Your body needs essential vitamins and minerals. Why? So your body can function at its optimal levels. Without consuming healthy vitamins and minerals, you will most likely feel sluggish regularly and get sick more often. Each vitamin and mineral plays its own role in building up your body to be healthy, including vitamin D.
You might already know that vitamin D is associated with the sun, but what does that mean? Learn how this vitamin can improve your health, or a lack thereof can cause a deficiency. You can also discover what foods contain vitamin D and other healthy ways to receive it.

What is vitamin D?
If you have been keeping up with health news, you may have heard a lot about this necessary vitamin over the past few years. Scientists, nutritionists, and other researchers are coming to realize just how vital this vitamin is to overall well-being. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that your body needs an adequate level of fats for it to be properly metabolized. That doesn’t mean that you should go out and start eating more fat to hold more vitamin D; that’s not the way the body works.
Our bodies need many vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal health. However, vitamin D seems to be crucial. Why? Vitamin D allows other vitamins and minerals you ingest to absorb in your body. If you don’t have enough vitamin D, your body probably isn’t absorbing the other vitamins and minerals. That amounts to a lot of waste and your body not being as healthy as it should. So consider adding more vitamin D to your daily regimen to help with this problem.