I breathe therefore I am. These are not the exact words of the great philosopher and mathematician, Descartes, but they still ring true. We literally cannot live without breathing. It is the very essence of life. It is also completely instinctual. We do not think about taking a breath, we simply do it. This is something called autonomic control. It is not a conscious or voluntary movement. It is like your heartbeat. Mostly, you are unaware of it but there it is. Every second of every day.
As a person inhales, air rushes into the lungs, inflating them fully. Pressure forces oxygen through the alveolar membranes and into the bloodstream. Once oxygen has made it to the blood, it is carried to every cell in the body. This process is relentless. It will continue, without any major interruptions, for the rest of a person’s life.
Unless said person’s lungs are not in working condition. There are countless diseases and ailments which could damage the lungs. Obviously, everyone is aware of the detrimental effects of smoking. But this is not the only plague upon lungs. Inhalants, pollution, fumes, and dust could all wreak havoc on the lungs.
It is thus very important for people to listen to their bodies and pay careful attention to the signs that it is throwing out. Early detection of certain lung disorders could just save your life. These are 15 physical symptoms which may indicate an underlying condition.
1. Difficulty sleeping
Waking up unrested can ruin a person’s entire day. One is left feeling unfocused, drowsy and cranky. Sleep allows us to recharge our batteries. It is the time of the day when the body heals, rests and replenishes its stores to keep us up and about. A restless night can be attributed to a variety of factors. Some of these may be completely benign, but it is possible that this difficulty sleeping could be attributed to a lung disorder or condition.
A person can only go 11 days without sleep. The consequences of prolonged sleep deprivation are widespread and severe. There are apparently over 90 different types of sleeping disorders which affect between 50 and 70 million Americans each year. Chronic sleep disruption can increase one’s risk of numerous other health conditions. Some of these include diabetes, hypertension, obesity and even depression. Obviously, getting the correct amount of sleep is vital to one’s health and longevity.
If you are having difficulty either with sleeping for an extended amount of time or with initiating sleep, and have not been diagnosed with a pre-existing sleep disorder, then there may actually be a problem with your lungs.
When the body is lying down, there is a greater amount of pressure put on the lungs. A healthy person can physiologically adjust to and manage this pressure. A person whose lungs are compromised does not. This means that a person with unhealthy lungs will have trouble breathing when they are lying down. They may even cough in the middle of the night, which can wake anyone from a deep sleep. If this persists for a few days, then it is advised to consult a healthcare practitioner.