Surprising Signs of Dementia and New Research On What Causes It
Having Different Mannerisms When it comes to dementia, many things may seem out of the ordinary, but the biggest thing you might notice is a change… Trista Smith -
December 8, 2022
If you’ve ever had a family member with dementia, you know how debilitating it can be for the person dealing with it, as well as family and friends. There are good and bad days, with the bad days slowly growing in frequency. It can be stressful to help a family member with dementia to remember who you are, sometimes. Knowing the warning signs is essential to help your older family get the best care possible. There have been all different kinds of studies and research done in recent years to gain a better understanding of dementia.
Source: Medical News Today
Hearing Loss Can Make Things Worse
There is a long-term study that discovered a shocking connection between a diagnosis of dementia and hearing loss. Participants in the study were exposed to various testing, and it was found that one-third of these participants suffered from hearing loss. Hearing loss is also associated with other illnesses like depression and disabilities. Those numbers are shocking, to say the least! Another study performed by doctors at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that people in the study who had mild to severe hearing loss were more likely to develop dementia. Dr. Lawal of Johns Hopkins explains the phenomenon associating hearing loss with dementia in a way that makes it understandable. He says your brain can weaken when people don’t get help for hearing loss, which can, in turn, cause dementia.
You wouldn’t expect to see something like Herpes on this list, but it contributes to a dementia diagnosis. The Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience journal published an article stating that Herpes Simplex 1 and Dementia have a connection. Out of 8,000 people over the age of 50 with Herpes were compared to 25,000 others and the results were shocking regarding dementia. The journal found that those with Herpes were 2.5 times more likely to develop dementia later in life. That’s many people! It was also discovered that people with Herpes carry a specific gene making them more prone to the development of dementia.
Do you wake up sleepy even after a restful night’s sleep? More and more people worldwide are beginning to rely on medications and supplements to help them get a good night’s sleep. Did you know dementia and sleepiness during the day have a connection? While sleepiness during the day is common for several sleeping disorders, the link to dementia has to do with the brain. Studies have found that people who suffer from sleepiness during the day are three times more likely to have a diagnosis of dementia later in life. It is a connection that needs more exploration.
It might be time to cut down if you do consume a lot of sugar. A 2018 study performed by the Diabetologia journal detected a pattern when observing 5,100 participants over ten years. The people with higher blood sugar levels had a riskier chance of cognitive decline. This study compared people with normal blood sugar levels. The Alzheimer Society compared dementia to a sort of diabetes of the brain. Glucose, a natural sugar derivative, can cause the brain to not function properly when used in high amounts. If you eat a lot of sugary snacks or drink a lot of soda, it may be time to cut down before you’re at a risky age for developing dementia.
Cities With High Air Pollution Could Cause Dementia
The University of Southern California published a study in 2017 that found connections between air pollution and dementia. Particles from air pollution get inside the body and travel to the brain. Air pollution can actually cause inflammation in the body, and too much exposure to air pollution can make the disease come out. What you would see in power plants and cars is the type of air pollution to be concerned about. So, if you live in an area with high air pollution, it may be beneficial to speak to your doctor about your risk for dementia.
The Annals of Neurology journal published a study in 2016 that found a connection between your sense of smell and diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Participants in the study were asked to identify certain smells. They used strawberries, cinnamon, and menthol to see if people could tell the difference between them. Some of the participants were unable to tell the difference. These people were at a higher risk of having dementia. The project researchers believe the loss of your sense of smell can be an early sign of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. If you think you’re losing your sense of smell, it’s best to speak with your doctor.
The Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences used data from 12,000 people over a period of ten years to discover how loneliness affects the brain. They found that people with a greater sense of loneliness were 40 percent more likely to develop dementia. Researchers found that people with great feelings of loneliness did more damaging activities to fill the void of being lonely, leading to brain damage. If you’re feeling lonely, you can find a hobby, go out with friends, or talk about your feelings with a loved one. Coping with loneliness can be difficult, but there are ways to help you feel better.
If you start to notice your loved one having difficulty forming words into complete thoughts, it may be time to visit the doctor. This sign of dementia is often overlooked as just plain confusion, but it is indeed one of the things to watch out for. Let’s say you’re having a conversation with your grandmother, and she’s talking about where she used to live as a child. Suddenly, she completely uses her train of thought and can’t remember what she is trying to say. It happens to the best of us occasionally, but this symptom is a little different from normal forgetting.
One of the most noticeable signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is a problem with being able to manage money efficiently. It might start as something simple like balancing the checkbook but will gradually increase in frequency to not paying bills on time or not paying them at all. Have you noticed this symptom in your loved one? This symptom is sometimes considered a normal part of aging, but doctors believe it shouldn’t be easily dismissed. If your loved one has this sort of problem, it might be beneficial to help them with their bills or ask them to handle their money to ensure everything gets paid on time.
Out of the many symptoms of dementia, this one may be the strongest. It is cause for immediate concern if you see a loved one participating in compulsive behaviors or extreme rituals. For example, let’s say your grandma used to brush her hair before bed. She did it every night, but all of a sudden, she began counting and had to get to a certain number before she could stop. This is considered to be an extreme ritual. Even something as simple as buying something at the store repeatedly every time your loved one goes is a symptom that is often overlooked.
Empathy and Inappropriate Behavior Go Hand In Hand
Let’s say your mom is usually very polite and sweet. One day you notice that she’s getting rude to you and others. It’s as if she doesn’t notice that what she’s doing is wrong. This is a sign of dementia. People with dementia often lose the ability to read social situations. This can cause them to lash out or say things they don’t mean. If this happens to your loved one, getting medical attention is vital. This is a very early sign of dementia. So, it’s essential to keep a close eye on the behavior of your older friends and family. Remember, it’s not their fault when they say or do hurtful things.
Have you ever tried to come up with a word to explain the way something works but just can’t get it? It’s on the tip of your tongue and driving you crazy that you can’t think of it. This is a very common occurrence. The thing to watch out for with your loved ones is if they forget how to use certain objects. They may forget what a tea kettle is and what it’s used for – as an example. This is one of the earliest symptoms of dementia. The strange thing is that people who have this symptom seem to do well in other parts of their lives.
It’s upsetting to think that people with dementia may not understand the difference between safe foods and expired foods. This surprising sign of dementia includes eating things that aren’t food and rotten foods. Researchers believe this occurs because people with dementia forget what to do with the items in front of them. Although there are other explanations for eating items that aren’t food, if your loved one is experiencing this symptom along with others associated with dementia, it may be time to see your doctor. Your doctor can give your loved one the best explanation and determine the cause of their symptoms.
One of the many symptoms of dementia that can be overlooked is a reduced gaze. This means your loved one’s eyes won’t move normally. It may look like they are staring. This is one of the earliest symptoms your loved one may experience. You may also notice that they tend to skip lines when reading. Your loved one may not be aware of it, but it will be noticeable if you’re paying close enough attention. If your family member or friend is experiencing any of these symptoms, speak to a doctor to find out if dementia is the cause.
We all know the rules in our society, but a person with dementia may become forgetful and accidentally shoplift or even break into someone’s house thinking it’s theirs. Other actions may include sexual innuendo, breaking the law, and criminalistic behaviors. It may be surprising to learn that people can get dementia as early as their 30s or 40s. This could lead to criminal charges or a lack of understanding from family members because no one would think they have dementia at such a young age. It’s important not to automatically assume your loved one is a bad person, as there may be another reason for their peculiar behavior.
Are you constantly tripping or falling? It could be more than just being clumsy. If you notice your loved one frequently having accidents such as falling or tripping, it could be a sign of early dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Research shows that people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life are prone to higher risks of falling. The accidents usually start happening before they get a diagnosis. Even though falling can be accidental, it’s essential to understand that it’s a sign of dementia. Another illness associated with falling includes progressive supranuclear palsy, a brain disorder. If you notice your family member or friend having many accidents, it may be time to speak to them about their risk for dementia.
We all use sarcasm daily to express our feelings, which is part of our world and culture. However, did you know that someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease may be unable to pick up on it? Sarcasm is often used because it’s a nicer way to be critical of something you oppose. So, what happens when you use sarcasm in front of someone with dementia? They may think you’re joking or see what you’re saying as a normal way of speaking. They just can’t grasp sarcasm. Research shows that people with Frontotemporal Dementia may also have difficulty telling when someone is lying. They don’t look at things the same way they used to.
One of the earlier signs of dementia is finding notes about simple tasks. You may notice these little notes stuck to the fridge or a mirror in your loved one’s home. They will start to forget the little things – like when to pay a bill when to take their medication, or even when they have a doctor’s appointment. If you’re noticing these little notes everywhere, it may be time for a conversation. You could ask why they are using the letters to determine if there is cause for concern. Speak to a doctor if you notice this symptom along with others associated with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.
Have your neighbors said anything to you about your loved one? If you don’t live with them or interact with them daily, their neighbors may start to notice some symptoms. For example, their neighbor tells you they were outside at 3 am wearing a bathrobe cutting the grass. Now, this may seem just plain silly to some, but it is cause for concern if your loved one is suddenly doing strange things. We would consider asking the neighbor to keep an eye on your loved one when you aren’t around to ensure their safety. It’s crucial to take instances like this to heart and consult a doctor if you notice strange activities.
Let’s say your loved one is in charge of their own bills. You go to visit them one day and notice a statement on the counter that says, ‘FINAL NOTICE.’ Now it may seem normal to see something like this if they have difficulty paying their bills, but if they don’t, it should be cause for concern. One of the signs of dementia is not paying bills or overpaying them. It’s essential to have a system in place when your loved one has dementia to ensure their money is being spent wisely, as they can’t comprehend certain aspects of day-to-day life anymore. If you notice your loved one having difficulty in this area, it may be a good idea to put a plan in place immediately.
Physical Appearances Can Be Important When It Comes To Dementia
Have you noticed a change in the way your loved one looks? It may be something simple like disheveled hair or wrinkly clothing, and they just don’t look as well-kept as they usually do. This is a sign of dementia. If your loved one suddenly starts wearing dirty clothes for days or forgets to shower, dementia could be the cause. If you start noticing these sorts of simple changes in appearance, it may be time to speak to a doctor if you see other symptoms. This early sign of dementia is often overlooked as someone just not feeling well.
Have you noticed a change in your loved one’s weight? They could have gained a few pounds or lost some weight that seems out of the ordinary. This is one of the early signs of dementia, as people with the disease generally forget to eat or forget they have already eaten. If your loved one has dementia, it’s best to figure out your specific situation to see if your loved one needs around-the-clock care or just daily visits. If you believe they need around-the-clock supervision, you can best speak with their doctor about your concerns to see your next steps. Your loved one may exhibit other symptoms along with this one that will make it easier for their doctor to diagnose the problem.
Has your loved one been getting in many accidents or acquiring speeding tickets lately? It could be a sign of dementia if there are other symptoms as well. People with dementia can’t comprehend certain things around them and often forget speed limits or the safe distance between vehicles when driving. They could even forget which pedal does what in the car. It’s for this reason that people with dementia shouldn’t drive for their own safety. If your loved one has been in trouble with the law lately, it may be best to start taking them where they need to go.
People with dementia and Alzheimer’s often forget how to use everyday objects. They could use a whisk to flip pancakes or a slotted spoon for soup, for example. If you notice your loved one having difficulty with everyday objects, it may be helpful to guide them in the right direction. Certain situations may require letting them do what they need to to avoid anger and confrontations. If you notice these symptoms, speak with your loved one’s doctor before it worsens. People with dementia often don’t understand that what they’re doing is wrong, so a lot of compassion goes a long way.
People with dementia often say things they don’t mean. They may blurt out obscenities or make inappropriate comments about your weight or looks. You shouldn’t chastise them when this happens, which may only worsen things. Just remember that they don’t understand that what they’re saying is wrong and inappropriate. If your loved one has these symptoms, the best thing you can do for them is to ask their doctor about it. There may be another reason for the sudden outburst. It’s best to always find out what’s happening before it worsens.
When it comes to dementia, many things may seem out of the ordinary, but the biggest thing you might notice is a change in personality or the way your loved one speaks. They may take on different mannerisms or go from a happy-go-lucky person to someone who seems bitter and angry. This is often one of the biggest things you’ll notice in someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Your loved one will just seem ‘off.’ They may start to have slurred speech or even speak with a different accent. It’s one of the strangest symptoms of dementia because your loved one just seems like another person.
One of the last signs you might notice is just a general a loss of interest in things they once loved . As an example, if your loved one used to enjoy gardening all their life but starts to neglect their plants due to a lack of interest, there may be a problem. It’s little things to watch out for that often get overlooked. If you have someone in your life who could be at risk for dementia, keeping your eyes and ears open while around them is best. This will help you notice all of the little signs you could be missing.
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How the “Tripledemic” is Making this Flu Season One of the Most Serious We’ve Seen
December is only just beginning, and yet it feels like everyone around us is getting sick. If you share the same observation, chances are it isn’t… Trista Smith -
December 7, 2022
December is only just beginning, and yet it feels like everyone around us is getting sick. If you share the same observation, chances are it isn’t just your imagination making things up. Flu season is officially underway, and it looks like it’s hit the US early and hit particularly hard. Federal and state officials have been warning the public about a potential “twindemic” occurring at the onset of the flu season following two unusually quiet ones that coincided with the two-year global rampage of the Sars-Cov-2 virus. But as Covid restrictions have all but disappeared, a host of viruses suppressed by masking, quarantine, social distancing, and vaccination are all coming back with a vengeance. The twin threats of the novel coronavirus and influenza are at the forefront of this viral attack.
However, why are federal and state health officials so worried about this particular flu season? The flu is and always has been a potentially lethal viral illness. Nevertheless, plenty of other factors contribute to a flu season. It gets so bad that it can cause strain in the healthcare system and economic disruptions. It will decrease the quality of life for most American families and individuals. How these scenarios will play out will ultimately depend on how the public responds to the mitigation efforts led by the government and the health sector. Meanwhile, here are the things you need to know about why this flu and cold season could be worse than any we’ve seen in a while.
The flu virus can be deadly, and it’s here to stay. Source: Kindercare Pediatrics
What’s so bad about the flu?
Also known as influenza, the flu is a respiratory illness caused by a virus, which is a microscopic infectious agent that invades your cells and makes you sick. It is highly contagious, spreading from one person to another through respiratory droplets or by touching contaminated surfaces and bringing hands to face. Because of this mode of transmission, flu prevention measures include mask-wearing and keeping a distance of about 6 feet from people suspected of having the flu. Typically, adults can spread the virus from the day before symptoms show up to seven days after and are most contagious within the first three to four days of experiencing symptoms.
The fact that the flu has become commonplace by no means makes it less lethal, nor should it be brushed off as a minor concern. Health officials’ campaign for widespread public uptake of flu vaccines each season for a reason – the flu virus spreads easily. Once you catch it, it can be deadly, whether you are healthy or not, especially for people with risk factors. Inoculation is the only thing sure to prevent the worst effects of the flu virus. In the past, new flu strains have caused deadly pandemics that racked up deaths in the millions. The only reason we enjoy greater protection from it today is that advances in health sciences allow researchers to study the virus’ evolution closely and stay one step ahead of new strains through the development of vaccines.
The flu virus has had a dark past. Source: World Health Organization
The origins of a deadly virus.
While the virus that causes the flu has been in circulation for centuries, it wasn’t until the 1930s that the world started to get a clearer picture of what it was – a viral illness, not bacterial, as was previously suggested in 1892 by the German scientist Richard Pfeiffer. After noting the absence of bacteria in the throat washing of flu patients, British researchers Wilson Smith, C.H. Andrewes, and P.P. Laidlaw concluded that the influenza virus caused the flu. It has four distinct strains, Influenza A, B, C, and D. Of the four, only A originates from birds but can infect humans as well as a wide variety of animals like pigs and horses. Strains B and C are almost exclusively from humans.
The flu season as we know it today comes from strains A and B. Nevertheless, only the A strain causes global pandemics. It is similar to the coronavirus ravaging the globe for the past two years. Health experts say the flu may have been going around the earth for over 500 hundred years, with pandemics spaced out at an average rate of every 40 years. However, it has been circulating primarily within different bird species before evolving into a strain that could infect humans, the most significant change of which occurred in 1918 and triggered one of the deadliest flu pandemics in human history.
The influenza A virus is the only strain known to cause global pandemics. Source: CHEK News
A disease of pandemic proportions.
The flu has been a mainstay of the winter season since it first appeared to infect humans in the 1900s, so much so that we no longer pay much attention to it and have developed ways to prevent, diagnose and treat it without breaking a sweat. But this wasn’t always the case. When the flu virus first began to infect humans, nobody had immunity, nor were there means to mitigate its devastating effects. Nobody invented vaccines yet. Doctors didn’t have antivirals. There was barely any knowledge about how and why the virus was particularly deadly. This combination of factors allowed Influenza A to turn into one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.
The first flu pandemic that occurred in 1918 was one of the most devastating, sweeping across the globe with little to no resistance, infecting over 500 million people and then eventually killing an estimated 20 to 50 million of the world population, almost a million of whom were from the United States. The number of deaths alone shows how deadly this pandemic was, but more so to particular groups of people. Most of the deaths occurred among children younger than five, 20-40-year-olds, as well as older adults over the age of 65. Similar to how the novel coronavirus-causing Covid-19 swept through a vulnerable, unvaccinated population at the beginning of 2020, the 1918 flu caught everyone defenseless. Only non-pharmaceutical interventions such as quarantine, isolation, personal hygiene, and disinfectants were at their disposal to thwart the spread of the virus.
8% of the population comes down with the flu every year. Source:
How many people get sick with flu every year?
A 2018 study by the CDC showed that an average of 8% of the US population gets sick with the flu each year. While it’s easy to shrug off this number as seemingly small, we have to consider that the US population in 2018 was well over 332 million, and 8% of that is an eye-popping 26.5 million. This is just the average too. Depending on the severity of the flu season, that percentage can go as low as 3% or roughly 9.9 million people, to as high as 11% or 36 million people. Clearly, these numbers show that influenza isn’t something that is so easily ignored. It is, in fact, an illness that health experts closely monitor all over the world.
While the flu seems to have developed a regular presence in our lives and is one that we encounter repeatedly, it is difficult to measure the actual number of people infected by the virus. Not everyone with the flu gets tested or seeks medical treatment. Most of the people we know, ourselves included, usually call in sick, stay home, rest, and self-medicate all the way to recovery without ever getting in touch with their doctor. This is true for mild to moderate cases, but some people don’t have this luxury and are hospitalized with a severe case of the virus. Based on these hospitalization rates, the CDC makes a statistical estimate of infections, divided by the census population, concluding with a number that best reflects the percentage of flu cases in a given year.
Wintertime is synonymous with the Flu. Source: Harvey Clinic Care
‘Tis the season for flu…
Flu season typically runs from October to May. That is when the weather turns cold, and temperatures fluctuate from the chilly 50s to the downright freezing single digits. During this time, the incidences of flu seem to spike. The months of December, January, and February log the greatest number of cases for the year. However, in the southern hemisphere, flu season doesn’t begin until June before dying down in September. It is the month when it is coldest in this part of the world. Simply speaking, the flu season begins wherever the weather is cold. In fact, the word influenza itself may be referring to its Italian origins, influenza di freddo, which translates to “influence of the cold.”
This has always been the case year after year since the flu virus began to circulate in humans, most evident in the fact that every year, around this time, we are constantly bombarded with public service messaging that encourages us to get our flu vaccines. Primary care physicians, big chain pharmacies and wholesale shopping centers are here to help. State and local health departments also send reminders. Heck, even our social media feeds are bombarded with reminders to get our annual flu shot. The same message is still out there, and that message is more urgent this year because health experts are seeing flu season start much earlier. In turn, September reflects more cases of the flu, which seems to be increasing weekly, straining hospitals and causing a lot of disruption at work and in schools.
Countries that experience winter is particularly vulnerable to flu outbreaks. Source: The Chicago Tribune
Colder, drier climates are ideal for a flu outbreak.
There are many theories as to why the flu is particularly aggressive in the wintertime, but none more pervasive than the idea that the cold is responsible for causing the flu. This, however, is scientifically proven false. While the idea that the cold causes the flu seems to make sense as flu season coincides with the arrival of the cold months, it is, in fact, the presence of the flu virus that causes the illness, and not the temperature. This was proven in the 1930s, when scientists could isolate the virus from humans, tagging it as pathogenic. It is true, however, that the exceedingly low temperatures create an ideal environment for the virus to circulate.
A paper from the 1960s proved this when the study above tested the survival times of different viruses. How? At different temperatures and levels of humidity. It concluded that the influenza virus thrives at low temperatures and humidity levels. The virus studied in the experiment was able to survive for over 23 hours at 43 degrees and with relatively low humidity. In contrast, its survival time of only an hour at a temperature of 90 degrees and with high humidity. This was backed up by a third study that showed high rates of infection following an arid period. It proves once and for all that cold, dry climates are the influenza virus’ playground.
Is it Covid, or is it the flu? Source: USA Today
Covid is making this flu season worse.
Over the past two years, no other health concern was more pressing than Covid-19. We lived and breathed it. It dominated our lives and dictated our choices. It was the single most important thing to overcome. All our resources seemed to have been poured into preventing it from creating further destruction worldwide. The virus that causes Covid-19 was so transmissible that its global explosion virtually knocked all viruses, including the seasonal flu virus, into the background. It seems like people rendered them non-existent. Aggressive mitigation measures that were adopted to curb its spread prevented other viruses from circulating. Approaches such as masking, limiting the number of people allowed to gather indoors, shutting down schools and other public places, and practicing social distancing all worked to get us to a point when it no longer terrorizes the public.
But now that Covid has become more manageable. Thus, life has quickly gone back to normal in most parts of the world. Nevertheless, its existence has collided with influenza, back from a two-year hiatus and ready to wreak havoc once again. The fact that Covid has become something we learned to live with instead of something we could eradicate does not bode well for this flu season. As if it wasn’t difficult enough to prevent a Covid infection, now you have to dodge two bullets. Flu cases have reportedly soared early into the flu season. It doesn’t help that both viruses are respiratory in nature. Plus, they share the same symptoms. It won’t be unheard of, or completely surprising, if some people can dodge one, only to be infected by the other. Or worse – catch both viruses and hope they live to tell the tale.
Young children are the highest risk for severe RSV cases. Shutterstock.
RSV is also making things much worse this time around
Not only are families battling the cold, flu, and Covid viruses going around… RSV came back swinging this year. Respiratory syncytial virus, known as RSV — have been overwhelming hospitals. Public health officials warn that come winter there could be a “tripledemic.” In normal years, RSV sends thousands of children to the hospital over fall and winter, but for the second year in a row experts have seen an unprecedented spike in the number of cases beginning during the summer months. This is particularly concerning for younger children. RSV tends to be much more severe for those under the age of 6 months old; many times, requiring hospitalization.
By age 2, most children have likely contracted RSV. However, it can vary in severity. Daycares, schools, and other high volume areas tend to help RSV and other viruses spread like wildfire. Many educators have reported waves of sickness running through their classrooms at an all time high this year. RSV typically runs its course in 3-5 days with symptoms such as, congested or runny nose, dry cough, low-grade fever, sore throat, sneezing, and headache. More severe cases may result in fever, severe cough, wheezing, rapid breathing/difficulty breathing, and bluish color of the skin due to lack of oxygen. Hospitals becoming overwhelmed by all of these viruses is one of the leading concerns with a triple threat (tripledemic) flu season.
Pre-existing conditions increase the risk of flu complications. Source: RBK Pediatrics
Risk and complications of the flu.
Most people who come down with the flu recover within one to two weeks, but others may experience a more serious bout of the disease. Complications from the flu can range from moderate to severe, like sinus and ear infections, which are considered moderate complications. In contrast, pneumonia is more serious because of the flu virus alone or co-occurring with a bacterial infection. Other severe complications include inflammation of different organs such as the heart (myocarditis), brain (encephalitis), or muscles (myositis, rhabdomyolysis). Multiple organ failure, such as respiratory or kidney failure, can also occur. Those with conditions like asthma or chronic heart disease may find that their ailments are made worse by the flu.
Yes, anyone can contract the influenza virus. However, certain groups of people are more vulnerable to these complications. For them, a regular bout with the flu can lead to hospitalization or even death. The CDC lists people 65 or older, children under 5, and pregnant women. Plus, anyone with a chronic medical condition like asthma or diabetes as most at risk of experiencing complications. People with liver disease, weakened immune systems, neurologic or neurodevelopmental conditions, blood, endocrine, metabolic, or other organ disorders should have a flu shot. The same goes for those who are considered obese. They are encouraged to get their flu shots annually as this is their best protection from the worst outcomes of a flu infection.
Testing and treatment go hand in hand to avert severe flu cases. Source: WNEP
Diagnosis and treatment can go a long way.
Because the seasonal flu shares so many of the same symptoms as other respiratory illnesses, it is very hard to distinguish it from a field of other diseases. This is even more true as we approach a flu season whose severity health experts aren’t just bracing for but are already declaring as one of the worst in recent years. Occurring side by side with Covid-19, the common cold, pneumonia, and RSV, the flu can be difficult to diagnose, as all these diseases have symptoms that overlap. If you experience fever, cough, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, pains, or fatigue, chances are you may have the flu, but without seeing a doctor or getting tested, you can’t know for sure if that’s what it is or something else.
Influenza has become such a common part of the winter season. We normally don’t raise alarm bells anymore when we fall victim to this virus. In most cases, coming down with the flu is an uncomplicated affair. You can resolve it with a healthy amount of rest, plenty of fluids, and appropriate medication to ease symptoms. As with most viral illnesses, the flu will run its course within one to two weeks. Then, the patient fully recovers. But this is not always the case. If a bout of flu becomes bad enough to require medical attention, antiviral medications are available to combat the worst of the disease. These medications are most effective when taken within two days of experiencing symptoms. They help prevent serious complications while shortening your sick time by 1 to 2 days.
Americans are encouraged to get their flu shot ahead of the flu season. Source: Bayshore Healthcare
Vaccination is the best line of defense.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Or so the saying goes, at least. If there ever was a more effective way of thwarting a potentially disastrous flu season, it’s through vaccinations. The flu vaccine, in particular, has been around for nearly a century. It first appeared for widespread use in 1945. That was a few years after Thomas Francis and Jonas Salk at the University of Michigan developed it. It was initially tested for safety and efficacy within the military. But then the general public received it. The vaccine has evolved since then to keep up with the similarly growing strains of influenza. That explains why people are encouraged to get a flu shot every year instead of just one shot intended for lifetime protection.
Throughout history, as flu pandemics rose to peaks of destruction before waning into oblivion, scientists observed that apart from the two main strains of influenza, A and B, other sub-variants seemed to branch off and circulate. In turn, evading the protection of current vaccines and prompts health organizations worldwide to monitor these viruses year-round. They work with scientists to stay ahead of these strains with increasingly more sophisticated vaccines. This year, because of the added burden of a fast-evolving and highly transmissible Sars-Cov2 virus, Federal health officials are encouraging everyone to get their flu shot early before flu season comes in full swing. Otherwise, the public would constantly deal with a barrage of viruses. Health officials hope vaccinations will hold the line and help nip a wave of infections in the bud.
Multiple methods of prevention work best when taken together. Source: Blue Cross
Swiss cheese, anyone?
The success of infection prevention cannot rely on only one method of suppression. Why? Because not one way is perfect by itself. There will always be “holes” in each approach, which is why most virologists agree that to prevent the worst outcomes of any viral illness, a layered approach is best. This is where the Swiss Cheese model of pandemic defense comes into play. This model first accepts the imperfection of every prevention approach available. However, they argue that if all these models are taken together, or “layered,” then the strengths of one will be able to cover up the “holes” of the others, creating an effective way of preventing the spread of viral illnesses such as the flu.
So, what are these layers? For a disease that is spread primarily through respiratory droplets and touching infected surfaces, doctors recommend the following. First, physical distancing. Next, avoiding contact with others if you are sick. Wear a mask, practice hand hygiene and cough etiquette. Do not touch your face. Also, avoid crowded spaces. Instead, have ventilation and air filtration. Quarantine and isolation are important. Finally, mass vaccinations. Each layer is crucial in building a fortress of protection, and the more layers in this protective mesh, the thicker and more effective the wall we make becomes. However, while some layers are easily adopted, some, which fall in the realm of personal choice, can become problematic. This happens when a significant percentage of the population refuses to cooperate, leaving many vulnerable to the “holes” that could lead to a particularly disastrous flu season.
School-aged kids spread the flu virus easily. Source: Healthline
Schools are getting hit hard by the flu.
How bad a particular flu season is can be measured by how many people fall ill. Plus, how sick they become. This is nowhere near as evident as in schools, where kids are confined indoors for hours at a time and are, therefore, likely vectors of the disease. According to health officials, this particular flu season looks like it’s already hitting schools early and hitting them hard. Several school districts in California and Virginia raising concerns over likely flu outbreaks. In San Diego, Patrick Henry High School had 1,100 absences out of 2,600 students since the beginning of October. Another school, Del Norte High, had an estimated 884 absences out of 2,517 students.
The same is happening on the opposite side of the US. One Virginia school reported half their total enrollment – about 1,000 students – missing school due to flu-like or gastrointestinal symptoms. It prompted the local health department to investigate and figure out a way to mitigate the situation before it worsens. The flu has been around long enough for schools to at least have protocols in place. The fact that some schools are reporting significant absences so early into the season is already setting off alarm bells, pushing parents, educators, and health officials to review and enforce necessary prevention measures. Those include vaccination, hygiene, and procedures for separating symptomatic individuals to prevent the virus from spreading within the community.
Returning to the office could escalate the severity of this flu season. Source: Healthline
Returning to the office will make this flu season worse.
Most companies are finally walking back Covid work-from-home policies and slowly shifting employees back into physical offices. Health officials predict that the flu virus will also return to the workplace, which might be worse than the cold workers are used to catching in the office pre-pandemic. For all the same reasons that schools are likely incubators of the flu, the workplace is no different, with the added complication of relaxed health and safety protocols, such as the absence of masking and poor vaccination uptake, adding to the recipe for a catastrophic flu season in the making.
Many workers face challenging positions amid a flu season bound to create disruptions. The resurgence of other viruses that have lain dormant as Sars-Cov 2 went on a 2-year rampage around the world is wreaking havoc in the healthcare system. Not only do families and individuals have to combat the flu. They also have to watch out for Covid, RSV, the common cold, pneumonia, and other illnesses that share similarities with influenza, making it difficult to spot and treat accordingly. Sometimes, these illnesses seem to come one after the other without so much as a break in between. It leads to absences, drops in productivity, and problems with childcare for workers with family members who are also sick.
Many organizations are ordering workers to return to the office. Source: The Telegraph UK
Working from home is no longer an option.
An early uptick in the number of flu cases has many workers feeling particularly vulnerable. Why? Because they try to keep themselves safe from contracting a viral illness amid the pressure of finally returning to the office. However, the chances of picking up a bug have skyrocketed in recent weeks. According to a Gartner survey of 240 HR leaders, 36% of have called workers back to the office at least three days a week beginning September. That figure is up 25% from the previous month. Caroline Walsh, a Gartner VP, says this continues to be the trend despite their data not showing remote work harming performance or culture.
Fears of a looming recession may also compound the pressure to return to the office. That is especially true amid high inflation and a volatile stock market. Amid such a bleak economic backdrop, workers may feel like they have no choice but to come to work sick or risk losing their jobs as companies push for greater productivity to ride out an unstable market through to the end of the year. These circumstances look to erase the gains made in the workplace since the pandemic rewrote the rules for calling in sick. While Covid 19 finally made it okay to prioritize health over productivity, returning to pre-pandemic practices doesn’t mean we have to go back to the misguided heroics of fighting through sickness to work. To prevent this flu season from being one of the worst in recent years, workers’ health should be the priority.
Coming to work sick could exacerbate an already lousy flu season. Source: BBC
Working while sick shouldn’t be the norm!
For one, working while sick is actually counterproductive. If showing up to work means the job assigned to you gets done, being present at the office at a reduced capacity doesn’t guarantee that the work is up to standard. You won’t have to do it again. Substandard work equals less productivity. Furthermore, physical presence does not always mean productivity. Not only does sickness affect levels of quality, but it also lengthens recovery time, keeping workers from coming back healthy in as little time as possible. If bosses force employees to fight through their sickness, the time they could’ve used to rest and recover exacerbates their illness even more.
Not to mention that showing up to work at a time when flu cases are at an all-time high. A long list of viral illnesses is circulating in the environment is, at best irresponsible and, at worst, downright selfish, with little regard for the welfare of others. We never know what our colleagues are going through health wise. You don’t know if they or their loved ones are immunocompromised. Plus, you don’t know if they go home to families who could be particularly vulnerable to diseases. By exposing ourselves to the workplace in such a condition, we are putting more than our coworkers at risk. Plus, we are putting the lives of their loved ones on the line.
Managers should encourage paid time off amid a severe flu season. Source: Business News Daily
Please, let workers use their PTOs.
Leaders also have a vital role in ensuring that their workforce remains healthy and productive. Providing a meaningful amount of paid sick leave should be a top priority. That goes double as we enter an awful flu season. The potential for contracting illnesses in the workplace or bringing viruses in and spreading them around is at an all-time high. However, paid time off is considered a luxury. In fact, 1 in 5 employees don’t have access to it. That is especially true for those considered low-wage workers. For those who do have this benefit, managers should encourage their subordinates to use those PTOs. Knowing that their managers are supportive of their health allows workers to focus on recovery without fear of losing their jobs due to absences.
Another way managers can take the lead in preventing significant loss in productivity due to illness is to take time off themselves. As leaders, they set the expectations for good self-care in the workplace. They must show workers that you aren’t invincible yourself. Plus, you should know when to pull back will permit everyone else to do the same. Good managers know that productivity is all about keeping workers at peak performance. If that means allowing everyone, including themselves, to take a day or two off to recover, everyone in the office will be all the better.
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