
Grandma and Grandpa’s Odd Home Remedies and Why They Work

18. Cold remedy What is it? A virus causes a cold. The most common virus that causes a cold is caused the rhinovirus. A cold’s symptoms… Simi - December 21, 2018

These days, people run to the doctor or pharmacy for the minor ailments. There is a perception that medication is needed to treat just about any condition. Is that true? If you ask your grandparents, they’d tell you that you’re wasting your money. Why? Because there are home remedies, you can use that work far better than any medication. Our grandparents grew up and lived in different times to our own. In their day, more than half the medicines we have access to today hadn’t yet been invented.

This meant that people needed to be innovative when it came to treating ailments. They had to rely on the things they had around them to help. What’s more, their remedies indeed work. If you try them out, you’ll find that they can do what they promise. Take the time to sit your grandma or grandpa down and pick their brains about any other home remedies they might know. Keep a note of them in a book so that you develop your book of home remedies to pass onto your kids. You never know when they could come in handy.

Here are some home remedies to start your collection:

30. Bad breath remedy

What is it?

The correct term for bad breath is halitosis. Several factors can cause halitosis. Tobacco from smoking is one. Others include poor dental hygiene, dry mouth, or infections in the mouth, gums, nose, or throat. Decaying teeth can also cause bad breath. Certain foods can cause halitosis as they break down around the teeth. Some medications may also cause a person to have bad breath.

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What’s the remedy?

Chewing celery can eliminate bad breath. While it might not address the causes of halitosis, it can provide relief from its effects. Getting to the root of your bad breath problem is essential.

Why does it work?

While gum can provide relief from bad breath, celery is a whole lot more useful. Celery is very fibrous. Chewing it increases saliva production in the mouth. More saliva helps to remove food particles that are causing tooth decay and bad breath.

29. Earache remedy

What is it?

An earache is pain inside the ear. There are different reasons you can get an earache. Blockage of the ear by earwax can cause pain in the ear. Swimmer’s ear is an outer ear infection. Viruses and bacteria cause a middle ear infection.

What’s the remedy?

For immediate relief from an earache, use lemon juice. Put a few drops of lemon juice on a Q-tip and rub it inside the ear. Alternatively, put some lemon juice in a dropper and put a few drops into the ear. A few drops of olive oil in the ear can help to soften an earwax buildup so that it can be safely removed.

Why does it work?

Lemon juice is full of anti-microbial organisms. These microbes can kill the bacteria causing an infection. Olive oil’s antiseptic properties fight infection. Oil is an active softener of earwax.

28. Hair loss remedy

What is it?

Hair loss is called alopecia. Male and female-pattern balding is a form of alopecia. The hair falls out and doesn’t grow back. A section of the head becomes bald. Often, this type of alopecia is hereditary. Up to 50% of men and 25% of women will experience it.

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What’s the remedy?

The use of nettle leaves is advised for hair loss. While you can drink nettle tea and take nettle capsules, massaging the scalp with nettle oil is the best treatment.

Why does it work?

Nettle leaves contain proteins and amino acids. They are also rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D, and K. All these vitamins are essential for healthy hair. In addition to all the vitamins, it contains, nettle is rich in minerals such as calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and iron.

27. Menopause remedy

What is it?

Menopause is the gradual shutting down of a woman’s reproductive system. The hormones estrogen and progesterone are no longer produced in sufficient quantities. The woman’s period becomes irregular and eventually stops. The hormone imbalance may also cause irritability and being over-emotional. Hot flashes and night sweats are also symptoms of menopause.

What’s the remedy?

Yams can help to alleviate some of the symptoms of menopause, especially the night sweats and hot flashes. The best way to apply the home remedy is to use yam cream on the skin. Expect to wait about three months before seeing the effects.

Why does it work?

It seems that yam contains dioscin which is used in the synthetic production of steroid hormones. There is contradictory evidence about its effectiveness, but grandma would recommend you try it! Many women have found using yam cream or taking yam capsules has helped with their menopause symptoms.

26. Arthritis remedy

What is it?

Arthritis is defined as joint pain or joint disease. The most common symptoms are swollen, stiff, and painful joints. Joint mobility also becomes affected if you develop arthritis. Arthritis is usually caused by a breakdown in the cartilage in the joints. An infection or injury to the joints can also cause arthritis.

What’s the remedy?

A handful of golden raisins soaked in gin can reduce the pain and swelling caused by arthritis. Soaking them overnight is the general rule. However, it’s to be more effective if the raisins are left to soak until the gin is completely evaporated.

Why does it work?

It’s widely believed that the sulfur used to make golden raisins does the trick when it comes to arthritic pain. Golden grapes are not sundried. They are mechanically dried and exposed to sulfur dioxide. The gin also has anti-inflammatory properties which can ease joint pain.

25. Motion sickness remedy

What is it?

Motion sickness brings on nausea caused by the movement of a car, train, or boat. The consensus is that motion sickness is brought on by sensory overload. The eyes see one thing, the inner ears sense something else, and the body’s muscles feel something different. The confused messages from the senses to the brain cause dizziness and nausea.

What’s the remedy?

You either love them or hate them, but olives are a known remedy for motion sickness. The olives should be eaten as soon as the nausea sets in. It won’t help once the bout of nausea caused by motion sickness is at its peak.

Why does it work?

The first thing the body does when it feels nausea is to produce more saliva. The saliva causes the heaving that results in vomiting. Olives contain tannins which neutralize saliva production and relieve the feeling of wanting to vomit.

24. Indigestion remedy

What is it?

Indigestion can be characterized by a painful sensation in the upper abdominal area. It can cause bloating, nausea, vomiting, or heartburn. Indigestion is brought on by eating. Some foods may trigger indigestion, and so may overeating at one sitting or eating too quickly.

What’s the remedy?

Eating dried apricots can help to relieve the symptoms of indigestion. People who suffer from heartburn should include dried apricots in their diet. It will take some experimentation as to whether to eat them before or after meals.

Why does it work?

Apricots are very rich in fiber. This aids the digestive process by moving food matter through the system more efficiently. Apricots also break down fatty acids very quickly, allowing the digestive system to deal with them almost immediately. High levels of potassium in dried apricots help to keep the digestive system functioning at optimal levels.

23. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) remedy

What is it?

A UTI is defined as an infection in a part of the urinary system which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. The majority of UTIs affect the bladder and urethra. The most common symptoms of a UTI include an increased urge to urinate and pain during and after urination.

What’s the remedy?

Baking soda dissolved in water can alleviate the symptoms of a UTI. Dissolve a half a teaspoon or a whole teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drink the solution on an empty stomach.

Why does it work?

The baking soda dissolved in water is said to reduce the symptoms of a UTI by allowing the body to fight the bacteria causing it. The remedy can also stop the infection from spreading to the kidneys. The baking soda neutralizes the acid in the urine which can cause the burning sensation during urination.

22. Spider bite remedy

What is it?

A non-life-threatening spider bite might become a bit inflamed and swollen after the fact. The bite has released some toxins, but they have remained localized. Before leaving a spider bite and not seeking treatment, it’s best to know what type of spider has bitten you. Most spider bites might cause some discomfort. Only a small number can be fatal.

What’s the remedy?

Slice up a raw potato. Clean the bite and the area around it with an antiseptic. Put a slice on the affected area and strap it in place using some sticking plaster. Leave the slice of potato on the bite for the next 10-20 minutes.

Why does it work?

The soothing properties of raw potato will ease the skin irritation caused by a spider bite. The itchiness and pain will be reduced. The potato can also draw out the toxins that have remained under the bite.

21. Sunburn remedy

What is it?

Excessive exposure to the sun can leave the skin burned. It causes a stinging, hot sensation which is painful. The skin is dehydrated. Left untreated, the skin will peel off the affected area. While it’s essential to use sunscreen before going out into the sun, there are times where too much sun exposure can occur.

What’s the remedy?

The gel-like substance inside an aloe vera plant soothes sunburn. Remove a leaf from an aloe vera plant. Peel back the outer layer. Then squeeze the gel out of the leaf. Apply it to the sunburned area and allow it to soak in. Alternatively, you can buy aloe vera gel.

Why does it work?

Aloe vera gel acts as a hydrating moisturizer which is what sunburned skin needs. It soothes inflamed skin and helps to prevent it from peeling. The skin will immediately feel cooler and less sensitive.

20. Nausea remedy

What is it?

Nausea has a variety of causes. A person with nausea has an upset stomach and the urge to vomit. Morning sickness affects some pregnant women during the first trimester. They feel nauseous for extensive periods although few will vomit. Gastrointestinal conditions and motion sickness can also result in nausea.

What’s the remedy?

Ginger can help to reduce the symptoms of nausea. Ginger can be purchased in many forms. Tinctures, extracts, and supplements are just some. A local grocer will stock fresh ginger. There is also the choice of buying ginger ale or ginger beer. A lot of people favor using fresh ginger in tea as the best way to stop nausea.

Why does it work?

Ginger is said to slow down the activity in the gastrointestinal tract which reduces the sensation of nausea. This root has been used in Asian medicines for hundreds of years.

19. Itchiness remedy

What is it?

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that makes you want to scratch the affected area. Itching can be caused by bug bites, spider bits, or allergies. While scratching may provide some temporary relief, it only serves to increase the amount of inflammation on the skin. This makes the skin tender and sore in addition to being itchy.

What’s the remedy?

An oatmeal mask can be applied to an area that is itchy. Make an oatmeal solution with hot water and allow it to cool. Apply the oatmeal paste to the itchy areas. Allow the paste to dry before peeling it off the skin. This is most effective for localized itching. For overall body itching, add ground oatmeal to your bath water and soak it up.

Why does it work?

Oatmeal contains high concentrations of avenanthramides. This substance is known to provide anti-inflammatory properties which can soothe itching.

18. Cold remedy

What is it?

A virus causes a cold. The most common virus that causes a cold is caused the rhinovirus. A cold’s symptoms include a blocked or a runny nose, sore throat, coughing, and sneezing. Colds are unavoidable as the virus is airborne and easily passed. That’s why children are prone to them when they are in a daycare or school environment. Colds are common during the fall and winter.

What’s the remedy?

Believe it or not, the myth that chicken soup helps a cold isn’t a myth at all. A bowl or two of steaming hot chicken soup can alleviate many cold symptoms.

Why does it work?

Rich chicken soup with lots of pepper and spices can act as a mucus thinner, allowing for the drainage of excess mucus. The amino acid cysteine in chicken is similar to acetylcysteine. This substance is used to make medicines for treating respiratory infections.

17. Cough remedy

What is it?

A cough is the body’s way of clearing the throat of an excess of mucus. Viruses and bacteria that infect the throat or upper respiratory tract can also cause coughing. Asthma causes a wheezy cough. Lung infections and illnesses such as pneumonia can cause coughing as the lungs try to clear themselves.

What’s the remedy?

If you want to soothe a cough, try using some honey. Continuous coughing can leave the throat and respiratory tract raw, inflamed, and sensitive. Drinking tea with honey is one way of dosing yourself if you have a cough. Another approach is to have a spoon of honey straight from the jar. The best honey to use is raw or organic honey.

Why does it work?

Honey has many health benefits. It is full of antioxidants and has anti fungal and antibacterial properties. These properties are essential for stopping a cough.

16. Constipation remedy

What is it?

Constipation is defined as a difficulty emptying the bowel due to stools that are hard and difficult to pass. In cases of severe constipation, the person is unable to pass stools at all. Constipation is often related to diet and a lack of fiber. A lack of fiber makes it difficult for the body to produce and pass stool. A lack of exercise, certain medications, and insufficient water can also cause constipation.

What’s the remedy?

Laxatives help in the short-term but can make constipation worse in the long-term. The best thing to do is use a natural remedy for constipation. Flaxseeds are extremely effective. Flaxseeds can be added to the top of salads, oatmeal breakfasts, and smoothies.

Why does it work?

Flaxseeds contain soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which are needed for healthy bowel movements. It is also rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids which aid the digestive system.

15. A remedy for scrapes and cuts

What is it?

A scrape is an abrasion of the skin caused by contact with something that damages or breaks the skin. A cut is an opening of the skin, where the skin has been penetrated. Cuts and scrapes are an inevitable part of life. However, they are susceptible to infection as they come into contact with bacteria in the air.

What’s the remedy?

Honey is an effective natural treatment for cuts and scrapes. Before applying the honey, clean the wound thoroughly with an antiseptic to get rid of as many bacteria as possible. Determine the size of the wound and select an appropriate dressing. Rub honey evenly across the whole dressing before putting it on the wound.

Why does it work?

Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties which help wounds to begin the healing process. It draws fluid out of an injury. Honey also seals the wound to prevent airborne infections.

14. Headache remedy

What is it?

A headache is a continuous pain in the head. It can present at the back of the head or right at the base of the skull, in the temples, or above or behind the eyes. A headache can be caused by many factors including dehydration, stress, and flu.

What’s the remedy?

Instead of turning to painkillers, try a home remedy instead. Something as simple as a cup of coffee can ease a headache right away. A moderate dose of caffeine can help relieve the pain associated with a headache. Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, and certain sodas.

Why does it work?

The blood vessels in the brain tend to enlarge before the onset of a headache. The increased flow of blood to the brain contributes to the pain. Caffeine acts as a vascular constrictor, temporarily decreasing the blood supply to the brain.

13. Hiccup remedy

What is it?

Hiccups occur when there is a sudden involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. The diaphragm muscle is located below the lungs. The diaphragm muscle continues to contract after the initial contraction. This affects the inflow of air, and the space between the vocal cords closes. This is what makes the hiccup sound we all know.

What’s the remedy?

Hiccups go away by themselves. However, a protracted episode of hiccups can be exhausting. A lesser known remedy for hiccups is sugar. Eating a spoonful of granulated sugar can send your hiccups packing.

Why does it work?

A 1976 study showed that 19 out of 20 subjects got their hiccups to stop after eating a spoonful of granulated sugar. The exact reasons are not known. However, it is believed that the sugar affects the vagus nerve which could stop the spasming of the diaphragm. As soon as the diaphragm stops contracting, the hiccups will stop.

12. Nail fungus remedy

What is it?

Nail fungus is a pretty common condition. Once a fungus starts growing under the fingernail or toenail, it starts spreading quickly. The telltale signs of a nail fungus are a yellow or white spot developing under the nail. The fungus spreads further under the nail, eventually causing the nail to thicken and crumble. The nail also becomes discolored.

What’s the remedy?

Regular vinegar can help clear up a nail fungus infection. Mixing vinegar with water and soaking the affected foot or hand in it will curb and then eliminate the nail fungus. Use the vinegar soak once a day for 10-15 minutes at a time.

Why does it work?

Vinegar has antifungal properties that will help to fight the fungus off. Vinegar contains antioxidants known as polyphenols which support the immune system resist infections and protects the body from oxidative stress.

11. Leg cramp remedy

What is it?

Muscle cramps can occur all over the body. They are the result of the sudden contraction of a muscle or muscle set. A muscle cramp can last for seconds or minutes. It causes acute pain. Many people experience muscle cramps in their legs. The cramps usually occur in the calf muscles. These cramps can be excruciating and might render the sufferer temporarily unable to walk.

What’s the remedy?

Foods rich in magnesium or magnesium supplements are a remedy for leg cramps. Increasing your magnesium intake is as simple as adding more leafy green vegetables, legumes, and seafood to your diet. Alternatively, you can drink magnesium tablets or a multivitamin that contains a high concentration of magnesium.

Why does it work?

One of the things magnesium does in the body is facilitating neuromuscular transmission and muscle contraction. Too little magnesium disrupts the transmissions and causes the contractions that result in cramps.

10. Period pain remedy

What is it?

Period pain differs from one female to another. Girls and women have very different period experiences. Most of them don’t have pain with every period. Cramps can occur during ovulation when the egg is released from the ovaries. They are also possible when the egg disintegrates and leaves the body during menstruation.

What’s the remedy?

Drinking a couple of cups of chamomile tea will help to ease your period pain. A soothing cup of warm chamomile tea is the first thing you should turn to if you have period pains.

Why does it work?

The tea contains Hippurate and glycine. Both these compounds alleviate muscle spasms. At the same time, these compounds also relax the muscles, such as the uterine muscles. One of the added benefits of chamomile tea is that it’s caffeine-free and relaxing. It can be calming for those women who experience mood swings.

09. Sore gums remedy

What is it?

Sore, swollen, and bleeding gums are usually the result of poor dental hygiene. As bacteria attack the teeth, the gums may also be affected. The bacteria cause the gums to become inflamed. When gum disease worsens, it causes the gums to pull away from the tooth. This causes little pockets where food gets trapped, causing further decay.

What’s the remedy?

A salt water rinse is a perfect way to get rid of painful swollen gums. Take half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of salt and stir it into a glass of warm water. Rinse 2-3 times a day.

Why does it work?

Salt is a known healer as it has anti-infective products. A saltwater oral rinse increases the pH balance in the mouth. This reduces the acidity. The raised alkaline levels make it more difficult for bacteria to thrive. Salt helps to wounds in the mouth to heal.

08. Eczema Remedy

What is it?

Eczema is an allergic reaction. It is usually accompanied by other allergic reactions such as red eyes, a runny nose, or asthma. Certain foods can trigger an eczema attack. Patches of the skin become red, itchy, and rough. The skin is inflamed and may crack. Eczema is very painful.

What’s the remedy?

Olive oil has a calming healing effect on an eczema outbreak. While eczema tends to limit itself to the creases in the elbows and knees, it can occur anywhere on the body. Application of olive oil to the affected areas of skin can make a significant improvement to eczema.

Why does it work?

Most topical applications work to treat the symptoms of eczema. However, olive oil may go a little further than that. Olive oil hydrates the skin and calms the inflammation. Taking internally in small doses, olive oil also boosts the immune system.

07. Wart remedy

What is it?

A wart is the result of a viral infection of the skin. They develop on broken skin as the virus can easily penetrate the skin. Warts can be spread from one person to another and from one part of the body to another.

What’s the remedy?

Place a piece of duct tape over the wart. After about five days, remove the duct tape. File the wart with an emery board or pumice stone. Soak the wart in warm water. Give the wart air exposure for 12 hours to dry, then cover it with duct tape and start again.

Why does it work?

Duct tape has a strong adhesive layer at the bottom. Removing the duct tape dressing eliminates a layer of skin from the wart. After several repetitions, all the layers will have been removed. The duct tape dressing is also useful in preventing the spread of warts.

06. Acne remedy

What is it?

Acne is a skin condition. It is caused by the clogging and inflammation of the oil-secreting glands in the skin. Eventual infection by bacteria results in an acne outbreak. Swollen papules (pimples) and pustules form on the affected skin. The extent of an outbreak and its severity may fluctuate.

What’s the remedy?

For some acne sufferers, coconut oil brings relief. Liberal application of coconut oil to the area can help to clear it up. However, those with oily skin ought to exercise caution. Try the coconut oil in small quantities to make sure it doesn’t amplify the skin’s oiliness.

Why does it work?

Applying coconut oil to the affected area allows it to kill the bacteria that cause the outbreaks. This is because coconut oil contains the bacterial fighting compound lauric acid. Coconut oil is an intensely hydrating moisturizer which helps to prevent scarring.

05. Bug bite remedy

What is it?

We live in a world surrounded by bugs. And most bugs have one thing in common: they bite. Most bites do not affect the body. However, some cause red, itchy bumps that are inflamed. Giving in to the temptation to scratch only makes matters worse. Scratching the skin until it’s open might lead to an infection.

What’s the remedy?

To get the bites to stop itching, use some toothpaste. Immediate relief from the itching allows the bites to heal and go away on their own. Apply toothpaste directly to the bites.

Why does it work?

The mint flavor of toothpaste is the secret to getting bug bites to stop itching. The cooling effects of the mint can stop the itching. As soon as the skin feels the relief, it communicates with the brain to say there’s no more itching. That prevents you from scratching and making the bites worse.

04. Hangover remedy

What is it?

A hangover is the result of excessive drinking and a lack of sleep. The symptoms may include a severe headache, excessive thirst, and nausea. The alcohol in beverages consumed acts as a diuretic. It stimulates the urge to urinate and can leave the drinker dehydrated.

What’s the remedy?

Make a cocktail of 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, pineapple juice, and a pinch of cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Drink plenty of water and replace the electrolytes lost.

Why does it work?

The after-effects of excessive alcohol intake include fluid retention and abnormal blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar acts as a mild diuretic and allows the body to expel excess alcohol through urination. Apple cider vinegar also stabilizes blood sugar levels and gets them back under control. Many alcoholic drinks contain a lot of sugar. This residual sugar needs to be removed to keep blood sugar levels healthy.

03. Mosquito bite remedy

What is it?

Mosquitoes tend to come out in spring and summer. They are active at night. The female mosquito bites animals including humans. She sucks the blood of her bite victim. Mosquitoes can arrive like swarms at outdoor events like barbecues, leaving everyone with a few bites. Mosquito bites are itchy and can make large red bumps on the bite site.

What’s the remedy?

Prevention is better than cure. There are lots of home remedies to put onto mosquito bites to stop the itching. However, why not try a remedy that will stop mosquitoes from biting you in the first place? Garlic should be your first line of defense against mosquitoes. You can eat a small amount of fresh garlic or take garlic capsules daily.

Why does it work?

The sulfur compounds that cause the odor of garlic repels mosquitoes. However, don’t overdo it, or you’ll be repelling more than mosquitoes!

02. Burn Remedy

What is it?

A burn is an injury caused by exposing the skin to heat or fire. Initially, a burn is a bright red mark on the skin. Severe burns make a blister to help the skin heal. A burn kills skin cells. Healing takes place as the skin regenerates itself to replace the dead skin cells with new ones. Mild burns can be treated at home.

What’s the remedy?

A little vanilla essence placed on a mild burn helps to alleviate the pain and discomfort. Best of all, since most burns occur in the kitchen, the vanilla essence is right at hand!

Why does it work?

As soon as the vanilla essence is dabbed onto the burn, its alcohol content begins to evaporate. This cools the burn and alleviates the pain. The most important thing to do in the wake of a burn is cool the area down. This prevents additional burning.

01. Bee sting remedy

What is it?

When a bee stings you, it leaves its barbed stinger behind. The stinger is packed with venom which keeps entering the body as long as the stinger remains in the skin. The venom contains proteins that affect the immune system and the skin cells around the sting site. This causes the immediate pain and discomfort after the sting. If you’re not allergic to bee stings, you can treat them at home.

What’s the remedy?

Cut a fresh onion and place it on the sting site as soon as you’ve removed the stinger. Hold the onion on the sting for at least five minutes.

Why does it work?

Onion contains an ingredient that makes the chemicals which cause inflammation and pain break down on contact. This means that the immediate discomfort is treated which allows the skin’s healing processes to begin. Using onion on a bee sting also reduces the amount of swelling around the sting site.
