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These Common Practices Make Men More Irresistible, According To Science

Intelligence is an Attractive Trait Intelligence reflects a person’s cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and knowledge, which can contribute to engaging conversations, intellectual stimulation, and a deeper… Alexander Gabriel - July 19, 2023

Understanding the role of evolutionary factors in men’s attractiveness is important for those seeking to enhance their desirability. Throughout human history, certain traits and behaviors have been favored for their ability to signal genetic fitness, shaping our perception of attractiveness. While societal standards may vary, evolutionary psychology suggests universal factors that influence how men are perceived by potential partners. By acknowledging these influences and taking proactive steps to improve themselves, men can increase their attractiveness and become more desirable to others. From physical fitness to confidence and social skills, harnessing evolutionary principles can pave the way to a more rewarding dating and relationship experience.


Body Language on Dating Profiles is Everything

Using the right body language in dating profile pictures can significantly increase attractiveness. Body language communicates non-verbal cues that can convey confidence, approachability, and authenticity. For example, standing or sitting in an open and relaxed posture can project self-assurance and make you appear more welcoming. Smiling genuinely and making eye contact with the camera can create a sense of warmth and connection. Additionally, showcasing engaged body language, such as leaning in slightly or using gestures that reflect active listening, can demonstrate attentiveness and interest.


Prideful Expressions Drive Women Crazy

In a 2011 study conducted by the University of British Columbia, it was discovered that heterosexual men and women have differing preferences for emotional expressions in potential partners. Nearly 900 North American adults participated in the study, which involved evaluating photos of individuals of the opposite sex online. The researchers focused on comparing perceptions of expressions of pride, happiness, shame, and neutrality, with the emotion behind the expression already identified by others. Surprisingly, women found expressions of pride to be the most appealing in men, while expressions of happiness were the least attractive. Strangely, an expression of shame was found to be relatively attractive in both men and women.

Bright Side

Facial Symmetry is Sometimes an Important Factor in Attraction

Facial symmetry is often considered an important factor in attraction due to its association with beauty and genetic fitness. When a person’s face exhibits symmetrical features, it is perceived as more aesthetically pleasing and balanced. This preference for facial symmetry is believed to be rooted in evolutionary biology, as it may indicate good health and genetic superiority. Symmetrical faces are thought to suggest that an individual has experienced proper development and has a strong immune system, making them a desirable mate. However, it’s important to note that attractiveness is subjective and influenced by various cultural and personal factors. While facial symmetry can contribute to initial attraction, it is just one aspect among many that individuals consider when forming connections and relationships


Wear Clothes That Fit You Properly and Suit Your Body Type

When clothes fit properly, they accentuate the body’s natural lines and proportions, creating a visually pleasing silhouette. Well-fitting garments flatter the physique, showcasingyour best features while ensuring comfort and ease of movement. Properly fitting clothes show a sense of style and attention to detail, reflecting the wearer’s care in presenting themselves. Whether it’s a tailored suit or casual attire, the right fit can transform an outfit, elevating its impact and making the wearer appear more confident and put-together. By investing in well-fitting clothes, you can effortlessly enhance your attractiveness and make a lasting impression.

Fashion Beans

Height is Another Physical Trait That Can Make Guys More Attractive

The preference for taller men in terms of attractiveness is often attributed to societal and cultural norms that have been perpetuated over time. Historically, height has been associated with strength, protection, and dominance, qualities that were valued for survival and resource acquisition. From an evolutionary perspective, women may have developed a preference for taller men as it could signify better genetics, health, and the ability to provide for offspring. Additionally, height difference can create a sense of security and femininity for some women, as it aligns with traditional gender roles.


Wearing Red

In a 2010 cross-cultural study involving participants from China, England, Germany, and the US, it was discovered that women have a greater attraction to men wearing red. In one experiment, 55 female undergraduates viewed a color photo of a man donning either a red or green shirt and subsequently rated the man’s attractiveness. Notably, the man received significantly higher attractiveness ratings when he was depicted wearing a red shirt. Similar results were observed when comparing the red shirt to shirts of other colors. Interestingly, participants were generally unaware that the color of the man’s clothing was influencing their perception of his attractiveness.

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Stand Tall With Your Shoulders Back and Head Held High

When a man maintains proper posture, standing tall with shoulders back and head held high, it shows confidence and self-assuredness. Good posture aligns the body, making it appear more balanced and symmetrical, which is inherently appealing. It also creates an impression of strength and poise, contributing to a commanding and attractive presence. Additionally, good posture conveys attentiveness and engagement, as it shows that a man is actively present in his surroundings. Exercises can help strengthen the muscles of back, shoulders, and core. These exercises make it easier to assume a proper posture naturally.

Doggy Lama Pet Care

Walk Your Dog

In a 2014 experiment conducted jointly by the Ruppin Academic Center in Israel and the University of Michigan, 100 Israeli women were presented with vignettes about various men. Some of these men were described as “cads,” characterized by their inclination to cheat on their partner and engage in fights, while others were portrayed as stereotypical “dads,” committed to working hard at their job and taking good care of their children. Interestingly, when the story featured a cad who owned a dog, women rated him as a more suitable long-term partner compared to a cad who didn’t own a dog. Additionally, cads with dogs received slightly higher attractiveness ratings than dads with dogs. The researchers concluded that owning a pet, particularly a dog, conveys traits of nurturance and the ability to make enduring commitments. It also enhances one’s perceived relaxation, approachability, and overall happiness.

Subconscious Servant

Develop Your Emotional Intelligence by Being Empathetic

One critical aspect of emotional intelligence is empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Cultivating empathy allows men to connect on a deeper level with those around them, showing genuine care and concern. It enables them to be attentive listeners, supporting and validating the emotions of others. Empathy fosters stronger connections, builds trust, and promotes healthier communication. By actively practicing empathy, men can create a supportive and understanding environment, fostering harmonious relationships and enhancing their emotional intelligence. It is through empathy that men can truly understand and connect with others on a profound and authentic level, leading to more fulfilling connections


Build Just the Right Amount of Muscle

In a 2007 study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, 286 women were shown pictures of shirtless men and asked to identify those who they believed would make the best partners for both long-term and short-term relationships. The results revealed that women were more inclined to pursue short-term relationships with men who had well-developed muscles. According to authors David A. Frederick and Martie G. Haselton, this preference may be driven by the evolutionary signaling of characteristics like muscularity. Muscles are viewed as cues for genes that enhance offspring viability or reproductive success. However, the study also indicated that women perceived less-muscular men as more suitable for long-term relationships. Therefore, if one aims to capture a woman’s attention and maintain it, avoiding an excessive emphasis on muscularity may prove to be more advantageous.


Wearing a New Fragrance of Deodorant or Body Spray

In a small 2009 study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, researchers observed that simply wearing a new fragrance can enhance confidence and increase perceived attractiveness to others. The study involved male undergraduates who were divided into two groups: one group received a scented spray with antimicrobial ingredients, while the other group received an unscented spray without antimicrobial ingredients. Over the following days, the men using the scented spray reported heightened self-confidence and a greater sense of attractiveness. Interestingly, when a separate group of women viewed silent videos of these men, they found those wearing the scented spray more attractive, despite being unable to smell them. The researchers concluded that the men using the scented spray exhibited more confident behavior, leading to their increased attractiveness to others.

Beyond Ages

Intelligence is an Attractive Trait

Intelligence reflects a person’s cognitive abilities, problem-solving skills, and knowledge, which can contribute to engaging conversations, intellectual stimulation, and a deeper connection. Intelligent men are often seen as having a thirst for knowledge, curiosity, and the ability to think critically. They are more likely to engage in meaningful discussions, share interesting perspectives, and offer unique insights. Intelligence is also associated with success and ambition, as intellectually driven individuals often strive for personal and professional growth. Intelligence can indicate adaptability and the capacity to handle challenges effectively. Women appreciate men who can engage their minds and provide mental stimulation, as it creates a dynamic and intellectually satisfying relationship.


Growing Out a Light Beard Can Make a Huge Difference

In a 2013 study conducted at the University of New South Wales, 177 heterosexual men and 351 heterosexual women were shown images of 10 men in different conditions: clean-shaven, light stubble, heavy stubble, or full beard. Participants provided ratings on various traits, including attractiveness. The results indicated that women found heavy stubble to be the most attractive beard length. Authors Barnaby J. Dixson and Robert C. Brooks explained, “Facial hair correlates not only with maturity and masculinity but also with dominance and aggression.” They further stated that an intermediate level of beardedness is perceived as the most appealing.

Drug Watch

Women Seek Partners with Strong Immune Systems

A robust immune system reflects good health and vitality, which are qualities that women often seek in potential partners. A strong immune system suggests the ability to fight off infections and diseases. This indicates resilience and a higher likelihood of passing on healthy genes to offspring. A healthy immune system contributes to physical attractiveness by promoting clear skin, bright eyes, and radiance. Women may be instinctively drawn to men with a healthy immune system as it signifies good genetic compatibility and the potential for healthy offspring. A healthy immune system is often perceived as a positive and attractive trait in the context of forming romantic relationships.

Universal Sci

Show Kindness and Compassion Towards Others

Kindness is a fundamental trait that reflects a person’s ability to consider the needs and feelings of others. When men show kindness, it creates a sense of safety, trust, and emotional connection. It demonstrates that they are caring and supportive, making women feel valued and understood. Acts of kindness can range from simple gestures like offering a helping hand or listening attentively to more significant acts of generosity and thoughtfulness. Women appreciate men who prioritize kindness as it creates a positive and harmonious relationship dynamic. It shows that the man is capable of creating an environment of warmth, understanding, and mutual respect.


Show Off a High Status

In a 2010 study conducted at the University of Wales Institute, it was discovered that men who were photographed with a Silver Bentley Continental GT were perceived as significantly more attractive compared to those pictured with a Red Ford Fiesta ST. Similarly, a 2014 study from Cardiff Metropolitan University revealed that men depicted in a luxury apartment were rated as more attractive than those in a control group. Interestingly, the studies found that men did not demonstrate a heightened attraction towards women when they were pictured in a high-status context.

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Be Clear and Articulate When Expressing Yourself

Clear communication and articulation are undeniably attractive qualities. When men possess the ability to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly, it demonstrates intelligence, confidence, and assertiveness. Clear communication ensures that messages are conveyed accurately, minimizing misunderstandings and promoting healthy dialogue. It allows men to articulate their needs, boundaries, and desires effectively, fostering open and honest communication within relationships. Moreover, clear communication showcases active listening skills, as it involves not only expressing oneself but also attentively understanding and responding to others. People are naturally drawn to those who can articulate their thoughts with clarity, as it creates a sense of trust, understanding, and respect.

Love to Know

Look Within Your Own League

In a 2011 study conducted at the University of California, Berkeley, researchers examined the behavior of 60 heterosexual male and 60 heterosexual female users on an online dating site. The study found that while most users showed a preference for reaching out to highly attractive individuals, they were more likely to receive a response if the person they contacted was roughly on par with them in terms of attractiveness, as determined by independent evaluators. This suggests that individuals tend to seek partners who are similar in attractiveness, potentially due to concerns about maintaining compatibility and perceived relational security.

Snap Crack

Volunteer Work

UK researchers conducted a study in 2013 and discovered that women perceive men as more appealing when they engage in volunteer work. Approximately 30 women were shown a picture of a man along with a brief description of his hobbies, including instances where volunteer work was mentioned. Similarly, about 30 men were shown a picture of a woman, and the same procedure was followed. Participants rated the attractiveness of the person in the picture for both short- and long-term relationships. Results revealed that individuals described as volunteers were deemed more attractive for a long-term relationship by both genders, with women rating men as significantly more attractive.


Women Find Men with Scars Very Alluring

Scars can add a touch of ruggedness and masculinity to a man’s appearance, which some women find appealing. Scars can symbolize resilience, strength, and the ability to overcome challenges, characteristics that can be attractive in a partner. Additionally, scars can be seen as marks of experience and stories to tell, adding depth and intrigue to a man’s persona. Women may also find facial scars alluring because they add a unique and distinctive element to a man’s physical features. This ultimately sets him apart from others. Sometimes, the draw towards a “bad boy” is irresistible for a woman, and scars can certainly give the impression of living life a little more on the edge. But please don’t go out and get injured just to be more attractive.

The Hans India

A Strong Social Network Can Help Make You More Attractive to Potential Partners

A robust social circle demonstrates a man’s ability to build and maintain relationships, indicating strong interpersonal skills and likability. Being surrounded by friends suggests that the man is capable of forming meaningful connections and has qualities that others appreciate. A strong social group provides opportunities for social engagement, outings, and shared experiences, making the man appear more outgoing and socially adept. It also signifies a sense of belonging and social validation, which can boost his self-confidence and attractiveness. Being part of a supportive social network can provide emotional well-being and a sense of community. This then translates into a positive energy and charisma. Women are often attracted to men who can effortlessly navigate social situations, display genuine friendships, and exude a positive social presence.

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Practicing Self Care is Incredibly Important

Taking care of oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally allows men to show up as their best selves in their relationships. When men prioritize self-care, they maintain a healthy balance between their own needs and the needs of their partners. Ultimately, this prevents burnout and resentment. Engaging in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, relaxation, hobbies, and self-reflection, helps men manage stress, boost their self-esteem, and maintain a positive mindset. This, in turn, allows them to be more present, patient, and supportive partners. Self-care practices also contribute to personal growth and self-awareness, enabling men to better understand their own emotions and communicate effectively with their partners.


Become Familiar With How Women Flirt

According to Rutgers University anthropologist and best-selling author Helen E. Fisher, women worldwide use a remarkably similar sequence of expressions to signal interest. As Fisher explained on Psychology Today, the sequence unfolds as follows: first, the woman smiles at her admirer, simultaneously raising her eyebrows swiftly and widening her eyes to fix her gaze upon him. Next, she lowers her eyelids, tilts her head downward and to the side, and averts her eyes. Often, she complements these gestures by covering her face with her hands. She then releases nervous giggles as she retreats behind her palms. This distinct sequential flirting gesture led German ethologist Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt to believe that it is innate—a courtship behavior that evolved long ago to communicate sexual interest.

Man of Many

Strong Jawlines Are Always Irresistible

Women often find men with strong jawlines attractive due to the facial symmetry and masculine features associated with this physical characteristic. A well-defined jawline is perceived as a sign of good health, as it is often indicative of a healthy body composition and fitness. A strong jawline can enhance facial aesthetics, creating a chiseled and sculpted appearance that is considered visually appealing. Moreover, a strong jawline is linked to masculinity and a sense of dominance, qualities that are evolutionarily associated with protection and provider traits. This physical feature can evoke feelings of attraction and a sense of confidence in a potential partner.


Eat Some Garlic

Researchers from Charles University, the National Institute of Mental Health in the Czech Republic, and the University of Stirling in the United Kingdom conducted a series of studies challenging the belief that the smell of garlic on one’s breath is an instant romance killer. In one study, eight men consumed a slice of bread with cheese and 12 grams of fresh garlic. Another eight ate bread and cheese without garlic. Over the next 12 hours, the men wore cotton pads under their armpits, refraining from using deodorants or fragrances. The following day, 40 women sniffed the pads in a lab setting and evaluated the odor in terms of pleasantness, attractiveness, masculinity, and intensity. Surprisingly, the results indicated that the group who consumed garlic was rated as more pleasant and attractive, but less masculine and intense.

The Hard Times

Good Music is Incredibly Attractive

In a 2014 study conducted at the University of Sussex, approximately 1,500 women with an average age of 28 were asked to listen to both simple and complex pieces of music and subsequently rate the attractiveness of the composer. The findings indicated that women had a preference for the more complex music . Those women expressed a willingness to choose the composer of the complex music as a long-term partner.

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Extreme Sports

In 2014, researchers at the University of Alaska at Anchorage conducted a study revealing that women are drawn to men who embrace what they termed “hunter-gatherer risks.” The study involved more than 230 undergraduates. They completed questionnaires assessing the level of attractiveness they attributed to potential partners engaging in various types of risky behaviors compared to those engaging in low- or no-risk behaviors. Hunter-gatherer risks, such as mountain biking, deep-sea scuba diving, and extreme rollerblading, were contrasted with “modern” risks. These included academic plagiarism, careless handling of chemicals in a lab, and neglecting to update computer virus-protection software. The results indicated that women expressed a greater attraction to men who took on hunter-gatherer risks reminiscent of those faced by ancestral humans. However, women found men engaging in modern risks less appealing, as they might be perceived as unwise choices.

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