
Clever Uses for Coconut Oil

25. Protect your hair by adding coconut oil into your hair routine. If you have Type 3 or 4 curly hair, you know how important it… Trista Smith - August 17, 2019

Coconut oil is having a major moment right now. Not only is it incredibly useful for external applications like cuticle oil, shaving balm, and taming frizzy hair, it’s also a safe and stable oil for high-temperature cooking. This unique substance is an excellent, healthy ingredient for foods ranging from dark chocolate for humans to delicious treats for our furry friends. Coconut oil also has myriad health benefits, from anti-inflammatory properties to a unique ability to fight troublesome candida infections.

It is one of the best natural oils with anti-aging properties to keep your skin youthful. You can easily find coconut oil at Walmart or on Amazon. Read on for phenomenal uses of coconut oil, including many fun DIY projects like lip balms and soaps!

Do your heels stick to the the cotton on you comforter when you lie in bed at night? Try coconut oil to soothe your skin. Sun Sentinel


55. Use coconut oil on cracked or rough heels to help smooth the skin.

Have you ever experienced dry, cracked feet? You may have if you frequently go barefoot around your house and outside in general. Or maybe you have psoriasis or eczema, which can cause cracked feet because of the skin being dry. Another cause is a vitamin deficiency, which is usually vitamin C, B-3, or E, or diabetes. If you have experienced it, you know how uncomfortable and sometimes painful this can be. Sometimes you have to stay off your feet all day, which isn’t ideal for people who live a busy life or have children to care for.

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Coconut oil can help you with cracked heels and feet because it is moisturizing. Using a good moisturizer on cracked heels and feet can provide significant relief. Try taking a fair amount and warming it up in your hands until it is a liquid, then applying it to your feet. You may want to do this at the end of the day so that you can apply it to your feet then not walk on them afterward. That would be a good remedy to do at your bedtime. Then you can sleep with the moisturizer on. Be careful when getting up – sometimes, this can be slippery.

Pregnant mothers can benefit from this wonderful, natural oil. Shutterstock


54. Rub it on your skin to help prevent stretch marks for pregnant mothers.

During pregnancy, your body is going through many changes, and you will be growing quite quickly. It is essential to take care of your skin during this time and to help with stretch marks. You will want to moisturize and use vitamin E oil. Even when you go through puberty, or if you put on a significant amount of weight, you can get stretch marks as well. You want to check your skin frequently to see how it is doing and know if you are getting stretch marks. Everyone does get stretch marks, so if you get them, it is entirely normal, but coconut oil can help with the appearance of them.

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You’ll want to apply coconut oil liberally to your belly when you are pregnant. Warm up about a quarter size amount in your hands until it is a liquid, then rub it on your stomach. Once you have massaged it in, let it sink into your skin and dry before you put on your clothes(if you do it right away, this can make your clothes greasy). It is an excellent idea to do this at least once a day or more if needed. You should also use vitamin E oil, as it is also great for stretch marks and your skin in general.

Breastfeeding can be painful for the first several months. Luckily, coconut oil can help heal cracked nipples. Shutterstock


53. For nursing mothers, apply coconut oil on nipples to prevent cracking and irritation.

Similar to using coconut oil on your stomach for stretch marks, coconut oil is also great for pregnant and nursing mothers to use on their nipples. When you are pregnant, you will develop milk in your breasts, causing them to become larger in a quick time sometimes. When they get big quickly, this can cause the skin to stretch and hurt, which can be very painful. If they crack, then you have to nurse. You are going to experience quite a bit of discomfort and pain. That should help if you keep your skin well moisturized with coconut oil and vitamin E oil on your breasts.

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You can do this when you find out your pregnant to get a head start on the skin. If you start when you find out your pregnant, this will help you develop the habit of doing it. Take a small amount and warm it up in your hands, then apply it to each breast, massaging it in. Let it dry before you put on a bra if you are wearing one or your shirt. If you don’t, it could leave a grease stain on your clothes. You can continue to do this even postpartum to help with any dryness you experience.

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52. Replace other massage oils with coconut oil.

If you have ever looked for massage oil in a drug store, you will know that they can get pretty pricey. You can purchase it online as well, but then you will have to wait for it to ship to you, and at that point, your just trading saving a buck for your time. If you’ve already been using coconut oil and have it in your home already, save your money and just use this as a massage oil. Bringing something like this to your partner is great because it can get your level of intimacy higher.

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Also, simply put, it just feels nice to have a massage. You can be any age and get a massage, and it does not need to be sensual whatsoever. For coconut oil, you can warm up a small amount in your hands until it is liquid and then rub it onto whomever you are giving a massage. If you want, you can also find an essential oil that is safe to use topically and put that in the coconut oil. Then you not only get the benefit of the massage oil for your skin, but you also get some aromatherapy benefits.

If you find yourself in this situation, reach for some coconut oil first.


51. Do you have gum stuck in your hair? Try using coconut oil to remove without cutting your hair.

Gum can be very tricky to get out of your hair if you’ve been unfortunate enough to get a wad of it stuck in your locks. Or worse, maybe one of the kids has it stuck in their hair, and now they are upset. You don’t want to cut your hair or anyone else’s hair, so what can you do? Well, coconut oil can save the day once again. Coconut oil is already great for your hair, so using it in a pinch like this is safe. The oil will loosen the gum’s stickiness to the hair so that you can work it out of the hair.

Image via Super Hit Ideas


The coconut oil is acting as a lubricant for your hair, so you should be able to slide the gum out. Work a small amount of coconut oil to either side of the gum on the hair. Once the hair is fully saturated with coconut oil, you can start to work it towards the gum and try to slide the gum down the hair strand. It may take a while to work the gum onto the coconut oil, but once you get it, it should slide reasonably easily. The great thing about this is once you have the gum off, the coconut oil will also moisturize your hair.

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50. Try coconut oil instead of WD-40.

WD-40 can be used for many things around your house. You’ve probably had a can of it at some point in your life. You’ve probably used it on a squeaky hinge before or something else that just needed some lubricant. Well, what if we told you that coconut oil could completely replace WD-40? It’s true! Coconut oil is great to use in place of WD-40 and works just as well. If you’ve already got it in your house, then you don’t need to run to the store to purchase WD-40. Coconut oil is a natural lubricant with incredible moisturizing powers.

You can quickly warm up coconut oil to transform it from a solid to a liquid. Healthline


You cannot only use this to fix a squeaky door or perhaps fix a zipper that is stuck, but you can also use coconut oil on metals to prevent rusting. In place of WD-40, simply warm up some coconut oil until it is a liquid, then apply it to the object you want to either fix or season. For example, on a hinge, apply coconut oil to the hinge, then open and shut the door several times to work the coconut oil into the hinge. You’ll notice right away that the annoying squeak is now gone! You’ll be able to use this in many other ways as well in place of WD-40.

Clean your makeup tools using a natural oil. Shutterstock


49. Use it as a mascara brush cleaner.

If you’ve ever used a fast-drying mascara, you will know how annoying it is when the wand gets clogged up. Once it is clogged up, it is hard to run the rod through your lash to get an even coat, and then you can manage to do that. Dry pieces end up flaking off and can get into your eye. That is both annoying and not very sanitary. Once you do your makeup, if you are getting bits of mascara in your eye, you will start watering, and it is going to ruin your makeup. You want to keep your makeup tools clean.

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It is where coconut oil can come in. Coconut oil is antibacterial, so it is excellent to use on a tool that you’re going to be using on your face and around your eyes. Simply use coconut oil to clean our mascara brush and then rinse it off. The can make the bristles on the wand softer, and because it can be used as a makeup remover, it will be easy to clean your wand using coconut oil. If there is any left on the brush, run it through your clean lashes. Coconut oil is great for moisturizing your lashes.

This oil is ideal for healing tattoos — ask about it when you get your ink done. Next Luxury


48. Apply coconut oil on new tattoos to help with healing.

If you’ve never gotten a tattoo before, then you might not know how much aftercare goes into a tattoo. You have essentially put a large wound on your body with ink inside it, so you want to keep it as clean as possible. You also don’t want it to get infected or flakey, as this can change how your tattoo will look when it is all healed. Your tattoo artist should give you an aftercare kit or tell you where to purchase the items you need(if they don’t, you may want to look into getting a new tattoo artist).

Image via Bridesmaids, Inc.


Coconut oil is excellent to use on tattoos because it not only moisturizes your skin so that the scab doesn’t get too flakey but is also antibacterial. You want to keep your tattoo as clean as possible when it is healing. You also don’t want to expose it to the sun too much, and coconut oil has a natural SPF in it. It isn’t enough to only wear coconut oil, but at least you know you are getting a small amount of protection that way too. Coconut oil is also great for tattoos because it is not scented, as scented moisturizers can irritate the wound.

The coconut oil will help the sheers smooth better, and is natural and healthy for your meal. CooksInfo


47. Lubricate kitchen scissors with coconut oil when cutting sticky foods.

Kitchen scissors can get easily gummed up quickly. We use our kitchen scissors almost every day in the kitchen – you can cut meat up, vegetables, desserts, etc. Packages are also cut open with the kitchen shears sometimes, as long as they are clean and not being used on food. So how exactly do you clean them, and what if you’ve cut something incredibly sticky? Coconut oil is your easy solution with cleaning kitchen scissors, and you don’t have to worry about ruining your scissors. This quick and easy hack will have you back to cutting in no time.

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When your kitchen scissors have been soiled and are hard to open and close, wipe off as much of the residue as you can with a damp cloth. Once you’ve done that, apply coconut oil liberally to the shears. Leave the coconut oil on for a couple of minutes, then wipe it off with a damp cloth or rinse with warm water. If your scissors are rusty, you can also use coconut oil in this way to bring them back to life and get rid of the rust. Coconut oil is safe to use on metal and helps to prevent rust.

Your four-legged friends deserve a natural oil rather than some chemical formula. Healthline


46. Use coconut oil to clean the inside of your dog’s or cat’s ears.

Have you noticed that your dog or cat has been scratching at their ears often? Maybe you’ve detected a foul smell coming from them or that they seem to be off-balance? These are clear signs of an ear infection, and your animal needs your help. Vet bills and medicine are often costly. While you should go for yearly checkups, something like an ear infection can be taken care of at home with coconut oil! It is effortless to do and will also be much more affordable for you! You can keep using coconut oil after the infection is gone as well.

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You will want to warm up some coconut oil – make sure it is not hot. It needs to be just warm to make it a liquid. Once you have done that, you simply need to add a couple of drops into each ear. Massage around the ear as well. Since coconut oil is antibacterial, it will help to kill the infection. It will also help soothe any pain from it being anti-inflammatory too. Ear mites will even die if you use coconut oil on the ears and your animal has them. Once the infection is gone, you can put coconut oil in their ears every week or so to keep them clean.

Mayonnaise is a popular condiment that is typically added to a sandwich. Credit:


45. Use coconut oil to make healthy mayonnaise.

Whether you’re looking for a source of healthier fat in your diet or are trying to remove animal products entirely, there is a coconut oil mayonnaise recipe for you. Many methods use a whole egg for a more traditional mayonnaise but substitute melted coconut oil for the conventional vegetable oil in standard mayonnaise. For a vegan alternative, there are mayonnaise recipes that use solid, whipped coconut oil and vinegar or lemon juice along with a few other flavor enhancers to create an animal product-free version that still has the richness and flavor of mayonnaise. Both egg and egg-free versions are loaded with healthy short- and medium-chain fatty acids.

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If you didn’t want to make your own vegan or healthier mayonnaise, check out your local grocery store as well. Often, there will be coconut oil-based mayonnaise right beside the regular mayonnaise. Sometimes, you will also have to check the organic section of the grocery store. You will most likely have to spend a couple of extra dollars for this mayonnaise. However, if you look at it as your time saved, it can be well worth the extra money. If you can find it at your local grocery store, also check out your local health food store, as they sometimes have more vegan options readily available.

Coconut oil has many uses, including healing powers. Credit: Shutterstock


44. Help fight infection.

Research has consistently found that coconut oil has strong and unique antifungal properties. Additional research shows that the 12-carbon lauric acid in coconut oil may also help fight numerous pathogens, including bacteria and viruses. Combined, this research paints a clear picture of coconut oil as a valuable tool for the medicine cabinet. Coconut oil is exceptionally well researched in treating candida fungal infections, which can occur both orally and as vaginal yeast infections. More and more, scientists are finding that foods, including honey and coconut oil, can serve as essential sources of anti-infection treatments in an era of increasing drug-resistance.

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Adding coconut oil to your daily regime is easy enough to help your get all the benefits of its antibacterial and antifungal properties. You can add it to most recipes, replacing most other cooking oils (you can easily find online if coconut oil in your specific recipe is a suitable replacement for another oil). You can also add it to smoothies and other beverages without compromising flavor. People have stated that adding it to their morning coffee hasn’t really altered the taste and can even add creaminess. Try it out in your next cup of coffee!

Part of your skin’s health is ensuring it is properly moisturized. Credit: Shutterstock


43. Moisturize your skin with coconut oil.

Perhaps the most popular use of coconut oil in the beauty community is a lightweight moisturizer for the skin. Whether used solely on the face or over the entire body, coconut oil is an effective moisturizer that functions as a barrier, locking in previously applied moisturizer. For people with normal to oily skin, coconut oil alone is sufficient. For those with dehydrated skin, try using coconut oil as a final step after a serum or heavier moisturizer to lock in your moisturizer. All you need to do is get a dime size amount in your hands, rub them together until the coconut oil is liquid, then apply it to the skin.

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While coconut oil does not settle into the skin and dry as quickly as many store-bought moisturizers, its healthy fats and pleasant smell make it an excellent addition to any skincare regimen. Try applying it and then making your morning coffee, which you can also use coconut oil in as well! If you can, try leaving it on for at least 15 minutes so it has time to absorb fully. You could apply it to the skin and have a meditation session – pampering yourself and practicing self-care routines is vital in your overall health, especially during the current pandemic. Try to continue these routines afterward as well.

There are many different types of salad dressing from vinaigrettes to tangy choices. Credit:


42. Incorporate coconut oil into your homemade salad dressing.

Coconut oil can be used as a substitute for vegetable oil in countless recipes, including salad dressing and vinaigrettes. If you want a healthier salad dressing that also has a hint of coconut for a tropical kick, a coconut oil-based salad dressing may be precisely the recipe you need! Melt the food-grade coconut oil until it is a liquid, and whip it with vinegar and seasonings as you would a vegetable oil and vinegar salad dressing. The dressing will have a slightly more whipped texture but will pair beautifully with a fresh salad, especially mango or other fruits and melons.

Image via Hey Wanderer


Since we mentioned having it on a fresh salad with seasonal fruits – this is often better to do in the summertime but can be done year-round. If you live in a warmer climate, then you should be sufficient to do this year-round! It can be easier to use a salad dressing or vinaigrette with coconut oil in warmer weather as coconut oil solidifies at around 78 degrees Fahrenheit or 25 degrees Celsius. While it would be best to make this in smaller batches and just use it on the salad you’re making currently because you can make bigger batches later.

Lip balm is extremely useful in those dry winter months. Credit: Youtube


41. Make your own lip balm with coconut oil.

It’s the time of year to start stockpiling lip balms for the winter months, with autumn coming. One can never have too many lip balms, as they always seem to go missing and are an absolute must for surviving the cold, dry weather of the latter half of the year. Or, maybe you’ve forgotten your lip balm in your pocket, and it has gone through the wash, and it is ruined? It is easy to misplace lip balms or accidentally destroy them. Why? Because it is a no-brainer that everyone should know how to make a lip balm in a pinch.

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An easy, fun use of coconut oil is the creation of custom, DIY lip balms. A simple recipe is equal parts melted coconut oil and melted beeswax, combined with honey and essential oils of your choice. Simply mix the ingredients and let them cool in a shallow tin or applicator tube, and you have a healthy, delicious, and body-safe lip balm! When you make your own lip balm, you don’t have to worry about any nasty chemicals either; you made it, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your body. It is a small step towards living a healthier lifestyle.

Proper liver health contributes to your overall health. Credit: Shutterstock


40. Boost your liver health.

There is some evidence that increased consumption of coconut oil may help boost the health of the liver. The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body, processing the fats we eat, detoxifying our blood, creating proteins, secreting hormones, and more. Unhealthy diets and alcohol consumption can put a great deal of strain on this vital organ. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, which the liver can send to the digestive tract without breaking down or processing, which reduces the strain and workload on the mighty organ. Diets high in medium-chain fatty acids can help boost the liver’s strength and functioning due to this reduced workload.

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There are some tell-tale signs to look out for regarding your liver health. If you notice any of these signs, it is best to seek medical advice from your doctor. Adding coconut oil into your daily routine will help your liver, hopefully, before any of these signs start to make an appearance. If you notice any swelling in your abdomen(and you’re not pregnant), or if you begin to experience jaundice(yellowing of the eyes and skin), speak to your doctor immediately to find out the cause. Some other symptoms can be itchy skin or swelling in your legs as well.

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39. Gently remove makeup with it.

Anyone who wears eye makeup regularly knows what a pain it can be to remove at the end of the day, mostly without tugging at the delicate (and wrinkle-prone) skin around the eyes. Many commercial eye-makeup removers are expensive or full of harsh chemicals that can make sensitive eyes tear up. Thankfully, there is another case where coconut oil comes to the rescue! The coconut oil fats help break down the pigments in makeup and are a gentle and safe way to break up makeup around the eye before gently wiping it away with a warm, damp cloth.

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Take about a dime size amount in your hands and gently rub your hands together, warming up the oil. Press your hands on your face gently in a circular motion, massage it into the skin and around the eyes. It will break down your makeup easily, so there’s no need for harsh rubbing or pulling. Simply let the oil do the work for you. If you feel like you need more or need to repeat the process, that is fine. Sometimes waterproof mascara will need more than one application of coconut oil to remove it all. As a side benefit, the oil also moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes!

Polishing your wood furniture can be done a variety of ways. Credit: Shutterstock


38. Utilize coconut oil to polish your wood furniture and bring it back to life.

While many of the uses of coconut oil we’ve discussed thus far are for eating or applying to the body, coconut oil’s versatility extends to objects in our home as well! Thanks to its high-fat content and long shelf-life, and low chance of going rancid, coconut oil makes an excellent natural polish for wood furniture. To make your own wood polish, combine melted coconut oil with a small amount of either white vinegar or lemon juice to make a shelf-stable polish that will leave your wood furniture radiant. This polish can even be stored in a spray bottle for incredibly easy use, as the lemon or vinegar will keep the oil liquified.

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You will want to start with a small amount of the oil sprayed onto the wood surface and an old rag you don’t mind using. Gently wipe the oil over the wood several times, sort of gently massaging it into the wood. If it feels greasy, take a new dry cloth and wipe over it again. Another great benefit is that this is antibacterial for your furniture surfaces, and it is safe to use around animals. Once you notice your furniture looking a little dull again, simply repeat the process. It will also leave a pleasant clean smell.

Arthritis is a painful inflammation of your joints and can occur all throughout the body. Credit: Shutterstock


37. Coconut oil provides arthritis relief.

Anyone who has arthritis is always on the lookout for additional sources of non-painkiller relief. Thankfully, coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit people living with arthritis, whether taken internally or externally. When ingested as part of a balanced diet, coconut oil’s fatty-acids and anti-inflammatory properties can reduce joint inflammation, reducing pain. It is easy to add coconut oil into your daily diet, and with the bonus of anti-inflammatory properties, it is a no-brainer that needs to be added. Try tracking when you have taken coconut oil and your pain level to see if there is a difference for you.

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When used as a topically applied joint rub, especially when combined with camphor, coconut oil can have mild analgesic (pain-killing) and anti-inflammatory effects. Many people also put essential oils in their coconut oil, adding some aromatherapy into the added benefits, like lavender for calm. Coconut oil is also a great carrier oil for things like CBD oil which can also be applied topically for joint pain. These are great options and can be found easily online and in some stores. It is best to do your research for these added ingredients or speak with your doctor.

Coconut oil has many uses, including providing a quick burst of energy. Credit: Freepik


36. Get a quick, emergency energy source.

The easy-to-digest and quick-to-process medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil make it an excellent quick emergency source for hikers, outdoorsmen, or even just stashing in a car’s glove box in case of emergencies. An additional benefit of coconut oil as an emergency fuel is that the oil’s unique fatty acids do not spike glycemic index or use insulin for processing, making them safer emergency food sources for people with diabetes. However, it should be noted that the flip side of this property is that coconut oil will not raise blood sugar for those experiencing a drop in blood sugar levels.

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Keep in mind the temperature if you decide to keep coconut oil in your car – 78 Fahrenheit or 25 Celsius roughly, and your coconut oil will liquify, which is good to know in case it is somewhere it can leak. Also, while it doesn’t go rancid often, it can. So keeping a jar of coconut oil in your car if you live somewhere hot may not be the best idea. Instead of a large jar, transfer it into a smaller, reusable, and portable Tupperware container. That way, if it spoils, not much has gone to waste, and you can reuse the container.

Taking care of your cuticles is necessary for proper nail health. Credit: Shutterstock


35. It can combat dry cuticle relief.

Along with general dry skin relief, coconut oil is exceptionally well suited for treating dry cuticles. That can become extremely useful once we hit those dry winter months, which often toll on hair, skin, and nail health. A DIY cuticle cream can be made as easy as a lip balm. Mix melted coconut oil and beeswax in a double boiler. A drop or two of your favorite essential oil is the final ingredient for a perfect salve. Cool the mixture in a shallow tin for a cheap and effective alternative to more expensive commercial creams that don’t have the extra chemicals.

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Apply the lightweight, aromatic ointment needed for softer, more manageable cuticles even in the dry winter months. You can apply a thin layer often, or use a thicker layer and leave it to sit on your nails for 5-10 minutes for a more intense treatment. Gently wipe away afterward with a tissue or damp cloth. Once your cuticle is moisturized, you can gently push them back or cut them – just be careful as it is very easy to damage the skin around your nail bed. If you aren’t comfortable doing this, many video tutorials show you how to do this, or you can see a professional.

Natural deodorants are becoming an increasingly popular alternative. Credit: Shutterstock


34. Utilize coconut oil as a natural deodorant option.

Many women turn to non-toxic DIY deodorant options due to ongoing concerns about the possible connection between aluminum in commercial deodorants and breast cancer. While that link is unclear, there is also concern about parabens in commercial antiperspirants, as parabens can mimic estrogens in the body, which can affect estrogen-linked breast cancer tissues. Thankfully, if you are concerned about commercial deodorants, there are countless recipes online for DIY coconut-oil-based deodorants that you can easily make. A primary method is to combine baking soda, corn starch, and arrowroot powder in a bowl and mix in solid coconut oil with a fork.

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You can add up to 10 drops of skin-safe essential oil for a fragrant, non-toxic deodorant. What is great about this is that you can switch up the scents every time you make a new deodorant. Alternatively, you can have a different scent for different seasons, for example, a summer scent and a winter scent. Alternatively, if you just feel like switching it up, it is easy to change this recipe. You should also notice a difference in your underarm skin as well – with the added moisturizing benefit of the coconut oil. Your skin may even become more smooth.

Inflammation can be a result of a variety of illnesses and health conditions. Credit: Freepik


33. Reduce inflammation with coconut oil.

With arthritis relief, coconut oil can have overall anti-inflammatory effects on the body, whether taken internally or applied externally. Taken internally, the healthy short- and medium-chain fatty acids of coconut oil are easy on the body. Coconut oil also helps the body to digest and absorb several essential nutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties themselves. When applied externally, coconut oil, especially when combined with camphor, has a gentle anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect that can soothe arthritis, sore muscles, cramps, and more. For anyone suffering from any inflammation, coconut oil is a great tool to keep around and ready to use.

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Taking things that are anti-inflammatory in general is excellent for your overall health. Inflammation can be painful and have many adverse effects on your body. Taking a lot of medication for inflammation can be hard on your body as well, so finding natural ways to lower inflammation is the best route to take. With coconut oil being so easy to implement into your daily life and routine, it is a great way to reduce inflammation. If you have persistent issues with this and you’re not finding any relief, it might be best to speak with your doctor.

Candida infections is a type of yeast infection that can occur in many areas. Credit: Shutterstock


32. Fight Candida infections with coconut oil.

Candida is a type of yeast that causes many infections in humans ranging from oral lesions to stomach and digestive issues to vaginal yeast infections. Yeast infections are a common and profoundly uncomfortable issue, and digest candida infections can cause low stomach acid and digestive problems. Coconut oil has been routinely proven to have a robust antifungal property, especially against candida specifically. Taken internally, coconut oil can help to address intestinal and stomach candida infections. It can also be used topically for oral and vaginal candida infections, making it a non-toxic addition to the medical treatment you’re using.

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For any candida issues, you have orally, take coconut oil, similar to using a mouth wash. Swish about a tablespoon or two inside your mouth for a couple of minutes. Spit out the coconut oil afterward, do not swallow it, and don’t eat or drink for at least 30 minutes later. If you are using coconut oil to treat a yeast infection, make sure you buy 100% pure coconut oil and apply it to the affected area. You can just eat a spoonful of coconut oil for gut health, or you can add it to your smoothies or coffee.

Stains can be a nuisance and if not taken care of can ruin clothing items. Credit: Shutterstock


31. Remove those pesky stains using coconut oil.

As if coconut oil weren’t already pulling enough weight with its beneficial uses both internally and externally, it also can help play the role of a dry cleaner, removing waxy and fatty stains from clothing. Coconut oil can be mixed with dry cleaning solvent to make an incredibly effective spot treatment for waxy and greasy stains. For a non-toxic option, try coconut oil alone for waxy stains, especially those on solid surfaces. For example, for stubborn crayon marks on a wall, try applying coconut oil on a rag directly to the wall. Coconut oil can also be used in sinks as a preventive tool for water stains.

Image via FirstCry Parenting


Use caution when using coconut oil with any clothing, though, as it can leave a greasy spot on some standard clothing fabrics. If you aren’t sure if it will leave a mark on your clothing that you want to use it on to get another stain out of, either try it in an inconspicuous area or use it on an old piece of clothing don’t care about. That way, if it isn’t effective on this type of fabric, it will be okay as it’s not in a noticeable spot, or you’ve used an old piece of clothing anyway. It is always better to test and be safe than sorry.

Bone health is essential to your overall health. Credit: Shutterstock


30. Encourage bone health by incorporating coconut oil into your lifestyle.

In addition to low calcium and Vitamin D levels, free radicals and oxidative stress have been linked to bone loss and osteoporosis. Research using postmenopausal rats studied the effects of Virgin Coconut Oil, an extremely antioxidant-rich form of coconut oil, to see its impact on bone structure retention. Interestingly, the researchers found that Virgin Coconut Oil had a measurable positive impact on maintaining bone structure and preventing density loss. These findings could have some significant implications for future research and treatment of human postmenopausal osteoporosis, a common and unfortunately disabling disease. Incorporating coconut oil is very easy to do, however, so you can start adding it to your routine today.

Image via Save Our Bones


Not only is it relatively cheap to purchase(and you can purchase in larger jars, making it even more cost-effective), it is straightforward to add to any cooking that you already do. You can just take it by the spoonful, especially since its taste is pretty mild already. It’s not a bad thing to just eat alone. If it’s at a specific temperature, it is solid, and when you put it in your mouth, it will melt. Alternatively, you can add it to many different recipes, so it is incredibly versatile and easy to add at any time of day. You can’t have too much of it in your diet (unless you are restricting calories, you may have to track it).

Insects such as mosquitos are more common in the warmer summer months. Credit: Shutterstock


29. Mix safe insect repellent with coconut oil.

While repelling insects is often a case of convenience on vacations or outdoor activities, for residents of the Global South, keeping insects at bay can be a life or death issue, especially in areas facing outbreaks of Malaria, Dengue Fever, and more. Insect-borne diseases are still a significant public health threat throughout much of the world. Recent research investigated the use of coconut-oil-derived compounds and found them to be as effective as DEET while protecting participants for longer than the gold-standard repellent. Researchers found that stabilized coconut-oil compounds repelled blood-sucking insects for up to 96 hours, or four days, making it a potential boon for the Global South.

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While coconut oil alone won’t be an effective insect repeller, it is good to know that a natural insect repellent may be manufactured soon. However, you can still make your insect repellent with coconut oil. You just need a couple of extra ingredients. Along with the coconut oil, you will need some essential oils – citronella, rosemary, cedarwood, lemongrass, eucalyptus, and tea tree are common essential oils found in insect repellents. Also, many recipes contain beeswax and shea butter, which makes the insect repellent even more moisturizing. Make sure you research a formula that will be best suited for you, with ingredients and essential oils that you like.

Often our cravings are for unhealthy snacks such as sugars and sweets. Credit:


28. Fight hunger and cravings with coconut oil.

Satiety is the feeling of fullness that we all crave when we eat a good meal or snack. Research has consistently indicated that high-fat foods increase satiety and how long those feelings last. Coconut oil, being a high-fat diet rich in unique fatty acids, can help create satiety feelings that prevent overeating. A high-fat diet rich in healthy fatty acids can reduce snacking and overeating by creating a much-desired feeling of satiety. When combined with intentional eating, a snack of, for example, a piece of sugar-free dark chocolate coconut oil fudge could satisfy a craving while providing hours of fullness that prevent further snacking.

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In between meals, you could even have a glass of water and a spoonful of coconut oil. While it is not a meal or snack replacement, you will still get the benefits of coconut oil, and it will help to hold you over until you eat again. You could even do this right before a meal or snack instead of in between, the addition won’t hurt, and it will still keep you feeling full longer. Try it out for the next week and track how you feel each mealtime. Then you can compare it with how you felt when you weren’t taking coconut oil to see if you notice a difference.

Coconut oil has many benefits including increasing wound healing. Credit: Shutterstock


27. Boost wound healing with coconut oil.

We already know that Manuka honey is a wonderful treatment for wounds. However, it turns out another ingredient lurking in our cupboards may aid significantly in wound recovery: you guessed it, coconut oil! The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of coconut oil make it an excellent skin moisturizer and make it an ideal addition to wound care. The various acids, especially Lauric acid, in coconut oil also have antimicrobial properties that, when combined with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, make coconut oil a potent tool for wound treatment. These same properties also make coconut oil an excellent remedy for acne.

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Coconut oil can be used on the skin easily as well. It’s as simple as taking a small amount, probably the size of a little marble, and warming it up in your hands until it is in a liquid form. Even when it is in a liquid form, it doesn’t exactly drip much as it’s still oil. Apply the oil to the affected area and let it sink into the skin. You can repeat this as needed, and it is good to keep your skin well moisturized even with a wound. For acne, apply coconut oil to your skin after you’ve used a gentle cleanser.

Coconut oil has many health benefits. Credit: Shutterstock


26. Shrink belly fat with coconut oil.

This list has already talked at length about the anti-inflammatory and metabolism-boosting effects of coconut oil. These properties make coconut oil a great dietary addition for weight loss, especially with the additional benefit of increased feelings of satiety and appetite suppression from its high-fat content. There is also initial research evidence that a diet high in coconut oil and its unique medium-chain fatty acids can reduce fat collection in the abdominal cavity, which is a significant risk factor for heart disease. In a research study that compared the intake of various fats, only the coconut oil group lost waist circumference and belly fat.

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Thankfully, it is effortless to add coconut oil to any diet that you are following. You can fry things in coconut oil instead of using other oils, like olive oil or butter. Also, you can replace oils in baking; look up replacement measurements online for using coconut oil as a substitute, and in most cases, it is a 1:1 ratio when replacing other oils. You will find some of your food even tastes a bit lighter and fresher – other oils and kinds of butter can be quite “heavy” tasting. Coconut oil also doesn’t have an overly strong taste.

Taking care of your scalp is a vital role in adequate hair health. Credit:


25. Protect your hair by adding coconut oil into your hair routine.

If you have Type 3 or 4 curly hair, you know how important it is to protect your delicate, beautiful strands from damage. In addition to protective hairstyles, coconut oil can also be used in a variety of ways to protect your hair and scalp from damage and dryness. Try working coconut oil throughout your hair before shampooing to prevent losing too much moisture from the hair. Apply coconut oil to your scalp the night before you plan to shampoo your hair as a leave-in root and scalp conditioner. Coconut oil can also be used as a detangler or even as a leave-in conditioner for mainly dry hair.

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When using coconut oil in your hair, remember that a little goes a long way. It is best to start with a minimal amount, or else your hair can look overly greasy. If you are doing a hair mask, you can use a reasonable amount, which will change depending on your hair’s length. It is also good to keep in mind you will most likely need to wash your hair several times to get the coconut oil out of your hair, so just know that it is a longer process than thoroughly washing your hair regularly.

Cholesterol is composed of HDL, or good cholesterol, and bad cholesterol, LDL. Credit:


24. Raise your HDL cholesterol with coconut oil.

When it comes to cholesterol, there are good and bad varieties. Bad cholesterol, which is known as LDL or low-density lipoproteins, is the wrong form of cholesterol that many take medications or modify their diets to reduce. Good cholesterol referred to as HDL or high-density lipoprotein is the good cholesterol that our body actually needs and is often short of. When facing out of whack cholesterol, many of us find ourselves with high LDL and low HDL, the reverse of what we need. One way to remedy this, in addition to whatever treatment plan your doctor advises, is a diet high in the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil.

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These unique fats help to raise HDL while simultaneously lowering LDL. Some other good foods to eat for this are eggs(which you can cook in coconut oil), a small amount of cheese, and full-fat yogurts. You will want to avoid fried foods and fast food, along with very fatty meats like sausage, and limiting desserts and sugars. You can make many different desserts replacing oils with coconut oil and replacing sugar with something more natural like pure maple syrup. Find alternatives to things you already love and enjoy them in moderation with a more balanced diet.

Dark chocolate is a healthier alternative to other chocolate types. Credit:


23. Bake sugar-free dark chocolate with coconut oil.

A popular trend in diets is the concept of intentional eating. To put it simply, the idea is to eat what you are craving when you crave it and then move on, instead of staving off the need with other foods, leading to a cycle of overeating that ultimately ends in eating whatever you craved, to begin with. Coconut oil treats can be a great addition to an intentional eating diet, as the high-fat delights will provide a rich, long-lasting sense of satiety and fullness due to the fat content. One particularly great way to meet chocolate cravings is sugar-free dark chocolate made from coconut oil, cocoa powder, and stevia extract.

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In a saucepan, melt half a cup of coconut oil and half a cup of cacao powder, and ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract. The amount of stevia will depend on how sweet you want this mixture to be, but start with a small amount, taste it(don’t burn yourself tasting it), then add more if needed. You can substitute stevia with honey as well. Try adding three tablespoons of honey instead of stevia. Pro tip – if you grease your tablespoon with coconut oil beforehand, the honey should come out a lot easier. You can also add things like mixed nuts to this chocolate or peanut butter.

Proper brain functioning is extremely important. Credit:


22. Boost your brain function with coconut oil.

It isn’t uncommon for many of us to find ourselves in a bit of a brain fog towards the end of the workday. Whether from hunger, lack of caffeine, or only the fatigue of working all day, we can get into serious slumps that affect our ability to function at our best. One possible method to fight these slumps is through increased ingestion of the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil. Researchers are also investigating the potential long-term protective mental benefits of coconut oil, mainly whether or not the fatty acids in coconut oil can protect against the development of Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of dementia. While scientists suspect diet plays a role in both prevention and development, research is still ongoing.

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Try adding coconut oil into your daily routine and your diet. When you try to add it every day, it becomes a habit and will become second nature. If you swap out things like oils and only have coconut oil on hand, you will be forced to use coconut oil in its place. Try keeping a jar on your counter for all of your cooking purposes. Use a separate jar in your bathroom for things like skincare and hair care. That way, there is no cross-contamination and less chance of bacteria you don’t want getting into your food.

Add coconut oil into your toothpaste. Credit: Shutterstock


21. Improve your oral health.

Whether it’s due to ingredient sensitivity or mistrust of fluoride or other additives like glycerin, some people do not wish to use a commercially formulated fluoride toothpaste that you purchase from any drug store. If you are looking for an alternative to fluoride toothpaste, coconut oil-based recipes are a widespread and popular alternative. For a basic coconut oil toothpaste, mix equal parts baking soda and food-grade coconut oil with 25 drops of mint essential oil. If you prefer sweetened toothpaste, add up to one teaspoon of stevia extract. This mixture can be stored in a mason jar and used just like ordinary toothpaste.

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Once you have made the paste, make sure you always screw the lid correctly and semi tightly as you don’t want any bacteria getting into your toothpaste. After all, you’ll be putting this into your mouth every day! Use this as you would a regular commercial toothpaste – add a pea-sized amount to your toothbrush, wet it, and start brushing all of your teeth gently. Make sure you also brush your tongue. That is often overlooked. However, it is imperative to your overall oral care. It also aids in keeping your breath as fresh as possible.

Eczema is a skin condition that can make your skin red and itchy. Credit: Shutterstock


20. Relieve eczema symptoms with coconut oil.

If you are experiencing eczema symptoms, talk to your doctor, as coconut oil alone cannot cure eczema but merely make the symptoms less uncomfortable. That being said, coconut oil is an effective treatment, in addition to whatever your doctor may prescribe, to reduce the itching and inflammation associated with eczema flare-ups. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, which is also present in breast milk and gives coconut oil much of its topical anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s great for your skin. When applied regularly to affected areas, coconut oil can reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation of eczema flare-ups.

Image via Westyn Baby


Make sure you wash your hands before applying coconut oil to your skin, just if there’s any dirt or anything else you don’t want on your skin. Rub it in between your hands for a couple of seconds to make the coconut oil liquid and warm it up. You may not want to rub the coconut oil in, as this could irritate your skin further. Instead, when your hands are covered in coconut oil, gently press them onto your skin. You can repeat this as necessary. Just try not to rub it in. Let the coconut oil dry a bit before putting on any clothes, or leave the area uncovered.

It is important to protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays. Credit:


19. Protect your skin from the sun with coconut oil.

Coconut oil has a natural SPF rating of 4-5, which, while certainly not enough on its own, serves as a fantastic base for DIY sunscreen when combined with other, more potent ingredients. To be clear: do not use coconut oil alone as sunscreen. You must combine it with ingredients with higher SPF ratings to keep yourself safe from damaging UVA and UVB rays. To create an effective, non-toxic DIY sunscreen, combine coconut oil with naturally sourced non-nano particle zinc oxide, the chemical most often used in commercial sunscreens, and additives raspberry seed oil and carrot seed oil. This mixture will create both a chemical and physical barrier to UVA/UVB rays that is safe and effective.

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Once you mix your ingredients, store them in a resealable container. It is also good to use a colored container and store it in a cool room temperature place. It is also a good idea to keep it in a box that is easy to take on the go. You need to reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you go swimming or sweating a lot. Make sure to cover all areas of exposed skin as best as possible, and if you need to, ask someone to get harder to reach places for you. Your skin is your biggest organ, and you want to protect it!

Our metabolism tends to slow down as we get older. Credit: Shutterstock


18. Increase your metabolism.

Coconut oil is loaded with medium-chain triglycerides. These fats are processed differently than other fats in that they can immediately enter the digestive tract without being processed in the liver. Not only does this reduce the workload of the liver, potentially boosting liver health, but initial research shows it may also have a positive, boosting effect on the metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which the body converts food calories into energy. One study found that ingesting one to two tablespoons of medium-chain triglycerides daily increased the metabolism by 5%, which is equivalent to around 120 extra calories burned per day in an average adult.

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It takes roughly 3500 calories to burn one pound of fat. It means that if you didn’t change anything, you could lose up to 15 pounds within the year, all from just taking some coconut oil! If you paired this with a balanced diet and exercise, it could bring your results to the next level. An increased metabolism, and a regular active metabolism, are an essential part of a healthy balanced lifestyle. It needs to be normal because if it is too active, you will lose too much weight. Furthermore, if it is not active enough, you won’t be able to lose any stubborn body fat.

Incorporate coconut oil into your cooking. Credit: Shutterstock


17. Cook safely at high temperatures with coconut oil.

Not all fats cook alike. Like olive oil, some fats are unstable at higher temperatures and can break down into toxic compounds when exposed to high heat and air. Similar to peanut oil, some oils are much more stable at higher temperatures, which is why they are often used as deep fryer oils. Coconut oil is stable at higher temperatures and full of healthier short- and medium-chain fats, making it an ideal high-temperature cooking oil. The temperature at which oils begin to degrade is referred to as the smoke point. It can be dangerous to use oils with a low smoke point for high heat cooking as it is just burning.

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Unrefined coconut oil has a relatively high smoke point of 350 degrees Fahrenheit, while refined oils have a smoke point as high as 400 degrees. This high smoke point makes coconut oils safe for many forms of baking and frying. Avoid using coconut oil in any recipes that require anything to be baked or roasted over 400 degrees Fahrenheit, as it will have that same lousy effect and could leave a burnt taste with your food. If you need to cook something at a higher temperature, olive oil and avocado oil are sufficient to cook at higher temperatures.

You can use coconut oil in place of traditional shaving cream. Credit:


16. Use coconut oil for smooth shaving.

If you’re tired of razor burn or poor shaves, whether on your face or legs, consider giving coconut oil a try. Used alone or mixed with other ingredients into a shaving balm, coconut oil moisturizes and protects the skin while allowing razors to glide effortlessly over your skin, providing a smooth, nick-free lower irritation shave. For sensitive skin, try mixing equal parts aloe vera gel with coconut oil and non-irritating, skin-safe essential oils for a creamy, luxurious, and soothing shave gel. Used alone and melted between the palms, coconut oil alone makes a simple and gently moisturizing shave balm.

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Apply to the area you want to shave and leave it on for about 30-60 seconds. That will allow the coconut oil to absorb into the skin a little bit and moisturize the hairs, making them softer, and they will glide with your razor easier. You may need to rinse your razor more as this may be a thicker consistency than you are used to, but the results will speak for themselves. Your legs, armpits, or whatever else you wish to shave will be left softer than before when you use coconut oil. You can also apply coconut oil on your skin after you shave and dry the area for added moisture.

Exfoliate your skin with a body scrub. Credit: Shutterstock


15. Build a rejuvenating coconut oil body scrub.

Commercial body scrubs are often quite expensive and full of parabens, microbeads, and other questionable ingredients for your body and not great for the environment. Thankfully, it’s incredibly cheap and easy to make DIY body scrubs using coconut oil as the base. One popular recipe for a DIY body scrub is to combine solid coconut oil with coffee grounds or sugar. Coffee grounds are rougher on the skin but provide a pleasing scent and stimulating experience for the skin. Sugar contains a gentler form of exfoliation and can be scented with a wide range of essential oils for a spa-like experience.

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To make a body scrub like this, you will want to use a 1:2 ratio, ½ cup of coconut oil to 1 cup of sugar or coffee grounds. You can also make a whipped version of this for something a bit more luxurious. Whip the coconut oil in a stand mixer or with a hand mixer for a couple of minutes, then add your sugar or coffee and whip an additional minute to incorporate everything. Some of the essential oils you can add to your sugar scrubs are lavender and mint. Both scents are very relaxing, but you can add any scents you wish as long as they are okay to be used topically on your skin.

Creamer is a common addition to coffee. Credit:


14. Create a dairy-free coffee creamer.

Whether you are lactose intolerant, allergic to dairy products, or vegan, dairy-free coffee creamers are in high demand, with nut milk options appearing on the market frequently. If you’d like to make your own coffee creamer quickly, cheaply, and easily, coconut oil is a must-have ingredient. One simple, delicious recipe for creamer and sweetener in one is to melt food-grade coconut oil, mix with honey, and add a dash of cinnamon. Not only will this delicious mixture sweeten and smooth out your coffee, but the facts will help curb your appetite. Talk about a great start to the day!

Image via Amazing Paleo


If you just wanted to add coconut oil to your coffee, that is okay too! It is a great way to get the added benefit of coconut oil while adding a little something to your coffee. It is a pretty mild taste it adds to your coffee – if any – and just cuts the harshness of black coffee. By adding this to your coffee, you are taking another step to be a healthier person, and you will start to see these benefits over time. If you add this to your coffee in the morning, you can even skin the other ways to include coconut oil into your diet.

If you are searching for a more natural soap, try using coconut oil. Credit:


13. Prepare a fun DIY soap with coconut oil.

Soapmaking is often seen as a relatively dangerous DIY project due to the assumption that all soapmaking requires the use of extremely caustic lye. However, there are numerous fun and safe ways of making soap that doesn’t require lye, and coconut oil DIY soap is one of those secure methods! To make soap without lye, you will need to purchase a premade melt and pour soap base. It contains lye but in a form that has already been made safe through saponification. It allows you to make soup and customize it to your taste without handling pure lye yourself.

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Once you have melted the premade soap down, you can add your liquified coconut oil to the mixture and any essential oils or any other ingredients you are using. Then you can pour it into a mold to set. There will be tons of recipes and instructions online for you to follow that are easy and affordable. You can also follow along to a video on YouTube for a video tutorial, which could be easier as you’ll see the step-by-step process. Experiment and see what kinds of soap recipes you like, then you can make them over and over again!

Your dog will love coconut oil too. Credit:


12. Make your own healthy dog treats and add coconut oil – your dog will eat them right up!

Besides being a good source of fats for humans, coconut oil is also a fantastic food for our furry four-legged canine friends. Coconut oil is a prevalent and popular ingredient in dog treats, and there are countless online recipes for fun, easy-to-make DIY dog treats for the pampered pooch in your life. For a straightforward treat, freeze melted coconut oil and blueberries in ice cube trays for a refreshing summer treat. For an even more delicious option, combine peanut butter and coconut oil in a molded silicone tray for rich, fatty treats for your dog’s joint and coat health.

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Treats with coconut oil as a base are great as well because even though you should always supervise your dog when they are eating, you can know your dog is safe from a choking hazard as coconut oil will just meltdown. If you are using something like blueberries, you could either cut them in half or mash them with coconut oil. Peanut butter is usually sufficient and not a worry for a choking hazard, but you can always just add a small amount to the coconut oil mixture so that it’s mostly coconut oil in the mold.

Hair frizz can be a common problem when living in a humid climate. Credit: Shutterstock


11. Tame your hair frizz and flyaways by adding coconut oil.

If you have dry, curly, or frizzy hair, coconut oil is an ideal lightweight alternative to more expensive serums to tame frizz and flyaways. While leave-in coconut oil treatments are common for thick and curly hair, light applications of coconut oil can benefit even the most delicate oily hair. For oily hair, rub a tiny amount of coconut oil between your palms before smoothing on the flyaways that need taming. The effect will mimic high-end serums and get your hair to lay flat without adding weight or greasiness. For thick, textured hair, apply as much coconut oil as you desire for a glossy, moisturized finish.

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You can also apply coconut oil to the ends of your hair to help protect your hair from split ends. If you are using coconut oil in your hair, just remember that less is more. You don’t want to apply a lot of coconut oil, then realize it’s too much and have a greasy-looking head for the day. You can always add more if you need it. Coconut oil can look greasy fast, even if you think you are using a small amount. So keep this in mind the next time you are styling your hair with coconut oil.

Wood naturally fades with time and use. Shutterstock


10. Use oil to condition your wooden cutting boards.

You can use coconut oil to clean your cutting board. You will want to measure out one teaspoon of coconut oil. Next, you will want to lather the amount into the board using your hands, fingers, or a towel. Give the oil a moment to set and seep into the wood overnight to do its full magic. The next morning, you can easily remove any excess oil that did not soak into the wood grain with a towel, and it is ready to use. Coconut oil is safe to cook with and, therefore, is safe to use to condition your wooden cutting boards.

Image via Youtube


That is also called seasoning your wooden cutting boards. You can wash the boards fine afterward, too, with soap and water. Just know you may need to re-season your board afterward. There have been reports of coconut oil going bad when on cutting boards, so it is best to keep an eye out for this or any unusual smells that may come from the board. It would be best to wash your board often and re-season to avoid anything going rotten or rancid on your boards. Start with a small amount as well, and you can always add more if needed.

Bee and wasp stings can be incredibly painful. Shutterstock


9. If you are stung by a bee or wasp and are seeking relief, try using coconut oil.

No one enjoys being nibbled or stung by our insect friends. For those times when you do find yourself dealing with the discomfort of a bite or sting, make sure that you have some coconut oil on hand. When applied to bites or stings, coconut oil forms a thin layer that protects the cut from dust and bacteria. With its antibacterial properties, coconut oil can provide some protection from any germs that may be trying to take advantage of the little opening into your body. Make sure you clean the affected area well before you apply any coconut oil.

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In addition to its antibacterial properties, coconut oil also has anti-inflammatory properties so that it can provide you some quick relief for those itchy insect bites. Again, for pieces that are itchier rather than stinging, clean the area well before applying any coconut oil. You are ensuring nothing was left by the insect, and no debris is irritating your bite more. You can reapply coconut oil as needed. Just be sure to wash your hands before reapplying any coconut oil. You can even mix coconut oil with aloe vera gel to make a soothing gel for insect bites and stings.

Migraines can be excruciating and occasionally debilitating. Shutterstock


8. Help to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.

Coconut oil contains ketones, which have been shown to kill migraines. A ketogenic diet has been found to reduce the frequency of migraines. Ketones block high concentrations of glutamate that are found in individuals with migraines and even epilepsy. Besides, a ketogenic diet helps to reduce processed foods that, in turn, reduce the number of migraines that occur. Hunger is a huge migraine trigger. Coconut oil contains nutrients that help you feel full and satisfied have energy, and have a sharp mind. Ketones also block the excess of glutamate that prevents migraines and can even eliminate the root cause.

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If you are someone who experiences migraines regularly, try incorporating coconut oil into your lifestyle. This simple trick can be life-changing if your migraines are persistent. Make sure to ask your doctor about using coconut oil to help reduce your migraines, and never replace your medication without the approval of your doctor first. Trying out a natural solution should be a safe thing to try, but it is best to double-check first. An easy way to incorporate this into your diet is to take a tablespoon of coconut oil whole or add it to coffee.

A cleanse or detox helps rid your body of harmful toxins. Shutterstock


7. Detox your body with it.

The purpose of a cleanse is to eliminate toxins in your body that may be hindering your health. Doing so can offer your body and digestive system a break, allowing it to better heal and absorb nutrients in the future. Along with its many other benefits, coconut oil can be used to assist in this process. You must consume unrefined, organic extra virgin coconut oil as some coconut oil is processed with chemicals and does not offer the same benefits. Ease your body into it by adding small amounts of coconut oil into your daily diet for a week or so before starting the cleanse.

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Once you have added coconut oil into your diet for a week or two, then start to pace your coconut oil consumption throughout the day. You may choose to mix it with water. Using coconut oil to cleanse can help reset your body, and it is a great way to help you feel fuller throughout the day. It is not as hard as other cleanses, as sometimes these can involve eating nothing or eating things that don’t taste good. At least with coconut oil, you are getting some nutrition, and you are aiding in your body’s overall health. That should not be done very frequently, however, maybe twice a year. Make sure you speak to your doctor before doing this.

Popcorn is a popular night time or movie snack. Shutterstock


6. Add this oil to your popcorn to give it additional flavor.

There are many uses for coconut oil, including incorporating it into food choices. One of the common ways to incorporate it into your diet is by adding it to your nighttime or movie popcorn. You can use refined organic coconut oil. This type of coconut oil gives the popcorn a nice crisp, light, and fresh flavor. However, refined coconut oil does not have that coconut smell. The other option is to use extra virgin coconut oil. This type of oil is unrefined and smells like an actual coconut. If you want and prefer that buttery movie-style popcorn, then use this type. It provides the popcorn that buttery flavor. If you are not as much of a fan of popcorn’s buttery taste, try using the refined oil.

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Coconut oil is a great base to have other seasoning stick to your popcorn as well. Some seasonings just don’t stick to dry plain popcorn. Once you add coconut oil to your popcorn, you can add popcorn seasoning in whatever flavor you like or add something simple like salt and pepper. Start with a small amount, try it, then add more if you think it needs it. It is best to start with a small amount then add more if you need it. If you over-season in the beginning, then all of your popcorn is ruined.

Acid reflux can result in burning pain in the chest. Shutterstock


5. This oil is a home remedy for acid reflux.

When using coconut oil for acid reflux, you must choose the correct kind. For this purpose, you should purchase extra virgin coconut oil. That is incredibly important as it cleans the bacteria out of the esophagus because extra virgin coconut oil is antimicrobial. It is one of the best fats you can eat to support your overall health. A tablespoon of coconut oil each day is a great way to help with acid reflux. It will also help heal the damage that can occur in the esophagus too. An easy way to incorporate it into your diet is to add it to a smoothie or use it as your cooking oil.

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You can even just eat a spoonful of coconut oil at any time of day, but at night or in the morning works best for most people. If you take it at night, this could give you a better result as you won’t be eating anything afterward. That will let your esophagus heal better because you won’t be consuming anything. Also, many people experience acid reflux at night, so if you are taking coconut oil at night, you may find you get a better night’s sleep. You may not be woken up as much from your acid reflux. Try out this natural remedy for yourself and see if it improves for you.

Goo Gone is a popular commercial product that is effective at removing sticky adhesives from surfaces. Shutterstock


4. Make your own version of Goo Gone with coconut oil.

While Goo Gone may be successful at removing sticky adhesives from surfaces, it also contains harsh chemicals that many of us want to avoid. The good news is that you can make your own non-toxic version using just a few ingredients that include coconut oil, baking soda, and orange or lemon essential oil. The coconut oil works to dissolve fat-soluble adhesives and holds the paste together. The alkaline baking soda helps break down the adhesive and acts as a mild abrasive. Lastly, the orange essential oil compound is a powerful solvent that helps lift off the goo while also bringing a pleasant fragrance to the mixture.

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The next time you struggle with a sticky adhesive, grab your coconut oil, baking soda, and essential oil and create your own cleaner. You will also save money doing this as you can easily spend between $5-$10 at your local hardware store or even online. Sometimes you can get lucky and find it on sale. However, you won’t be getting the added benefits of using a homemade, natural product. By making this yourself, you are being more eco-friendly and helping our planet. You can also store this in a reusable container, and you can find recipes for this easily online.

Wrinkles can occur anywhere on your face. Shutterstock


3. Prevent wrinkles using oil.

Wrinkles are natural and can occur anywhere on your face – around the mouth, forehead furrows, and around the eyes. Though there are various cosmetic treatments to reduce wrinkles, coconut oil is the safest way to go. Coconut oil can boost the production of collagen and encourage the regeneration of cells in your skin. It can effectively fade away wrinkles and make your skin tight. Start by cleansing your face and rinse it with cold water. Pat dry and then take a few drops of coconut oil on your fingertips to apply to your face and neck. Massage in a circular motion for a few minutes and then leave the oil on overnight.

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That is an effective method because coconut oil fights free radicals, reducing wrinkles while also making your skin clear. An added benefit is that it soothes your skin and also moisturizes it. If you have oily skin, you may want to do this every other day or even once a week as an overnight treatment. If you have more dry skin, you can do this every day or every other day. Try it out for yourself, and you will see which is best for you. Remember, it can take a couple of weeks to start to see any results.

Many factors contribute to your thyroid health. Shutterstock


2. Improve thyroid functioning with coconut oil.

With hypothyroidism — or an underactive thyroid — your diet is a critical component of the thyroid’s overall health. Coconut oil has much nutritional value that can be beneficial to hypothyroidism. The benefits of coconut oil for thyroid problems come from its unique medium-chain fatty acids, increasing metabolism, and promoting weight loss. In addition to the medium-chain fatty acids present, coconut oil also contains lauric acid. A type of medium-chain triglyceride, lauric acid, found in coconut oil, has excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. If you experience thyroid issues, try incorporating coconut oil into your daily routine today.

Image via Medical News Today


It is easy to incorporate coconut oil into your daily routine as there are so many applications for it. The best way to start incorporating it is to simply take a tablespoon of it at any time of day. However, we have found people stick to the routine more if they take it either in the morning or with a meal. Try recording how you feel each day in a journal. Then you will be able to see and track the benefits of taking this oil and see if there is a specific way of handling it that makes you feel best. It may even show you that taking a certain amount of it makes you feel at your best.

A healthy immune system can lower your risk of getting sick. Shutterstock


1. Boost immunity thanks to this oil.

Coconut oil is a well-known superfood these days, along with a great cooking ingredient and even a topical solution. This oil contains two unique elements that make it excellent for boosting your immune system. They are usually referred to as lauric acid and caprylic acid,. These are antiviral properties are known for fighting off yeast overgrowth and bacterial infections. Coconut is composed of 50 percent lauric acid. The body converts this to monolaurin, an antiviral agent that fights off a variety of pathogens and viruses. Besides, coconut oils are composed of medium-chain triglyceride fats utilized by the liver to aid in cleansing and energy.

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Unlike most fats that are stored, coconut oil fats are used for metabolism. They have been linked to cleansing the blood, weight loss, and even boosting digestion. When you start to heal your body from the inside, everything regarding your health will improve. Adding coconut oil is a very simple step to reaching that goal. Furthermore, all it takes is taking a tablespoon of it during your daily routine. Try adding it to your favorite recipes as well for an extra boost. You can do this in your morning coffee or
