
Celebrities Who Have Endorsed Terrible Health Advice

Jenelle Evans – Detox Tea From her rise to popularity from the TV show ‘Teen Moms,’ Jenelle Evans has been promoting detox teas as a way… Austin Alan - April 11, 2023

The world of celebrity endorsements has long been a lucrative business for both celebrities and companies looking to sell products. From clothing lines to beauty products, celebrities have been lending their names to various products for years. When it comes to health products, it is crucial to be careful and use products backed by science. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and many celebrities have endorsed products that are not only ineffective but also dangerous.

Credit: Suzanne Somers

Suzanne Somers – Questionable Hormone Replacement Therapies

A celebrity who is a jack-of-all-trades, Suzanne Somers has been promoting the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) as an alternative to traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). BHRT involves the use of hormones that are chemically identical to those naturally produced by the body. BHRT is used in an effort to alleviate symptoms of menopause and hormone imbalances. However, the safety and effectiveness of BHRT is not yet established through rigorous scientific research. There is concern that it may have potentially harmful side effects.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence supporting BHRT, Somers has been a vocal advocate for its use. Somers published several books on the topic and promoting it on talk shows and other media appearances. Medical experts have criticized Somers’ advocacy for BHRT. It can lead to patients pursuing treatments that may not address their health concerns. Additionally, there is concern that the use of BHRT may increase the risk of certain types of cancers.

Credit: Daily Mail

Dr. Oz – Bad Health Advice On National TV

Mehmet Oz is a prominent cardiothoracic surgeon and TV host who faced criticism for, ironically, promoting unproven health treatments. Oz’s show has featured segments promoting unproven treatments, such as green coffee extract for weight loss, despite lack of evidence. This has led to criticism from medical professionals. They have expressed concern that Oz’s promotion of unproven treatments can mislead viewers and potentially harm their health.

In 2014, Oz was called to testify before Congress about his promotion of weight loss supplements. During the hearing, Oz did acknowledge that some of the claims he had made on his show were not supported by scientific evidence. He defended his right to present a range of viewpoints on his show. Oz’s promotion of unproven treatments and supplements has continued to draw criticism from medical professionals. They stress the importance of evidence-based practices and caution against relying on unproven treatments for health concerns.


Demi Moore – Leeches For Detox

Hollywood actress Demi Moore made headlines in 2008 when she revealed that she uses leeches to detoxify her blood. According to Moore, the use of leeches was part of a holistic health regimen she was following. The medical community has criticized the use of leeches for detoxification purposes, since there’s no evidence to support their effectiveness. Leeches are primarily used in medicine for their anticoagulant properties in medical procedures that justify use. These include reconstructive surgery and prevent blood clots.

Using leeches for detoxification purposes is not only unsupported by scientific evidence but can also be potentially dangerous. Leeches can transmit infections and diseases, and their use can lead to blood loss and other health complications. Furthermore, it is important to note that the body already has built-in mechanisms for detoxification, such as the liver and kidneys. These organs work together to remove toxins and waste products from the body, and there is no need for additional detoxification measures

Credit: Logically

Pete Evans – Paleo Diet, Alkaline water, & “Activated” Nuts

Pete Evans, a celebrity chef, has been a vocal advocate for a number of questionable health practices. This includes the Paleo diet, alkaline water, and “activated” nuts. These practices are not supported by scientific evidence and can be harmful to people’s health. For example, the Paleo diet is a high-protein diet that can lead to increased risk of heart disease and kidney problems. Alkaline water does not have any health benefits either.

In addition to promoting questionable health practices, Evans has also expresses anti-vaccine views and spreads false information. Evans has suggested that vaccines are not necessary and will cause harm. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that vaccines are safe and effective in preventing the spread of disease. This type of misinformation can have dangerous consequences for public health. Discouraging people from getting vaccinated makes the lives that were ended due to the disease in vain.

Credit: Daily Beast

Tom Cruise – A Controversial “Purification” Program

Tom Cruise has been a prominent advocate of Scientology’s controversial “purification” program. The program is based on the belief that toxins accumulate in the body and can be eliminated through the use of high doses of vitamins and long sauna sessions. The program is not supported by scientific evidence and can be potentially dangerous. High doses of vitamins can lead to vitamin toxicity and long sauna sessions can cause dehydration and overheating.

Cruise’s advocacy for the “purification” program is concerning because it encourages people to engage in harmful practices without proper evidence. Using vitamins and sauna sessions as a means of detoxification isn’t recommended by medical professionals and will lead to serious health problems. Overall, it is important to rely on evidence-based practices and advice from qualified medical professionals when making decisions about health and wellness.

Credit: Insider

Jenny McCarthy – Anti-Vaccine Advice

One of the most vocal and controversial celebrities advocating against vaccines, Jenny McCarthy spreads misinformation about vaccines and autism. She claims that vaccines can cause autism in children. This claim has been debunked by studies that have shown that there is no causal link between vaccines and autism. McCarthy’s advocacy against vaccines is highly criticized by the medical community, as this perspective can have dangerous consequences.

Vaccines are a crucial tool in preventing the spread of infectious diseases, and the anti-vaccine movement leads to decreased vaccination rates. This results in outbreaks of preventable diseases such as measles and pertussis. This puts vulnerable populations such as infants, elderly individuals, and those with compromised immune systems at risk. McCarthy’s advocacy is widely criticized for its promotion of false information and harmful consequences.

Credit: Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil – Sketchy Weight Loss Plan

Best known for his self-help talk show, Dr. Phil has faced controversy over the years for promoting weight loss supplements on his show. Dr. Phil has been criticized for his 20/20 Diet. A weight loss regimen that he developed and promotes through his books and TV appearances. The diet is designed to help people lose 20 pounds in 20 days. It’s comprised with a combination of calorie restriction, meal replacement shakes, and supplements. While some people may experience short-term weight loss on the 20/20 Diet, health experts have criticized the program for being too restrictive and harmful.

The 20/20 Diet has been criticized for its lack of long-term sustainability. The diet is designed to be followed for just 20 days. This is not enough time to establish healthy eating habits or make lasting lifestyle changes. The diet recommends a daily intake of just 1,200 calories, which is lower than the recommended daily intake for adults. This level of calorie restriction can cause fatigue, irritability, and other negative side effects. The diet encourages the use of meal replacement shakes and supplements, which can contain questionable ingredients and should be evaluated for safety.

Credit: The Washington Post

Tony Robbins – Unhelpful “Self-Help”

A well-known self-help guru and motivational speaker, Tony Robbins has been criticized for promoting controversial practices. These practices have been deemed to be pseudoscientific and harmful. A main criticism against Robbins is promoting the idea of “positive thinking” as a solution to mental illness, such as depression and anxiety. While positive thinking can be helpful, mental health experts argue that it is not a cure-all and will be harmful if it leads people to ignore their negative emotions.

Robbins has also been criticized for promoting the use of unconventional therapies, such as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and “firewalking.” NLP is a type of therapy that claims to be able to reprogram the brain through language and behavior patterns. There is little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of NLP. Mental health experts have raised concerns that it could be harmful if used as a replacement for behavioral therapies. Firewalking is another controversial practice promoted by Robbins. Participants walk barefoot across hot coals as a way of overcoming their fears and limiting beliefs. While Robbins claims that firewalking is safe and effective, some medical experts have warned that it can cause serious burns. In fact, several people have been hospitalized after participating in Robbins’ firewalking events.

The Genetic Literacy Project.

Mike Adams – Anti-Vaxxer

Mike Adams, known as the “Health Ranger,” is a controversial figure in the health industry. Adams has strong opposition to vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs. His promotion of conspiracy theories related to these topics. Adams has gained a large following for his alternative health practices and his views on natural healing. His claims about vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs have been widely criticized by many in the scientific and medical communities. One of Adams’ most notorious claims, as well as many other people, is that vaccines are linked to autism. This has been debunked time and time again by numerous scientific studies. Despite this, Adams continues to promote this theory and has accused the medical establishment of covering up the supposed link between vaccines and autism.

Adams has also accused the pharmaceutical industry of being more concerned with profits than with people’s health. He claims that drug companies are purposely keeping people sick in order to sell more drugs. Thus vaccines are just another way for them to make money at the expense of people’s health. While Adams has a passionate following who believe in his alternative health practices, many medical experts and scientists have criticized his claims as misleading and potentially dangerous.

Credit: The US Sun

Kourtney Kardashian – “Detox” Smoothies

Kourtney Kardashian, a reality TV star and entrepreneur, has promoted a number of questionable health practices. One of said practices is “detox” smoothies and has been criticized for spreading false information about the supposed health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. While smoothies made from whole fruits and vegetables can be a healthy addition to one’s diet, “detox” smoothies often make unfounded claims about their ability to cleanse the body of toxins. Similarly, while apple cider vinegar has been touted as a natural remedy for a variety of health conditions, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims.

Kardashian’s promotion of these questionable health practices can be harmful because it can encourage people to rely on unproven and potentially harmful remedies. It is important to rely on trusted sources of health information and advice from qualified medical professionals when making decisions about health and wellness. While some alternative therapies may be helpful as complementary treatments, they should not be relied on as primary treatments without proper medical guidance and oversight.

Credit: Vox

Gwenyth Paltrow – Jade Egg

A successful actress with many accolades, Gwenyth Paltrow is the founder for her lifestyle brand, Goop. Meant to promote wellness and self-care products, one of the products that Goop promoted was the Jade Egg. A small, egg-shaped object made of jade that was marketed as a way to improve women’s sexual health. The Jade Egg was marketed as a tool to increase vaginal muscle tone, enhance sexual pleasure, balance hormones, and improve overall health. However, there was no scientific evidence to support these claims, and in fact, using a Jade Egg could potentially be harmful.

In 2018, the company settled a lawsuit for $145,000 after making false claims about the Jade Egg. The lawsuit alleged that Goop had made false and misleading claims about the benefits of the Jade Egg and that the product could potentially cause harm. In addition, the use of a Jade Egg could lead to vaginal infections, irritation, and even the risk of the egg breaking and causing internal damage. Experts also warned that there was no evidence to support the idea that using a Jade Egg could improve sexual health or vaginal muscle tone.

Credit: Daily Mail

Kim Kardashian – Appetite Suppressant Lollipops

Another Kardashian is gracing this list… Kim Kardashian, a reality TV star and entrepreneur, has promoted various health and wellness products through her social media channels. One such product was appetite-suppressant lollipops from Flat Tummy Co, company that sells various weight loss and detox products. Kim Kardashian’s endorsement of the lollipops was met with criticism and controversy, as many experts expressed concern over the safety and effectiveness of the product. The lollipops were marketed as a way to curb appetite and reduce cravings, but there was no scientific evidence to support these claims.

The lollipops contained an ingredient called Satiereal, which is derived from saffron and has been linked to various side effects, including dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. In addition, the lollipops were high in sugar and other artificial ingredients, which can contribute to weight gain and other health issues. Despite the backlash, Kim Kardashian continued to promote the lollipops and other products from Flat Tummy Co. She often used her social media influence to encourage her followers to try these products.

Credit: Daily Star

Kylie Jenner – Sugar Bear Hair Vitamins

A social media influencer and entrepreneur, Kylie Jenner has promoted various health and beauty products through her social media, including Sugar Bear Hair vitamins. These vitamins are marketed as a way to promote hair growth, improve hair strength and shine, and support overall hair health. While many people swear by the effectiveness of Sugar Bear Hair vitamins, there is little scientific evidence to support these claims. In fact, the ingredients in these vitamins are not unique and can be found in many other multivitamin supplements.

Sugar Bear Hair vitamins are also high in sugar and other artificial ingredients, which can have negative effects on overall health and can actually contribute to hair loss and other hair-related issues. Despite these concerns, Kylie Jenner has continued to promote Sugar Bear Hair vitamins and other health and beauty products to her millions of followers on social media. It’s important for consumers to be aware of the potential risks and limitations of these products, and to be wary of celebrity health products.

Savoir Flair.

Miranda Kerr and Noni Juice

Miranda Kerr, an Australian supermodel, has been known to promote the health benefits of Noni juice, a beverage made from the fruit of the Noni plant. According to Kerr, Noni juice can help with various health issues like digestive problems, inflammation, and even cancer. She also claims that Noni juice is a good source of antioxidants that can improve skin health. While there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, Noni fruit does contain antioxidants and other potentially beneficial compounds.

Consuming Noni juice in large quantities can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea and nausea. It can also interact with certain medications, which is why it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider before making any significant changes to one’s diet or lifestyle. Overall, it’s essential to be mindful when it comes to health and wellness claims. Miranda Kerr’s endorsement of Noni juice may sound convincing, but it’s important to do your research and seek out reliable sources of information before making any significant changes to your health routine.

Credit: Today

Jessica Alba and The Honest Company Sunscreen

The star of ‘Dark Angels,’ Jessica Alba is a successful actress and entrepreneur, and is the founder of The Honest Company. This company produces a wide range of health and wellness products, including sunscreen. These products are marketed as natural and safe, but they have faced criticism over their effectiveness and safety. While natural ingredients can be attractive to many consumers, it’s important to remember that they can have limitations and side effects.

In 2015, The Honest Company received complaints from customers that its sunscreen products were not providing sufficient protection from the sun’s harmful rays. This led to reports of sunburn and even sun poisoning. The company responded by recalling some of its sunscreen products and apologizing to customers for any harm caused. The controversy surrounding The Honest Company’s sunscreen products highlights the importance of rigorous testing and regulation of health and wellness products. The lack of regulation in the health and wellness industry can make it difficult for consumers to know which products are safe and effective.

Credit: Hollywood Gossip

Jenelle Evans – Detox Tea

From her rise to popularity from the TV show ‘Teen Moms,’ Jenelle Evans has been promoting detox teas as a way to achieve better health and wellness. These teas claim to flush out toxins and promote digestive health. However, experts have raised concerns about the safety and effectiveness of these products. Some detox teas contain diuretics or laxatives, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Moreover, there is little scientific evidence to support the claims made by detox teas, and some experts have even argued that they could be harmful to overall health and well-being.

Despite these concerns, detox teas continue to be popular among certain consumers, and celebrity endorsements like Jenelle Evans’ exacerbates this. Nonetheless, it is crucial for consumers to be aware of the potential risks and limitations of these products, and to consult with healthcare professionals before trying any new health products or treatments. As consumers, it is always important to do our research and make informed decisions about our health and well-being. When it comes to detox teas, it’s best to approach them with caution and to prioritize evidence-based treatments.

Credit: Prevention

Oprah Winfrey – Colonix

Well-known for her talk show, Oprah Winfrey is a titan in the entertainment industry. She endorsed Colonix, a product marketed as a natural way to cleanse the colon and promote digestive health. Some people are drawn to natural and holistic approaches to health and wellness, it’s important to be skeptical of the claims made by products. Scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness is limited. Colon cleanses like Colonix can involve the use of laxatives or enemas, which can disrupt the natural balance of the digestive system and dehydration. Colon cleanses are not recommended for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions or those taking certain medications.

While celebrity endorsements can bring attention to health and wellness products, it’s important to prioritize evidence-based treatments over celebrity endorsements. Consumers should do their research and read labels carefully before trying any new health products or treatments. While Oprah Winfrey’s endorsement of Colonix may have brought attention to the potential benefits of colon cleansing, it’s ultimately up to each individual to make an informed decision about their health and well-being and to approach health products and treatments with caution and skepticism.

Credit: CNBC

Jim Carrey – Believes Vaccines Cause Autism in Children

Actor and comedian Jim Carrey has been an opponent of vaccines. Carrey is opposed to the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine, and publicly stated his belief that vaccines cause autism in children. Carrey has tweeted false information linking vaccines to autism, despite a mountain of scientific evidence showing that there is no causal link between the two. He is also critical of the use of thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines. Thimerosal is proven to be safe and effective for vaccines.

Carrey’s advocacy against vaccines is heavily criticized by the medical community. Opposing vaccines discourages people from getting vaccinated and increase the risk of outbreaks of preventable diseases. The MMR vaccine is a crucial tool in preventing the spread of measles, a contagious disease that can cause death. Overall, it is important to rely on evidence-based practices and advice from qualified medical professionals when making decisions about vaccination. While we love this Hollywood funny man and his dynamic facial expressions… false information and advocacy against vaccines can have potentially dangerous consequences.

Credit: Page Six

Rob Schneider – Another Vaccine Nay-Sayer

Rob Schneider is another celebrity who has been critical of vaccines and has tweeted misinformation about their safety. Schneider has expressed skepticism about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, particularly the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine. He’s even stated that they can cause autism and other health problems. Like McCarthy and Carrey, Schneider’s claims are not supported by scientific evidence and are widely criticized by medical professionals.

Schneider’s advocacy against vaccines is concerning because it can discourage people from getting vaccinated. This increases the risk of outbreaks of preventable diseases. The HPV vaccine is crucial in preventing cervical cancer and other types of cancers caused by the human papillomavirus. Medical professionals stress the importance of relying on accurate information when making decisions about vaccination. False information and advocacy against vaccines will have harmful consequences for public health.
