
10 Home Remedies To Prevent and Treat Age Spots

Castor Oil Castor oil has always been known to help in treating a lot of skin conditions. In this list of skin conditions, age spots stand… Simi - November 6, 2017

The body naturally produces melanin (skin pigment). However, there are people whose bodies produce melanin in excess quantities. This is a very common issue that most people deal with. It is the excess production of melanin that leads to the formation of age spots, also known as solar lentigines or liver spots. This usually happens because of too much exposure to the sun. Those who use tanning beds or lamps have also been known to have age spots.

Typically, the spots appear in different sizes on different individuals. They can be seen on the arms, hands or the face, basically any part of the body that is exposed to the sun. The spots can be black, brown or tan, and are oval and flat where there is too much pigmentation. These are often referred to as age spots because they are prevalent in people who are at least 50 years old. There are, however, younger individuals who also have age spots, particularly those who are out in the sun most of the time. It is also worth noting that this is a common problem for those who have light skin.

There is nothing dangerous about age spots. Though harmless, most people usually worry about the cosmetic appeal. You can get rid of them through medical treatments or products for skin bleaching and lightening. The only problem here is that these products are, in most cases too expensive, and they also carry side effects.

Take note that while these natural remedies have been known to work well, there are people who have also had bad reactions to them, perhaps as a result of allergic reactions or contradiction with their gene pool. Before you begin any home remedy, make sure you consult your doctor. The following are some good natural remedies for age spots that you can find in your kitchen.



Sandalwood happens to be one of the best remedies you can use to fade the age spots away. The soothing relief on your skin is something you will appreciate more, in addition to the spots disappearing. Other than that, sandalwood has also been known to help in making the spots and scars on your skin heal at a faster rate. When you pay attention to most cosmetic products, you will notice that in the list of ingredients, sandalwood is usually a common essential oil.


  • Mix sandalwood powder and rose water in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each). In case you need to make a paste, add more rosewater and toss in some lemon juice.
  • Apply the mixture on the part that is affected and let it stay for 20 minutes. You can also just leave it on until it has dried out.
  • Rinse with clean, cold water. You should do this 2-3 times a week until you see the dark spots fading away.

In order to get the best results with the sandalwood paste, apply it on days when you do not need to go out. If possible, stay inside the house most of the day, especially when the sun’s rays are intense. If you have to step outside the house, apply some sunscreen. It is also important to walk in a shaded area so that you can limit your exposure to the sun.

For those who would love to use sunscreen when going out, shop for sunscreen products with a sun protection factor SPF of no less than 15. Make sure the product you purchase also has UVB and UVA protection. Sunscreen should be applied no less than half an hour before you go out into the sun.


Apple Cider Vinegar

For years, apple cider vinegar has been used as a natural remedy for a lot of skin conditions. It is no surprise that it is also a good remedy for age spots. While it might not get rid of the spots completely, apple cider vinegar will actually make it easier to conceal the spots and make them difficult to notice. Other than that, you also end up with an improved skin tone.

The active ingredient in apple cider vinegar that makes this possible is the presence of alpha hydroxyl acids. The action of these acids makes the affected spots lighter. Patches of the skin that are dark will also become lighter when you use apple cider vinegar.


  • You will need unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water for this.
  • Mix them in equal parts, then toss in some honey.
  • Apply the mixture on the parts affected.
  • Leave it to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with clean water.
  • You should do this once each day.

Alongside this mechanism, you should also add 2 teaspoons of apple cider (organic) in a glass of drinking water. You should drink this twice a day, for it also helps in improving your skin and health.


When you use this mix, you will, from time to time, experience a stinging sensation. You can also notice some redness in the treated area. This is normal, so you should not freak out. However, in case you notice the irritation is too intense, stop using apple cider vinegar immediately. Apple cider vinegar works best because it dries out the spots and makes them fade out better, faster and naturally.



Yogurt is another natural product that has seen a lot of uses as a natural home remedy. In most cases, it is the action of the lactic acid available in yogurt that makes it the perfect remedy, especially for age spots. Lactic acid acts gently on the affected areas. It removes the dead skin cells. While the skin that is discolored is peeling away, your body will generate fresh healthy skin. As this happens over time, it becomes difficult to notice the age spots.

Another reason why you might want to consider using yogurt is that it keeps your skin looking fresh and moisturized for a long time. Apply some yogurt on the affected parts. Make sure you are using plain unsweetened yogurt. Let it dry for around 30 minutes then rinse off with clean cold water. You should do this twice or thrice a day.

Another option is to prepare a yogurt face mask. Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. Mix these properly then apply on the affected areas. Allow this to sit for half an hour then rinse off with clean cold water. You can do this twice or thrice a week.

While yogurt has lactic acid, there are other properties in it that help in bleaching your skin and making you look lighter. You can actually have your skin getting several tones lighter. If you use it regularly, you should be able to notice the age spots fading away over time. Yogurt is a mild bleaching agent, so you should not have to worry about allergic reactions. However, should you notice anything weird, like redness on the area you apply, or irritation, stop and immediately consult your doctor.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a natural healer in virtually any part of the body. It is an antioxidant. This, therefore, means that with Vitamin E, it is possible to heal and reverse the damage that could have been caused by excessive exposure to the sun. UV rays usually do a lot of damage to the skin, particularly for those who spend a lot of time outdoors and without proper protection from the sun, like sunscreen.

Vitamin E makes the age spots fade away. Other than that, it will also leave your skin moisturized. Because of this, you end up with flawless and healthy skin. Some people’s skin responds so well to Vitamin E, they actually look younger in the process.

Buy quality Vitamin E oil from your local stores. Massage the oil in the affected part of the skin two times a day for around 15 minutes. If you do this regularly for a few weeks, you should notice changes in your skin tone. The uneven skin tone in the areas with age spots will have been reduced.

Another option is to take two capsules of Vitamin E and extract their content. Mix this together with a teaspoon of castor oil until you have an even paste. Apply this on the parts affected before you go to sleep in the evening. You should do this every day, leaving it overnight and rinsing properly in the morning.



When it comes to natural remedies for the skin, lemons are some of the most efficient options you have. They do not just help in lightening the age spots, they also help with other dark spots on your skin, and freckles. Lemons have citric acid. Citric acid usually removes the dead skin cells safely. It does this by disintegrating the melanin pigment. When this happens, new layers of skin are revealed, in the same way, some medicines usually work.

One of the main reasons why lemons are preferred by a lot of people is because they also make your skin glow. It is important to note that lemons also have Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant. Therefore, it protects your skin from damage by free radicals.

Take note that soon after you apply lemon on your skin, you should not step out into the sun. If you do this, there is a high risk your skin will be darker than it was. People with very sensitive skin should not use lemons. This is because lemons will often cause redness and irritation on the body. If this is the case, you might want to look at other home remedies other than lemons. If you insist on using lemons, you should use rosewater to dilute it before you apply it on your skin.

For this solution, you only need two things, a knife, and a lemon. Cut the lemon into slices then rub them on the affected parts of your skin. Let the lemon juice stay on for around 20 minutes then rinse with clean, clear water. For this procedure to be effective, you should do it twice a day until your age spots disappear.



In the list of natural remedies you will come across in your kitchen, turmeric is one of the most effective ones you will come across. Turmeric is a product that has been in use for so many years as far as skincare is concerned. In fact, it is a common ingredient in any healing procedure that uses Ayurveda techniques for skin conditions.

Turmeric will easily lighten your skin, especially the parts where age spots are prominent. Apart from that, it has powerful antioxidant properties. You will benefit from this because it repairs the damage caused by free radicals.

Prepare two teaspoons of turmeric powder and add some milk. To make this even more effective, you can toss in a few teaspoons of lemon milk. Apply this mix on the parts of the skin affected. Let it settle for 30 minutes then rinse with warm water. You should do this twice or thrice a week.

Because people react to turmeric or lemon differently, you should not attempt this if you have not discussed it with your doctor. They will consider your allergies first before giving you the go-ahead. If you try it and feel some intense irritation on the skin, or redness where you apply it, stop immediately and consider other alternatives.


Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is also another natural remedy for so many skin conditions. It has been used successfully in the past to manage things like stinging nettles, poison oak, eczema and age spots. It is common because its benefits are two-fold. While your skin will remain fresh, you will also benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe Vera. Other than that, you will notice your skin is moisturized.

To get the best results with Aloe Vera, it is always advisable that you use the naturally occurring Aloe Vera plant. You can plant it in your garden or you can purchase one from the local grocery store. Alternatively, there are people who have had impressive results with Aloe Vera products they purchased from health stores online and in the neighborhood.

For those who are using the plant, break one of the leaves. It is the oozing gel that you will rub onto the age spots on your skin. Let it soak in for a while. It will feel sticky, but let it be. Allow it to sit for around half an hour then you can rinse it off with clean water. You should do this two times a day until you are satisfied with the results you get.

When you compare some of the products, including natural remedies for age spots, Aloe Vera is actually one of the most effective products you can use. Its naturally occurring compounds will remove the dead cells from your skin gently, in the process supporting the growth of new and healthy skin cells. If you use Aloe Vera constantly, there is a good chance that it will not just remove the age spots, but you will also have lighter skin.



The main reason why tomatoes are efficient in healing age spots is that they are acidic. Their acidic property makes them a good bleaching agent for your skin. They are, therefore, a good candidate when dealing with age spots. Other than age spots, you can also use them for freckles and a host of other blemishes on the skin.

Other than their acidic component, tomatoes are also rich in lycopene and a lot of enzymes that help in keeping the skin lighter and glowing. Lycopene is a highly efficient antioxidant, so you can look forward to lighter skin in a few weeks.

You will only need a tomato and a knife for this remedy. Slice the tomato into slices and rub one on the parts affected. Let the tomato juice stay on your skin for 25 minutes then rinse it off with clean, cold water. You should do this at least once a day, but twice would be best.

Another way of preparing this remedy is to mix honey and tomato juice in equal proportions. Mix the ingredients thoroughly then apply on the part of the skin with age spots. Let this settle for 15 minutes and then rinse it away with cool, clean water. You can also do this one or two times a day for effective results. While tomatoes are effective, not everyone’s skin reacts well to it. Stop and consider other home remedies if you notice your body reacting badly to it. You should also consult a doctor.



Dairy products are notorious home remedies because of the presence of lactic acid. Buttermilk is no different, just as is the case with yogurt. Lactic acid will exfoliate the dead skin pigments, removing the damaged skin. At the same time, it will gently bleach the affected part, revealing healthy skin whose spots are less noticeable. The more you use it, the lighter the area becomes, and over time you should notice the age spots going away completely, or being near-impossible to notice.

Another reason why you might want to use buttermilk is that it helps in skin rejuvenation and restoration. You should apply it directly on the parts with age spots. Leave it on the applied area for 15 minutes, then rinse off with clean, cold water. Do this twice or thrice a day for the best results.

There is another way of applying buttermilk to deal with age spots. Mix 2 tablespoons of tomato juice and 4 tablespoons of buttermilk together. Apply this gently on the part of the skin with age spots. Let it settle for 15 minutes then rinse off with clean cold water. You can do this two times a day.

While this remedy has been a success for age spots, you can take it a notch higher. You can consider preparing the same for washing your face every morning. If you want, you can also prepare a buttermilk bath every morning. This will help you feel fresh and have lighter skin all over the body. The evenness of this procedure makes it worth a try.


Castor Oil

Castor oil has always been known to help in treating a lot of skin conditions. In this list of skin conditions, age spots stand out. When using castor oil, you only need to apply a little oil on the parts of the skin that are affected. Massage this gently for one or two minutes. If you happened to apply more oil than you needed, just massage until the oil has been properly absorbed. You should do this twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

The best thing about using castor oil is that the results are noticeable very soon. After 4 weeks, you should be able to notice a difference in your skin tone. The age spots should become difficult to notice the more you keep using castor oil.

In case you have dry skin, you should take additional precautions to make this work. Add a bit of coconut oil or olive oil together with castor oil. This is supposed to moisturize your skin and at the same time prevent dryness when you are done with the massage.

Castor oil has a host of antioxidants. These are quite beneficial in keeping your skin lighter, and at the same time protecting your skin from normal damage agents like UV rays. Other than that, castor oil will also improve your skin appearance. Even the texture will improve over time. You will end up with smooth, soft skin than you had before.


Tricks to Beat Insomnia and Get Good Sleep Every Night

There are many factors that can turn a sweet night of sleep into a real nightmare. If you are one of those people who struggle to… Simi - November 1, 2017

There are many factors that can turn a sweet night of sleep into a real nightmare. If you are one of those people who struggle to sleep more than just a few hours every now and then, or if you wake up in the middle of the night, or if you haven’t enjoyed a good night of sleep for a while, or if you feel extremely tired in the morning, then you need to read this! We will be discussing the ten main foolproof tricks to sleep better every single night.


Sleep deprivation is the cause of many ongoing health problems. It can also affect your mood, health, energy and your ability to function appropriately during the day. Whenever you experience an ongoing lack of sleep, the results can be damaging to your daily functions. You may feel daytime fatigue, anxiety, depression, lack of concentration, mood swings, and daytime napping.

Additionally, sleep deprivation can lead to and is linked to heart disease, strokes, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. It is necessary to sleep better to keep a healthy and steady life. In addition to this, the National Institutes of Health confirms that the ideal amount of sleep varies from 10 daily hours for school-aged children down to 7-8 hours of sleep in adults. Children usually sleep better than adults. Many adults in developing countries have sleep disorders. According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), in the US alone there are 50-70 million adults with this issue.

In this article, we will discuss ten of the most important steps to follow to sleep better. These are foolproof tricks to help you relax and sleep better altogether. Make sure to read it through and take notes, you will soon sleep like the baby you once were!


Avoid Stress!

Due to the changes in lifestyle, stress is now one of the big killers together with obesity. However, because stress is not a visible physical symptom, many neglects to treat it correctly.

Stress is also one of the main causes of sleep deprivation. This is because of what stress does to your body. It upsets the balance of your sleep patterns and causes hyperarousal. It will directly affect your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. During a survey released in 2013, the American Psychological Association stated that over 40% of US adults experience stress which results in wakefulness.

When you feel overwhelmed or stressed, your body goes through a complex process that involves emotional, biological, and cognitive factors which affect your sleeping behavior. This is caused by the activation of the HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) and SAM (sympatho-adreno-medullary) systems, as proved by the 2012 study in the Experimental Neurobiology Journal.

Additionally, another study published in 2013 in the Psychosomatic Medicine Journal explained the relation between coping skills, stress, and arousal in relation to primary insomnia. If you do feel under a lot of pressure or stress, or if you feel like things are out of control, then this might affect your sleeping quality. Whenever you want to sleep better, it is important to control certain aspects of your life.

You can do so by following certain relaxing actions such as reading a book or listening to soft music. Also, another trick to sleep better is to practice deep breathing or meditation. Any of these activities will help your brain and body to relax. If you can take ten to twenty minutes of your evening to do some of these activities, you will not only sleep better but also learn how to control your emotional responses to daily activities.


Avoid excess use of Electronics!

Something that wouldn’t have affected our society some decades ago is now a leading cause of sleeping disorders. One of the things that will prevent you from sleeping better is the use of electronics. Our modern society is used to check our smartphones, laptops, and tablets just before bedtime. Most of us also use those electronics directly when in bed, which affects our ability to sleep. The issue is not related to the actual reason for the use of electronics themselves. The problem is related to the light emanating from them, which inhibits melatonin production. Melatonin is the sleep-inducing hormone that makes our body fall asleep and regenerate the energy needed for our daily activities.

Additionally, the excitement and concentration we need when dealing with a TV or a laptop create attention need in our brain. The stimulation caused by electronic devices, together with the lack of melatonin production, is one of the major causes of insomnia. Something that not many people know is that the use of electronics also affects our circadian rhythm. To sleep better, we need to control our body’s circadian rhythm. In 2012, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute released a study that confirms that light from tablets and computers directly affects the secretion of melatonin, thus affecting our sleep directly. Even a period of short exposure (up to 2 hours) directly affects bedtime and even more for teenagers.

Using electronics at night is not the only issue. Even just using electronics during the day will affect your ability to sleep better. In 2015, BMJ Open published a study that confirms the direct relationship between a reduction in the hours and quality of sleep and the use of electronics in teenagers.

If you want to sleep better, make sure to switch off any electronics in your bedroom like your TV, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone. It is important to leave as much time in between your use of electronics and bedtime. A minimum of 30 minutes without your device should do the trick, but two hours or more is ideal. You can use these last 2 hours to do other activities such as spend some quality family time or reading a nice book even istening to music is also an extremely good way to relax properly and sleep better.


Avoid Smoking Before Bedtime!

We all know, one way or another, that smoking is generically not good for our body. Disturbed sleep is just another one of the many reasons why smoking is bad for us. Although we believe that smoking is a relaxing activity, nicotine acts as a stimulant in our body. If you do happen to smoke before sleep, you may experience issues such as delayed sleep or waking up during the night. Additionally, even trying to stop smoking can be harmful seeing that nicotine withdrawal also leads to restlessness.

In 2006, the American Journal of Epidemiology published a study showing how smoking cigarettes was directly associated with sleep disturbances. Later, in 2008, another study was published, this time by the American College of Chest Physicians. They proved that smokers are up to four times more likely to report restlessness than non-smokers. This is because of the stimulating effects of nicotine.

Once again, in 2012, an additional study by the Addiction Biology Journal, reported that nicotine dependence and the intensity of smoking were directly associated with much shorter sleep duration. Because of its effects on our lungs, smoking also leads to some levels of sleep apnea in certain subjects. Sleep apnea is extremely dangerous to live as it can lead to death if untreated in time.

But there is good news, so worry not! If you want to sleep better and you are a smoker, there is a solution! Whenever you quit smoking, you will almost immediately improve your quality of sleep. You will breathe better, be more energetic, improve the quality of your exercise and did we mention that you will sleep better? If you need help to quit smoking, make sure to consult your physician of choice or find any support groups in your area.


Exercise Regularly!

Exercise is key to better sleep, not only because it uses the energy of your body, but because of the benefits it provides. Those who do not exercise regularly will most likely have problems with their sleep patterns. To sleep better you will need to consume your energy and activate your metabolism.

This has been proven several times. Most recently, in a survey that took place in 2013, published by the National Sleep Foundation. Participants that exercised moderately or professionally would sleep better than those who didn’t. Another research from 2011, published in the notes of the Mental Health and Physical Activity Magazine, proved that exercising the recommended 150 minutes a week would result in better sleeping patterns. Sleeping better is not the only benefit. Another benefit is more energy and alertness during the daytime.

That same year, another study, which was published in Sleep Research, investigated vigorous late-night workouts. It resulted in proof that this does not affect sleep. Exercise could, however, affect the cardiac autonomic control of your heart when you fall asleep. It is said that exercising before bed is not good, but it could not be further from the truth.

Finally, another study published in 2014 by Biomed Research International confirmed that exercise is good. Exercise minimizes the impairments that are usually associated with insomnia (chronic primary). So, if you wish to sleep better and feel healthier, exercising is your solution. Try waking up early and exercising either before work or during your lunch break. It doesn’t have to be intense, or even every day. A little goes a long way! Start with some pilates, yoga or maybe a nice stroll in the evening after work. You can then upgrade to running or doing some team sports.


Alcohol is the Enemy of your Sleep Patterns!

Even though many fall asleep after a few drinks, booze may kill your sleeping patterns. If you drink one glass of wine every now and then, you don’t need to worry. However, if you like partying and blacking out, then it might be an issue. Whenever you get heavily drunk, you will wake up often during the night (either to drink or use the bathroom). Not only that, heavy drinking is directly related to interference of REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep), which in the long run results in a feeling of restlessness in the morning after.

Alcohol affects your body in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. It is your biggest enemy if you want to sleep better. The 2013 study, which was published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, proved that whenever you drink your deep sleep is strong at the very beginning of the night, but it is weakened as time goes by. This results in your body feeling lethargic. Additionally, if you fall asleep late, then you will most likely wake up late. Making it harder for your body to follow a routine and affecting your metabolism. Your sleep cycle will be chaos and will make you feel restless and lethargic every other day.

Also, whenever you drink, you may feel hungover the next day. One of the solutions to hangovers is naps. However, napping during the day will also affect your chances to sleep better at night. All in all, drinking excessive alcohol is dangerous to your mental and physical health. If you do wish to go out, make sure not to drink too much. Additionally, always drink a glass of water for each glass of alcohol you consume. This way you will keep your body hydrated and will respond better to recovering the next day.


No Coffee before Sleeping!

Let’s face it, a nice Espresso is always the best way to end a meal and many do follow this rule, even at dinnertime. But we have unfortunate news about this tasty drink. First of all, caffeine is a stimulant, which means that it will make your body alert and awake, even if you don’t feel any changes. Caffeine can also cause dizziness and nervousness as well as affect your REM sleep.

Even though you may think that caffeine is not affecting your sleep, it does affect your body. A study that was published back in 2013 by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine confirmed that any caffeine intake within the last 6 hours before sleeping will most definitely affect your body. If you have trouble sleeping, remove any caffeinated drink from your diet for the last half of the day. The best time to consume coffee or sodas is during the day, not before bedtime.

Caffeine affects your body in many ways. Preventing sleep is one of them but there are many others as well. It will increase your anxiety and nervousness. It can even cause dizziness. Additionally, caffeine is not only found in coffee. Nowadays, most sodas also have caffeine as one of their active ingredients. Make sure to check the list of ingredients on the back label of your favorite drinks. This way you will know what to avoid before bedtime to sleep better.

If you feel like having a hot drink, stick to herbal teas or hot chocolate. Try avoiding coffee for at least six hours before your regular sleep time. You will sleep better and feel more rested. Another tip to sleep better has to do with drinks in general. To avoid unnecessary trips to the bathroom, restrict any drink intake (even water) before bedtime.


Avoid High-Fat Dinners!

There are many things that can affect your sleep quality, and a huge dinner is one of them. If you ever had a holiday dinner with your family, you will remember the hard night afterward. A high fat, together with low fiber dinner will directly affect your sleep. The Chinese International Journal of Obesity confirmed back in 2008 that in China, those who slept an average of 7 hours were also the same who ate more fat in their meals, while explaining that those who ate healthier meals would sleep 7 to 9 hours.

This study made the connection between fat and the shortness of a night of sleep. Another study published in 2016 in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, established the link with other facts such as low fiber and high sugar intake. The best way to sleep better is to have light and healthy dinners. Every now and then, it is alright to give yourself a nice cheat dinner or a party. However, for your normal day-to-day health, the best way forward is with high-fiber, low-fat, and high-protein dinners. Avoiding sugars is another excellent way to sleep better. Sugar is arousing and will keep your body going for hours, which is the opposite of what your mind wants.

We suggest having light dinners 2-3 hours before bedtime. Avoid it consuming around your perfect sleeping time. This will give your body the necessary time to digest and process the nutrients without leaving the hard digestion process to a sleepy body. Your metabolism will also improve by following these suggestions. A stable and healthy diet will most certainly help you to sleep better in no time!


Regulate your Bedroom’s Light and Temperature!

Our body is programmed in such a way that it relates darkness to sleep. This is the reason why it can resist very hard to sleep in bright places or during the day. The perfect bedroom to sleep better in is one that is dark and has a balanced temperature. The hormone that is in charge of causing our sleep is called melatonin. It is released by the pineal gland and will lower your body temperature while causing sleepiness.

Even the slightest light will disrupt the production of melatonin. This means even cell phones or computers will stop or diminish the production of melatonin, which will affect your overall sleep quality. Because of what we explained above, if your body sees light in any form, it will consider that day has arrived and during the day your body is not supposed to be sleeping. With a lower production of melatonin, your body won’t rest properly, and you will find it hard to fall asleep or even wake up several times during the night.

To sleep better, make sure to keep your room dark and quiet during the night. To stop streetlights from entering, use curtains or shades on your windows. Noise will also affect your sleep. If you have a sleeping partner who snores or a clock in the bedroom, those noises may affect your sleep. We suggest the use of earplugs to solve this issue.

To sleep better, your bedroom needs to be at an average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius (65 degrees Fahrenheit). If your bedroom is too warm or too cold, your REM sleep will be affected, and you will wake up either shaking from cold or sweating from the heat. Even the slightest modification in your bedroom temperature can either make your sleep better or worse.



Any young parent with a baby will be able to testify to the fact that sleep became a commodity more valuable than gold. They will be able to tell you that the saying ‘sleeping like a baby‘ is one of the worst expressions ever. That the person who came up with it should try and sleep for only two hours at a time and scream the other hours in-between. They will also be able to tell you about the time that they discovered routine and how it became the beacon of hope that illuminated the path to a full night’s sleep.

Babies don’t have any other way of telling you that they are tired, the only tool they have at their disposal is a voice, a voice that will scream until its needs are met. This does not mean that babies are unintelligent; on the contrary, they soak up every little detail of life and learn much faster than an adult. Therefore, one must establish a sleeping routine with them as soon as possible. It creates a pattern, which in turn makes the baby feel relaxed and secure in knowing what comes next.

So what’s the difference between babies and adults? Nothing really. Our brains work the same as adults as when we were babies. The only problem is that we tend to over-stimulate our brains and this leads to sleep disturbances.

In creating bedtime routines as an adult, you program your brain to go into sleep mode. The key is to find something that you can do 30-60 minutes before you intend to go to sleep so that you can relax and begin to shut down. This will differ from person to person, but establishing that routine will help you sleep like the dead.


Bring changes in your lifestyle!

This is probably one of the best and most obvious ways to improve the quality of your sleep. There is a strong connection between the quality of your bed and the quality of your sleep. The better the bed, the better your chances are of having a good night’s rest.

Many people tend to neglect their mattresses and end up using the same mattress for an extended period, so much so that it loses the initial support that was good for sleeping posture. It results in back and neck pain and a bad night’s sleep. If you can’t afford a new mattress, you should regularly rotate and flip it so that the wear is not concentrated in one spot.

Apart from your bed, your bedroom itself needs to be conducive to sleep. A cluttered and untidy bedroom has been known to disturb sleep. This is because a cluttered room looks busy and this causes the brain to be stimulated and results in poor sleep quality. The National Sleep Foundation found that people who make their beds in the morning are 19% more likely to have a good night’s rest.

Once the mess is cleared up, you need to work on the temperature. Trying to sleep in a room that is too hot is like taking a jog. As your body heats up, it also kicks into temperature regulation mode. This means that your body actively tries various strategies to try and cool itself down. That is an amazing little feature when you are actually exercising, but not so much when you are trying to get some desperately needed sleep. There are a number of different ways you can cool the temperature of your room. Ranging from fully automated climate control systems, to put your comforter in the freezer, it all just depends on your budget really.

Read Next: Use These Natural Products to Get a Good Night’s Sleep.
