
Going to the Gym May Not Be the Right Choice for Some People, Here’s Why

29. Let Others Help You To Stay Motivated Diana Mitrea, a personal trainer and co-founder of Stronger With Time, says, “Having other people around me with… Trista Smith - January 21, 2020

So you’ve finally thought about bettering your health and maybe even joining a gym this year. Well done, but there are lots of things you need to evaluate first before making the final decision. You have to consider whether a gym membership is the right fit for you, or maybe there is an option that is better suited to your lifestyle.

There are so many things to take into consideration. You need to figure out what your goal is and why you want to join the gym. Once you’ve done that, you can start to break it down and figure out what will be the best option for you and your body. You’ll need to consider things such as equipment on offer, class timetables and even the distance it will take you to get to your place of exercise from work or home.

Not all gyms are built the same. Shutterstock.


1. What Type Of Gym Will Suit You?

Now, once you have figured all of that out, you’ll need to decide on a gym that you want to join. There are all the big chain gyms which are often the most popular choice as they seem to have everything you would need to get in a workout. But this doesn’t mean that it will be the best workout option for you. These types of gyms are often centrally located and have well-priced memberships.

The memberships at these types of gyms will be dependent on your needs. If you know you’re only going to work out at one gym for the next two years, you’ll probably be able to get a cheaper membership. However, if you travel often and want to train at various gyms within the franchise, you’ll end up paying more, but once again – this is a membership that suits your lifestyle, so it’s probably worth paying a bit extra for it.

They make big bucks but there are downsides to them. Shutterstock.


2. The Cons Of Big Commercial Gyms

These big gyms can get very busy at peak times, and if you’re not one for waiting around or crowds, this would be a big no-no. There is also an option to get a membership for off-peak times which allows you access only at certain times of the day. This option is generally the most affordable one, so if you’re on a budget – this could be the solution for you. But, it obviously comes with its own set of cons.

With not being able to gym at peak times, you’ll be limited, but you’ll be in the gym at much quieter times. It would mean that you would have easier access to equipment and not need to stand in line for the treadmill or swimming lane. What other benefits are there to joining a big commercial gym like this?

But they may come with some attractive perks. Shutterstock.


3. They May Have Added Benefits

They often have extra amenities that give you more bang for your buck. These could include a childcare center. It is amazing for moms and dads who want to stay active but can’t always get to the gym because there is no one to look after the kids. The gyms will have people to watch your kids and play with them while you get your sweat on!

These gyms also will have things like saunas, relaxation areas, large pools, and even extra services like clothes steaming and shoe shining. These options could really make going to the gym appealing and may be the motivating factor in getting your bones moving. It all comes down to what is important to you and what your motivations are behind your reason for wanting to take the plunge and join the gym.

CrossFit has become quite popular as of late. Shutterstock.


4. Other Options Than A Commercial Gym

What are your other options when it comes to gyms? There are so many different types of workout centers opening up, which provides a lot more opportunities to suit you and also your budget. You’ve most likely driven past a CrossFit gym and thought that it looks intense and like a proper workout.

This type of specialist gym will undoubtedly be more expensive than your commercial gym, but you’ll feel a greater sense of community since it is smaller. You’ll get to know people who train in the same group as you, and you won’t just feel like a number that is written on the back of your membership card.

Most CrossFit gyms have group classes instead of personal classes. Shutterstock.


5. Try Out Training At CrossFit

Another pro for CrossFit gyms is that the people inside who are training you are going to whip you into shape. If you are a person who needs a push when it comes to working out, this could be a great option. You’ll also be training in a group which makes you want to work as hard as the people around you. It may also bring out a little bit of healthy competition.

If you tell them you’re tired, they’ll ask you to step it up. They’ll also encourage you when you feel like giving up. People also make sure to create entertaining energy with the music and the trainers yelling as they’re working with their groups. If you’re someone who thrives in an environment packed with power – this will be a fun way for you to work out.

Don’t expect any one-on-one time. Shutterstock.


6. CrossFit May Lack Personalization

There are also cons to CrossFit. There is a lack of personalization in the training programs for people who decide to make CrossFit their workout. Because it is based around a group setting, it doesn’t cater to individual needs. There isn’t such a thing as a one size fits all program. In CrossFit, if there are beginners and advanced people in the group, they’ll be given the same workout.

This move can be a big mistake and can often lead to injury. However, a lot of CrossFit places are offering classes based on your experience level. There still will be different levels of beginners in a beginner group, in any case. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and in a group setting, this can’t really be taken into consideration too much.

There are other options if CrossFit ends up not being your thing. Shutterstock.


7. If CrossFit Isn’t The Thing For You, Don’t Worry

How does CrossFit work in terms of programming? They will follow the postings online from and will use this on all their clients. Without personalization, you can’t hone in on one weakness and correct them. So, you need to be very careful about monitoring yourself and not pushing your body to a point where it could get seriously injured.

If commercial gyms and CrossFit still aren’t sounding right, what about Pure Barre? It is one of the hottest fitness trends for women. It is inspired by a ballet fitness regime that uses a handrail just like in ballet training. You’ll also often find some influences and moves from Pilates in these classes too. What does Pure Barre do for your body?

Pure Barre is geared towards women; it is a great way to stay fit. Shutterstock.


8. What Are Your Fitness Goals?

If your goal is to burn fat and tone muscles, this is a great option. Not only that, but it will also help you improve your balance and your posture as these are vital components of any ballet dancer’s repertoire. Barre is once again set in a class environment, which means you’ll have motivation from the people around you and also feel a sense of community.

But, if you’re someone who is a bit nervous about doing something outside of your comfort zone in front of others, this could be a con of Pure Barre for you and your lifestyle. Pure Barre started in 2001 and became a franchise back in 2009. It is now one of the most popular workouts around the world, with various interpretations of the original being opened up in different counties.

You get a full-body workout with Pure Barre. Shutterstock.


9. The Pros Of Pure Barre

Let’s take the pros of Barre. First off, it is a full-body workout! For someone who is a bit short on time, getting a full-body exercise is a great time saver. It also leads to amazing results. Their motto is actually “Life, Tone, Burn.” And that is precisely what it does. It focuses on isometric movements.

This type of workout will help you produce slender and lean muscles rather than the bulky look that you may get with other exercises like CrossFit. They also start you off with a warm-up, which reduces your risk of getting injured. You’ll then move on to upper body strengthening, and adding small weights is an option if you want to push yourself a bit more.

Those excess pounds will just melt away. Shutterstock.


10. It’s An Effective Fat Burning Technique

You’ll then continue to work on your hips, thighs, and glutes. It also has incredible abdominal work that will get your abs burning. So, is this technique an effective one? It definitely is, but you will need to make sure that you are attending classes on a regular basis to truly see the effects it can have on your body and your training.

It can’t all be good, so there is a very obvious con to Barre. The classes are very expensive. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of different class packages that may suit your budget better. There are options for pay-per-class, pay-per-month, or what seems to be the most efficient is the annual pass. But, not everyone has that type of money just lying around.

You may save more money getting an annual membership than paying for each class. Shutterstock.


11. Save For An Annual Pass Membership

If this type of workout is one that you really think will suit you, it could be worth saving up for that annual pass membership as it does provide a pretty decent discount and you’ll end up saving more money in the long run than if you pay per class or per month. Not only that, but you’ll most likely be enticed to buy some of their branded gym gear.

But wait, there are more pros to be learned about. This type of workout is low-impact, which means there is zero pressure on your joints. Basically, all classes are centered around your own body weight. If you’re someone who has shoulder, knee, or back issues, this option of a gym membership is ideal.

However, Pure Barre doesn’t get progressively harder so you’ll hit a plateau. Shutterstock.


12. Is This A Safe Workout For Anyone?

It’s also entirely safe for pregnant women after you check with your doctor, of course, but this is a real pro for those who are expecting and want to stay active during their pregnancy. The instructors of the classes are also very attentive to individual needs. They will be able to correct you if you’re doing something wrong that could lead to injury.

It is a systematized workout that you know will work, but if you’re someone who loves variety in their exercise regime – you might end up feeling bored halfway through your year-long Barre membership. Your body also might reach a plateau since you’ll be doing the same movements week after week.

Hot yoga is quickly becoming a fast trend. Shutterstock.


13. Getting Hot And Sweaty With Yoga

The next gym membership option on the list is Hot Yoga. It has become prevalent lately and definitely a winner in the winter months. This yoga is also known as Bikram yoga. You’ll be doing your workout in a studio that is heated up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity level of 40%. It is commonly a 90-minute class that will guide you through various yoga positions.

The point of the heat is so that your heart rate is increased and also helps to tire out the muscles you are working on. Not only does it help with burning some calories, but it has some other health benefits too. So, if you’re looking for a membership that does more than just one of your body, Bikram could be the membership for you.

You’ll sweat out all the bad stuff and feel much healthier. Shutterstock.


14. It Does More Than Just Work Your Muscles

It helps to detox your body due to the heavy sweating that you will experience during those 90-minute classes. Sweat helps to release toxins from your skin. It’s a cardiovascular workout, which also detoxes your body and helps settle your mind and breathing, which can be very beneficial to your mental health too.

There are, unfortunately, always some cons to things like this. These classes are also on the pricey side. The per-class rate can add up very quickly, and it is a workout that, ideally, you would want to do twice a week. Many yoga studios may have options for monthly memberships that will work out cheaper but first try out one class and see if it is something you enjoy and something you’d like to be a member of.

But hot yoga isn’t for everyone; you can get dehydrated pretty fast. Shutterstock.


15. The Intensity May Be Too Much For You

Also, this workout is not for everyone. Because of the heat and the intensity of hot yoga, puts a lot of stress on the body that not everyone can handle. This workout is not suitable for those who have heart disease, dehydration, or heat-related illnesses. It is also not ideal for pregnant women.

Beyond the different workout and membership options, what else can you expect when becoming a member? There are quite a few things that no one really talks about before you buy yourself a membership or sign away your life on the contract you put pen to paper to in the gym.

That’s why it’s important to do your research first before signing up. Shutterstock.


16. What No One Tells You About Joining The Gym

When you first join up for your gym of choice, you generally aim to be there a couple of times a week to start getting some decent results. But, the truth of the matter is, that once you get there and you start seeing more and more results, you might get drawn into the training culture as you become more invested in yourself and your body.

A healthy lifestyle will start to take over your lifestyle and not just your life in the gym. We’re not saying this is a terrible thing, but you need to be prepared for a complete lifestyle overhaul and not just a couple of days in the gym. This idea doesn’t happen to everyone, but it’s a topic that no one discusses, and no one prepares you for.

Working out with another person can be a great motivational tool. Shutterstock.


17. Are You A People Person?

If you’re not a people person, you’ll need to prepare yourself for the “big guys.” These are the guys in the gym who really think they know their stuff and they want to make you very aware of that. Be prepared for the moment when you’re doing your own thing on the gym floor when the “big guy” comes over to offer his advice.

Sometimes they can be a wealth of knowledge and can be quite helpful for someone who is just beginning their journey in the gym. But sometimes, it isn’t. The polite thing to do is to listen to him, nod and sound impressed by what he is telling you. But here’s the most important thing – you don’t have to take his advice on board, and you need to do what you are comfortable with.

Focus on your own goals, not what everyone else around you is doing. Shutterstock.


18. Don’t Let The Gym Goers Intimidate You

Gyms can be very intimidating places for beginners and even more advanced trainers. First off, they’re packed with people who care about what they look like, so there will be a lot of amazing bodies and people doing things that you don’t think you ever could. So, you need to check your ego at the door.

Everyone has to start somewhere, and it’s impressive that you’re even taking the chance to go into the gym and try to figure it all out. Forget about the other people in the gym, stop comparing yourself to them because they were once where you are now. Plus, they’re all too busy looking at themselves to worry about what you look like.

Exercising at the gym every day or even every week can get expensive. Shutterstock.


19. Work Out Your Exercise Budget

You need to work out your budget that you want to allocate to your workout regime. How much are you really willing to spend on a membership that you may or may not use? If you’re not convinced about a gym membership yet, other options are free! The first one is simple…

Get outside! When the weather is excellent, it’s a perfect time to try being active outdoors. There are endless activities you can do for free outside. This includes walking, hiking, going for a bike ride, running or even trying out a free outdoor gym that is in your local park. You aren’t committing to a gym membership, but you’ll be working towards your goals.

Exercising outside, on the other hand, is much cheaper, if not free. Shutterstock.


20. Try Exercising Outside

A health and wellness reporter, Gretchen Reynolds, actually says that outside workouts can challenge your body more than it would in the gym. It will help your body to tone up a lot faster if this is one of your reasons for exercising or looking into purchasing an expensive gym membership.

She explains that this happens because “You stride differently when running outdoors. People flex their ankles more when they run outside. They also, at least occasionally, run downhill, a movement that isn’t easily done on a treadmill and that stresses muscles differently than running on flat or uphill terrain.” This activity is a free and very effective workout.

Workout apps tell you how many calories you’re burning and how far you’ve run. Shutterstock.


21. Download A Workout App Instead

If you want to do at-home workouts because gym memberships don’t suit you, your budget, or your lifestyle, there are so many great apps you can download that will guide you through a workout. You can do these workouts at home or even in available outdoor space. It will give you more flexibility, and these are a lot cheaper than gym memberships.

The apps also offer different payment plans. For example, the SWEAT app allows you to pay per month, per quarter, bi-annually, or even for a full year. Depending on which option you choose, you get a higher discount. Most of the apps offer a seven-day trial period, which will allow you to see if you even enjoy the exercises.

Decide what you want to work on and then pick a workout that meets that goal. Shutterstock.


22. Pick Your Workout Based On Your Goals

The apps will allow you to pick between different workout programs and goal dependent. The SWEAT app offers you the choice of five various training programs from trainers all around the world. It also shows you short videos of how to do the exercises required so that you basically have a personal trainer in your pocket.

Even if you do decide to go for a gym membership but don’t want to fork out for a personal trainer, downloading one of these apps could be a great balance. You’ll be paying for the gym membership, but you won’t need to budget even more for an expensive personal trainer.

A test trial at a gym provides you with the experience you need to make the right decision. Shutterstock.


23. Ask The Gym For A Trial Membership

If you’re still unsure about whether a gym membership is for you, you could also try out a membership trial. Check with the gym that you’re interested in and see if this is something they offer. Most gyms will provide potential clients a trial pass from 3-7 days. This is a great chance to test out the gym and see if you enjoy the environment.

Be careful of these trials, though, and make sure you read all the fine print associated with it. You don’t want to end up with a permanent contract at the end that you didn’t realize you had signed up for when joining the trial. If at the end of the trial, you know it’s not for you, go and try out another gym and their trial period.

Try out a gym with a friend to see if it’s the right place for you. Shutterstock.


24. Tag Along With A Friend To The Gym

Many places offer discounts to new members so that you can see if you like the workout, and then after that, you have the option to purchase a proper package deal. Even if you don’t end up loving the exercise that you’ve got the deal for, you’ve at least had a few cheaper exercises that didn’t break the bank or tie you into a contract.

Some gyms may even offer a guest pass policy. Ask your friends and see if they are members at a gym and see if you can tag along to their next workout. First of all, it’s a free workout, and you’ll get to test out the gym and see if this is something you would like to sign up to and see if it’s worth your while.

It doesn’t make sense to sign up for a gym that’s far away from you. Shutterstock.


25. Location Location Location!

Another significant factor when considering where you want to set up your gym membership or even if it’s worthwhile is the location! This is where you could set yourself up for success or failure. It’s just logic that if your gym is far away, you’ll use it a lot less as it will take more time and effort out of your day to get to the gym.

Things to consider when choosing a gym are whether or not it is in a location on the way to your work or to your home. If you drive past or travel past it at some point during your day, you are a lot more likely to make the most out of it just because it’s convenient. Set yourself up for success and choose something nearby.

See if their equipment is sound and if they offer trainers before signing up. Shutterstock.


26. Check Things Out In The Gym Before Signing

Before you sign your gym contract, you should also see if on your trial pass, if you can go to the gym at various times of the day. You don’t want to discover after you’ve paid all this money that the times when you want to go are the busiest and you aren’t able to even do the workout that you’d wanted to when you walked into the gym.

Also make sure you check for things like the equipment being in good working condition, enough equipment in case you go during peak time, the atmosphere of the gym, the cleanliness of the showers and maybe even have a chat with some other gym members to see what they like about the gym.

See what the online reviews are to determine your best course of action. Shutterstock.


27. Check Out Gym Reviews Online

It may even be a good idea to go online and research some reviews about the gym or workout center that you are considering. Let’s just say that you’ve decided to bite the bullet and sign up for a gym membership… You’ve clearly decided there are more pros than cons to this, and that is great. But, now comes the hard part – staying motivated.

Everyone is always very eager when they first join up at the gym. People go frequently, do good workouts, and try to incorporate it into their lifestyle. But then slowly but surely, the visits start to decline, and life gets in the way. Suddenly the gym is on the back burner, and your contract starts to go to waste. What now?

Don’t set unreachable goals during the first week, or else you’ll get discouraged. Shutterstock.


28. Setting Yourself Up For Success

You’ll hear your alarm clock ring at 5:00 am, and then suddenly, you’re not feeling any motivation to go for your morning sweat session. You start to negotiate with yourself and then end up convincing yourself that you don’t need to go to the gym today and that you’ll go again tomorrow. But then it happens the next day again!

One way to combat this is to find a workout buddy. Some people obviously prefer working out on their own, but if you lack the motivation to go, find a friend to do it with you. Make a point to hold each other accountable, and when you say you’re going to go, you go, and you don’t let the other person off the hook. Make a workout schedule that you both stick to for the long haul. This situation is when a group setting like CrossFit could really benefit someone and their motivation.

Going it alone isn’t the best idea; keep someone at your side to keep pushing you forward. Shutterstock.


29. Let Others Help You To Stay Motivated

Diana Mitrea, a personal trainer and co-founder of Stronger With Time, says, “Having other people around me with those same goals is always exciting. We’re all talking about the right things and pushing each other, and we celebrate their victories as well as mine.”

If no one wants to go to the gym with you, ask a supportive partner, family member, or even a friend to hold you accountable. Their support will be a significant motivating factor in your fitness journey. Another good idea is to sign up for something that you can work towards, such as entering a marathon.

Getting the right workout clothes can also help you immensely to stay in the motivated mood. Shutterstock.


30. Get Dressed And Get Going

Once you make a choice to enter this, tell your friends and family about it. Because they know about it, you can’t just miss it because they will be excited to cheer you on at the finish line, and you won’t want to let them down. Everyone will have their own things that give them motivation, and this might be the one for you.

Another tip to remain motivated is to dress for a workout, even if you aren’t feeling it that day. Research has shown that brains are susceptible to “enclothed cognition.” What does this mean? It means that dressing the part can help give you the motivation you need to get what you need to do. So, put on your work out clothes and get going!


Onnit – What is Crossfit? Here are 3 Pros & 3 Cons

Nerd Fitness – Buying a Gym Membership: 6 Things to Consider Before You Purchase

Bustle – The Pros And Cons Of Doing Pure Barre


Here’s How to Disinfect a Home After the Flu and Keep Everyone Else Healthy

Without fail, every year, the cold and flu season comes to pay a visit. Despite what you try to do to avoid it, inevitably, someone in… Trista Smith - January 19, 2020

Without fail, every year, the cold and flu season comes to pay a visit. Despite what you try to do to avoid it, inevitably, someone in your family will catch a cold and most likely spread it around to the healthy members of the family. When you have young children, it is especially important to try to get the germs out of the house as soon as you can.

To truly get the flu germs out of your house, you’re going to have to do some serious cleaning to prevent it from spreading and making everyone sick. The problem is – where and when do you start cleaning? There are definitely certain areas that should be the priority and even some items too. Get ready to learn how to go about cleaning up the flu.

You should see cleaning as a means to keeping the flu away. Youtube


1. What Should You Clean First?

You can take a sigh of relief if you are a mom, dad, or partner of someone with the flu. You aren’t going to need to clean the entire house necessarily. Mary Gagliardi, better known as Dr. Laundry from The Clorox Company, says, “Most people who have the flu tend to lay low, so you can skip cleaning your home from top to bottom.”

Mary Gagliardi, better known as Dr. Laundry from The Clorox. Image via Shutterstock


What should we be focusing on then? She says that to her, she would prioritize the bathroom and the kitchen. Mary also means that any shared surfaces in the bedroom should also be cleaned. You’ll need to try and clean the space where the sick family member has spent their time and sometimes even retrace their steps as you clean.

The deeper the clean, the less likely you are to get sick. Image via Shutterstock


2. Make Sure You Clean The Communal Hard Surfaces

The sickling may have visited the kitchen to make themselves some soup, so you’ll need to think of this and clean everything like the countertops, handles of appliances, and even the taps that they may have used during this time. But, trying to clean every surface would be exhausting – which are the ones that vitally need to be disinfected?

Image via Shutterstock


They’ll be the distinct commonly touched hard surfaces. These include items such as door handles and also the TV remotes. These can become an excellent place for germs to breed. You should obviously make sure these areas are cleaned regardless of if someone is sick or not but especially clean them when there is any bout of sickness in your home.

It’s the most handled object in the house. Image via Shutterstock


3. Don’t Forget About The TV Remotes

Did you know that the flu virus can live on these kinds of surfaces for up to 48 hours? A microbiologist at Lysol, Joe Rubino, says “Disinfecting frequently-touched, non-porous surfaces and items around the home like tabletops, remote controls, light switches, and doorknobs should become part of a daily routine during cold and flu season to help prevent the spread of illness.”

Image via Shutterstock


So that’s the cleaning during an illness – but what happens after? It is possibly just as important to prevent it from spreading again! People with the flu will generally spend a lot of their recovery time in bed. In turn, this area is the first place that needs to be disinfected after the illness has passed.

Keeping your bed linens clean will also reduce the chances of getting sick. Image via Shutterstock


4. Laundry Day Has To Come Early

You’ll need to make sure you disinfect all of the bedding: sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. You should also clean any items that were used in the bedroom by the sick person such as electronic devices or the bedroom cupboard handles. If you’re cleaning up the sickness, how do you stay free of the flu?

Image via Shutterstock


The CDC recommends that you wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water. You can also use an alcohol-based hand rub to prevent the spreading of germs while you clean. Now you know what to clean, but when should you start cleaning after being sick? For hard surfaces, clean all the ones that your family members touch often. This activity is one you can’t delay!

It can be difficult figuring which products to use after the flu. Image via Freepik


5. What Cleaning Products Are The Best?

Mary Gagliardi says, “Start disinfecting those high-touch surfaces as soon as you know, a family member or roommate has the flu – don’t wait for a regular cleaning day!”. You can, however, wait to wash sheets and bedding until the person with the flu is on their way to recovery.

Cleaning products. Image via Freepik


Are there any specific cleaning products that you should be using to help disinfect your home? Definitely! By selecting the correct products for this type of clean up, you’ll effectively be eliminating any germs who want to hang around longer than they should. Flu can spread quickly and easily, so you need EPA-registered disinfectants to target them specifically.

The bathroom is where the majority of snotty tissues are going to be located. Shutterstock


6. A Squeaky Clean And Germ-Free Bathroom

How do you target the bathroom? Sterilizing it with bleach should be an excellent way to ensure that no germs are left in this part of the house. Gagliardi says that you can mix half a cup of bleach with one gallon of water in order to wipe down any bleach-safe spots such as toilet surfaces, sinks, counters, and the taps that they may have used.

Laundry sanitizer. Image via Reviewed


What about the disinfection process for clothing and bedding? You’ll need to wash them with a laundry sanitizer. This will help to kill the bacteria that may be lingering in the fabric. Regular detergents could leave these germs behind, and you’ll be stuck with the flu in your home all over again after washing and cleaning.

Disinfectant wipes can be very handy at keeping your home bacteria-free. Image via Shutterstock


7. An Effective Way To Disinfect

A fast and easy way to disinfect other small areas of the home are disinfecting wipes. You can use them for areas such as light switches, doorknobs, and various handles around the house. They’re also not a bad idea to have them around the house even when no one is sick – they make cleaning easy with just a quick swipe of the cloth.

Disinfectant wipes. Image via Freepik


Mary says, “Make sure surfaces stay wet after wiping for 15 seconds to kill influenza germs – that’s all it takes!” Cleaning up after an illness is a really horrible job, but someone has to do it. These cleaning steps will help keep your home healthy and happy thanks to proper disinfecting tricks.

Always wear gloves to protect your hands from the harsh chemicals. Image via Shutterstock


8. The Cleaning Product You Don’t Know How To Use

Talking about disinfecting wipes… They will definitely become one of your go-to cleaning products. But, did you know that there is a way to use them incorrectly? It all depends on what the purpose of the wipes for you are. Are you trying to sanitize or disinfect a surface? You’re probably quite confused about what the difference is.

Image via Shutterstock


Evan Rumberger, an R&D associate research fellow from Clorox, says, “Sanitizing a surface kills germs to an extent recognized as safe by public health standards or requirements. Disinfection takes this to an even higher level of extent of germ kill and variety.”

Let surfaces air-dry; refrain from wiping them down and spreading more germs. Image via Shutterstock


9. Making Sure You’ve Done It Properly

So, how do you go about correctly disinfecting a countertop? The surface will need to be visibly wet for a total of four minutes. You’ll notice that you use a lot more wipes that you’re used to when doing this proper disinfection of your counter space. How would you just sanitize your countertop then?

Image via Shutterstock


You would only need the surfaces to be wet for a total of ten seconds. It’s also important to know that you should let the counters air dry rather than wiping them. This action could create a spread of germs again, which is something that you’re clearly trying to avoid in the first place. You will, however, find all the info on the labels of cleaning products.

It pays to know what you’re using so that you know if it’s effective or not. Shutterstock


10. Read The Labels Before Using Cleaning Products

Talking about labels, you must always read the instructions very carefully on any cleaning products you purchase – the labels are there for a reason. Did you know that disinfecting wipes are actually suitable for most surfaces? The intent is that the product is bleach-free! Are there any surfaces you shouldn’t use them on?

Image via Shutterstock


Keep these away from porous or unfinished surfaces. You also need to ensure that you store your disinfecting wipes correctly. Keep them out of direct sunlight, and you’ll still be able to use them for the next year. This one is an excellent product that, when used correctly, can add to the overall health of your home.

Protect your family from the annual flu season. Image via Shutterstock


11. When Does Flu Season Peak?

Now that we’ve discussed what to do after you’ve had the flu and how to prevent it from spreading let’s learn about the upcoming flu season in 2020. Each season is genuinely unpredictable, but there are definitely ways to take precautions and reduce your and your family’s risk of contracting the virus.

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When does the flu season peak? People most commonly come down with the flu during the winter months. The cases of flu begin to increase from October or November and then start to peak in January or February. However, the CDC has reported that this flu season will peak between December and February.

Getting the flu shot helps to protect your immune system. Image via Shutterstock


12. Flu Shots Are The Ideal Solution For Flu Prevention

The CDC recommends flu shots for anyone older than six months. So, when is the best time to get it? Getting this vaccination before the flu season can help you remain healthy throughout and will also keep you from transmitting the virus to other people. It is recommended that you get your annual flu shot as soon as it is available.

Flu shot. Image via Shutterstock


Once you’ve had your flu shot, it still takes two weeks for your body to build up the antibodies that will fight the flu. It is imperative for you to get it before there is a spread of the flu within your community. But, better late than never – so get your flu shot when and if you can. Even if you wait until the end of January, it can still be beneficial.

Children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems are most at risk. Shutterstock


13. Groups At Higher Risk Of The Flu

Certain groups are most at risk for the flu, so they need to get their annual flu shot by the end of October. The people included in this group are pregnant women, anyone over the age of 65, and then people who have medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, chronic heart, or lung disease.

Weakened immune system. Image via Shutterstock


Their immune systems are often weaker, which makes them great hosts for the flu. Most obviously, a flu shot is the best form of prevention. What else can help you stay healthy and reduce your risk of getting sick? Washing your hands for 15-30 seconds with water and soap is vital throughout the day, especially during flu season.

Your hands are the biggest carriers of germs so make sure to wash them often. Shutterstock


14. Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face

You should also try to avoid touching your face when you’re around public spaces or when you are close by to others who are sick. It is a natural instinct to touch our faces but try to be mindful of this habit. It is also challenging to remain healthy when someone in your home has, unfortunately, become sick with the flu.

Flu Infection. Image via Shutterstock


Again, get a flu shot, and as described above, make sure you are in disinfectant mode all-around your home. You might be wondering what the difference is between the flu and the common cold… The flu happens a lot more suddenly than the cold. It will also be a lot harsher on your system than just the common cold. The flu is marked by the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, chills, runny nose, and fatigue.

The cold and the flu are often mistaken for each other. Webmd


15. The Difference Between The Common Cold And The Flu

In comparison, the common cold will have you sneezing, feeling congested in your nasal cavities, and a runny nose to finish it off. The question on the tip of everyone’s tongue is, “Can I catch the flu by getting the flu shot?”. The simple answer is no; you cannot get the flu from getting the flu shot.

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The reason for this is because it has been manufactured using an inactive virus, so it won’t be able to cause anyone to get influenza from being injected with the vaccine. Keep on top of the spread of flu in your area by checking out the CDC’s Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report.

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16. Boost Your Immune System This Flu Season

You also need to keep your immune system in tip-top shape during the flu season as this truly is your best defense against the flu and the common cold. It’s easier than what you would think! We’ve picked some of our favorite and easiest ways to stay healthy during these virus filled seasons.

Only do as much as you feel you can do; pushing yourself too hard will only make you more sick. Shutterstock


First off, staying active is a great way to help reduce your chances of getting the cold. Not only does it diminish it slightly, but actually almost in half! This idea was proved by a study in which it showed that exercise strengthened resistance by causing the immune cells to circulate at a higher rate than they usually would.

Minimize the stress in your life so that you can recover properly. Shutterstock


17. Get Your Body Moving

Not only that, but exercise is also a great way to reduce stress. Less stress means that there is less inflammation, which in turn means that if you contract the flu, your body will be able to fight it off a bit easier. You probably don’t want to exercise during the colder months, but it really will benefit you and your health.

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You don’t have to spend hours in the gym trying to fight off the flu, with just 20 minutes of a moderate form of exercise each day it can have incredible anti-inflammatory effects to help your immune system function at its best. Try taking a brisk walk or joining a fun exercise class that is indoors like hot yoga.

Probiotics can help to keep your stomach in check; do not take probiotics if you have been prescribed antibiotics. Shutterstock


18. Eat The Good Bacteria

Take a step in restoring the good bacteria in your body. An M.D at the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Amber Tully, says, “People who have more healthy bacteria in their gut tend to be sick less often. How can you improve the levels of good bacteria in your body?

Probiotics Food. Image via Shutterstock


This action can be through the use of probiotics. They will help to strengthen the cells in your immune system. You can take actual probiotic tablets, or you can increase your daily intake of foods that naturally have it. This list includes options like yogurt and kefir for breakfast or dinner, try adding some pickles or sauerkraut.

Cortisol is released during stressful situations, which dampens your immune system. Shutterstock


19. Get Silly to Get Healthy

This next one might sound silly, but it’s a lot more fun than getting a cold. On your way to work or on your way home, turn up your car’s radio and sing along! This option is a great way to lower the level of the stress hormone cortisol, which is a cause of weakening your immune system.

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Create a playlist on your phone that is specifically for this purpose. Pick out your favorite happy songs and put on the playlist when you’re feeling anxious or stressed about something. This natural remedy is not only good for your body, but it’s just a lot of fun too!

Ensure you’re getting your vitamins through pills when you don’t have the energy to make healthy meals. Shutterstock


20. Remember To Take Your Vitamins Each Day

Focus on your vitamin intake and which vitamins your body is craving. Vitamin D is a great one to help fuel your body’s T cells. These cells are responsible for fighting off bacteria and viruses. Research has shown that half the population will have a D deficiency when the end of the winter comes.

Vitamin D. Image via Shutterstock


A way to combat this is to include foods in your diet that are high in Vitamin D. The recommended is 600 IU per day. What are some excellent options for this? Fatty fish is a healthy option such as salmon or canned tuna. There are other good sources of Vitamin D, such as milk, eggs, and also D-fortified orange juice. It’s delicious and good for your body!

Going outside may feel like a difficult task, but even going for a short walk to the mailbox will provide you with some much-needed fresh air. Shutterstock


21. Mother Nature To The Rescue

Did you know that Mother Nature can actually help you beat the flu? Spending time in nature is vital for your health, according to experts. It is often due to the fact that when we spend time in the environment, we are switching the body from a stressed-out state into a rest-and-digest mode.

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When you are stressed, it can cause some very adverse effects. Your body will actually divert the necessary resources away from everything nonessential, which unfortunately includes your immune system. What do the professionals have to say about the effect of stress on our overall well being?

Eat foods that are good for your immune system so that your body can start to repair itself. Shutterstock


22. It’s Time To Take A Break

Environment and behavior scientist Ming Kuo from the University of Illinois says, “But when we’re in a relaxed state, the body puts resources toward building the immune system.” Make sure you take a break once in a while so that your body has time to heal and recuperate from any stressors that may have affected your immune system.

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Another way to keep the flu at bay is to snack smartly. By snacking on things like vegetables and fruits throughout the day, you will keep your immune system functioning very well. Fruits like berries contain antioxidants – natural medicine from nature. It will neutralize free radicals. Soluble fiber from fruits, vegetables, and nuts also helps to reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system.

Call friends on the phone if you feel up to it, or send text messages. Image via Shutterstock


23. Your Mood And Your Immune System

It’s amazing how your mood can have such an effect on everything in your life, and that includes your body and immune system. Sometimes we have bad days and you feel down. When you’re feeling like this, it weakens your immune system. So, the goal is to stay as happy, positive, and carefree as you can during the flu season.

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Something you can do when you’re feeling like this is to give a family member or friend a phone call. Arrange to meet up or just chat on the phone. This notion will hopefully give you a feeling of happiness, which will then get the feel-good chemicals in your brain working. These will then counteract the stress hormones and stop them from weakening your immune system.

Humidifiers keep the air moist so that you feel less congested. Shutterstock


24. Fighting The Flu With Technology

Technology can also come into play in helping keep the flu away from your home. You could buy a humidifier or even just keep a basin of water next to your bed. What does this do for you? It helps to stop the mucous membranes from drying out. When they dry out, they are a lot more vulnerable and may become infected.

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While talking about keeping a humidifier in your bedroom, let’s talk about the importance of sleep! Chris Winter, the author of The Sleep Solution, says, “The functioning of your immune system is intimately tied to the amount and quality of sleep.” The less sleep you are getting each night, the more depleted your immune system will become.

Put work aside and get as much sleep as you need. Go to bed early if you can. Shutterstock.


25. Get Your Beauty Sleep

You need to try your best to get in at least seven hours of sleep each night. Now, let’s say that all of the above hasn’t worked and you have unfortunately come down with the flu. What can you do now that you’ve got the bug and want to get rid of it as quickly as you can? Our first tip is to stay at home.

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It is crucial to stay home so that you don’t infect anyone else with the flu at your workplace or school. The other reason it is important to stay home is that you need to give your body time to rest in order to fight off the flu virus. You need to say goodbye to your daily routine and hello to your warm bed.

Don’t push yourself too hard to do your normal daily functions. Shutterstock


26. Take Time To Recover Properly

We know that it’s actually tough being bed bound! You are so tempted to go and do your usual errands or carry on with your routine, but this will actually make you take a few steps back in your recovery process. You need to put all this on hold until you start to feel a lot better.

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The flu can be very dangerous for older adults and small children. It means that you need to be considerate of these facts and avoid contact with people while you are still contagious. The flu doesn’t last forever, so enjoy the downtime and enjoy binging on your favorite series that you haven’t had time to watch in ages.

Nap when you feel you need it so that your body can recharge properly. Image via Shutterstock


27. A Nap A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

Something that goes hand in hand with staying at home is sleeping as much as possible! Sleep is quite possibly one of the best medicines for your body when you are sick with the fly. Try to go to bed earlier than you usually would and also enjoy the sleep-in that you wouldn’t normally be able to have.

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A nap during the day during or after the flu is a good idea as your body will take all the sleep it can get when it is sick. It will provide your body with a high chance of recovery. By sleeping and resting up when you have the flu, you will also be able to reduce the chances of further complications as a result of flu-like pneumonia.

Electrolytes provide you with the energy your body needs to maintain certain functions. Shutterstock


28. It’s Time To Increase Your Liquid Intake

You will need to keep plenty of fluids next to your bedside when you’re at home resting. This is because when you get the flu, you will experience a high fever. High temperature means sweating, which means you will slowly but surely become dehydrated if you aren’t getting many liquids into your system.

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With the flu, you might also experience other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. All of this leads to a significant loss of fluids. You need to ensure that you are replacing these lost liquids on a regular basis to give your body a fighting chance against the sickness that has taken its hold on you.

Water keeps you hydrated and replaces loss water. Shutterstock


29. H20 Is The Way To Go

What is the best type of fluid for this? Water is the best option, but you could also enjoy some herbal teas or even tea with some honey. These liquids will have a soothing effect on your body and keep you hydrated at the same time. But, there are also liquids that you should avoid. These are alcohol and caffeine.

Herbal tea. Image via Shutterstock


Along with liquids, you will need to be eating well too. We know that when you’re sick, all you want is to indulge in the delicious comfort foods. But, your body needs more than just ice cream to heal its immune system. Snack on fresh fruits and include vegetables as a side to your dinner when you are sick.

Eat foods that will give you the energy to continue fighting the flu.Image via Shutterstock


30. Meals Are Important To Build Your Strength

These food groups are going to give you back the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that you will need in your fight against the flu. It is also understandable that when you’re sick like this, you won’t actually have much of an appetite, to begin with. So when you do eat, it’s important to eat things that will fuel your body.

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It is also essential to try and eat regular meals to keep up your strength. Even if the meals are smaller than usual, it’s better than nothing! Alongside these more natural remedies, there is also the option of over the counter medications. These can really help boost your recovery if you don’t end up in the doctor’s rooms.

OTC cough medicines and cough syrups can help to minimize the symptoms of the flu. Shutterstock


31. If All Else Fails, Visit The Drug Store

Visit your local drug store or get someone to do it for you when you’re not feeling well. Go down the cold and flu aisle and take your pick from hundreds of options available. There will be different medications that will deal with individual flu symptoms and others that may treat many of the flu symptoms you’re experiencing.

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There are pain relievers that will help reduce your fever and body aches caused by the flu. This list includes medication like Advil, Motrin, and Tylenol. You might also want to try to decongestants that will help to open up your nasal passages. These will help take the pressure off your sinuses and make you feel a lot better.

Prolonged coughing can get painful after a while. Shutterstock


32. What To Take For A Lingering Cough

If you’re experiencing a cough, you can try cough suppressants, which will also help soothe a dry cough. Expectorants will help to loosen the mucus trapped in your body, and it could also be useful if you are experiencing a wet cough instead of a dry one. Last but not least, try an antihistamine.

Antihistamine. Image via Shutterstock


These will help to dry you out and also have sedative effects that will help you and your body to rest better than you are. Another at-home remedy for a cough is honey. It has been soothing sore throats and coughs for centuries! There has even been a study on the way that it helps when a person is ill.

Honey is a good for soothing a sore throat. It also boosts the immune system. Shutterstock


33. The Benefits Of Natural Remedies Like Honey

Researchers have found that a dose of honey was even more effective than a cough suppressant when dealing with a nighttime cough. It was for children who were aged between 2 and 18 years who were suffering from upper respiratory tract infection. On a side note, you should not give honey to children who are under one year of age.

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So, in an ideal world, we have robust enough immune systems never to get the flu in the first place. We are always ahead with our flu vaccination and breeze through the flu season. In the real world, we may possibly get the common cold or the flu, but there are great ways to get through it and recover well.

