
Fit People Swear by These 30 High-Protein Foods to Stay in Shape

1. Soups Soup is said to be an effective protein diet. Adding soups to your diet can effectively make you feel fuller. It is a balanced… Simi - April 8, 2019

Eating a balanced diet helps you stay healthy, and protein is an essential part of your diet. It is an important building block for your muscles, bones, blood, skin and cartilage. Protein also provides the hormones, enzymes and other chemicals your body needs. Eating a diet rich in protein can also help you lose weight. You feel full longer after eating protein, too.

And, when you combine protein with exercise, it builds lean muscle. It increases your metabolism, reduces your appetite and has an effect on the hormones that regulate weight. When you replace carbs and fat with protein, you decrease your hunger hormone and increase satiety hormones. You will lose weight because you automatically consume fewer calories without having to count them consciously.

The thermic effect of protein also means that when your body metabolizes and digests protein, it burns calories. When your protein intake is high, you can burn about 80 to 100 more calories a day. Eating more protein can also help to reduce your food cravings, making it easier to maintain your healthy diet. The following are some good high protein foods to eat that will help you control your weight.

Salmon Teriyaki. Image via Shutterstock


30. Salmon

Salmon is a fatty fish loaded with nutrients, including protein. It is tasty and you can prepare it in many different ways. A serving of 3.5 ounces contains 22 to 25 grams of protein. It may be more expensive than other sources of protein, but salmon can replace the meats that contain unhealthy fats, which are bad for your heart.

Salmon. Image via Shutterstock


The well-known omega-3 in salmon benefits your heart health. Several recent studies have revealed that salmon contains small bioactive peptides or protein molecules. And they may help control digestive tract inflammation, support joint cartilage and affect insulin effectiveness.

Researchers are starting to learn more about salmon peptides and finding more potential health benefits. This is particularly true when it comes to inflammation of the joints. However, the contamination of salmon with mercury and pesticides are of some concern, so sourcing wild caught salmon is best.

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29. Eggs

The high-quality protein in eggs contains all nine essential amino acids. The body absorbs more protein from cooked eggs than raw eggs. Also, eating raw eggs also carries the risk of food poisoning and bacterial contamination. Eggs are low in calories and have numerous health benefits. They are inexpensive and easy to cook.

Egg Breakfast. Image via Shutterstock


And when you eat eggs for breakfast, they keep you feeling fuller for longer. That satiety means you don’t overeat without having to try to restrict your calories actively. An average sized egg contains approximately six or seven grams of protein.

People tend to think that most of the protein is in the egg whites. However, the yolks contain about half of the egg’s protein. In a large egg containing about seven grams of protein, four grams come from the white and three grams from the yolk. You need to eat the whole egg to get the full benefits.

Black beans. Image via Shutterstock


28. Black Beans

Black beans are an affordable source of protein and are easy to include in many dishes. They are good for your budget, your health, and your weight. Black beans contain 15.2 grams of protein per cup or 172 grams. In addition to being high in protein, they are also high in fiber, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Black beans. Image via Shutterstock


Because black beans are full of both protein and fiber, they keep you feeling full much longer. And that is important if you’re trying to lose weight. Black beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber is beneficial for your heart health, and the insoluble fiber keeps your digestive system functioning well.

Just be sure to drink plenty of if you add black beans to your diet on a regular basis. Otherwise, you could have problems because the extra fiber requires extra water for digestion and excretion.

Chicken Breast. Image via Shutterstock


27. Chicken Breasts

Chicken breasts are a great source of lean protein. Most of the calories come from protein if you eat it without the skin. A skinless cooked chicken breast of 172 grams provides about 54 grams of protein. It provides approximately 284 calories of which 80 percent is protein, and the rest is fat.

Grilled chicken breast. Image via Shutterstock


So opt for eating chicken breasts instead of red meat if you want to lose weight because it packs a protein punch and doesn’t contain much fat. Also, be sure to cook your chicken thoroughly to destroy any harmful bacteria. One of the healthiest ways to prepare chicken is to poach it in a pan of boiling water.

Grilling it in the oven is another healthy option. If you’re planning on losing weight, nutritionists suggest upping your daily protein intake to about .68 grams for every pound you weigh. Chicken is so versatile, you can eat it almost every day in different ways.

Pumpkin seeds. Image via Shutterstock


26. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are full of protein as well as minerals, such as selenium and magnesium. They contain 19 grams of protein per 100 grams. One ounce or 28 grams of pumpkin seeds contains about 151 calories, mainly from the protein and the fat. The seeds are one of the best sources of magnesium, which is necessary for over 600 chemical reactions in your body. This includes controlling your blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

Pumpkin seeds. Image via Shutterstock


Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of dietary fiber, too. It plays an essential role in reducing your risks of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. They are also full of antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect you against disease. And best of all, incorporating them into your diet is easy. You can eat pumpkin seeds as a snack, add them to Greek yogurt or use them in salads, cereals or soups.

Raw pork meat. Image via Shutterstock


25. Pork

Not all cuts of pork are lean and healthy, but lean pork is a good source of protein. Pork tenderloin is the leanest cut. A 100 gram or 3.5-ounce cooked serving contains 26 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fat. Pork also gives you energy-producing B vitamins, such as B6 and B12. Remember, pork chops are higher in fat than pork tenderloin. And pork sausage is full of fat, so you should not eat it if you’re trying to lose weight.

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As pork contains saturated fat, the leaner it is, the better. Also, you need to carefully control your portion sizes. Lean pork is versatile, relatively inexpensive and makes an excellent addition to a healthy diet. Eat it in a stir-fry with plenty of vegetables for a sustaining, healthy meal. Pistachio-covered pork tenderloin will make your mouth water and offer a protein-packed meal, too.

Grilled beef steak. Image via Shutterstock


24. Beef

You may find it difficult to believe, but roast beef is quite lean, contains all nine of the amino acids your body needs and offers a good dose of iron. A three-ounce serving of roast beef contains 18 grams of protein. Think about eating beef jerky as a snack. It is a portable protein. Just make sure it’s made from lean cuts and is all-natural. Also, look for jerky that is low sodium and is free of artificial flavors and nitrates.

Beef Steak. Image via Shutterstock


A one-ounce serving will give you 13 grams of protein. If you eat ground beef, make sure it’s extra lean. For instance, 90-percent lean ground beef gives you 230 calories with 12 grams of fat of which 4.8 is saturated fat. Consuming too much saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease, so go for other sources of protein than ground beef if you’re trying to lose weight and stay healthy.

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23. Avocados

Avocados are calorie-dense, so portion control is necessary. But they contain protein, unsaturated fats, fiber and nutrients. A whole fresh avocado may contain three grams of protein. This is not a significant amount, but they also contain six grams of unsaturated fat per 50-gram serving.

Avocado. Image via Shutterstock


Avocados contain almost no sugar and provide unsaturated fat, so researchers suggest eating them may support weight management and heart health. Avocados make a delicious, creamy addition to any healthy diet, as long as you control the portion size. But don’t necessarily rely on them as a potent source of protein.

The daily recommended intake of protein for sedentary males is 56 grams and for females, its 46 grams. So, you would have to eat a lot of avocados to get enough protein if you’re using them as the primary source. However, that shouldn’t stop you from including them as part of a healthy diet.

Boiled soybeans. Image via Shutterstock


22. Soybeans

For those trying to reduce the intake of animal products, boiled soybeans, known as edamame, provide the highest source of protein. A cup of cooked soybeans contains about 29 grams of protein. Soybeans contain all nine essential amino acids the body needs that it cannot make itself. They also carry a broad spectrum of minerals and vitamins.

Boiled soybeans. Image via Shutterstock


You can boil or steam soybeans and serve them with a little salt when you eat them by hand. Also, you can shell the soybeans and cook them the same way as any other beans. Mix them with black beans and green beans and toss them in a light dressing for a side dish. Try soybeans instead of chips as a healthy alternative when you want a salty-tasting snack. Only add a light sprinkling of salt, especially if you have problems with high blood pressure.

Oats bowls. Image via Shutterstock


21. Oats

Oats are a source of protein as well as complex carbohydrates. The more processed the oats, the less protein they contain. A half cup or 40 grams of dry whole oats contains about 6.75 grams of protein. Oats are easy to prepare, and you can add flavor with nuts or fruit. Avoid instant oats as it often contains added sugar and less protein.

Oats bowls. Image via Shutterstock


Oats are high in soluble fiber and low in sodium and fat. The soluble fiber makes you feel full and is suitable for your digestive system. Start your morning with a bowl of oats. And if you add more protein in the form of nuts or fruit, it will sustain you for quite a while.

Another tasty option is to add a swirl of almond butter or honey. Fresh berries, such as blueberries, strawberries or raspberries will give your oats a touch of sweetness.

Greek Yogurt. Image via Shutterstock


20. Greek Yogurt

Plain, low-fat Greek yogurt offers 10 grams of protein per 100 grams. Greek yogurt is made by straining out the whey in regular yogurt. This makes it thicker and creamier. Also, Greek yogurt contains less sugar and more protein than regular yogurt.

Greek Yogurt. Image via Shutterstock


The combination of protein and texture in Greek yogurt makes you feel fuller. And that is helpful if you’re trying to control portion sizes. If you need to avoid meat, Greek yogurt is a good source of protein. It is easy to add to smoothies or mix with whole-grain cereal for breakfast.

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds to your Greek yogurt for a boost of extra protein and some fiber. Use plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream on your baked potatoes, and you will save 78 calories, as well as seven grams of saturated fat with every quarter cup.

Quinoa. Image via Shutterstock


19. Quinoa

Quinoa is the seed of a leafy plant that’s a relative of spinach. It contains all the amino acids the body can’t make, so it’s an excellent choice for vegetarians and vegans. Many whole grains do not include the amino acid, lysine, or don’t contain much of it. A cup of cooked quinoa contains eight grams of protein, which is more than brown rice or barley.

Quinoa, Image via Shutterstock


Quinoa is also a good source of fiber, iron, vitamin E, potassium and magnesium. Always rinse quinoa thoroughly before you cook it. That will remove the bitter coating on the seeds. Eat quinoa in moderation because one cup contains 220 calories and 3.5 grams of fat.

Quinoa is versatile and looks somewhat like couscous. You can pair it with stir-fries, beans, chili or curries, too. Also, you can use quinoa as a substitute for rice.

Cottage Cheese. Image via Shutterstock


18. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese contains 11.12 grams of protein per 100 grams. It provides essential nutrients such as vitamin A, calcium, folate and iron. If you’re trying to decrease your saturated fat intake and lose weight, substitute it for other soft cheeses that contain more saturated fat. Cottage cheese contains a lower amount of lactose than other dairy products, so people who have problems digesting lactose may find it tolerable.

Cottage cheese. Image via Shutterstock


If you’re on a low carb diet, Greek yogurt is a slightly better choice than cottage cheese as it contains fewer carbohydrates. Some people believe that eating cottage cheese before they go to bed at night helps them to burn more calories during the night. But eating cottage cheese at night will make you gain weight if you’re consuming more calories than your body needs during the day. Add cottage cheese to your diet by using it in a salad or as a dip.

Chickpeas. Image via Shutterstock


17. Chickpeas

Chickpeas contain 8.86 grams of protein per 100 grams. A cup of chickpeas contains less than a gram of saturated fat. Also, they are cholesterol-free, so they make a heart-healthy meat substitute. Try to consume chickpeas together with whole grains because the chickpeas alone don’t contain all the amino acids your body needs.

Chickpeas. Image via Shutterstock


Eating chickpeas can help you to control your weight as they will keep you feeling full for longer. Arm yourself with a can of humble chickpeas, and you can make everything from a dip to a meat-free main meal. Chickpeas in your lunch salad will keep you going till your evening meal without having to snack in between.

You can make hummus from chickpeas, too. Spread some hummus on a whole grain wrap or use whole grain couscous with your chickpea and vegetable curry. You could even try a vegetarian burger using chickpeas, mushrooms, peas, oats and black pepper.

Tuna. Image via Freepik


16. Tuna

Tuna is an excellent source of protein with a low-calorie count and minimal fat. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. A three-ounce serving of cooked yellowtail tuna contains 26 grams of protein. A 3.5 ounce serving of chunky light meat tuna in oil will give you more than 20 grams of protein and contains 0.5 grams of fat.

Canned tuna. Image via Shutterstock


Canned tuna in water contains about 20 grams of protein and less fat. Tuna is relatively inexpensive and versatile. You can add it to salads and snacks, eat it in sandwiches or as a main meal with pasta or rice. Remember that any additional dressings, such as mayonnaise, will add calories.

Large, deep sea fish like tuna can collect mercury in their bodies, so mercury toxicity may be a concern when eating fresh or canned tuna. The FDA suggests limiting canned tuna consumption to 12 ounces per week.

Fresh halibut steaks. Image via Shutterstock


15. Halibut

Halibut is a high quality, complete protein. A three-ounce serving of cooked halibut contains 19 grams of protein. This portion offers men 34 percent and women 42 percent of the recommended daily intake of protein. Halibut also contains vitamin B12, potassium, selenium, vitamin B6, niacin and phosphorous.

Raw halibut steaks. Image via Shutterstock


It provides 0.5 to 2.5 grams of total fat, but like tuna, halibut is a rich source of essential omega-3 fatty acids for heart health. Half a fillet of halibut can supply over one-third of your dietary needs for minerals and vitamins. The selenium, omega-3, and niacin in halibut can help fight the inflammation that contributes to illness.

There are pros and cons to both wild-caught and farm-raised halibut. But the nutritional differences are insignificant. Halibut tends to be low in mercury content and is safe to eat in moderate amounts.

Chia Seeds. Image via Shutterstock


14. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are edible seeds from a member of the mint family you can find in abundance in southern Mexico. The seeds may be tiny, but they are nutrient-dense. Chia is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. Also, they contain over five grams of protein per ounce.

Chia Seeds. Image via Shutterstock


Because chia seeds are full of fiber. In fact, only two tablespoons provide you with 40 percent of your recommended daily intake of fiber. They are also good for your digestive system. These tiny seeds stabilize your blood sugar and lower cholesterol. Chia seeds are so rich in antioxidants, you can store them for a reasonably long period without any problem. Vegans often substitute eggs with chia seeds since they absorb water and hold things together.

All they do is replace one large egg with a tablespoon of ground chia seeds and three tablespoons of water. Also, chia seeds make a great addition to a smoothie. But, never eat them dry, as that could cause choking, especially in people with trouble swallowing. So, always soak them in water or add to a liquid.

Lentils. Image via Lentils


13. Lentils

Lentils are edible legumes that are affordable and provide plant protein and fiber. Half a cup or 100 grams of boiled lentils offers nine grams of protein. Of all the nuts and legumes, lentils provide probably the third highest levels of protein. Lentils don’t contain all the amino acids your body needs.

Red lentils. Image via Shutterstock


However, eating them together with other incomplete proteins, such as brown rice, ensures you get all the amino acids your body needs. Apart from the protein, they also contain many other nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, niacin, and folate. A half cup of lentils also contains roughly eight grams of dietary fiber.

Animal sources of protein lack the fiber in lentils and other legumes. Lentils provide you with a significant amount of the protein you need on a daily basis. And finally, you’ll get the soluble fiber that offers many health benefits, including reducing high cholesterol levels, from them.

Almonds. Image via Freepik


12. Almonds

Almonds are quite high in calories, but with adequate portion control, they provide a filling protein-rich snack. They increase your satiety, too. That means you feel full after eating them, so you are better able to control your eating habits. Eating 10 almonds provides you with about 2.5 grams of protein.

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This isn’t a significant amount, and unlike animal protein, almonds don’t contain all the amino acids. However, as long as you eat them in conjunction with other high protein foods, it isn’t a problem. Almonds are also a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin E.

They contain about six grams of fat and about a gram of fiber. Most of the fat is unsaturated fat, so if you eat them to replace foods with saturated fats, it’s better for your heart health. Eat a couple of almonds if you’re feeling hungry to avoid filling up on unhealthy snacks.

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11. Milk

Cow’s milk is a good source of protein for individuals who can drink milk. A serving of 100 grams of milk contains 3.4 grams of protein. Milk contains two types of protein, casein and whey. Whey is known as a “fast” protein. It breaks down into amino acids and quickly absorbs into the bloodstream, which is why it’s an excellent protein to consume after exercise.

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Both casein and whey contain all the essential amino acids. Milk also contains valuable calcium to keep your bones and teeth healthy. You probably believe that you should drink low-fat milk or skim. However, the majority of scientific studies show that drinking whole milk improves cholesterol levels, just not as much as drinking skim milk.

Drinking two glasses of milk a day can lower your risk of a heart attack. And if you’re uneasy about the antibiotics they give to cows, it is possible to buy antibiotic-free milk. The same goes for hormones and other substances.

Asparagus. Image via Freepik


10. Asparagus

A cup or 134 grams of asparagus contains three grams of protein and only 27 calories. The protein accounts for almost 30 percent of the calories. The amino acids called asparagines in asparagus makes it a natural diuretic. It can help prevent infections of the urinary tract. Asparagus also contains vitamin E, which improves the health of your skin.

Green fresh asparagus. Image via Freepik


Other nutrients it contains are vitamin B6, A and K, folate, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and copper. Asparagus may also have prebiotic benefits as it’s believed to stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines. Asparagus has a distinct flavor and is delicious steamed, boiled, grilled or pan-fried.

Roast thick asparagus spears in olive oil and a little lemon juice. You can add garlic, salt, and pepper for a delicious side dish. You can even serve asparagus raw with a yogurt dip. Also, it is wonderful in salads.

Tofu. Image via Freepik


9. Tofu

Tofu, or bean curd, is made from coagulated soy milk pressed into blocks. It is an excellent alternative to meat and is a staple in many Indian dishes. A quarter block of tofu contains 12.8 grams of protein and 117 calories. Apart from protein, tofu is rich in other nutrients, such as iron and calcium.

Fried tofu. Image via Freepik


Better yet, tofu is also low in calories. But one of the best things about tofu is that it will take on the flavor of the foods it’s cooked with. This makes it quite versatile. In fact, you can use tofu instead of chicken or beef in a stir-fry. One delicious way to prepare tofu is to grill it and serve it with a peanut and coconut sauce.

There is some controversy over the health benefits of some soy products, particularly those with estrogen-like substances. So, avoid soy isoflavone supplements and foods containing soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein in protein powders and health bars. The good news is, tofu is a whole soy product, so if you eat it in moderation, there’s no reason to eliminate it from your diet.

Dish of anchovies. Image via Freepik


8. Anchovies

Anchovies are small, oily fish that usually travel in schools. They may have a pungent smell, but don’t turn up your nose because they have many health benefits. An ounce of European anchovies contains 5.7 grams of protein and just 37 calories. As well as protein, anchovies contain calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are essential to bone health.

Fresh Anchovy Fish. Image via Shutterstock


Calcium stimulates the blood vessels in the heart and magnesium relaxes them, so together they benefit heart function and blood pressure. Anchovies often come in cans. Although those in cans are not nutritionally deficient, they do contain excess sodium. So if you can get hold of fresh anchovies, that is much better.

As anchovies are small fish, they also contain the least number of harmful chemicals in larger fish. You only need to add a small number of anchovies to a dish because of their strong flavor. Try adding some grilled or sautéed anchovies to pasta and tomato sauce.

Hemp Seeds. Image via Shutterstock


7. Hemp Seeds

Hemp is a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species, but it doesn’t have the psychoactive properties. The seeds are the nut or fruit of the hemp plant. The husk is usually removed, and the inside is white and soft. An ounce of hemp seeds contains 9.2 grams of protein and 161 calories. For those who are allergic to soy, hemp seeds provide an alternative source of protein, containing many of the essential amino acids your body needs,

Hemp Seeds. Image via Shutterstock


Hemp seeds are good for people trying to reduce their carbohydrate intake, too. They are a low carbohydrate option with about 33 percent coming from protein and about 40 percent from healthy fats. You can eat a handful of the shelled seeds, toasted or raw, as a nutritious snack. As hemp seeds have a smooth, nutty taste, they are delicious in cereals and snacks, such as muesli bars.

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6. Broccoli

Like cabbage, broccoli is a brassica. It’s one of the best green vegetables to include in your diet. One broccoli stalk contains 4.3 grams of protein and 51 calories. Broccoli is full of phytochemicals, which makes it an anti-cancer food. It’s also a good source of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Broccoli. Image via Freepik


The insoluble fiber helps with digestion and when you’re trying to lose weight. The soluble fiber helps regulate cholesterol and blood glucose. The vitamin K in broccoli improves calcium absorption and enhances bone health.

When buying broccoli, choose vegetables that don’t have brown or yellow spots. The stem should be firm, and the crown should be springy and tight. Limp florets are a sign that the broccoli is old. Add a cup of steamed broccoli to your daily diet or consume it raw in a salad. Lightly cooked broccoli stalks with lemon and a little butter are delicious.

Coconut. Image via Freepik


5. Coconut

The meat of a medium coconut contains 13.2 grams of protein and about 1,400 calories. But eating coconut for weight loss is controversial. It has a high-calorie count, and a two-inch chunk of coconut contains 15 grams of fat, most of which is saturated fat. However, some studies have shown that raw coconut may help with weight loss because it contains medium-change triglycerides that affect metabolism.

Coconut. Image via Freepik


Coconut comes in many forms, water, oil, milk and meat, so it is easy to add to the diet. As it contains saturated fat, be careful to control your intake if you want to lose weight. Coconut meat tastes good, and you can eat it raw as a snack. Dried, flaked coconut is useful in many dishes. Also, coconut milk adds that extra special touch to chicken curry and many Asian dishes.

Spinach. Image via Shutterstock


4. Spinach

Spinach is a nutrient-dense leafy vegetable that has excellent health benefits. A 100-gram serving of spinach contains about three grams of protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and protein makes up 30 percent of its calories. Spinach also contains vitamin A and vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, folate and manganese.

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It’s also rich in antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and nitrates. Spinach increases nitric oxide, lowers blood pressure and improves heart health. Just a cup of cooked spinach contains over six milligrams of iron. In fact, it has more potassium than a banana.

Spinach is a versatile vegetable and combines well with cheeses, like feta. You can add feta to a spinach salad. Add it to a smoothie, eat it with pasta and use it as a side dish. Enjoy a spinach, potato, and red pepper frittata. Or, you can add some spinach to soups, casseroles and omelets.

Cauliflower. Image via Shutterstock


3. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a healthy vegetable with significant health benefits. Its unique plant compounds may reduce the risk of several diseases. One large cauliflower head contains 16.6 grams of protein and about 210 calories. Cauliflowers are rich in choline, which has several essential functions in the body. Choline improves sleep, enhances memory and assists in fat absorption.

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Not many vegetables contain choline, but a cup of cauliflower contains 45 mg. The vitamin K in cauliflower helps give you healthy bones. Eat cauliflower with cheese as a delicious side vegetable or use it to replace the carbohydrates in a low-carb diet.

Make a mash with garlic and salt to take the place of mashed potatoes. Replace rice with grated, cooked cauliflower. Combine pulsed cauliflower with eggs to make low-carb tortillas or wraps.

Patatoes. Image via Shutterstock


2. Potatoes

Potatoes have a bad reputation when it comes to losing weight, although they have a diverse range of nutrients. Boiled in the skin, a large potato of about 300 grams contains six grams of protein and 261 calories. They’re rich in minerals and vitamins, such as potassium and B vitamins.

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The high potassium content helps to control blood pressure. Potatoes are filling, so if you eat potatoes, they will reduce your appetite and prevent you from snacking on other unhealthy foods. However, baked potatoes are more nutrient-dense than boiled potatoes. Also, they contain more magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and folate.

Also, if you peel a potato before boiling or baking, it loses some of the mineral content. As long as you eat potatoes without a ton of cream or butter, they will help you reach your weight loss goals.

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1. Soups

Soup is said to be an effective protein diet. Adding soups to your diet can effectively make you feel fuller. It is a balanced diet rich in proteins and carbohydrates. Just like salads, a full bowl of soup can keep you energized and satiated for a long time.

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A comfort food, soups are highly recommended to those who are overweight and need to lose weight in tremendous amounts. As soups are easy to digest, having it before a meal reduces your appetite, which results in weight loss.

Unless the soup is full of butter, cream or cheese, you can rely on the health benefits of this magical semi-liquid food served. Instead, the best way is to enrich your soup with extra fibrous vegetables, beans, lentils and meats. And lastly, if you need to avoid sodium, check the labels and opt for the low-sodium variety.


Foods People Have Been Eating the Wrong Way This Whole Time

It may be time to look at some foods that are probably staples in your diet to find out whether you’ve been storing, cutting, cooking or… Trista Smith - April 8, 2019

It may be time to look at some foods that are probably staples in your diet to find out whether you’ve been storing, cutting, cooking or eating them the wrong way. Fruit is a healthy, delicious snack you should eat more of, but sometimes you may prepare or even eat it incorrectly, wasting its juicy goodness. Some of these hacks may make your favorite foods easier to eat. And, they may even maximize your intake of all their healthy nutrients.

After reading this, you will think twice about the way you cook and eat your vegetables. Many factors impact the nutrients you get from them, including ripening, cooking and food pairing. Raw is not necessarily always best, and you may be throwing away some of the most nutritious parts, too. Also, many people have room to improve when it comes to the way they store, cook and eat proteins. So read on to find out about some of the common mistakes people make in the way they prepare and consume fruit, veggies, dairy products and meats.

Credit: Delish


40. Cupcakes

Sometimes eating a cupcake can seem like much more an ordeal than it is meant to be. Without fail, you are bound to get frosting everywhere. When we prepare cupcakes, it is customary to add the frosting to the cupcake’s top. Would you be surprised if I told you that there is a much easier way to eat this delicious dessert without having all of this mess? The trick is to break off the bottom half of the cupcake and put it on top. You would add the frosting to the middle of the two cupcake pieces. Essentially, you are creating a sort of cupcake sandwich.

While your fingers might get a little covered in frosting during the process, the result will allow you to enjoy the delicious treat without making a huge mess. If you have the frosting all on the top, the first bite is usually just frosting with minimal cupcake. By splitting it down the middle and strategically putting the frosting in the middle, you can get balanced nibbles of frosting and cake. The top cake bun will help prevent that dreaded frosting nose that you have often encountered when eating a traditional cupcake. The next time you have a birthday, holiday, or another fun event to celebrate, give this a try and watch how impressed your guests are.

Credit: Once Upon a Chef


39. Hard Boiled Eggs

There are so many ways to simplify tasks in the kitchen. As we are nearing Easter and the food spread that often comes simultaneously, there is a significant hack that will save you a lot of time. You will also get to reinvent a kitchen gadget that you likely already have sitting in your cabinet. A popular food dish is a classic egg salad. After you have your eggs hard-boiled, you might have spent a reasonable amount of time carefully chopping them up into the tiny pieces that are a part of your salad. However, don’t waste all of that time anymore with this new method!

Start by grabbing your cooling rack. You will use this to chop your hard-boiled eggs into perfect bite-sized pieces with little effort! Take the cooked and peeled hard-boiled eggs and gently push them through the grates of your cooling rack. Don’t forget to stick a bowl or pan underneath the cooling rack to catch those perfectly chopped pieces. Although you can achieve the same results by hand chopping each egg, you’ll receive the same results in a fraction of the time! All of your pieces will be equally sized, and they will be the perfect addition to that egg salad spread.

Credit: Eat This Much


38. Hash Browns

Waffle makers are a very versatile piece of kitchen equipment. You can make just about anything into a waffle. One of those items includes hash browns. There is no more incredible letdown than mushy hash browns. Many people prefer their hash browns to be golden browned, crispy, and not greasy. There is no easier way to achieve a hash brown of perfection than utilizing your waffle iron. It will help create that perfect balance of crispy and tender whether you are making Sunday breakfast or maybe you are just eating breakfast for dinner. You can even use refrigerated hash browns to make the process as easy as possible.

Depending on your preference, you can choose to season the hash browns with dried onion for extra flavor and then serve them with some sour cream and chives. Since waffle irons, potatoes, and personal preferences vary, you will want to check on yours to make sure they are done to your liking. After preheating the waffle maker, add the potatoes, onion, salt, pepper, and toss them together in a large bowl. Then brush the grates of your waffle maker with a little butter to avoid any of it sticking. Apply the potato mixture to the press and then close it. You’ll want to keep an eye on things, but you can peek at it until you get your ideal crispness and golden brown hash browns. Did you know it was that easy?

Credit: Love & Olive Oil


37. Cookies

Now you might be thinking, how is it even possible to eat a cookie the wrong way? However, there is nothing better than biting into a warm, gooey, fresh cookie. The downside to those freshly baked cookies is that their softness starts to disappear with each passing moment. You might take a bite out of one of the cookies the next day and already notice that they are not as soft. If you are like me, you might have wondered if there was any way to help preserve that freshness for more than a few hours. The good news is, there are a way and one that we could have been doing already!

Cookies start super soft and then gradually get stiffer because they begin to dry out. That forms the moment they are pulled from your warm oven. Whatever moisture is left in them is now in a state of evaporation. At the same time, the sugars and starches are solidifying, which equals harder cookies. One of the easiest hacks to avoid this is to grab a slice of bread and store it with your cookies. When you pack them up in a container or storage bag, toss in a portion of any kind of bread before sealing it up. The cookies will absorb the moisture from the bread and keep them nice and soft. Just be careful not to add too much bread, or you will end up with mushy cookies!

Credit: Delia Online


36. Toast

Toast is a highly underrated and very versatile food. Many people chose toast as part of their daily breakfast routine. Toast is a food item that has so many options. You can choose just to add classic butter, or maybe you want to spruce it up a little by adding some avocado, mushrooms, or even beans. You can dress it up for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and the topping possibilities are endless. Toast can sound basic and even dull, but there are so many ways you can make it your own and to your liking. Now we have to talk about how you eat the toast once you have prepared it.

If you are like most people, you eat your toast facing upwards, meaning that the toppings are facing up. That is the way that my parents ate their toast and how they instructed me to eat mine. I never knew it was wrong until now. It might go against the grain, literally and figuratively, but you should eat your toast with the topping side down. Of course, this will depend on your toppings and if they allow, but whenever possible, you should give it a try. By eating your toast topping side-down, your taste buds get the most out of your toast-eating experience. Your taste buds will come into contact with your toppings first, and you will enjoy the most amount of flavor possible.

Credit: Serious Eats


35. Leftover Sauces

What do you usually do with those small amounts of leftovers? You might store them in your fridge to use them the next day. However, if you are like most families with hectic schedules, there may be times where these stored, leftover foods go to waste because they are not consumed in real-time. You may have also done this with your leftover sauces. Perhaps you put them back in the jar only for them to be shoved to the back of the refrigerator and get left untouched. One kitchen hack to properly storing such items is to freeze them with an ice tray.

When you open a can of tomato sauce only to use a small amount in your meal, you can preserve and store the rest in your freezer with an ice tray to avoid letting it dry out in your refrigerator. Scoop the leftover pasta sauce into an ice cube tray. One professional tip is to add a little cooking spray to help the sauce easily slip out of the mold once it is frozen. Once frozen, you can transfer the sauce from the ice cube tray to a Ziploc baggie for easy access. You now have a go-to collection of sauce nuggets for future recipes. Not only will you not have to buy a new jar, but you will avoid letting another opened one go spoiled before you have a chance to use it all.

Credit: YouTube


34. Oreos

If you are an Oreo fan, whether you prefer the original, gingerbread, or birthday cake flavor, you know that getting your fingers dirty while dunking the cookie is just part of the process. If you want your cookie dipped, your fingers are inevitably going to get wet. Who doesn’t like their cookie dunked? What if there was a way for you to get your cookie dunked without leaving your fingers dripping in milk? I’m here to tell you there is a way! Since Oreos contain a middle layer of creamy filling, they are unlike other cookies. It is that creamy layer that allows for clean dunking.

All you need are the Oreos, a glass of milk, and a fork. While these utensils are not part of the typical cookie eating or cookie dunking process, they are necessary for this situation. Very carefully stick the cookie’s creamy filling with the fork and then dunk the utensil in the milk. That is where it can get a little bit tricky. You don’t want to leave your cookie dipped for too long, or you risk losing your cookie off the fork. Keep an eye on how soft it’s getting and pull it out in time. Enjoy your dunked cookie, and enjoy your clean fingers!

Credit: Time Out


33. Ice Cream

It is fun to go out for ice cream to order your scoop and have someone else reach down into the freezer to carve out the perfectly round spoons with ease. It almost seems like they can do it so effortlessly. When I come home and try to scoop out my ice cream, it looks like it is either too soft or too hard coming straight out of the freezer. One of the easiest suggestions to prevent your ice cream from getting too cold and therefore too hard to scoop is to place the entire ice cream container in a freezer bag.

You will want to be sure to press out the air before sealing it and then placing the enclosed container into the freezer. This method can also be useful if you struggle to get through an entire box of ice cream that quickly. If you have experienced this, then you know that ice crystals will start to form on the top of your delicious treat. The air is responsible for freezer burn, which then crystallized the surface of the ice cream. The next time you purchase a container of ice cream, be sure to preserve it longer by enclosing it in a freezer bag first!

Credit: Eat This


32. Deli Meat Sandwiches

You might not think that making a sandwich is a big deal. However, many tips and tricks can help make your sandwich process a lot easier. No matter what kind of delicious creation you are making, there is likely a way for the process to go smoother and make your sandwich even tastier. We have all boughten deli meats that do not fit well on our sandwich bread. They might be cut round and maybe even cut larger than our sandwich bread. One of the easiest ways to make your sandwich better is to slice the deli meats in half and lay them facing away from each other.

By cutting them in half and facing them away from each other, they will perfectly fit the traditional square bread. It might seem like a no-brainer, but by cutting the meat in half and placing it strategically, the lunch meat won’t be spilling out of your sandwich on all sides. That not only helps keep your sandwich more organized but can also help ensure that every bite you take is balanced. If the deli meat is not cut, it will spill out the sides, and then you might find yourself getting bites of just meat. Give it a try the next time you make a sandwich.



31. Hot Coffee

One of the most common complaints with coffee drinkers is that they struggle to get through an entire coffee cup while it is still hot. That is especially common amongst moms who often find themselves reheating their coffee cups as they are pulled in a million different directions. If you like your coffee to be piping hot, it might be a good idea to preheat your coffee mug. There is a straightforward way to do this. Start by filling up your coffee mug with boiling water. Let the boiling water sit inside the coffee mug for a few minutes.

After a couple of minutes, you can dump the boiling water out into the sink. Lastly, go ahead and pour your coffee into your now preheated coffee mug. Preheating the cup ensures that most of the heat stays in your drink instead of being absorbed it. That will significantly reduce the number of times you have to microwave your drink in the morning. That might seem like a minuscule task. However, by adding it into your morning routine, you are sure to be able to enjoy just a little bit more of your morning coffee before it gets cold. You won’t regret it!


30. Apples

Apples are an incredibly popular food and for many good reasons. When you eat an apple the way most people do, you lose quite a bit of the fruit. Most people eat an apple from the sides inwards and then discard the core. However, it’s a myth that the core is inedible. You can eat the entire apple, including the seeds, and it is all right for you. Eat it from bottom to top or top to bottom, and you will find that you hardly notice the core. You can also try slicing an apple from top to bottom instead of side to side for snacking and cooking.

When you hit the seeds, you can spit them out or eat them. It may seem unnatural to eat an apple this way at first because you’ve probably spent your entire life eating apples from the sides inwards. Just make sure you wash the bottom and top of the apple carefully before eating it because these spots tend to get missed when trying to wash off pesticides. To get the most out of the apple, you might want to consider leaving the skin on. The apple’s skin contains half of the fiber and many of the polyphenols, which are responsible for many of the fruit’s health benefits.


29. Bananas

Eating a banana is quite a simple task, right? Just select one, peel it and gobble it up. However, you may be surprised to know there’s a more efficient way to peel a banana. When you try to peel a banana from the stem, you usually end up squashing the banana or snapping the stem. There’s always a banana with an unyielding stem, so this is when an alternative method works better. There are so many ways that you can incorporate bananas into your diet. Add a sliced banana to your cereal or oatmeal, or incorporate it into a delicious smoothie.

Bananas grow from the stem upwards on the tree. So the best way to peel it is by pinching the tip, which most people call the bottom, just like monkeys do. Ignore the stem and focus on the opposite end. Pinch the tip between your forefinger and thumb and see how the skin splits cleanly, making peeling it as easy as pie. Doing it this way also means you can discard the black stem at the tip from when the banana was a flower. It is much easier to peel the banana this way, and it is also less likely to bruise the banana. If you are like me, you have been peeling bananas all wrong!


28. Oranges

Oranges have a plethora of health benefits, including being a huge source of vitamin C. One orange holds roughly 80 percent of the daily goal for vitamin C intake. You may love the taste of oranges but eat too few of them because of the hassle of peeling them. The worst part is trying to get an opening and then clumsily peeling it, only to get a mouth full of pith when you’ve finally freed a piece. If you’ve been peeling your oranges the wrong way all your life, try this much more natural method, and you won’t hesitate to make snacking on oranges part of your life.

All you need is an orange, a spoon, and a small paring knife. After washing the outside of the orange, cut off the bottom and top of the orange. That way, nothing goes from the knife into the fruit. Now cut through the skin on one side of the orange and stop when the blade reaches the fruit. By making these three cuts, you’re able to roll off the skin quickly. You will find the skin and pith comes away easily, leaving clean, wholesome segments that are easy to pop in your mouth. That is not only an effortless way to peel the skin off in one piece but helps to avoid having a million tiny pieces and much frustration.


27. Mangoes

Mangos are packed full of nutritional benefits and also contain a large amount of immune-boosting nutrients. The fruit can be tough to cut, but there are many ways to include it in your diet if you get through it. Add it to a smoothie, salsa, or toss it in a summer salad. Mangoes are delicious, but they’re quite messy to eat. How do you get the most out of this delicious fruit? Some people suggest eating them in the bath. Rather than messing around with a knife or trying to dig out the flesh with a spoon, the following hack could transform the way you eat this fruit forever. There is an effortless way to separate the skin from the flesh.

First, make sure that the mango is ripe. It should be firm but slightly soft to the touch. Cut it lengthwise with a knife along the seed in the mango center until the whole mango is sliced in half. Take out the seed. Next, use a glass to separate the peel from the pulp. You do this by taking one half, finding a place where the flesh meets the skin, aligning it with the edge of the glass, and pushing it down. The ripe fruit easily separates from the skin, giving you a lovely chunk of juicy mango to enjoy.


26. Pomegranates

When you look at a pomegranate, it may seem impenetrable with its hard outer skin. It’s not like an apple, so you can’t just take a bite. You don’t eat the tough outer skin at all, but the highly nutritious seeds inside the fruit are worth the effort of getting past the skin. Some people advise separating the seeds from the pith in a bowl of water. That is unnecessary because it’s not difficult to remove the seeds if you use the following tip. All you do is cut the fruit in half and then tap gently on each half with a wooden spoon.

You will discover that this causes the ripe pomegranate seeds to separate easily from the pith. You might still need to remove a bit of pith at the end of the seeds where they were attached to the peel. However, it doesn’t take long before you have a bowl of glistening, red seeds ready to eat. Pomegranate seeds are different from others, and although they are hard and fibrous, they offer many health benefits. The seeds are packed full of vitamin E and magnesium. They are also rich in fiber, and this can help in proper digestion. Lastly, by tossing the pomegranate seeds, you miss out on antioxidants that contribute to your overall health.


25. Pineapples

The spiky exterior of pineapple can be intimidating, yet the fruit inside is deliciously sweet. When you shop for a pineapple, choose one with a deep yellow tone and is firm but not too hard. If it’s ripe, it should not smell too sickly sweet. Many people cut up a pineapple in a way that wastes a great deal of the fruit. Here’s a method that allows you to enjoy every bit. Your first step is to trim off the top with a sharp knife. Now cut off the base so that it can stand upright and slice straight down the middle.

Take one half at a time and cut diagonally on either side of the core to remove it. Make another slice to quarter the halves and cut small vertical slices on each quarter. Now you can remove the rind from each quarter and have small pieces of pineapple to enjoy. You might also be shocked to learn about the nutritional benefit of a pineapple’s core. Although the center is a little harder and not as appealing, it is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. It is an excellent source of polyphenols that can protect against acute and chronic diseases. If the core is too challenging to eat raw, you can try boiling it in water for a few minutes. You can then cut it into smaller pieces and blend it until it’s smooth.


24. Strawberries

Strawberries are delightful no matter which way you eat them, but there are ways to increase the flavor. Perhaps you’ve been holding the strawberry by the crown and eating the pointed end first. But, you need to do the reverse. Pull the leaves off and eat the whole strawberry. Crown ends first. This method puts the sweetest part of the strawberry, the pointed end, right at the tip of your tongue so you can get the full benefit of the taste. Of course, if you want to make a strawberry easier to eat, you can always put a straw through it to easily remove the stem.

Slicing a strawberry exposes it to oxygen and light, which breaks down the vitamin C. That is why it’s more nutritious for you to eat a whole strawberry. That way, you get all the benefits of the high vitamin C content essential for healthy skin and eyes, as well as a robust immune system and cardiovascular system. Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plant compounds. They are usually best consumed raw and fresh. It offers the most nutritional value. However, many people also include strawberries in their jams, jellies, and even desserts. Try incorporating fresh, whole strawberries into your diet.


23. Watermelon

Watermelon can make an awful mess. If you’ve been cutting your watermelon into slices, dividing it into smaller wedges, and then cutting it into chunks, you’ve wasted precious time and energy. You may even have hesitated to buy watermelon because of having to cut it up. If that’s the case, here’s how you can cut a watermelon into neat triangles that look good and are easy to eat. Start by rinsing and drying the whole watermelon. Use a large chopping board and cut the watermelon in half lengthwise. Place these halves face down on the chopping board and cut from top to bottom again, so you have four quarters.

Now you can cut it away from the rind. Keep it sitting in the skin once you’ve detached it as it’s easier to slice. Now slide your knife up and down from one side to the other. Store the slices in the refrigerator to present your family with perfectly sliced watermelon triangles. You might be surprised to learn that it is easier to cut a cold watermelon. Watermelon is a great summertime snack. When you choose your watermelon from the store, try picking one with a uniform shape. Irregularities in the watermelon’s shape might indicate that it received varying amounts of water or was not appropriately pollinated.


22. Kiwis

The hairy texture of kiwi fruit can put people off. Are there any simple ways to get rid of that prickly skin and get to the fruit inside? If you’ve been peeling your kiwi with a knife, there’s a much easier way to do it. First, cut off the top and bottom end with a knife. Next, put down your blade and pick up a large metal spoon instead. Slide the spoon gently between the skin and the flesh with the spoon’s top facing the flesh. Move it around the whole kiwi, as close to the skin as possible. That allows you to separate the flesh from the skin easily and slice your kiwi.

Of course, if you want to eat a kiwi as a snack, you can also just cut it in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. However, the easiest way to enjoy your kiwi fruit would be to leave the skin on. You can simply cut the kiwi into slices without peeling it or bite into it in the same way you would with an apple. If the skin’s texture is too difficult for you just to eat, you can throw the whole fruit into a blender and blend it into a smoothie. Discarding the fruit’s skin means you miss out on a ton of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.


21. Pears

Pears are sweet, bell-shaped fruits that have been enjoyed since ancient times. They can be eaten crisp or soft. The stem of a pear is quite useful since you can hold onto it as you sink your teeth into the juicy flesh. However, if you’ve been peeling your pears before you eat them, you’re losing out. If you’re worried about the pesticide content, a thorough wash will take care of that. The only real reason to avoid eating the skin of a pear is if you suffer from urticaria or hives. In this case, peeling the pear decreases the levels of salicylates, which are natural food chemicals that can worsen the condition.

The skin of the pear contains half the dietary fiber, as well as anti-inflammatory phytonutrients and antioxidants. To eat a pear, eat it just as you would an apple, skin and all. However, unlike the apple, you probably won’t want to eat the core and seeds in the center. Also, add a slice or two diced pear to your oatmeal in the morning for a healthy, nutritional breakfast. Pears are available year-round and are easily found in most grocery stores. You can also roast or poach your pears. The bell-shaped fruit compliments chicken and pork especially. However, you choose to eat them, remember to include the skin to get the most nutrients.


20. Carrots

You may love the crunch of a fresh carrot, but did you know eating carrots raw is not the best way to get their full nutritional impact? Yes, many veggies lose water-soluble vitamins when they’re boiled. However, carrots contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that gives them their orange color. Nevertheless, it’s more readily available in cooked carrots. During digestion, your body turns beta-carotene into vitamin A. Also, carrots contain vitamin E and K, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, folate, zinc, and fiber. The vitamins that carrots contain have been linked to improved immune function and the reduced risk of many illnesses. Carrots can be the perfect snack as they are full of nutrients, crunchy, and low in calories.

A recent study also found that cutting carrots allowed more nutrients to leach out due to the increased surface area. So, before you cook your carrots, wash them carefully and use a sharp knife to chop off the top. Next, use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. Cook them in their whole form for the most nutritional impact. Another way to cook carrots is to place them in a shallow bowl of water, cover them with a moist paper towel and microwave them until they’re tender. Cooking carrots releases more beta carotene, which makes them more nutrient-dense once they are heated. You can try roasting them, blanching and glazing, or dicing them to be part of your stir fry dish.


19. Potatoes

Potatoes are a staple part of most people’s diets. You may be used to cutting your baked potato lengthwise down the center and adding fillings. Instead, try cutting it in half. Scoop the flesh out of both halves, and you will have two perfect potato skins. You can fill them with sour cream, bacon bits, and so on or use butter. Also, eating them this way allows you to enjoy the crispy, crunchy skin. Furthermore, if you don’t want your potatoes to get eyes, store them with apples. Apples also make them soft. If you find that your baked potatoes take forever to cook and are too dry, cut slices into the potato and add butter or cheese between the pieces.

When preparing hash browns in a frying pan, do they always come out overdone or too oily? One way to brown them perfectly without this problem is to cook them in a waffle iron. Although some people choose not to eat potato skins, there are many health benefits. Potato skins are rich in potassium which helps your body carry out chemical reactions. They are also an excellent source of iron which is another essential mineral as iron helps to support your red blood cell function. While you should consider eating the potato’s skin, you should also avoid some restaurant versions that are high in fat and sodium ingredients.


18. Beetroot

Beetroot is something most people don’t buy because they don’t know how to cook it. The good news is that you don’t have to cook them. It’s possible to eat them raw. Only cut off both ends, peel the beet and make thin slices. Seasoning them adds extra flavor. If you don’t want to eat your beets raw, an easy way to cook them is to place them on a piece of foil large enough to make a pouch. Drizzle the beets with olive oil and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Wrap up the foil tightly and place them on a baking tray. Roast them for about an hour and check with a fork to see whether they’re tender.

The time they take will depend on the size of the beets. Another healthy way to cook them is to fill the bottom of a steamer with water, bring it to a boil, add the beets, cover, and steam for about 15 to 20 minutes. Beetroot has emerged to be one of the superfoods that promote overall health, so don’t miss out! There are many ways to incorporate beetroot into your diet to take advantage of it’s full benefits. You can juice the beet by trimming the veggie’s ends, rinsing it under water, and making sure you clean the skin well to extract the maximum nutrients.


17. Asparagus

Asparagus can be tricky to cook. Cook it too little, and it is too tough to chew. Leave it in a little too long, and you get limp mushy stalks. So you may think you don’t like asparagus because of the way you’re cooking it. However, when you cook it right, a serving of asparagus is full of nutrients. Also, if you keep your asparagus in your crisper drawer, you’re making a mistake. Instead, place it in a bowl of water, cut it side down. Give your asparagus a good wash and cut off the woody part of the stalks. If there are woody scales on the outside of the stalk, remove them with a vegetable peeler.

Steaming is one of the quickest and healthiest ways to cook asparagus. Cook it covered in a steamer until it turns bright green. That should not take any longer than three to five minutes. Roasting asparagus produces an excellent, caramelized flavor, too. Just line a baking sheet with aluminum for easy cleanup. Including asparagus in your diet is a healthy choice. Whether you decide to eat it raw or cook it, you are adding fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients into your diet. You can even try incorporating shredded, raw asparagus in pasta dishes and salads. Keep in mind that cooking may enhance antioxidant activity in asparagus, but it can also contribute to nutrient loss. That is especially the case with heat-sensitive vitamins like vitamin C.


16. Broccoli

Did you know that the leaves of broccoli are richer in beta-carotene than the stems or the florets? So, don’t get rid of them, but bake them just like you would kale chips. Mix them with some olive oil, salt, and pepper. Put them in the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit until they’re crisp. There is no reason to discard the stalk either. The stalk contains more fiber than the crown, and they’re a good source of calcium and iron. Cut the stalks into pieces and dip them into hummus for a healthy snack. If you always stir-fry your broccoli, think again. One study found that steaming depletes the vitamin C content and lowers the chlorophyll, sugar, and soluble protein content.

The best way to cook broccoli is to steam it. Fill a pot with a little water and bring it to a boil. Place a steamer basket over the top and add the broccoli. Cover and steam it for about five minutes or so until the stems are tender. Broccoli can stay fresh for up to two weeks if it is appropriately stored unwashed, dry, and in a tightly wrapped plastic bag. However, it would help if you kept in mind that broccoli’s nutritional value is depleting the longer it is stored. You are better off using it as soon as possible. Freezing your broccoli is also an option as it allows you to preserve the nutrients for a longer period.


15. Spinach

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that we all know to be healthy due to its high antioxidants levels. If you’re always eating your spinach raw because it makes such a good base for a salad, you should think about lightly steaming it instead. Steaming spinach decreases the oxalic acid content and increases the bio-availability of the nutrients. Once the oxalic acid breaks down, your body can absorb all the nutrients. Spinach contains iron, protein, fiber, zinc, vitamin A and calcium. Remember, when steaming spinach, it overcooks rapidly, so keep a close eye on it. Remove the spinach as soon as it begins to wilt or absorb water from the steam and become soggy.

If you want to eat your spinach raw, pair it with vitamin C, which your body needs to absorb the iron. Spinach and oranges make a tasty combination. You could even consider making a vinaigrette with some orange juice. Spinach also combines well with sun-dried tomatoes and a few grilled pine nuts. However, the best way to eat spinach is by adding it to your smoothies or juicing it. The best way to preserve lutein found in dark green leafy vegetables is to consume them in the form of smoothies or juices. While it might not seem super appetizing, it is incredibly healthy for you.


14. Whole Grains and Beans

Whole grains and beans are versatile. You can eat them as a side dish or as a main course. They are nutritious, and you can add them to many dishes, such as soups and stews. Nevertheless, if you take them out of the container and cook them, here’s some advice to get the full nutritional benefits. Soak your whole grains and beans overnight before cooking them. That is because they contain antioxidants called phytates. This compound binds to the minerals and vitamins in the grains and beans, preventing your body from absorbing them. However, soaking beans before you cook them helps remove those indigestible sugars that can cause gas.

Soaking beans also means your digestive tract doesn’t have to work as hard. Remember, it’s only the unhulled or semi-refined grains like instant oats or pearled barley that you don’t have to soak. Studies had shown that the greatest effects of soaking the beans overnight were when they were soaked for 12 hours in distilled water at room temperature. By soaking them, their overall nutritional value is increased. However, be careful not to wash them too long, or you risk losing some of their nutrients that you worked so hard to get out. Another study has shown that canned beans have lower phytate levels than dried, unsoaked beans. That indicates that the canning process is also effective at reducing anti-nutrients.


13. Onions

Raw onions make your eyes tear up, so most people prefer them sautéed, sliced, or chopped to complement their favorite dishes. However, raw onions contain oils and minerals that help speed up your metabolism and break down fat deposits. A great way to cut onions is to stick your knife in and start cutting a cone shape out of the onion. Do it about a third of the way from the top. Remove this cone to contain the gas that makes your eyes tear up. Boiling onions will cause the most significant loss in nutrients. So, if you cook your onions, don’t put your chopped onions and garlic straight from the chopping board into the pan.

When you cut or chop your onions, you activate flavonoids and cancer-fighting compounds. However, when they are exposed to heat, this great reaction stops. Letting onions sit for a few minutes on the chopping board allows more healthy compounds to form, so you get the full cancer-fighting benefits. Onions are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain organic sulfur compounds. These compounds are why onions have a sharp, pungent taste and smell. The organic sulfur compounds help reduce the level of cholesterol in your body. Eating onions raw rather than cooked helps to get the most sulfur compounds from them.


12. Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob is a nutritious food and incredibly popular in the summertime, but it’s notoriously difficult to eat. It’s not pretty when people gnaw away at the cob with kernels flying everywhere and butter leaking over their fingers. Taking the corn off the cob provides a convenient, hygienic alternative for people who don’t enjoy getting food all over their faces. The only problem is that it’s not that easy to do when you’re trying to balance the oblong cob. So, here’s a method that will improve the way you remove the kernels. First, cut the corn in half with a sharp knife.

Be careful when you’re doing this because that cob can be hard. Now you have a flat side to rest on your chopping board, making it easy to balance the cob while you cut. If you want to keep your corn whole, place the cob in the center of angel food or bundt pan to keep it stable. You might be surprised to learn that boiling your corn dissolves most of its nutrients into the cooking water. Rather than boiling the corn on the cob, you may want to consider alternative cooking avenues that include microwaving or grilling the corn to retain all of its health benefits. To microwave, cut off the silks that extend outside the husks, but do not cut or open the husk itself. Cook it on high for three to four minutes and then allow it to cool before husking.


11. Yogurt

Have you been pouring that watery substance you find on top of your yogurt down the sink? That substance is whey, and it contains vitamin B12 and minerals like calcium and phosphorus. So rather than getting rid of it, give your yogurt a quick stir to combine it instead. Another fact to note is that you’re not going to get the yogurt’s probiotic benefits if you’re cooking a hot dish like chicken curry with it. Live and active cultures can’t stand up to heat, so they are destroyed in the cooking process. If you always eat fruit-flavored yogurt, change to plain Greek yogurt because fruit yogurt often contains much sugar.

Instead, add fruit, such as a diced apple, a healthy fat like some almonds, and spices, like cinnamon. If you always eat your yogurt with a spoon, poke a popsicle stick through the lid and freeze it to make a yogurt pop. Yogurt is often marketed as a healthy food, but many brands have sugar and flavorings added that make them more like junk food. You should always read the label when deciding which yogurt to purchase. Try to pick one that does not have a large amount of added ingredients. Sugar is one of the biggest culprits of unhealthy yogurt, and you should avoid those altogether.


10. Eggs

Eggs are a cheap but incredibly nutritious food. They are extremely low in calories but are packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. There’s nothing worse than eating an egg and feeling the crunch of eggshell between your teeth. Peeling off the shell is a tedious task, and it’s easy to leave bits. Nevertheless, baking soda can help you to solve this problem. It is alkaline, so when you add a teaspoon to the cooking water, it helps loosen the bond between the egg whites and the shell, making it easier to peel them. Just sprinkle in the baking soda after you’ve put the eggs into the water. Why not prepare a dozen eggs at a time?

All you need to do is crack them into a big bowl, scramble them with a fork, and pour them into a greased muffin pan — bake at 35 degrees for about 20 minutes. Cover the pan with foil and store it in your fridge. You can quickly reheat one or all of them in the morning to save yourself time and dirty dishes. Eggs are delicious and versatile. They can be cooked in many different ways and easy to combine with other vegetables. Cooking them helps to destroy any dangerous bacteria, which makes them safer to eat. It also makes some of their nutrients easier to digest. For instance, the protein in eggs becomes more digestible when it is heated.


9. Milk

Perhaps you’ve stopped drinking milk because you believe only calves should drink it. However, milk is a source of many nutrients that support bone health. In fact, consuming enough calcium may help offset the bone loss that happens when you age. They usually fortify milk with vitamin D, which allows your body to absorb calcium. Moreover, if you can’t drink milk because you’re a vegan or lactose intolerant, you need to find other calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D sources. Also, if you store your milk on your refrigerator door, you’re keeping it wrong. It might offer you convenience, but your milk will spoil more quickly.

Every time you open your fridge, you’re exposing the milk to warm air. If you take longer than a day or two to drink the milk, you need to rethink this habit. It’s much better to store your milk in the back of your fridge. Do it as far away from the door as possible. That will keep it much colder, and it will last longer, too. Milk provides various health-promoting nutrients, and drinking a glass of milk at mealtime is an easy way to add them into your diet. Protein-rich foods such as milk can help boost weight loss by improving your metabolism and increasing fullness after meals. Besides, drinking milk after workouts can help support muscle growth and improved body composition.


8. Cheese

Cheese and crackers, also called biscuits or wafers, are satisfying together. However, you may be pairing the wrong cheese with the wrong cracker. So, try some of the following combinations for a new taste sensation. For instance, pair a cream cracker with cheddar or another strong cheese. An excellent addition is some red onion jam. The neutral base balances out the tang, and the onions add bite. A Cornish wafer is a perfect accompaniment for blue cheese. It’s a buttery, crumbly cracker that balances the rich blue cheese. Add some quince jelly for a special touch. A multigrain cracker is the best choice for soft cheeses, like Brie. The grains and salt in the biscuit go well with the softness of the cheese.

Adding some fruit like grapes or figs adds freshness and sharpness. A water cracker works best with hard cheeses, like Lancashire. Its crispness cuts through the richness of the cheese. So experiment to find new, exciting flavor combinations. Cheese is full of health benefits, including calcium and protein. You might be surprised that many cheese experts say you should eat your cheese at room temperature, not cold, from the fridge. Have you ever heard of raw cheese? It must be aged a minimum of 60 days and be marked. However, it does have many health benefits, such as being higher in vitamins and minerals. It may also be easier for lactose-intolerant people to digest and contain gut-friendly bacteria.


7. Bacon

Ever wonder why your bacon never turns out quite like the perfectly cooked bacon you get in a restaurant? Restaurants have to produce great bacon quantities, so they usually bake it in the oven rather than cooking it in a pan. So, if you have one, a slotted baking tray is perfect, but a standard baking tray is fine. Set your oven at 350 degrees, cover the baking sheet with aluminum foil, and lay the bacon on it. Be sure to overlap the slices when you arrange them on the tray. Keep your eye on your bacon, which should take about 10 to 15 minutes to cook. The end product will be deliciously crispy bacon like you’ve never been able to cook before.

Your friends and family may even ask you how you managed to make it so crispy. Just remember that bacon contains salt and fat. Now that you know how to cook it perfectly don’t overeat it, which will be bad for your health. Bacon is a processed meat, but the amount of processing and ingredients used can vary between manufacturers. While many of us are aware that bacon is not necessarily the healthiest part of our diet, you can still enjoy it from time-to-time. It does have some nutritional value with its B vitamins. Bacon is also a source of Omega 3’s and can boost your mood. Studies have shown that bacon is a source of choline which is great for your brain.


6. Chicken

Chicken is the go-to protein of choice. Nevertheless, you may be tired of eating bland, boring, or overcooked chicken. So, try submerging chicken breasts in saltwater to keep them moist and juicy when cooking them. You can also tenderize your chicken in yogurt. Yogurt helps break down the protein, which tenderizes it. And it creates a great blank canvas for adding the flavors you enjoy. You can even poach chicken breasts in milk to keep them tender and flavorful. Do you like chicken wings? Chicken wings can be delightful to eat, but getting the meat off can be tricky. So, to enjoy more of the meat, pull the wing apart at the V-shaped hinge between the bones.

Eat the short, stumpy piece like a mini-drumstick. Once you have eaten this part, twist off the cartilage and pull out the bone. That will leave you with boneless chicken meat you can pop into your mouth. The healthiest way to cook chicken is to bake it in the oven or stir fry it with some vegetables. You can put the chicken into a baking pan, rub a little bit of olive oil on them, and then bake them until they are brown. When purchasing chicken, you might want to look for free-range, although that is your personal preference. Chicken is a staple in many people’s diets, and the preparation, cooking method, and serving style can all have a significant impact on how healthy your chicken is.


5. Chargrilled Meats and Veggies

You need to be careful when you’re chargrilling your meat. If you’re doing it at a high temperature, the protein in the meat changes, and it can even become dangerous. Cooking meat at a lower temperature helps to reduce the build-up of carcinogens. If you’re using a gas grill, you have the option of controlling the flame, and therefore the heat. Cook the meat until it is brown, not black. Try to avoid cooking it until it’s overdone. Remove any charred or burnt parts before you serve it. Lean meats are better for your heart health, and less fat also means fewer carcinogens.

Marinating your meat before cooking can also help to reduce carcinogens. That is due to the antioxidants in the ingredients in many marinades, such as turmeric, oregano, basil, and rosemary. Veggies don’t create carcinogens when you grill them, so try grilling your vegetables, like corn, carrots, or asparagus. Almost any type of vegetables can be cooked on a grill. However, those with low water content are usually best. It is always best to eat vegetables closest to their natural state. When they are grilled, they are quickly cooked while also allowing them to retain many vital nutrients. Boiling them can lead to overcooking and can lose invaluable vitamin and mineral content.


4. Fish

Eating fish means a lower risk of strokes, heart disease, and depression. Nevertheless, how you eat it may be the real key to unlocking its benefits. If you’re only eating fried fish, think about changing to steaming, baking, or broiling it. According to recent studies, these cooking methods are not just better for your weight, but your cognition and memory. If fish and chips are your go-to, try using the following tips to make baked or broiled fish tastier. Brush your fish with a good fat like coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil before cooking. Add herbs and spices, such as lime zest, minced garlic, paprika, parsley, or fresh dill. Pair your fish with other healthy foods, such as sautéed spinach, roast tomatoes, and sautéed mushrooms.

Add some wild rice, mashed sweet potatoes, or mango salsa on the side. You can even grill your fish and then serve it cold in a salad with whole grain pasta and veggies. Try some new recipes to change things up, and you won’t miss your fried fish. Fish is a healthy food that is a great addition to any diet. The proper cooking methods limit the loss of healthy omega-3 fats, retain the most nutrients, and minimize harmful compounds. In addition to baking and broiling, you can grill your fish. Grilling is an excellent way because it cooks fast without drying the fish out. You’ll want to be sure your grates are non-stick or coated with oil. Whole fish can be grilled right on the grates, but more delicate filets should be grilled in foil packets.


3. Pork

Pork is affordable, versatile, and comes in a variety of cuts. If you’ve always believed pork is chewy or too fatty, perhaps you’ve been cooking it the wrong way, or you’ve chosen the wrong cut. Low-grade meat may be better for your budget, but it may come at the cost of nutrition and taste. So pick a higher quality of pork and eat it less frequently. A tenderloin may be more expensive, but it is relatively low in fat and succulent when you sear it and then roast it. Also, don’t cook frozen pork without defrosting it thoroughly. Fattier pork cuts are suitable for slow cooking methods, such as braising or roasting.

Pork can be tastier when you soak it in buttermilk or brine. Also, you can tenderize or marinate it before cooking. That loosens the fibers to make them more succulent and infuses them with flavor. A lean cut of pork may dry out during cooking, so wrapping it in bacon or prosciutto can keep it moist and tender. Your pork should be stored in the coldest section of your refrigerator. It is recommended that sealed pork be held in the fridge for no more than four days. If you cannot consume it in that timeframe, it is recommended that you store it well-wrapped in the freezer for a later date.


2. Lamb

You may have been cooking lamb for years without knowing some essential tips on how to make the most of it. First, you need to remove your lamb from the refrigerator and allow it to rest for at least an hour before cooking it. It will enable the meat to come up to room temperature. Cooking cold lamb in a hot oven means it will cook unevenly. Also, it lengthens the cooking time. For any meat where toughness may be an issue, brining is the key to achieving succulent beef. That involves soaking the meat in salted water. A marinade may contain acidic elements and salt that break down the protein. However, don’t marinate the lamb for too long because this can make it lose its texture and become mushy.

Instead, choose marinades that contain spices, herbs, and aromatics, rather than too much salt. Also. it’s worth investing in a meat thermometer. It will help you determine the internal temperature of the meat while you’re cooking it. That way, you won’t undercook or overcook your lamb. When working with lamb, it is essential to follow the basic rules of cleanliness. Be sure to avoid any cross-contamination on your countertops and use paper towels whenever possible. Many cuts of lamb can be safely stored in the refrigerator for two to three days. They can be stored much longer in the freezer at six to nine months!


1. Hamburgers

Here’s a question: Where do you add your mayonnaise when assembling your hamburger? Is it right under the top bun? If you’ve been doing this, you will find that it sits on top. The mayonnaise has no way of reaching the meat because toppings like cheese, lettuce, pickles, and tomatoes create barriers. Furthermore, that means they don’t allow the mayo to take full advantage of its purpose as an emulsion. So, try adding a thin layer of mayonnaise to the bottom bun instead. Mayonnaise binds with both water and fat, which are two things a juicy burger emits. So, to keep the bottom burger bun from disintegrating with all the juices, use mayo.

The mayonnaise forms a fatty layer that helps maintain the bun’s structural integrity longer. An added advantage is that the juice from the burger mingles with the mayonnaise, adding to the flavor. Be sure to pile on plants when preparing a delicious hamburger. Try adding a thick slice of heirloom tomato which will add nutrients and also some culinary intrigue. If you are feeling more adventurous, try adding a piece of pineapple or a spoonful of sauerkraut. Did you know that this will provide a pile of healthy probiotics along with a burst of flavor? There are many ways to consume your hamburger while adding in some health benefits properly.
