You have probably heard about heart health, muscle health, and brain health, but are you aware of bone health? Some diseases are specific to your bones, and certain actions that you take now can improve the health of your bones. Keep reading to learn more about osteoporosis, including common habits that cause this bone disease. Not only that, but you can discover more about the symptoms of osteoporosis as well as diagnosis, testing, and treatment. If you have osteoporosis, you may have to alter your everyday lifestyle habits. Nevertheless, you should avoid these common causes of osteoporosis to begin with, if you can.

23. Osteoporosis Is a Bone Disease
You have probably heard the term osteoporosis before, and you may know that it is a disease that you want to avoid. “Osteo” is the root word for “bone,” and “porosis” refers to the holes, or pores, that appear in the bones. Osteoporosis is a disease that occurs when the bones begin losing calcium and start developing holes inside them (via Mayo Clinic). They become brittle, and brittle bones can lead to many other complications. People with brittle bones, whether the cause is a genetic condition that emerged in childhood or osteoporosis that occurred later in life, cannot participate in many activities that other people can enjoy.