
8 Things That Happen When You Are Subconsciously Stressed

7. Lack of sleep Ongoing thoughts in the brain which are highly deviating can keep a person awake for hours. However, if you are unable to… Melisa Silver - March 8, 2016

Stress has become a norm rather than a worrisome factor these days. There are ample diseases that are solely caused or provoked due to stress. It is this very stress that ignites the onset of diseases even if they are present intuitively in the body.

There comes times when people are stressed, yet they remain unaware. It happens when one tries to hide or suppress their mental pressures due to the inability to work upon them, or as a consequence of busy life. Whatever the cause is, suppressed stress damages the brain equally in any case.

One doesn’t realize that while surpassing unresolved tension, they are actually making their mind habitual to it, and as a result of which their brain hyper reacts or under reacts to stressful situations.

Read out the rest of the blog post to learn about eight things that commonly happen if you are subconsciously stressed.



1. Forgetfulness

We shall keep aside the family tendency, disease and busy schedule factors, and talk about forgetfulness that arises in the absence of these factors. In stressful situations, when a person’s mind is subconsciously under peer pressure, memory becomes poor. Simple day-to-day activities seems to get affected. For example: if you are subconsciously stressed, you might forget major chores from your routine. You may have an important event to attend and you shall forget to prepare for it beforehand. You had to pick up your clothes from the dry cleaners and it keeps on delaying since you are forgetting it every day.

Poor memory in cases of subconscious stress develops because the brain is already occupied with tension and unresolved matters, so much so that it lacks the ability to store current information.



2. Displaced anger

In medicine, displaced anger is said to occur when a person gets angry over things that are actually unrelated to the hyper-reactivity of the person. For example, a person gets much angry over the slightest noise of a creaking door, even if he was sitting peacefully few seconds ago. This indicates that there shall be some anger-provoking memories from the past events in the person’s thoughts, which might have been suppressed and are being omitted at unrelated things.



3. Frequent illnesses

If you are not habitual of falling sick so frequently but have suddenly developed this tendency out of nowhere, despite of an intact and well-functioning immune system, absence of any medical conditions, and a healthy environment, you must think and try to evaluate whether your brain has been too much stressed lately. Chronic stress makes a person susceptible towards the development of diseases by weakening their immune system.

Signpost along the road to recovery.
Signpost along the road to recovery.


4. Late recovery from illnesses

If you are a person who takes no time to recover from an illness, but since the past few weeks you are taking too much time as compared to earlier days to cope with an illness, you must consider the possibility of prevalence of ‘suppressed stress’. When the human brain is exposed to intense tension for longer periods of time, it slowly loses its ability to command the body, as a result of which, the body’s defense mechanism takes a longer time than usual to eradicate a disease.



5. Skipping meals unconsciously

How many times have you skipped your meal unconsciously? How many times do you think that you have slept without having dinner, not as a matter of absence of hunger, but because you just forgot?

If this situation happens frequently, it could possibly be due to a stress-occupied brain. Subconsciously accentuated brain leaves a person unable to even remember the norms of a day properly.



6. Disturbed attention

This is a fairly common sign of stress, especially when it is unresolved. A person whose mind is engrossed in tension becomes unable to pay constant and proper attention toward the present ongoing activity. Concentration levels go down and due to this, learning capability of the brain becomes greatly impaired.



7. Lack of sleep

Ongoing thoughts in the brain which are highly deviating can keep a person awake for hours. However, if you are unable to sleep and keep on tossing in bed for hours, think and try to recall if your mind has held on to anything which is keeping you awake.



8. Weight changes

Unknown cause of weight gain and weight loss after excluding factors like age, activity, heredity, any medical condition, and diet, must then be explained by the level of mental stress the affected person is going through. Stress can cause both obesity and malnutrition in an individual. It is not necessary that stress should be present in cases of disturbing weight. However, it is one big probability which should not be ignored and must be dealt appropriately.


8 Healthy Ways To Sweeten Your Coffee

Many people can’t even imagine starting their days without having a jest of coffee. Coffee has become a ritual rather than a beverage. It has become… Melisa Silver - March 8, 2016

Many people can’t even imagine starting their days without having a jest of coffee. Coffee has become a ritual rather than a beverage. It has become a necessary part of the breakfast meal, as well as an essential night time drink. The drink has evolved so much that there are now special coffee cafes all around the globe.

Coffee has numerous health benefits. It casts positive effects on your cardiovascular health, and acts as a medicine for asthmatics and individuals with allergic rhinitis. However, the caloric component in a regular cup of coffee is also much more than what is normally required, and is a matter of concern for many of us.

For peeps who are calorie-conscious but great adorers of coffee, this blog post is ideally for you. Since you want to avail coffee just for its caffeine and do not want to get disturbed by the sugar component of the beverage, we have brought for you 8 healthy ways by which you can sweeten your coffee, so as to maintain its taste along with its efficacy.



1. Agave syrup

Instead of adding table spoons or cubes of sugar to overcome the bitterness of coffee, try adding agave syrup. This ingredient contains high levels of fructose levels. So what is the logic behind using agave syrup instead of sugar? Well, the syrup is high in fructose, but has a low “glycemic index”.

Glycemic index is a numerical figure associated with a particular food, so as to describe the food’s effect on a person’s blood sugar level. Hence, agave syrup is way better than regular sugar, since it affects blood sugar on a lesser scale, and is comparatively sweeter.



2. Maple syrup

Here comes another nature-derived syrup that vows to make your coffee sweet in a healthy way. Besides adding to the sweetness of the beverage, maple syrup imparts anti-oxidant activities as well. It has been found to contain 13 phenolics (anti-oxidant compounds) which have been studied to impart anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-bacterial properties.

What’s more? Well, adding maple syrup to your coffee shall add an additional maple taste to your drink.



3. Raw honey

Nothing can be as sweet and as mesmerizing as the taste of raw honey. Many people who have a sweet-tooth love to have honey. Ever wondered about adding it to your coffee?

Well, adding raw honey to your coffee is yet another way to sweeten it in a healthy manner. Moreover, honey contains anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, which shall make your coffee a healer besides an appetizer.



4. Stevia

Stevia is a natural sweetener that is extracted from the South American stevia plant. This sweetener is found to contain no calories. Being low in glycemic index, stevia syrup tastes about 300 times sweeter than actual sugar. What could be more better than a sweetener with more taste, yet no effect on blood sugar? All you require is a small amount of this ingredient to enhance the taste of your beverage. Along with sweetening properties, stevia is known to contain anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-diarrheal and anti-microbial properties.

Want to know something more impressive about this stevia plant extraction? A fact quoted from a study that was published in the year 2000, in the “British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology” states that regular use of stevia extract lowers blood pressure in victims of high Blood pressure.



5. Add “nutty taste” to your coffee

Almond milk is a non-dairy product, and can act as a sweetener in place of sugar, providing less than half of the unwanted calories. Its unsweetened version may contain even less than 30 calories a cup. Want to add more ‘nutty taste’ to your beverage? Try adding some coconut milk or cashew milk. These nut-derived milk products can act as ideal creamers and sweeteners for your coffee.



6. Vanilla extract

The fascinating smell of home made vanilla cake comes mostly by the virtue of the vanilla extract. It is one of the best ways to sweeten your coffee in a healthy manner, since it imparts a delightful vanilla taste to your beverage besides saving you from extra calorie intake. Add two to three drops of the extract to your cup of coffee. You may adjust the amount according to your taste.



7. Unsweetened cocoa powder

Despite the fact that unsweetened cocoa powder has more calories than naturally extracted sweeteners, it definitely contains lesser calories than the regular sugar you use. Choose a suitable brand and enhance the taste of your boring regular coffee.



8. Xylitol

It is an artificial sweetener that is derived from corn stalks and birch trees. Xylitol contains a considerably low glycemic index and 1/3rd of the total calories that normal sugar contains. You may use it in place of regular sugar to sweeten your daily cup of coffee. Xylitol can give you the same taste with lesser chances of gaining weight.
