Bad habits are extremely difficult to break, and it takes a lot of willpower to stop having them as part of your life. Unfortunately, once they’ve been instilled into your everyday life, you may not know how to function without them. They become that itch that you absolutely have to scratch. But these bad habits are something else entirely: they’re downright disgusting. And there are some people who have no shame whatsoever when it comes to continuing these bad habits. Keep in mind that some of these stories do involve bodily fluids, so if you’re squeamish, this article may not be for you.

50. That’s Not Supposed To Be A Snack
Picking at your acne is a really bad habit because it leaves scars all over your skin. What you don’t expect is that some people… “treat” themselves to the contents of their pimples for some reason. Just thinking about it is making me gag because that stuff is literally bacteria in your pores that’s being eaten. Why would anyone think that’s a good idea to put in their mouth? A better question is what would make them want to try it in the first place? There are far better snacks that are edible and healthy for you.