At some point, we’ve all had someone look over at us as we complain about our health and say, “You need a Vitamin B12 shot.” To many people, a Vitamin B12 shot is a panacea and a cure-all for any illness. But, before you have one, there are things you need to weigh. As with any decision about your body, you need to do some research and make an informed choice.
Vitamin B12 is essential for your body’s health and well-being. It is not a vitamin the body generates; it needs to be ingested. Your body cannot store Vitamin B12 for protracted periods of time. This indicates a need to frequently consume healthy amounts of Vitamin B12.
The average daily recommended microgram (mcg) amount of Vitamin B12 you should ingest depends on your age. Infants younger than 6 months need 0.4mcg, while babies between 7-12 months old need 0.5mcg. From 1-3 years, children need 0.9mcg, and those aged 4-8 years require 1.2mcg. Tweens (9-13 years old) should consume about 1.8mcg, and teens 14-18 need 2.4mcg. Once you enter adulthood, you need 2.4mcg of Vitamin B12 each day. For women, the recommended intake increases to 2.6mcg during pregnancy and 2.8mcg while breastfeeding.
The most obvious way to add Vitamin B12 to your body is by eating foods rich in it. Vitamin B12 is found in high concentrations in dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry and fish. Very often, this is simply not enough. A Vitamin B12 supplement or injection is needed to boost the amount in the body. Let’s start with the advantages of Vitamin B12 Injections:
15. They stimulate your metabolism
Vitamin B12 can jump-start your metabolism. The metabolic system is in charge of breaking down the food we eat to convert it to energy. When the metabolism is sluggish or slow, foods don’t get broken down and used. They get stored as fat. This results in the inefficient use of the food consumed. And it also results in weight gain.
Weight gain should be avoided. Once you’ve put the weight on, it’s hard to lose it. Keeping your metabolism stimulated helps you avoid gaining weight.
When your metabolism is not working properly, your appetite is not regulated and under control. This can prompt overeating or undereating. Either of these has a negative effect on your body’s ability to metabolize what you eat.
Undereating or overeating affects your body’s energy levels. As soon as energy levels are affected, exercise output is impacted. When you’re not exercising as much as you should, your metabolism slows down. A slow metabolism also affects sleep patterns. You may find yourself needing to sleep longer than usual. It feels like no amount of sleep is enough, and you wake up tired all the time.