Do you have sleep apnea? It can take a toll on your overall health, including becoming a risk factor for developing other severe medical conditions. Moreover, for many Americans, letting this serious medical condition go untreated for too long can have harmful, lasting consequences. The following article will not only to educate you about what obstructive sleep apnea is. This content will also identify signs and symptoms, what can be done to treat this condition, and ways to help prevent it. Read on to learn more about what you can do if you have to deal with this medical condition and what you can do to help decrease your chances of developing it.
For many years now, so much information has been readily available about living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding dealing with significant health concerns. One of the most challenging health issues that can occur is experiencing a stroke. This is a health issue where experiencing one can be reduced if specific lifestyle changes are made. However, there is still one significant risk factor that many do not even think of. That’s your sleep. There are several key things to consider regarding your sleep patterns that can help you identify whether or not you might be at risk for developing something called sleep apnea. Read on to learn more about what sleep apnea is, the dangers of experiencing it, and what you can do to help treat it as well as prevent it from happening to you.

25. What Is Sleep Apnea?
The potentially detrimental and dangerous medical condition known as sleep apnea is much more common than you think. Sleep apnea can be hard to detect and diagnose is a deciding factor in how many people are not aware that this issue even exists. Nonetheless, sleep apnea is a dangerous health issue. It can occur when your regular nighttime breathing pattern is disrupted during sleep. You stop breathing for a while, sometimes up to thirty seconds, because your throat muscles relax. When this relaxation of the throat muscles occurs, your airway narrows and, in turn, reduces the amount of oxygen that is present in your blood. Your brain then receives this action as a signal that you are having trouble breathing. You wake up to take another breath and begin a regular breathing pattern again.
The practice of falling asleep, having your throat muscles relax to the point of not breathing. Then your brain waking you to continue breathing can become disruptive to your nighttime sleep. It causes harmful consequences to your brain and body. If this pattern of abnormal sleep continues to go untreated, some other serious risk factors come into play as far as you are more likely to experience and have to deal with. The study of sleep apnea includes its possible causes, symptoms, and complications. Researchers and doctors established a connection between experiencing this abnormal breathing pattern and an increased risk of stroke. That is a scary idea to think about. You might be increasing your risk of experiencing a stroke by letting this disruptive sleep pattern continue untreated.