
Discover 40 Must-Have Medicinal Plants and Learn How to Grow Them

2. Rhodiola Rosea The health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea, an herbal root, are linked to the anti-inflammatory properties it contains. That includes stress, physical and mental… Trista Smith - April 13, 2022

When you hear of medicinal plants with health benefits, you probably think of marijuana. Although pot, weed, or whatever you want to call it does have natural health benefits from its THC and CBD extracts, there are a plethora of other medicinal plants in the world. According to the Internation Union for Conservation of Nature and the World Wildlife Fund, about 50,000 to 80,000 flowering plants were used for medicinal purposes worldwide in 2016. You are probably familiar with some of them and could even have a version in your cupboard right now. From topical applications to inhalants or teas, you can use these medicinal plants in several ways to help with everything from aiding digestion to relieving anxiety. Learn how to grow medicinal plants in your own garden, too. That way, you can reap the natural health benefits of these herbal medicines whenever you want. Keep reading for the 40 must-have medicinal plants and basic directions about growing them at home.



40. Ginkgo

Ginkgo can be used to treat symptoms of asthma, COPD, depression, anxiety, headaches, and migraines and can support vision and eye health. While also improving brain function and well-being and reducing the symptoms of dementia and psychiatric disorders. It also can help fight inflammation while improving heart health and circulation. The use of ginkgo can also reduce PMS symptoms in women and treat sexual dysfunction in men. This plant contains powerful antioxidants, which have many benefits of their own.

Young Ginkgo Biloba trees benefit from a spring feeding of tree fertilizer, while mature trees usually don’t need to be fed. It’s not a fussy plant in terms of soil type and will tolerate both alkaline and acidic soil and compacted dirt. You need water to keep the soil moist if the tree site is well-drained, and it is imperative when the tree is young. Plant Ginkgo Biloba in a spot that receives full sun without shade. They are commonly grown in many regions, proving a tolerance for a wide range of temperatures and moist conditions.



39. Aloe Vera

Studies show that tooth gels containing aloe vera are as effective as toothpaste in fighting cavities. This medicinal plant promotes significant healing in wounds and closure in those with diabetes. Aloe can protect from skin damage after radiation therapy and enhance learning and memory while alleviating depression. The plant can help treat symptoms caused by IBS, and treat second-degree burns, as well. Aloe vera contains antioxidants and other possible antimicrobial properties.

When growing an aloe plant, place it in a bright and sunny place; it will go dormant and stop growing if you don’t. You only need to water the plant heavily about once every two weeks, waiting for the soil to dry thoroughly between each watering session. Overwatering can cause the roots to rot. If you move your potted plant outdoors for the summer, make sure not to place it directly into sunlight right away. You will need to gradually place it in a brighter spot every few days; this helps prevent overexposure.



38. Calendula

The medicinal plant is famous for first aid treatment of scalds and minor burns and bee and scorpion stings. People use calendula to treat diaper rash, ear infections, and pain, as well as helps to relieve throat and inflammation in the mouth. Some use it to treat eye sores as eyewash. Health professionals may recommend calendula to treat fevers or the flu. It can help with varicose veins, capillary engorgement, external bleeding, and hepatic congestion. People use calendula to help with blood circulation and promote sweating.

Calendula comes to mean the first day of the month; this may be because this pot marigold blooms reliably at the start of each day. When planting calendula, make sure to plant the seeds in a row, allowing 5 inches between each seed. If you are directly sowing this plant in the garden, cover the seed with soil, pressing down gently before watering. This plant does not do well in the hot summer heat, preferring the cooler early fall and spring temperatures.



37. Catnip

Although catnip is a preferred plant by cat lovers, this herbal medicine offers many benefits to humans. People use catnip to calm an upset stomach due to diarrhea and prevent nausea caused by flatulence or motion sickness. Another health benefit that catnip offers is that it can help treat anxiety, stress, nervousness, restlessness, and insomnia. The leaves from this plant are known to induce sweating, helping to treat fevers, colds, and flu while relieving headaches and migraines. Inhaling catnip through vapor can help alleviate respiratory ailments such as cough, asthma, and bronchitis when smoked.

You can harvest your catnip plants any time of the year, whether you are growing them indoors or out. Place them in a dehydrator or spread them out on a baking sheet and back at a very low temperature to dry the leaves off. They will turn brownish gray and crumble easily; this is when they are ready to be stored. Store your dry catnip in an airtight container and preserve it away from the sun. By keeping it in the refrigerator or freezer, you can extend its shelf life.



36. Basil

Basil has more benefits than just flavor when cooking, and it may provide health advantages in dieting, like herbal medicine, and when used as an essential oil. Uses of basil traditionally included the treatment of colds, inflammation in nasal passages, and snakebites. Basil also provides some macronutrients, such as vitamin k and calcium, as well as a variety of antioxidants.

As a warm weather, medicinal herb, you need to plant basil after the danger of frost has passed and the soil is warm. Harvesting the leaves will keep the plan going strong, too. The most common type of basil is sweet basil; other types include lemon basil, with the flavor of lemon, purple basil, which is less sweet than common basil, and Thai basil, which has a licorice flavor. While it’s an easy plant to grow, basil only grows outdoors in the summer and only when the soil is just the right temperature, so plan accordingly when planting.



35. Cornflower

Those in France use cornflower as a remedy for tired eyes. Also, the efficacy differs for everyone. You can use an infusion of the dried flowers in treatments for constipation or dropsy. Furthermore, you can make it a mouthwash for bleeding gums and ulcers. You can take cornflower infusion as a bitter tonic and stimulant, helping digestion, supporting the liver, and improving resistance to infections. Water distilled from the petals was formerly used to remedy weak eyes and as a soothing lotion for conjunctivitis. Children can also take it as a mild laxative.

Cornflowers prefer to be in full sun but would do well with a bit of shade in the afternoon. Shady conditions can cause the plants to become leggy, making them prone to flopping. Give this plant the equivalent of one inch of water per week, and make sure to fertilize them monthly with liquid manure or compost tea if your soil is poor. Cornflowers are relatively agreeable, tolerating both light freezes and hot summer days, taking the humidity well.



34. Rosemary

Rosemary is somewhat diuretic, which can help flush toxins out during urination. Research links it to lower levels of cirrhosis and a faster healing time of the liver. This medicinal plant contains many immune-boosting components, robust against bacterial infections, especially those in the stomach. Rosemary might improve memory and help to increase focus and intelligence. The antioxidant compounds in rosemary form a secondary line of defense behind the body’s own immune system. Rosemary contains many potent compounds, such as caffeic acid, betulinic acid, rosmarinic acid, and carnosol.

Rosemary can be topically applied to areas as a paste or salve and can be consumed orally for the harder-to-reach spots and to treat migraines. People use this herbal medicine plant to treat moods and stress, stimulate blood flow, improve skin health, soothe the stomach, increase blood flow, and can be used to freshen breath as well. Experts recommend starting new rosemary plants from cuttings taken from other established plants. These cuttings proliferate when in good conditions and should be ready to be planted outdoors in about eight weeks.



33. Lemon Balm

You can use lemon balm as an ingredient in a soothing tea, perfect for unwinding after a stressful day. This herbal medicine plant helps promote sleep, soothes digestive issues, alleviates anxiety, and treats itchy insect bites. Lemon balm can also treat colds sores and other viruses with its antiviral properties. It may also relieve headaches, menstrual cramps, indigestion, and nausea. Studies reveal that this medicinal plant can help ease anxiety and stress, and researchers are also studying it as a possible treatment for type 2 diabetes.

It may also improve cognitive function and have benefits for heart health. Lemon balm essential oil is ideal for alleviating skin conditions, dementia symptoms, and more. Make sure to plant lemon balm during the warm weather of late spring, after chances of frost have passed. Check the soil’s moisture every few days, and water the plant when the top inch of the soil becomes dry. Regularly feed the lemon balm plants with water-soluble plant food to maximize leaf production.



32. Dandelion

Dandelions are highly nutritious, from root to flower, aid in inflammation, and contain potent antioxidants. This plant also may help with blood sugar management, reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure. By ingesting this herbal medicine plant, it can help you lose weight while promoting the health of your liver. Dandelions can also help with digestion and constipation and may have anti-cancer effects. It may also support healthy bones, boost immune health, and improve skincare treatment.

While dandelion seeds can germinate in different dirt and light conditions, they usually thrive in loose, well-draining, fertile soil. Be sure to sow your seeds directly into the soil six weeks before the last frost of the spring. Once sprouted a few inches above the ground, thin your dandelions back to about six inches between each plant to prevent overgrowth.



31. Marigold

Marigolds aren’t just pretty to look at; people can use this herbal plant for medicinal purposes. For example, marigold can heal skin wounds, burns, and rashes. Presented in marigold flowers, flavonoids have exhibited cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and inhibitory activities against cancer, melanoma cells, and leukemia. This type of medicinal plant can also treat menstrual pain and skin conditions while helping detoxify the body.

People use it as a substitute for injections, paddings, or surgery to treat bursitis or inflammation of the bursa sac that often causes severe pain due to the swelling. Marigolds also naturally repel insects. Marigolds are easy to grow from seed, so you don’t have to be an expert gardener. Directly sow them into the ground or start them indoors a few weeks before the end of winter.



30. Lavender

Lavender can be used to relieve anxiety and stress-related headaches. If it’s in the form of essential oil, massage it into your shoulders and temples. You can inhale the steam by putting essential oil into hot water. By placing a few drops of lavender essential oil into a hot bath, you can soak the stress away. You can also turn the plant into an herbal tea to sip on. When applied topically to the bites and stings, lavender can relieve the pain and reduce inflammation and swelling.

This herbal plant also has antimicrobial properties that, when applied directly to a wound, help prevent them from becoming infected. When planting lavender, make sure it’s in low to moderately fertile soil, and depending on the variety, plant each plant 1 to 3 inches apart. To grow best, lavender needs full sun and well-drained soil. Keep reading for more herbal medicine plants that have natural health benefits.



29. Parsley

Parsley has many health benefits, including protecting the heart, boosting immunity, fighting inflammation and cancer, supporting gland health, treating edema, menstrual problems, and promoting bone health. This plant also aids in digestion, treats diarrhea, improves oral and liver health, and improves kidney health. It also Exhibits antibacterial properties, improves ear health, treats night blindness, and rejuvenates blood vessels.

You can grow parsley seeds directly into the garden, winter sown, or start indoors. The method you choose depends on the climate you live in. If you live in a cold environment, start the seeds indoors. If you live in warmer growing zones, you can directly sow the seeds into your garden.



28. Ginseng

Having beneficial anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, ginseng can also improve brain functions such as behavior and mood. It may strengthen the immune system and help reduce the risk of certain cancers. Ginseng can also promote energy and help fight fatigue, and is beneficial for controlling blood glucose levels for those with and without diabetes. Research has also shown that, in men, ginseng may be used as an alternative for the treatment of erectile dysfunction as well.

If you grow ginseng from seed, soak the seeds for 10 minutes in a 10% bleach solution to prevent fungal infections. Suppose you are growing from seedlings. In that case, you should grow them immediately upon arrival. Plant them 3 inches apart, and water.



27. Thyme

Thyme has more benefits than just being an ingredient in a recipe. Researchers found that an aqueous extract obtained from thyme reduced blood pressure in rats when tested. Research shows that thyme can protect people from colon cancer and help treat breast cancer. Thyme can also be used to treat yeast infections and protects against foodborne bacterial infections. The herbal plant can also treat acne and other common skin problems.

You can grow thyme from cuttings, a process called propagating thyme. It means producing a genetically speaking plant identical to its parents by diving and growing from cuttings. You’ll first need to get some thyme and strip the leaves off the bottom of the stems. If you choose to, you can apply growth hormone, as well. Wait for 6 to 8 weeks for the plant to mature, and care for it as needed.



26. Artichoke

Artichokes have many benefits, including promoting weight loss and bowel movement, controlling blood cholesterol, improving digestion, and treating stomach problems. This herbal plant is high in nutritional values, is beneficial for people with diabetes by not increasing blood glucose levels, prevents heart disease, is loaded with antioxidants, and can treat skin conditions. Artichoke strengthens the liver and protects it from damage due to harmful chemicals. Furthermore, artichoke is also a diuretic and can reduce swelling caused by excess fluid accumulation.

Deeply worked, nutrient-rich soil with organic matter will increase your artichoke harvest. However, artichoke can grow in most soils. Before transferring them to your garden, artichoke seedlings need to be approximately 60 days old. This plant loves water, so make sure you keep it hydrated since they need it to produce tender buds. During the growing season, apply a balanced vegetable plant food for healthy plants and high yields every two weeks.



25. Gotu Kola

According to studies, Gotu kola is a medicinal plant that contains compounds such as triterpenoid saponins. Researchers believe that these may be a big reason for the plant’s purported health benefits. Gotu kola can heal wounds, treat skin diseases, menstrual disorders, and venereal diseases. It relieves diarrhea, boosts energy levels while reducing anxiety, slows Hansen’s disease, leprosy, progression, enhances sexual potency, and prolongs life.

When planting Gotu kola, dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the plant’s root ball. Make sure to choose a planting site near water or in an area of the yard with poor drainage. Only fill half the soil you removed back into the hole, remove the plant from its container, and gently fan out its roots. Flood the hole with water until it has about 3 to 4 inches of water. After pressing the soil around the area firmly and leaving a significant depression, you should water the depression until it’s flooded with water. You will need to soak it daily in the summer, keeping the soil soggy.



24. Barberry

Have you ever heard of this herbal plant? Barberry has a few benefits to offer as well. This medicinal plant helps fight infection and improves heart health, and it also relieves symptoms of diabetes and prevents diabetes. Barberry also aids the GI tract, combats metabolic syndrome, and can even be used to help cleanse the liver and gallbladder.

Barberry shrubs are pretty easy to grow and care for when planted in the right spot correctly. This type of medicinal plant isn’t too picky about the kind of dirt, but well-drained soil is essential. These herbal plants grow best in full sun but can tolerate a little shade. Experts recommend a minimum of 7 hours in direct sunlight for the best density and color. Keep reading for more medicinal plants with natural health benefits.



23. Sage

You can use sage as a natural antiseptic and preservative for meat. If you put sage in a drink, it has shown promising results in treating Alzheimer’s patients and symptoms of depression. This medicinal plant can help eliminate hot flashes in women undergoing menopause. You can use sage for oral health, soothing a sore throat and canker sores, and treating gum disease. Rinse your skin, hair, and nails with sage if you want. It works great as a facial toner that controls oil skin when steeped in water.

When you plant sage, make sure it’s in full sun. It should also be in well-draining soil because this plant won’t tolerate sitting on wet ground. The earth should be between 60- and 70-degrees Fahrenheit and set 2 feet apart. They should grow between 12 and 30 inches in height, as well. You can plant sage near cabbage, carrots, and rosemary, but keep it away from cucumbers.



22. Jiaogulan

Wildcrafter Jiaogulan acts as an adaptogen, improving both physical and psychological conditions. It also helps to maintain body weight, and it does this by balancing the energy it expends. This medicinal plant also improves the digestive tract and balances the whole system. It also aids in the treatment of cholesterol and promotes brain and heart health. Jiaogulan also has antioxidant anti-cancer properties. Since it also improves insulin resistance, people with diabetes benefit from this herbal plant when consumed as a tea.

It’s better to grow jiaogulan indoors as a houseplant. Why? Because this herbal plant is most prone to insect damage. Ensure you water these plants every 3-5 days because this plant doesn’t like to be dry. Give jiaogulan plants plenty of natural light by keeping it on a windowsill or in a sunroom is ideal. Feed it weekly with liquid kelp or compost tea. When the vines get too long, be sure to trim them, then you can make tea with the vines instead of throwing them out.



21. Belladonna

You can use belladonna as a sedative and anticholinergic. Why? Because it works as an agent that blocks parasympathetic nerve impulses. Furthermore, it provides spasmolytic effects on the gastrointestinal tract. This medicinal plant also treats nervous congestion and suppresses the action of smooth muscles. People use belladonna to treat pain from the kidneys and colitis. Belladonna can also dilate the pupils of the eyes in ophthalmology. Both Western herbalists and Chinese folk medicine, this medicinal plant may treat and possibly cure cancer.

Also known as deadly nightshade, belladonna is easy to grow from seed. You can allow the berries to ripen and fall from the plant to the ground, where the seeds will flourish into new plants. Or, you can plant the seeds yourself. However, the seed coats are hard, and the seeds need cold stratification to germinate. So soaking the seeds in water that is changed daily for two weeks in your refrigerator before planting them is crucial. Plant them immediately before they dry out. You can plant belladonna indoors or outdoors in your garden in the partial shade after the season’s last frost.



20. St John’s Wort

St John’s Wort has many health benefits, including working as a nervous system trophorestorative. A term given to herbs that provide nutrients, substances, and actions, trophorestorative restores or corrects the weakness of a depleted organ or system. You can use this medicinal plant to treat cold sores, herpes, and other viruses. St John’s Wort benefits as a diuretic, and people have used it as a hepatic herb for years. Many herbalists use oil infused with St John’s Wort to protect their skin from the sun, using it as a mild sunscreen. This protective action is possibly a result of the excellent anti-inflammatory and vulnerary effects it has to offer.

It can also be a powerful remedy for nerve pain. Some herbalists recommend that those who experience depression due to Seasonal Affective Disorder could benefit from this plant. Easy to grow, St John’s Wort can tolerate many challenging conditions. Because of this reason, many gardeners have referred to this medicinal plant as a weed. The main maintenance chore you will need to do while growing these plants is to keep them in check.



19. Cayenne

In Mayan herbal medicine, people used cayenne peppers to counter microbial infections. The herbs’ heating qualities make it a good remedy for poor circulation, improving blood flow to the hands, feet, and central organs. You can take cayenne to relieve gas and colic, stimulating the secretion of digestive issues. It’s also helpful in relieving diarrhea. You can apply cayenne to the skin because it’s mildly analgesic. Use it on unbroken chilblains.

If you live in a cool climate, you will need to start your cayenne seeds indoors with a potting mix. These pepper seedlings are susceptible to transplant shock, which means you will need to harden them off gradually before transplanting them into your yard. Make the holes with your finger, about one-quarter of an inch deep in the soil. After planting the seeds, backfill them with soil, watering them thoroughly.



18. Chamomile

People use chamomile as a sedative to treat anxiety and promote sleepiness. You can benefit from its anti-allergy action and antimicrobial properties. Chamomile works as an anti-inflammatory as well as treats digestive issues. It relieves restlessness, promotes relaxation, induces sleep. You can gargle it to treat gingivitis and mouth sores. Alternatively, you can drink chamomile tea to relax the uterus muscles. You can apply this medicinal plant topically to help heal wounds, skin sores, and burns. It soothes inflammation and itchiness caused by eczema, skin rashes, and sunburns.

When planting chamomile, put it entirely in sunlight if possible; partial shade is okay, too, though. Prepare your garden bed by adding compost and other organic material to the soil. This plant needs about an inch of water per week when starting. When it’s grown, it’s more tolerant of drought. You should feed your plant regularly because the stems grow about 2 feet high and will get floppy in poor nutrient-deprived soil.



17. Echinacea

Echinacea has many benefits to offer, including having positive effects on the immune system, high antioxidants, may lower blood sugar levels, and reducing feelings of anxiety. This medicinal plant also has anti-inflammatory properties, may treat problems with the skin, and may even offer protection against some cancers.

Are you ready to grow echinacea as a houseplant? It is better outside. This medicinal plant needs time to put down its roots before its first winter, so make sure to plant echinacea in spring or early fall, as long as the plants are water during any dry spells.



16. California Poppy

California poppies may have sedative and anti-anxiety properties that promote sleep when combined with other herbs. However, this medicinal plant is not safe or effective when treating any health condition. Why? Because they need to do more studies on California poppies.

These perennials love warm climates that self-seed easily. Plant the seeds into rich soil, ensuring they are in direct sun. They don’t need fertilizer and don’t take much watering. They bloom in the early summer until early fall. Keep reading for more herbal plants that have amazing medicinal uses.



15. Stevia

Stevia offers benefits such as curing allergies, regulating blood pressure, controlling diabetes, and helping with weight control. You can add stevia to mouthwashes and toothpaste to help improve oral health, and it may even help improve bone health. You could also incorporate stevia into your skincare routine. The wide range of antioxidant compounds in stevia makes it an excellent dietary supplement for cancer prevention.

The best location to plant stevia is in full sun. Grow stevia in dappled sunlight if you are in a hot, dry region. Make sure the soil is in a well-drained area and loamy. Start the plants indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost in the spring, then transplant them outdoors after the last frost, when warm weather has settled in, and the soil is warm. When planting stevia plants, sow them a quarter of an inch deep, and keep them 10 to 12 inches apart.



14. Common Daisy

The common daisy has medicinal properties, and people often use it as an anti-inflammatory and astringent for digestive purposes, as a laxative, and emollient. It can also aid in healing, purgative, antitussive, demulcent, tonic, expectorant, and antispasmodic.

Daisies are easy to grow from seed, decision, or nursery stock. Plant them directly into the soil about ⅛ inch deep when there is still a possibility for a light frost. The daisy seeds will germinate from 10 to 20 days, and plants will blood the following year, after one season of growth. To promote sturdy and robust growth, apply an all-purpose organic fertilizer early in the season. Before the flowers bloom, switch to a bud and bloom booster that is high in phosphorus to promote spectacular-looking flowers, too.



13. Sea Buckthorn

Sea buckthorn can dramatically improve digestion; it does so by normalizing gastric acid output, reducing inflammation, and lubricating the bowel. It can also help prevent and reverse GERD and ulcers. Sea buckthorn has tons of antioxidants that help protect and strengthen the immune system, and thanks to the antioxidants and phytonutrients, sea buckthorn can reduce the risk of diseases. The medicinal plant supports overall brain health and improves mental clarity through the healthy fats and vitamins it provides. That includes an array of omega fatty acids.

You can use sea buckthorn to keep your skin vibrant and healthy from the inside out. Sea buckthorn does best in well-drained soil in direct sunlight to grow, and it’s intolerant of standing water and will not fruit if it’s in the shade. Plant them in early spring, and water and mulch them immediately. You don’t need much fertilizer because sea buckthorn makes its own nitrogen.



12. Alfalfa

Did you know you can use alfalfa to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, acid reflux, detoxify the liver, and work as an anti-inflammatory when drinking it as a tea? It also treats heart disease and helps to relieve stress and pain. Alfalfa can also help prevent cancer and treat stomach problems, osteoporosis, anorexia, anemia, hair loss, and skin pigmentation. This medicinal plant can also treat high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, urinary issues, hematoma, is a general health tonic, and has antibacterial and antifungal activity.

When growing alfalfa, keep the beds free of weeds until the plants are at least 4 to 5 inches tall. When shorter, it’s easy for weeds to take over. Remember that even though these legumes are drought resistant, they will grow more steadily with ample water, so be sure they are getting enough.



11. Motherwort

Motherwort has much to offer for medicinal purposes; that includes treating painful or delayed menstruation, delayed labor, and delayed after birth. You can also use it as a women’s tonic. This medicinal plant can also help treat fevers, respiratory ailments, edema, kidney stagnation, and increased appetite. Motherwort can also calm the heart and help relieve anxiety, as well.

Motherwort will indeed grow almost anywhere, which is good to know. Plant the seeds in the latter part of spring, but you can also have the option of planting motherwort in your garden in late fall. Keep reading for more medicinal plants that have amazing health benefits. Learn how to grow them so you can use them, too!



10. Winter Savory

Winter savory contains aromatic, carminative, antiseptic, and digestive properties. You can use it as an expectorant and used to treat stings. This medicinal plant reduces and cures flatulence, cystitis, gastroenteritis, bronchial congestion, diarrhea, menstrual disorders, and even sore throats.

This herb prefers to grow in moderately fertile soil and drains well. Make sure to only water winter savory lightly and provide regular moisture until the plant grows enough. Once settled in 4 to 6 weeks, this plant’s dry to moderate moisture levels are sufficient. Allow for the soil to dry out between watering deeply every other week.



9. Spinach

Popeye was thinking when he popped open that can of spinach to reap its natural health benefits. If you don’t know who Popeye is, please look it up. More importantly, learn about why spinach is a medicinal plant. Spinach protects eye health, supports brain health, and can help with managing blood pressure. The herb is also high in antioxidants and filled with nutrients, and research reveals that not cooking greens is the best way to preserve their lutein content.

One of the most satisfying cool weather crops to grow, spinach produces large yields of vitamin-rich dark green leaves that are great for salads and cooking. Hot weather and long days trigger spinach to bolt quickly; the secret to success with this plant is to start sowing seeds as soon as possible in the spring. Suppose you want to make small and frequent plantings, plant spinach in the late spring and summer. Moreover, concentrate on fall as the season for the main crop.



8. Cat’s Claw

Unlike some of the more popular medicinal plants on this list, you might not understand the health benefits of cat’s claw. Not the plant directly, but cat’s claw extract has many benefits for those who use it for medicinal purposes. These benefits include digestive support, help treat blood pressure, work as an anti-inflammatory, support the immune system, and help fight against certain types of cancer.

Caring for a cat’s claw is pretty straightforward. The vines on this plant tend to prefer moil and well-drained soil but will do well in anything as long as it’s not soggy. They like partial or full sun, so you’re not as limited on where to plant them in your yard or garden. This plant takes care of itself, besides the occasional watering. Just be sure to prune it up every so often to help with keeping it more manageable.



7. Moringa Trees

Moringa is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties that may effectively prevent edema from developing. The seed oil is also beneficial in protecting hair against free radicals and keeps it healthy and clean. This plant also helps protect the liver and can be used to treat and even prevent some cancers, asthma, diabetes, stomach complaints, and mood disorders. It can fight against bacterial diseases, makes bones healthier, protects the cardiovascular system, and helps wounds heal. Moringa also protects against kidney disorders, improves eye health, reduces high blood pressure, and can be used to treat anemia and sickle cell disease.

Like most other medicinal plants, you may stunt the growth if it does not receive enough light, so be sure to plant moringa trees in a bright and sunny location. This plant benefits from a light application of a general, all-purpose fertilizer to help support its growth. They can, however, survive in poor soils if needed. Keep the ground for the moringa plants consistently moist but not wet. They are sensitive to overwatering.



6. Ashwagandha

People widely believe that Ashwagandha has aphrodisiac properties, and they can use it to help improve vitality and fertility. This medicinal plant can also help boost the immune system, increase blood production, and contain anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and cardo-protective properties. You can use Ashwagandha to treat depression, stress, diabetes and stimulate the thyroid gland. Why? Because Ashwagandha has tons of antioxidants.

Ashwagandha grows best when the temperature is between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant it in a dry and sunny location. Add manure to enrich the soil if it’s poor, and remove debris and weeds before planting. This plant needs sandy and well-draining soil. It’s important to know that growing Ashwagandha in soil that retains moisture and remains waterlogged is impossible. It only needs to be watered when the plant seems thirsty, so make sure you don’t overwater it.



5. Lemongrass

Drinking lemongrass tea gives you many health benefits. People use it to aid the digestive system, improve cholesterol levels, enhance the erythropoiesis boost effect, and increase hemoglobin concentration and red blood cell count. It reduces thrust and decreases elevated blood glucose levels. You can chew it to improve dental health. This medicinal plant has diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass can help with weight loss, treats high blood pressure, cold, cough, and helps relieve anxiety and stress when inhaled.

When put in shampoo, lemongrass is also suitable for hair and dandruff and even possesses potent anti-cancer abilities that help fight cancer cell lines. Because lemongrass is a tender perennial, it will die back in colder climates. Make sure to grow it where the plant will receive direct sunlight and is in a well-draining, moist soil that’s right in organic matter. Remember, lemongrass can expand up to four feet in diameter, so keep that in mind when choosing your plant location.



4. Oregano

You probably have this herbal medicine in your cupboard or pantry right now. Oregano has more to offer everyone than just something you add to your recipe when cooking. It can treat cramping, asthma, aching muscles, indigestion, colds, diarrhea, and skin sores while boosting overall health. Some evidence proves oregano can also help relieve inflammation, regulate blood sugars and lipids, fight bacteria, and even fight cancer.

Oregano plants prefer to grow in a sunny spot but could benefit from afternoon shade. Plant them in a well-drained area filled with nutrients in the dirt. Over time, you will need to add nutrients to your plant’s soil, though. Keep reading for more medicinal plants that have health benefits. Also, learn how to grow them in your own garden so you can reap the benefits all of the time.



3. Passionflower

Passionflower not only is pretty to look at, but it has a few medicinal benefits to offer. People use it to reduce anxiety and promote sleep. This medicinal plant can help treat epilepsy, relieve menopause symptoms, and provide anti-inflammatory effects.

Do you want to grow your own passionflower? When planting passion flowers, make sure they will be in direct sun and are in well-drained soil in a warm sheltered spot. To keep the plants neat, cut them back after flowering, or cut away any damaged growth in the spring. Most varieties of passionflower need protection in the winter. Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of medicinal plants and how to grow them.



2. Rhodiola Rosea

The health benefits of Rhodiola Rosea, an herbal root, are linked to the anti-inflammatory properties it contains. That includes stress, physical and mental performance, along with depression and anxiety. People also use it to treat stress-induced eating disorders. Rhodiola Rosea, or roseroot, is a hardy perennial that is not frost tender.

This medicinal plant is not self-fertile, needing help from both male and female plants to propagate via seed, so bees and flies help pollinate the plants in nature. When choosing a spot to plant the roseroot, choose carefully. This plant does not like the shade but will grow in most soil types. It tolerates drought in some areas, as well as salty climates. Water your plant every week and a half with an inch of water at a time. If wilting starts to occur, water every 8 or 9 days instead of every week and a half.



1. Peppermint

Peppermint isn’t just candy to snack on when you want something sweet and minty. It offers many medicinal benefits as well. It can soothe upset stomachs, helps with headaches, can treat symptoms caused by IBS, and ease stuffy sinuses. Peppermint also kills germs in the mouth, relieves menstrual cramps, boosts energy, curbs appetite, fights foodborne bacteria, sharpens your focus, and calms seasonal allergies.

Peppermint is pretty easy to grow. As long as you give it enough water, it will be happy and do its thing. This medicinal plant will tolerate sandy or clay soil if you keep it sufficiently moist. Peppermint will thrive in a partly shaded area or direct sunlight, and just know that its flavor noticeably diminishes when the plant is in full shade.


20 Exercises to Drive Away Your Back Fat

According to World Population Review, about 39.7 percent of men were overweight in America in 2021. Likewise, 41.1 percent of American hit the obesity mark. That… Trista Smith - April 12, 2022

According to World Population Review, about 39.7 percent of men were overweight in America in 2021. Likewise, 41.1 percent of American hit the obesity mark. That doesn’t account for the 15 percent of American children and teens that are overweight. These figures are three times as high as they were in the 1980s. Are you one of those people who fall into this category? Whether you’re trying to improve your health or simply shed some pounds, back fat can be some of the most challenging weight to lose. It’s in a strange area that you can’t exactly see all the time, so it can be hard to judge just how well you’re doing. However, instead of fiddling around with different exercises to see what works, check out 20 exercises to get rid of back fat and lose weight.

Don’t think you have to go to a gym or hire a professional trainer, either. You can do many of these back exercises at home and with just a few simple pieces of equipment that aren’t expensive. It’s tough enough to exercise every day, so lighten the load on yourself by making it easy on your bank account. Try these simple back exercises to get the figure you want. Remember, perform these exercises with the correct form to ensure you do not injure yourself. Always consult a physician if you have other health conditions.

Postpartum Trainer, MD


20. Band Pull Aparts

This back fat exercise sounds as easy as it looks. It’s a low-impact exercise that’s a great way to start your workout before you move on to more difficult exercises and will help to melt off that back fat quickly. You should definitely start with a light band that doesn’t have a lot of resistance to get used to what it feels like and then move on to a heavier band when you think you’re ready. First, you want to grab both ends of your band and hold your arms out at chest level until the band is in front of your chest.

Keep your palms facing up towards the ceiling, and then pull the band apart without bending your elbows. Go as far as the band will allow without straining yourself until the band touches your chest. Hold this by squeezing your upper back muscles together, and then release slowly. Repeat about 12 to 15 reps in about two to three sets, or whatever feels more comfortable for you. This is just the beginning of back fat exercises. Keep reading for more at-home exercises that will help you lose weight.



19. Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swing

You can do this exercise with a dumbbell you already have or a kettlebell. It’s best to start with a light weight to avoid injury and then move up to a heavier weight as you become more experienced with the exercise. This is mostly using gravity and puts both your back and your knees to work. Also, be sure not to swing the dumbbell too hard, as you could injure the muscles in your back, and the weight could fly out of your hands, damaging other things around you.

Start your kettlebell swing by standing with your feet apart, in line with your shoulders. Hold your kettlebell or dumbbell in your hands in the resting position. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward as you move the weight between your legs in a swinging motion. Swing the weight up to chest level as you straighten your knees, then repeat ten to fifteen times. Be sure to keep your arms straight so that you don’t risk hitting yourself in the knees with the weight.

Womens Health Mag


18. Barbell Bent Over Rows

Before you even start doing any bent-over rows, you should ensure that you have the right amount of weight on the barbell. Too much weight, and you won’t have a straight back for proper posture. Improper posture will result in you getting less out of the exercise than if you have less weight on the barbell. Your back needs to be entirely straight for this exercise, so start small and increase the weight over time in small increments. The last thing you want to do is injure your back and put yourself out of commission before you’ve even started to put in the hard work.

Stand with your feet shoulder-length apart to center your balance. Bend your knees slightly and hinge forward from the hips as you bend to pick up the barbell. Keep your back straight in line with your neck. When you grab the bar, ensure that your palms are down and just a little wider than your shoulders. Tense up your core muscles, pick up the weight, and then bend your elbows to lift the weight until the bar touches your chest. Slowly lower the weight back down and repeat. Keep reading for more at-home exercises that target back fat.



17. Reverse Hip Raise with Exercise Ball

You will need an exercise ball to perform the reverse hip raise, so investing in one would be a good idea. It’s a low-impact exercise that will be easy on your hips and will help you start toning your lower back. Plus, it will help tone your arms a little since you’re putting your weight on them while exercising. You’re going to start this exercise by lying on your belly on the exercise ball. The feet should be on the ground (just your toes), and your hands should be on the ground to support your weight.

Your palms should be flat and set shoulder-length apart to maintain your balance. Squeeze your glute muscles together and focus on your core balancing on the ball as you press your legs together and raise them off the floor. Ensure that the ball remains stable while you move to eliminate the chances of you falling over. Hold this pose for several seconds, and lower your legs to the ground. Repeat several times, increase the length of time you hold your legs in the air.

Mens Corner


16. Rotational Ball Slam

Medicine balls are great for providing you with some weight lifting without relying on dumbbells. It is a weighted ball that is shoulder-width in diameter used most often in strength training and physical therapy. They come in various weights to start small and work your way up to a heavier ball in due time. Rotational ball slams are not low-impact exercises, and you should only do them after completing a proper amount of stretching.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, as you’ll need some stability to perform this exercise properly. Hold the medicine ball with your knees slightly bent and rotate to lift the ball in an arc to the right side of your body. Slam the ball to the ground when it is over your head. Then pick up the ball and repeat, arcing the ball to the left side of your body this time. Repeat a few more times, alternating sides so that you can fully stretch all of the muscles in your back.



15. Resistance Band Rowing

If you want to get some rowing in without buying an entire rowing machine, you should consider resistance bands. They’re a great, flexible tool that can help you accomplish all of your exercise needs, and they don’t take up a lot of space. For resistance band rowing, look for one that has handles attached, as you’re going to need a firm grip on them to accomplish this exercise properly. The great thing about this exercise is that you can do it anywhere.

Sit on the ground with your back straight and your legs straight out in front of you. Wrap the resistance band behind your feet and hold the handles, one in each hand. Then pull the ends like you’re rowing. It would be helpful to wrap the resistance band around one of your feet to prevent it from slipping free and slapping you in the face. Do about ten to twenty minutes of rowing at various intensities to give all of your back muscles the perfect workout.


14. Triangle Pose

If you’re looking to keep your back muscles flexible but aren’t interested in making them look muscular, you may want to give the triangle yoga pose a try. This yoga pose will strengthen and stretch several parts of your body. Yoga is a great way to limber up your body before you’re ready to start working out and is also a great way to cool down after an intensive exercise routine. Yoga puts you in tune with how the various parts of your body work together to be more mindful throughout your exercise routine.

Stand with your legs wide apart but not too wide that you lose your balance. Point your right foot at a 90-degree angle to your leg foot. Bring your arms out to shoulder height and then lean to the right over your right foot. Focus your gaze on your left hand as it points towards the ceiling, maintaining your balance the whole time. Keep your arms straight so that a line is formed between the middle fingers of your right and left hands. Hold this pose for a few seconds and then switch sides.


13. Bridge Exercises

Have you ever tried this back fat exercise? The bridge pose is a back-bending yoga pose that is one of the first poses that new students learn. It’s a great pose to test the flexibility and strength of your back. This back exercise also extends the legs and hips and opens the heart and lungs to increase circulation. You can do this back exercise as a resting pose and as a strengthener for the muscles in your back, giving it some versatility in your exercise regimen. It targets the core as well, increasing your center of balance and making you more aware of the positioning of your limbs.

Lie on your back with your arms relaxed and your knees bent. Keep your feet together but slightly apart to afford you some balance. Press down firmly with your feet and raise your hips into the air, inhaling as you do so until your pubic bone and back are off the floor. It will take some practice, but your goal is to lift your torso onto the backs of your shoulders are much as possible. Clasp your hands under your back on the floor to add extra balance. Hold this pose for a short while and then lower back to the ground as you exhale.



12. Superman

Many people only focus on the middle and upper muscles in their back because that’s what they see the most in the mirror. However, the lower back is also essential, so you should take care of it. Doing a dynamic back extension exercise at least three times a week can significantly increase muscle strength and spinal extension for an increased range of motion. The Superman pose is one way to get that spinal extension without resorting to an inversion table.

To start the Superman pose, lie face down on the ground with your arms straightened on the ground out in front of you. Then, tighten your core and raise your arms and legs off the floor simultaneously without lifting your head. Pause and hold this pose for a second or two, and then relax back to the ground as you exhale. Repeat this several times to work out the muscles in your back fully. This exercise also tones the abdomen since you’re also engaging your core.

You Beauty


11. Upper Body Cycle

Here is one back fat exercise that does require some equipment. The upper body cycle does involve using a stationary bike, so don’t feel like you have to add this one to your repertoire if you don’t have access to one. Nevertheless, the results from this exercise are absolutely amazing. If you do have an ordinary bike, you may be able to get a stationary stand for it to get your workout in when the weather isn’t so great outside.

Instead of sitting and peddling on a stationary bike, try standing. By taking your weight off your rear end, you’re putting your back and triceps to good use, trying to keep your balance while you ride. If you want an even stronger burn, try peddling backward since you’ll be forcing your body to go into overtime trying to keep up upright. Keep reading for the top ten back exercises to help you lose back fat. Plus, how to do them correctly to avoid hurting yourself.



10. Hip Twister Plank

The hip twister plank is an exercise that can put your back and abs to work. It starts with a plank, but there’s an extra twist involved that engages your core since it forces you to focus on your balance. It’s great at toning your entire body, including glutes, quads, shoulders, abdominals, and back. Please don’t overdo it with this exercise and take your time; you don’t have to do them quickly to prove a point. Taking it slow will provide you with a much better workout.

Begin in the forearm plank position: prop yourself up on the ground on your elbows and the balls of your feet, with your hands clasped together. Drop your right hip to the ground and rotate your torso simultaneously. You should keep your shoulders above your elbows, so don’t dip yourself too low. Return to the starting position and then turn the other way, dropping your other hip towards the ground. Do at least 15 to 20 repetitions once per day until you feel as if you’re ready to take on more.


9. Jump Rope

Jump rope is one of those cardio exercises that is great for all parts of your body. It strengthens your heart and muscles, it’s straightforward to do, can be done anywhere, and you don’t need expensive equipment to get the job done. It puts all of your muscles to good use, including your core and your major muscle groups. Furthermore, because it’s so easy to do, you can tailor the intensity of the workout to continue challenging yourself. If you have problems with your feet or ankles, you may want to exercise caution or skip out on this one altogether.

So, how easy is it to jump rope? Even children in middle school know what to do. Just get a jump rope, hold the handles and skip or jump over it as you spin it around yourself. You can go faster and try to increase the number of spins you get per jump or go at your own pace. You can use it as a warmup exercise before getting into the more challenging parts of your workout. Keep reading to learn more about the best back exercises to lose back fat.

Legion Athletics


8. Back Squat

The back squat requires a barbell with weights, so you may have to invest in one or consider going to the gym more often. The back squat is also a very effective leg exercise, as it is mostly involved with resisting gravity. Start with lightweights since you don’t want to risk injuring your back or blowing out your knees. Then when you’ve become more comfortable with the weight, you can move on to something heavier to up your game and keep that back fat off.

Position the barbell on the rack at about the height of your breast bone. Step under the bar and rest the bar directly across your back, where the bottoms of your shoulder blades are. Lift the barbell off the rack and step away from it. That way, all of its weight is on your back. Stand with your feet wider than the width of your shoulders for added balance, and point your toes forward. Squat with your back straight and your knees pointed in the same directions as your toes. Then slowly return to a standing position. Repeat a few more times, as many as you’re comfortable with.


7. Side Plank to Forearm Plank

Sure, planks are good at working your core, but the side plank to forearm plank does even better at getting rid of back fat. Because you’re resting your weight on one arm, your core must work overtime to compensate and maintain your balance. It’s an added challenge that steps up the game when you’re looking to get rid of back fat and help your body burn more calories without going on mile-long runs.

Start in the plank position, on your forearms and the balls of your toes, facing the ground. Slowly move to a side plank on the left forearm and turn your body to extend your right arm up to the ceiling. Your weight should be shifted to the side of your supporting feet and then returned to the planking position. Alternate sides, exercising caution to maintain your balance so that you don’t risk falling over. You should keep most of your weight on your arms and not let it sag into the rest of your joints.

Transform Fit


6. Push-Ups

Everyone knows what a push-up is by now, and for good reason. It’s one of the easiest exercises you can do without additional gym equipment. Most people think of it as a chest exercise, but it’s great at toning your back and getting rid of back fat. It can increase lumbar stability and engage your spinal erectors for increased strength. This back exercise will pay off in the future by minimizing or even preventing back pain because it forces you to have better posture. By helping you get rid of back fat, you’re also putting less burden on your back, reducing back pains in the future.

To do a push-up, lie on the ground face down with your hands on the ground, a little wider than shoulder-width. You also want to rest your weight on the balls of your feet, which should be hip-width apart. Raise your hips, thighs, and chest off the floor, supporting your weight on just your hands and toes. Exhale as you straighten your arms, hold it for a few seconds, and then lower yourself to the ground as you inhale. Repeat about ten more times or as many times as you are capable.



5. Pilates Mat Swimming

Pilates mat swimming starts similarly to the Superman pose but engages more of your muscles. It’s a low-impact exercise that can strengthen your core and tone your legs and back in the process. It’s also an excellent back exercise for increasing your mobility and stability since it also strengthens your core. Remember to breathe correctly as you exercise: breathe in slowly and exhale slowly during the exercise so that you don’t get too winded in the process.

Start by lying down on the mat on your stomach. It would help if you stretched your arms in front of you, similar to the Superman pose. Then engage your core and lift both your arms and legs off the mat. Elevate your right arm and left leg, then alternate to your left arm and right leg, like you’re swimming. Repeat this several times, at least 8 to 16 times in each set. You can increase the speed once you get used to the intricacies of the exercise to strengthen your back muscles.



4. Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows

Bent-over dumbbell rows involve stabilizing the middle line of your body, which prevents injuries to your back and other major muscle groups, including your arms and shoulders. It’s a much easier exercise on your shoulders than pull-ups but still provides you with a lot of bang for your buck. This is because this exercise increases the number of muscle fibers in your back and lats, making it a perfect activity for those trying to work through an injury without causing further damage.

To start this exercise, grab a dumbbell in each hand and hinge at the waist to bend your upper body at a 45-degree angle. It would be best if you started with five-pound weights. Knees should be kept slightly bent to provide you with some stability. Hang your arms in front of you, perpendicular to the ground. Keeping your head and back straight, bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells to your sides. Make sure you keep your elbows close to your body. Lower your arms as you exhale. Then repeat this back fat exercise.



3. Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are a high-intensity workout because it places all of your weight on your back and shoulders to do all the work against gravity. Don’t feel bad if you can’t do more than five pull-ups your first time; it’s an exercise that requires a lot of training before you can get into the pattern of doing several in a row. It’s one of the best exercises to sculpt that perfect back and get rid of that back fat that adds unnecessary weight to your structure. The difficulty of pull-ups can be changed by how close or wide apart your grip is on the bar, which forces you to work out the other muscles of your back.

Stand directly below a pull-up bar and place your hands on the grip. Your palms should be facing away from your body and be a little more than a shoulder-width apart. Lift your feet to hang from the bar and engage your core by pulling your belly button in against your spine. Bend your elbows and raise your body until your chin is over the bar, inhaling slowly while you do so. Then lower yourself back down and repeat a few more times.

Legion Athletics


2. Deadlifts

The deadlift is a problematic exercise that beginners should not attempt with heavy weights. Start with the lightest weights possible, as the deadlift has a high increase of causing injury to yourself instead of just losing back fat. The importance of the deadlift is to first learn proper form so that you’re not causing harm to your muscles. Load up your barbell with weights that are not too heavy, and then stand in front of it with your feet at least six inches apart. Grab the bar with both palms facing down, just outside the width of your shins, into a half-squat position. Breathe in, brace your abs, and ensure that your back is flat.

Squeeze the bar as hard as you can and pull it straight up. Think about driving the rest of your body down as you pull up while keeping your elbows locked in place. Your hips and shoulders should rise simultaneously; don’t use your back as a lever to lift the weight. Keep going until you’re standing. Then reverse the movement to return the barbell to the floor, keeping your core tight along the way to avoid risking injury. Return to the half-squat position and repeat a few more times.

Transform Fit


1. Renegade Rows

Renegade rows will work out both your back and your abdominals simultaneously. If this doesn’t help you melt away all of that pesky back fat, you might have to look at even more intense workouts. You will need a set of dumbbells for this exercise, so look for a cheap, relatively light pair to start with. Renegade rows use all of the benefits of a plank to strengthen your core and add the upper body component of “rowing” to get your shoulders, triceps, and biceps to go to work.

Start in a push-up position, resting your weight on the balls of your feet and your dumbbells. Make sure your feet are wider apart to provide you with increased stability. To increase the difficulty, bring the feet closer together. Tighten up your entire body and, with your left hand braced against the ground, lift the weight in your right hand up to your rib cage/waist area. Lower the weight in a controlled fashion and repeat on the other side. You should only perform renegade rows on a flat surface that will not cause slipping. Refrain from twisting your hips when you lift the weights, which can put unnecessary pressure on your back muscles. We hope these 20 at-home exercises can help you lost back fat and get the figure you want.
