
Don’t Forget to Get Plenty of Sunlight to Improve Health

21. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), also known as epidermoid carcinomas, comprise a number of different types of cancer that result from squamous cells.… Rina - April 20, 2020

Some important effects of natural sunlight on your body. Natural lighting helps people be more productive, happier, healthier, and calmer. Natural light has also proven to regulate some disorders including SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Exposure to sunlight is the primary method in which people receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D. When natural sunlight hits the skin it triggers the body’s production of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also known as “the sunshine vitamin.” It is a crucial ingredient for overall health. The Kansas Medical Center says “if the exposure to sunlight is moderate, the benefits outnumber the dangers. First of all, sunshine has a good effect on mental health and well-being, both due to the visible light and to the warming effect”.

It protects against inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, helps muscles, improves brain function and may even protect against cancer. It has been proven that sunshine stimulates your immune systems’ vitamin D and T cells which results in boosted immunity. According to the World Health Organization, sun exposure can treat several skin conditions for the right person. Doctors have recommended UV radiation exposure to treat psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, and acne. While light therapy isn’t for everyone, a dermatologist can recommend if light treatments will benefit your skin concerns. The sunlight gives both health benefits and implies dangers. Read more to learn about how to get the most benefits and avoid the dangers from the sunlight.

Spring flowers in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a vitamin involved in maintaining healthy bone strength. One way you can get this sun vitamin is exposure to the ultraviolet light from the sun. You really don’t need that much time in the sun to reap the benefits. Doctors recommend just 15 minutes of sun exposure to provide all the Vitamin D that you need. Research has shown that “The spring sunshine might be even better for men, as a second vitamin D study suggests it decreases their risk of developing kidney cancer.” We rely on solar energy to enable our bodies to stave off infections and fight disease. Studies have shown that vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the population worldwide. An estimated 1 billion people worldwide, across all ethnicities and age groups, have a vitamin D deficiency (VDD).

Vitamin D reduces the risk of many forms of cancer and increases survival rates once cancer reaches a detectable stage. Vitamin D has some important functions in the body. It promotes reduced inflammation and modulates cell growth. It’s also very hard to get enough from food sources alone. The sun is the best natural source of Vitamin D, and it only takes 5-15 minutes of sunlight a few times a week to notice a difference. Get outside and expose yourself to direct sun on your arms and face to soak up this necessary vitamin. Just remember to use sunscreen if you’ll be outside for more than 15 minutes.

A busy city street. Shutterstock.

2. Diabetes

Unfortunately, diabetes has been increasing among individuals over the years. Vitamin D deficiency may put people at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a new study now published in the journal PLOS ONE. According to Larkin Hospital, vitamin D plays a huge roll in the production of insulin and studies have shown a positive association between insulin resistance and vitamin D deficiency.

They explain, “many studies supplementing vitamin D to subjects at risk of diabetes have shown significant improvements in fasting glucose levels, insulin production, insulin resistance, and A1c control (a marker of long term blood glucose levels).” Preliminary studies suggest that vitamin D supplements may actually improve blood sugar and insulin levels in diabetics, especially those who are vitamin D deficient.

Flowers in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

3. Low Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is extremely dangerous, it’s important to educate yourself on ways to lower your blood pressure. One of which includes, exposure to sunlight. Research has shown that nitric oxide stored at the top layer of the skin reacts to sunlight which causes blood vessels to widen as the oxide moves into the bloodstream. This results in lower blood pressure.

When sunlight hits your skin, your body releases something called nitric oxide into your blood. This compound brings down blood pressure and improves heart health. Maintaining healthy blood pressure can reduce your risks of cardiac disease and stroke. Feelings of relaxation may also naturally bring down blood pressure, so boosting your happiness by soaking up rays also aids in keeping your pressure down.

Sitting in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

4. Heart Health

Many studies have suggested that a lack of sunlight is linked to cardiovascular disease. In 2013, scientists in Denmark found that sunlight may actually protect the heart. When they analyzed more than 4 million medical records, they discovered that people who’d been diagnosed with skin cancer were actually less likely to have had a heart attack (or to have died from any cause) over the course of the study.

“As skin cancer is a marker of substantial sun exposure, these results indirectly suggest that sun exposure might have beneficial effects on health,” the study authors wrote. However, they caution that this does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship, and that sunlight’s effects on heart health should be studied more directly.

waking up to the sunlight. Shutterstock.

4. Light and Sleep

A good night’s sleep is a great way to reduce stress and allow your body to let go of the hardships from the day. Morning sunlight exposure is linked to better sleep and health. Getting less morning light could make it more difficult for you to fall asleep and wake up at your preferred time. With more sunlight in the summer, you are likely to feel more awake. The serotonin that you soak up from the sun’s rays does more than just boost your mood. It can also help you get a more restful nights sleep. Working in tandem with serotonin is melatonin, a chemical in your brain that lulls you into slumber and one that sun also helps your body produce.

If you are suffering from insomnia, try to stick to traditionally light and dark cycles, getting sunlight during the day so you can catch some zzz’s at night. Sunlight exposure impacts how much melatonin your brain produces, which is what tells your brain when it is time to sleep. When it gets dark, you start producing melatonin so you are ready to sleep in about two hours. Bright light in the morning also allows your melatonin production to occur sooner and more easily in the evening, encouraging deeper sleep at an earlier time.

lunch outside in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

5. Sunlight and your appetite

According to, lack of sunlight can result in depression which can affect your appetite. They also explain how hunger is controlled by a part of your brain called the hypothalamus. It works with serotonin and helps relieve hunger. Lack of sunlight causes a drop in serotonin levels, which can result in the feeling of fullness not being achieved.

Meaning that exposure to sunlight will help you control your appetite. Sunlight also increases your activity level. As the weather gets warmer there are more outdoor activities to participate in. Research has shown that Alzheimer’s patients exposed to bright light encountered fewer symptoms of depression, agitation, and nighttime wakefulness.

looking up into the sunlight. Shutterstock.

6. Your Bones and Skin

As we know, vitamin D nourishes our bodies. What many of us don’t know it that vitamin D actually helps our body better absorb calcium. This results in strong, healthy bones. Sunshine may actually be able to fight skin diseases by attracting immune cells to the skin surface. UV radiation exposure has been proven to treat eczema, acne, and psoriasis. Remember how we mentioned Vitamin D does some pretty important stuff for your body?

Low Vitamin D has been linked to diseases like osteoporosis and rickets, and one of the most specific benefits of Vitamin D is earning stronger bones and teeth. Move over, calcium! How much Vitamin D do you need? For adults, a daily intake of 4,000 international units (IUs) is recommended. While calcium intake is also crucial for bone health, getting enough sun helps your body absorb the calcium.

looking out into the sunlight. Shutterstock.

7. Your Eyes

As you age, vitamin D can help your eyes stay healthy and strong. People with early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are associated with lower levels of vitamin D in their blood. Among older Americans, AMD is the leading cause of vision loss, with more than 25 million people worldwide suffering from it.

Sunlight causes special areas in the retina, which trigger the release of serotonin. Contrary to what many people believe, sunlight is not the enemy to our eyes. Vitamin D has been linked to improved vision and eye aging. According to research, “the effect that the rays of the sun have not only a benefit but a curative effect upon the eyes.”

missing pieces of a puzzle. Shutterstock.

8. Your Brain

Exposure to sunlight has been linked to increased levels of a natural antidepressant in the brain. The brain produces more serotonin on sunny days than darker days. Therefore, individuals experiencing depression may feel fewer symptoms if they spend time in the sun. An important effect of sunlight in the early morning is the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that, in moderately high levels, improves your mood and encourages a calm, focused mind.

If serotonin levels drop, and melatonin levels are proportionately too high, feelings of tiredness, grogginess, and irritability are common and will only aggravate any feelings of stress you may be experiencing. Sunlight directly affects the brain’s pineal gland. It’s the gland that produces melatonin; a powerful antioxidant that is important for sleep quality and helps prevent depression. So get outside so you can get a good night’s sleep; it’s important for proper brain function.

Happily watering the garden. Shutterstock.

9. Enhances Your Mood

It turns out “sunny disposition” is more than just an expression: Researchers at BYU found more mental health distress in people during seasons with little sun exposure. On the contrary, days with plenty of sunshine were associated with better mental health. In fact, the availability of sunshine has more impact on mood than rainfall, temperature, or any other environmental factor.

Getting some sun increases your serotonin and helps you stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and sun exposure can also help people with anxiety and depression, especially in combination with other treatments. Dr. Bligard says there are many benefits from sunlight, including that it is a free mood enhancer. Being in the sun can make people feel better and have more energy. Sunlight increases the levels of serotonin in the brain, which is associated with improved mood. Not surprisingly, serotonin levels are highest in the summer.

Phototherapy tricks your body that you’re receiving sunlight. Shutterstock.

10. Seasonal Affective Disorder

In certain people, the lack of sunlight in the winter seems to trigger depression. Symptoms include bad moods, difficulty making and keeping friends, overeating, tiredness, and sleeping too much. Seasonal depression, formerly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, is rare in the warmer months. Seasonal Affective Disorder is believed to be linked to a lack of sunlight. It is a form of depression that is roused by changing seasons. According to Healthline, “without enough sunlight exposure, a person’s serotonin levels can dip low.”

“Low levels of serotonin are associated with a higher risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).” According to the Mayo Clinic, decreased sun exposure has been associated with a drop in serotonin that can lead to SAD. You’re more likely to experience SAD in the winter when the days are shorter and the nights are longer. One of the treatments for SAD is light therapy, which is also known as phototherapy. A doctor can recommend a special light box designed to stimulate the brain to make serotonin and reduce excess melatonin production.

a deep breath. Shutterstock.

11. Relieves Stress

Everyone experiences stress for various factors, such as family, work and health issues. Stress can be relieved in a variety of ways, including exercise, having relaxing hobbies, walking the dog or getting out in the fresh air for a little sun exposure. As we have previously discussed, too much stress can be incredibly harmful to your physical, mental and emotional health. Not only should you work to reduce stress through organizing your work life, but catching some rays will benefit you, as well.

Sunlight gives you healthier skin, and it also encourages your brain to release chemicals that help you feel better and reduce stress. Another important effect of sunlight in the early morning is the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that, in moderately high levels, improves your mood and encourages a calm, focused mind. If serotonin levels drop, and melatonin levels are proportionately too high, feelings of tiredness, grogginess, and irritability are common and will only aggravate any feelings of stress you may be experiencing.

Sunlight causes plants to grow. Shutterstock.

12. Air Quality

If you’re like most people, you spend about 90% of your days indoors. On the coldest days of winter or hottest days of summer, it can be even more. So what happens when we spend so many hours inside? We get less fresh air (and indoor air quality is typically 2-5 times more polluted than outdoors). We get less time in nature (which has been shown to have a multitude of benefits for health and well-being). And, we get less time basking in the rays of the sun.

Over the past couple of decades, the main public health message regarding sunshine has been focused on ensuring people don’t spend too much time in the sun in order to reduce the risk of skin cancer. However, an increasing body of evidence shows a litany of negative health effects when we don’t get enough. That’s exactly why sustainable home design (which focuses as much on the health of inhabitants as it does on the health of the planet) includes maximizing natural lighting. But that’s not the only benefit of inviting in some sunshine.

The harmful effects of the sun. Shutterstock.

13. Harmful Effects of the sun

The sun radiates light to the earth, and part of that light consists of invisible UV rays. When these rays reach the skin, they cause tanning, burning, and other skin damage. UVA rays cause skin aging and wrinkling and contribute to skin cancer, such as melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer). When UV rays enter skin cells, they upset delicate processes that affect the skin’s growth and appearance. Over time, exposure to these rays can make the skin less elastic. Sun exposure causes most of the skin changes that we think of as a normal part of aging.

Over time, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light damages the fibers in the skin called elastin. When these fibers break down, the skin begins to sag, stretch, and lose its ability to go back into place after stretching. The main risk factor for sunburn, premature skin aging, skin damage, and skin cancer is exposure to UV light from the sun. More than 90 percent of skin cancers are caused by sun exposure. Using tanning beds and tanning lamps also increases the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.


The bright sun. Shutterstock.

14. Sun Damage to the Eyes

The UV rays of the sun don’t just damage your skin. Ultraviolet keratitis is a generally temporary condition that can result from staring at the sun too long, causing a variety of eye issues. Long-term, unprotected exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun can damage the retina. The retina is the back of the eye, where the rods and cones make visual images, which are then sent to the visual centers in the brain.

Damage from exposure to sunlight can also cause the development of cloudy bumps along the edge of the cornea, which can then grow over the cornea and prevent clear vision. UV light is also a factor in the development of cataracts. Fortunately, the damage done by the sun burning your eyes typically isn’t permanent. Much like burns on your skin, it should heal itself in a few days. The risk of permanent damage is low if exposure to UV rays was limited to the front part of the eye, the cornea.

Dehydration and headache. Shutterstock.

15. Heat Exhaustion

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heat exhaustion is the body’s response to excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating. People working in a hot environment are at risk of heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating. It’s one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe. If heat exhaustion is left untreated, it can lead to heatstroke.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Irritability
  • Thirst
  • Heavy sweating
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Decreased urine output
The harmful effects of the sun

16. Heat Stroke

A heatstroke is a form of hyperthermia in which the body temperature is elevated dramatically. It is a medical emergency and can be fatal if not promptly and properly treated. The cause of heatstroke is an elevation in body temperature, often accompanied by dehydration. Heatstroke is the most serious heat-related illness and can be life-threatening. According to the CDC, heatstroke causes the body’s temperature to rise quickly and can reach up to 106 degrees Fahrenheit within 10 to 15 minutes. Heatstroke requires immediate medical attention because if it is left untreated, it can cause death or permanent disability.

If you notice heat stroke, call 911 immediately. Symptoms of heatstroke include:

  • Confusion, altered mental status, slurred speech
  • Loss of consciousness (coma)
  • Hot, dry skin or profuse sweating
  • Seizures
Sunburn. Shutterstock.

17. Sunburn

Sunburns widely recognized as one of the most common negative effects of too much sun exposure. The maximum symptoms of sunburn do not usually appear until about four or five hours after the sun exposure occurs. Ultraviolet light is the cause of sunburn, which may come from the sun or even tanning beds.

General symptoms of sunburn include:

  • Redness
  • Pain/tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Blisters
  • Flu-like symptoms, such as nausea, fever, chills or headache

If you notice a sunburn fever, it’s time to seek attention from a medical professional. Besides a fever, severe burns also involve significant pain and extensive fluid-filled blisters. Mild sunburn will continue for approximately 3 days. Moderate sunburn lasts for around 5 days and is often followed by peeling skin. Severe sunburn can last for more than a week, and the affected person may need to seek medical advice.

Heat rash. Shutterstock.

18. Heat Rash

A heat rash is a skin rash that occurs when sweat ducts trap perspiration under the skin. Heat rash often takes place during hot, humid weather and, according to the CDC, often looks like red clusters of pimples or small blisters. Heat rash develops in skin folds, elbow creases, the groin or on the neck and upper chest. A heat rash can be treated by staying in a cool environment to prevent sweating and by keeping the affected area of skin dry. To help relieve the symptoms of heat rash, the CDC suggests using powder to increase comfort.

However, it is not advised to use ointment or creams. Bathe or shower in cool water with nondrying soap, then let your skin air-dry instead of toweling off. Use calamine lotion or cool compresses to calm itchy, irritated skin. Avoid using creams and ointments that contain petroleum or mineral oil, which can block pores further. They go away by themselves. If your heat rash doesn’t go away after 3 or 4 days, or if it seems to be getting worse, call your doctor.

man walking towards the sun. Shutterstock.

19. Skin Cancer

The worst consequence of long-term exposure to the sun is the development of skin cancer. Too much UV radiation from the sun or sunbeds can damage the genetic material (the DNA) in your skin cells. If enough DNA damage builds up over time, it can cause cells to start growing out of control, which can lead to skin cancer. Because the sun damage to the skin develops over the years, the older you are, the greater the risk of developing skin cancer.

After years of exposure to the sunlight, providers look for three common types of skin cancer (in order of how often they occur): basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Cumulative sun exposure causes mainly basal cell and squamous cell skin cancer, while episodes of severe sunburns, usually before age 18, can raise the risk of developing melanoma.

Enjoying the sunlight. Shutterstock.

20. Basal Cell Carcinoma

This type of skin cancer almost always occurs on sun-damaged skin and is usually pink, shiny and raised. Doctors have noted that basal cell carcinoma is especially common in the beard area of men where they use a razor and take the top off cancer.

Although BCC doesn’t generally spread, it does get bigger and deeper over time and can become a problem if ignored. Basal cell carcinoma is a very slow-growing type of non-melanoma skin cancer. This type of skin cancer needs to be treated and has a high cure rate. If left untreated, basal cell carcinomas can become quite large, cause disfigurement, and in rare cases, spread to other parts of the body and cause death.

reading the paper in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

21. Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), also known as epidermoid carcinomas, comprise a number of different types of cancer that result from squamous cells. These cells form on the surface of the skin, on the lining of hollow organs in the body, and on the lining of the respiratory and digestive tracts.

In a small number of cases, SCC can spread to the lymph nodes and rarely to other organs. These can vary in severity and may require special surgical treatments, such as Mohs Surgery, for removal, if they are large or in difficult-to-treat areas. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is usually not life-threatening, though it can be aggressive. Untreated, squamous cell carcinoma of the skin can grow large or spread to other parts of your body, causing serious complications.

biking in the sunshine. Shutterstock.

22. Malignant Melanoma

Melanoma is the least common of these skin cancers, but it is increasing every year, especially in young women between the ages of 18 and 29 because of the high rate of tanning bed use in this population. Melanoma is very dangerous and can occur in any place where there are pigment-producing cells, include the entire skin, moles, birthmarks and the eye. It does not have to be in direct sun-exposed areas, but sun exposure increases the risk.

It can spread to lymph nodes and beyond to other organs, including the brain, lungs, and liver. Melanoma is much more common in families with a history of abnormal moles or malignant melanoma. Those who have had melanoma have a significant risk of developing other melanomas, so doctors recommend regular skin checks.

Tanning bed. Pixels.

23. Why are Tanning Beds More Harmful Than the Sun?

A common misconception, promoted by the tanning bed industry, is that tanning beds are safer to use for tanning than direct sun exposure. Many teens will tan before prom to look good in their dress clothes, but many doctors say, they aren’t doing themselves any favors. Tanning beds put out UVA light that is much more intense than what you receive outdoors because it does not work as efficiently as UVB light.

UVA goes significantly deeper into the skin than UVB and not only causes skin cancer, but it causes more leathery wrinkled skin. In the United States, research shows more than 400,000 cases of skin cancer each year are attributed to indoor tanning. Studies have shown the risk of malignant melanoma is much higher in people who use tanning beds.

a family walking in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

24. Wrinkles and Aging

One of the main environmental factors that ages our skin is ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. In fact, it’s estimated that 90% of skin aging is due to the effects of the sun! The sun causes proteins in our skin to deteriorate, leading to the loss of our youthful appearance over time. We associate wrinkles with aging, but sun exposure is a significant factor in their development and how early they appear. UV light damages collagen and elastic tissue in the skin, so it becomes fragile and does not spring back into shape, causing sagging.

The ultraviolet rays from the sun penetrate into the skin. There, they damage the elastic fibers that keep skin firm, allowing wrinkles to develop. Sunlight is also responsible for age spots or “liver spots” on the hands, face, and other sun-exposed areas. The only factor worse than UV light exposure for aging and wrinkling is cigarette smoking, which causes the skin to become yellowish and thick with deep wrinkles. Some people will also get white cysts and blackheads on the cheekbones from sun exposure and smoking. UV light exposure also causes white and dark spots on the skin, as it damages the surface cells.


a sunhat on a pleasant day. Shutterstock.

25. Protection from the Sun

Much of the damage to our skin caused by sun exposure can be prevented. If you are going to be outside for long periods, sit under a cover of a building, an umbrella or a tree that has dense shade underneath. The Kansa Medical Center says “The best way to get just enough sun exposure to get the benefits, but not so much to suffer the harms caused by sun rays, is just to expose your skin for the sun some time, and then cover the skin by clothes”.

Sun protection tips include:

  • Avoid the sun during peak hours of 10 am – 2 pm.
  • Seek shade.
  • Wear clothing with UPF protection (ultraviolet protection factor) UPF 50+ helps block 98% of UVA/UVB rays.
  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Always apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before going outdoors, even on a cloudy day
A family sitting in the sunlight. Shutterstock.

26. In summary

While too much of the sun’s warm rays can be harmful to your skin, the right balance can have many benefits. When natural sunlight hits the skin it triggers the body’s production of vitamin D. It protects against inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, helps muscles, improves brain function and may even protect against cancer. Another important effect of sunlight in the early morning is the production of serotonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that, in moderately high levels, improves your mood and encourages a calm, focused mind. If serotonin levels drop, and melatonin levels are proportionately too high, feelings of tiredness, grogginess, and irritability are common and will only aggravate any feelings of stress you may be experiencing. Research has proven that natural lighting helps people be more productive, happier, healthier and calmer. Just be sure to use caution when enjoying the sun.

Where did we find this stuff? Here are our sources:

