they didn’t even think to just spit it into the sink and rinse out their mouth instead of staining several towels over time. Because curry powder is extremely difficult to wash out of fabric if you’re not using strong detergents. This story can definitely double as a “weird things hotel housekeepers have found in hotel rooms,” to be fairly honest.


34. His Daily Dose Of Protein

Canned dog food is made to look enticing on television so that dog owners are more likely to buy it. Of course, the dog food you buy looks nothing like it, and it smells even worse when you open the can. In fact, the smell can be downright nauseating. So either this guy was extremely hungry and couldn’t wait to dig in or his nose was completely broken and thought the food he was digging into was pretty tasty. It’s unfortunate that he had to stink up the entire bus with his meal, though.


33. Putting That Back Where It Came From

Snot is meant to come out of your nose, into a tissue, and then be discarded. It’s a way for your nose to get rid of bacteria or other offensive material that it no longer wants. So it’s counterproductive to try and put all of that snot back into your nose because it’s just going to come right back out again. The nose isn’t exactly a sturdy storage vessel for… anything. Honestly, he was better off leaving the snot on his leave than trying to make it disappear.


32. One Step Closer To Becoming A Vampire

Everyone has tasted a little of their own blood at some point. It’s natural when you get a cut on your finger that you’ll suck off a little of the blood to help stop it bleeding. This guy takes things a little to the extreme, though. He’ll go out of his way to taste some of his own blood, no matter where the cut is on his body. It’s not gross but it’s also not very sanitary, depending on how he got the cut in the first place. Keep reading to learn more disgusting habits and bad hygiene.


31. Getting Things Between Your Fingers You Should Leave Alone

Yup. This Reddit user is talking about exactly what he shouldn’t be doing. It’s always recommended that you wash your hands after you use the bathroom because of how much urine and fecal matter might be on your hands, but this guy doesn’t follow that advice whatsoever. In fact, he makes it worse. I really hope he does wash his hands afterwards or else the interior of his home must light up like a Christmas tree when a black light is turned on.


30. Pubic Hair Picking

To be fair, ingrown hair can be itchy and painful. And if left too long, it can actually develop an infection because your skin will try to wall it off. So although it’s a bit gross, this Reddit user is actually taking care of a problem before it becomes more serious. Still, it’s concerning how much time this person actually spends picking out hair, especially in that area of their body. At least their grooming is keeping them educated about the health of that area so that they’re aware if something suddenly goes wrong.


29. Saving For A Rainy Day?

Some people collect pennies. Others collect stamps. Some people collect paintings of clowns. But there is no rhyme or reason why this person would want to collect bottles of urine and keep them under their bed. It’s not as if they serve any purpose and the smell alone must be horrendous. Wouldn’t it be more work to find and fill a bottle than to actually just go to the bathroom? This seems less like laziness and more like an obscure obsession with their pee. And what happens when they run out of space under their bed?


28. Wicking Away The Sweat

People take for granted just how comfortable they really are. They never truly understand what other people go through on a daily basis and many of them never will. This Reddit user’s suggestion for how to keep their boobs nice and dry seems a little gross, but it’s actually not that bad of an idea. Likely, you may never have known how people with large chests stopped the sweat from chafing their breast tissue against each other until now. The real question is whether she actually washes that sock afterwards or keeps using the same one. Then this story might be more gross.


27. Taking Your Business Outside

Before there was indoor plumbing, people had to go to the outhouse. And before the outhouse, people would just do their business outside. With the advent of sinks and toilets, you would think people would be more thankful that they have better ways to stay clean. Not this person. They decided that it would be best to go back to the old ways and resort to taking a dump in the backyard. Even worse is that they put the poor dog in the crosshairs of his family to receive the blame when the dog hasn’t even done anything wrong.


26. Supposed To Be For Washing Hands

Most people follow the same cleaning regimen: you go to the bathroom and after using the toilet, you wash your hands in the sink with soap and water. This Reddit user seems to skip the first step and goes right to doing their business in the sink. Sinks aren’t usually built for this kind of activity, and you’re more likely to create more splash all over your counter instead, giving you a bigger mess to clean up. But if this person is peeing in the sink, it’s unlikely that they’re cleaning their countertops either.


25. Condiment Jars That Should Be Thrown Out

One of the heights of laziness is eating peanut butter straight out of a jar with a spoon. A guilty pleasure of choice, to be sure. But rarely would you find someone hankering for a jar of mayonnaise to eat directly with a spoon. In fact, the thought sounds downright sickening. To add salt to the wound, mayonnaise is something that’s supposed to be kept in the fridge once it’s opened to prevent it from going bad. I don’t want to imagine what this person’s room smells like for fear of projectile vomiting. Keep reading to discover more Reddit stories that reveal gross habits.


24. Not Knowing When To Leave Well Enough Alone

Picking at scabs is never a good idea, as it can cause ugly scarring. But no one can see inside your ears. That still doesn’t make it a good idea, however. The skin inside your ears is quite sensitive and quite close to your eardrum, which can be ruptured quite easily. So this person constantly picking at the interior of their ear canal is troublesome and just a little gross. Thankfully, this person eventually stopped their bad habit on their own without intervention, so it goes to show that it can be stopped if you exercise some willpower.


23. It Might Be Time To Change Your Diet

You might want to skip this story if you’re squeamish, but this Reddit user goes into detail about something that would make most people feel sick. Not only does this Reddit user drink their own menstruation, but they also took measures into their own hands to help with their constipation. There are definitely other ways you can help the second condition, like a change in diet, but the first bad habit… why? Period blood isn’t dirty at all, but it’s being shed for a reason. The thought of it, especially with the consistency she described, is enough to make anyone barf.


22. Building A Gum Tower

Usually, when you’re done with a piece of gum, you throw it out in the garbage. Keeping it seems like a waste of time, since all of the flavor is gone and it becomes tough. However, building a tiny tower made of gum is an idea that’s so far out of left field that it’s a wonder this idea came to them in the first place. How much gum had he saved at that point to make it that large? Thankfully, he realized how silly it was and threw it out eventually.


21. Another Story Of Going #2 Outside

Are some people just adverse to the comforts of a toilet and modern plumbing? Going outside to do your business is a kickback to our ancestors before toilets were made… but the real questions are whether they bring toilet paper with them and what they do with it afterwards? Wouldn’t it be more trouble to carry all the things you need outside than to just use the indoor toilet? Maybe some bad habits just don’t have a logical explanation to them.


20. Feeling Your Own Farts

It’s difficult to understand what the fascination is with feeling one’s farts. Why would it feel any different than blowing hot air over your finger? Maybe it’s the fact that they’re getting away with something that they know they shouldn’t be doing that gives them the thrill of doing this. Either way, it’s a pretty gross habit that they should probably stop before they get a partner. Because anyone would be a little grossed out by this, or at least confused, to say the least.


19. Stripping Your Lips Raw

Some people have nervous habits that they’re not even aware that they’re doing. For this Reddit user, it’s picking the skin off their lips. It’s unclear whether it’s to the point of bleeding, but they must earn some strange lips if they do this in public. And are they just discarding the dry skin on the ground or whatever is around them? Not to sat that the skin is dirty, but if the surfaces around them are littered with dry skin, then it can be a bit of a strange scene to behold.


18. A Taste of Menstruation

Obviously from this second story that tasting one’s period blood isn’t an uncommon a bad habit as one originally thought. This person’s boyfriend had the right response to seeing someone do that. It’s unlikely that he asked for a kiss from her afterwards too. Comparing period blood to the same as blood from a paper cut is fault logic, since the blood from your finger isn’t going to have uterine lining mixed in with it. Thankfully, the commenters informed her of this, though that probably didn’t change her mind much.


17. There’s No Reason To Save Them

As mentioned before, it’s a bad habit to pick scabs off of your body because of what it will do to your skin condition. What makes this bad habit even worse? Saving the scabs that you remove. The point of a scab is just to protect the wound as the skin heals back together; it’s essentially waste when it falls off. So what possible use could this person have for scabs that he’s taken off of his scalp? It’s not as if the Guinness’ Book of World Records is looking for someone with the largest scab collection. Would you admit to these bad habits? Keep reading for more Reddit confessions.


16. Unsafe Ear Cleaning

Even though Q-tips have soft ends, you’re still not supposed to put them in your ears because of the potential to cause impacted wax near your ear drum. So when someone uses something that’s a lot sharper to insert into their ears, then there’s trouble afoot. Something hard like a bobby pin, inserted too far, can potentially rupture your eardrums, not to mention there could already be bacteria on it. Looking at your earwax afterwards adds more of a grossness factor to this bad habit. At least they provide a warning to others to not do this; maybe they experienced a bad side effect of doing this?


15. Spitting Is A Bad Habit

Spitting alone is a bad habit in and of itself, especially in public. Doing it right on the ground is even worse, because everyone sees whatever foul thing was in your mouth. Why this uncle decided that teaching a young child to “enhance” their skills in the spitting department is beyond us. He probably thought they would grow out of it eventually, or it was just for fun, but now this person is stuck with this habit for the rest of their lives, to the point that they do it subconsciously.


14. Having A Designated Corner

It wasn’t as if the subject of this story had some kind of bladder problem, this was just the epitome of laziness. Can you imagine the smell that came from that room? It was a wonder his father didn’t notice, or if he did, he probably just chalked it down to puberty and weird smells. Let’s hope this Reddit user didn’t share a place with this boyfriend, or else he might have carried his bad habits into their relationship and left this person with a weird stain in the corner of their bedroom.


13. No Need To Keep Them That Long

The collection of urine bottles is understandable in this situation because there wasn’t really a working bathroom for everyone to use. But at least they had the common sense to clear everything out in the morning so that the place didn’t start to smell. Why this person kept the bottles for an entire month either meant he was lazy or he didn’t care, but this bad habit came back to bite him when all of the contents ended up all over the place. Fingers crossed that he actually learned from this lesson and never did it again.


12. Scarring Someone Else’s Face

Blackheads are very different from pimples. Although they both involve a clogged pore, a blackhead starts with the clog at the skin’s surface and not further within the pore; this is a pimple. Most people can’t help but squeeze them to get rid of them, but that’s usually something you do on your own face… not someone else’s. It would be different if this was on someone’s back where they can’t reach it, but on their face, they can take care of it perfectly fine on their own.


11. In The Bed With You?

There is a condition called trichotillomania that is a compulsive disorder that causes hair pulling. It’s obvious that this Reddit user’s girlfriend suffered from that condition. Which would have been fine if it didn’t involve pulling on her hair. And because she slept in the bed without any clothes, all of that hair just ended up underneath their bedsheets, and good luck trying to get all of that off your bed. It’s bad enough just trying to get stray hair off of your bed alone; removing hair will stick to almost anything.


10. A Big Ol’ Booger Eater

Eating one’s boogers seems to be the most popular disgusting habit in this Reddit thread, but this one really takes the cake. This guy expects to put his mined gold between his lips and still expect a kiss from his partner? How charming does he think he is that he can get away with this? His partner definitely doesn’t put up with his bad habits and forces him to clean his mouth before he even comes within kissing distance of them. Good for them for actually having standards and basic hygiene.


9. Taking Care Of Your Menstruation

When every young girl starts her first period, someone, usually her mother, teaches her the basics of how to keep clean and how sanitary napkins and tampons are used. The fact that three women altogether, living in the same place, couldn’t get this right, is beyond baffling. And they didn’t even clean up after themselves either! This Reddit user was the cleanest of the bunch, dealing with their used hygiene products two weeks after they’d been used. The smell must have been terrible!


8. Completely Blind To Dirt

Even when the dirt is directly pointed out to this Reddit user’s partner’s face, she can’t see what the problem is. It’s likely that she’s never cleaned anything in a day in her life or else she would be able to discern that things aren’t clean. This fact is made more obvious through the continuation of the story: she left used dishes and cups on the counter for so long that they attracted the attention of bugs to the point that they had to call an exterminator. It sucks that it took such a drastic situation for her to start picking up the slack. Keep reading for more gross habits that will make you gag.


7. Personal Cleaning Time

The best time to take care of your private areas is in the shower. It gives you a great way to take care of your parts in one place, and all of the “stuff” down there gets washed away. Sitting around the house and cleaning these parts? Not so hygienic, and all of that stuff is left around on the floor… or whatever surface she happened to be cleaning herself on. Oh wait; she kept her “stuff” on the back of her hand while she continued to “work.” So at least she was a little courteous…?


6. Not Throwing Away Snot Rags

Worse than eating boogers is blowing your nose on a tissue and then just leave it lying around for someone else to take care of. This person’s partner takes it a step further by just leaving them in her pockets for an extended period of time instead of throwing them away. It’s not even that she tossed them on the floor; they just naturally fell out of her pockets for their child or their dog to sink their mouths into. Gross!


5. Swallowing The Chunky Bits

You’ve read the earlier stories of people who tasted their own menstrual blood, but this one definitely takes the cake. Drinking straight from one’s menstrual cup is more than gag-worthy, and trying to get her partner to do the same thing makes this situation even worse. Thankfully, this person knew better than to give in to her demands and kept his mouth away from her silicone Diva Cup. I wouldn’t want to be kissing her after that, with the hint of blood on her breath and her lips.


4. Not Putting Food Away

It’s important that sensitive foods be kept in the fridge so that they don’t go bad; these foods usually include cheese, eggs, milk, et cetera. So although this isn’t a bad habit involving their bodily functions, it still puts them at risk of getting sick. This Reddit user has every reason to be concerned and not want to eat any food from their partner’s fridge. Who wants to come down with a case of food poisoning and start throwing up for days on end?


3. Sitting On A Wet Seat

It’s the boon for every woman who shares a bathroom with a man: they forget to put the toilet seat back down after they’ve gone to the bathroom. This partner, however, is altogether different. He doesn’t forget to put the toilet seat down: he forgets to put the toilet seat up, resulting in his pee getting all over the seat. And does he clean up after himself? Absolutely not, leaving her to sit on a cold, wet, pee-covered seat. If this isn’t the definition of inconsiderate, I don’t know what is.


2. A Little Too Close For Comfort

It’s one thing to want to be near your partner all the time, but it’s something else entirely to want them with you while you’re doing a #2 in the toilet. Maybe this partner has separation anxiety or he’s just plain weird in wanting to hold his partner’s hand while he’s on the toilet, even encouraging them to pee between his legs while he’s sitting on it. A conversation about boundaries really needs to happen… or should have, anyway, since it’s obvious from the story that these two are no longer together. I wonder why!


1. The Most Inconsiderate Person

Imagine walking into your own bathroom and discovering that it’s as filthy as a public restroom. This Reddit user had a partner who seemed to go out of his way to make living with them as unsanitary and difficult as possible. From crapping over the toilet to covering up spills on the floor with a pot or a pan, leaving it to fester until it becomes worse. And when asked to clean up, he responded with disrespect and flatulence. It’s a good thing this person got rid of them before things became much worse and he turned into an even lazier slob.
