If you’ve ever been interested in learning more about the crazy things doctors, nurses, and medical professionals see daily, you’re in for a treat. As a popular topic on Reddit, Doctors from around the world are opening up and telling their stories about the strangest things they ever saw in their profession. Some of these stories are funny, while others are horrifying. Medical professionals go through a lot in their chosen profession. Dealing with crazy occurrences every day can take its toll on anyone. Doctors and nurses deserve plenty of praise for everything they go through while ensuring our safety.
Medical professionals help us through illnesses, heal our wounds, and offer an ear when we’re having mental health concerns. Can you imagine some of the things they witness daily? Every day is different in their line of work. Most of us will never understand what they go through while helping to save lives. If you have any interest in the medical profession, going through this list may help you decide if it’s the right profession for you. Keep reading to find out all of the gory and sometimes funny details about the strangest things medical professionals ever saw while on the job. And if you think these stories are crazy, wait until you read what made these dedicated healthcare professionals quit!

30. When experimenting in the bedroom goes wrong.
“I’m an emergency room nurse with an interesting story. Now, picture a young kid. He was no more than 21 at most. A few signs were leading me to believe something bad was going on. He requested a male nurse, which was bad sign number one. He also didn’t want to sit down. I was suddenly very aware of what he’s about to tell me. He and his girlfriend {insert skepticism here} got experimental for what he assured me was his first time. He now had a 10-inch neon pink vibrator up his bum. It was still on and causing him some distress.
I tried my level best to maintain a professional demeanor. I’d say I was marginally successful. It was difficult not to laugh. I enjoy my work wholeheartedly, but this was something I had never seen before. He went to surgery to remove it because we couldn’t get it out in the ER. He somehow got it wedged so that it was up against his coccyx and pushing up toward his belly button. PSA: if you are going to enjoy what some might call exotic pleasures, make sure there is a string attached. Sometimes things get stuck. Then you end up in the ER more embarrassed than you ever thought possible.”- whyspir