You have been there, trying to find the best hotel for your vacation. So, you get on the computer and try to find the best hotel for you, your family, or your friends. It’s important for you to look through dozens of hotels in the area. You’re checking out the prices, breakfast options, whether it has a pool, and any other features. Chances are pretty high that you also look at pictures of the hotel. You might compare what the rooms look like, the beds, how large the rooms are, and, of course, the cleanliness of the rooms. The biggest problem with this is – all the rooms look sparkling clean.
Therefore, you take it a step further and check out reviews. However, you often come across reviews that rate cleanliness low and others that rate it higher. Because people have different ideas of clean and dirty, it’s easy to struggle in trying to find the cleanest hotel room to help give you the best experience on your vacation. Fortunately, this article will describe instant ways to use in your evaluation to tell whether a hotel is truly clean or dirty. Let us take away the stress of picking the cleanest hotel room through these 30 helpful tips.

30. When you start your hotel inspection upon arrival, you want to start from the parking lot.
Many people think they have to get into the hotel room before starting their hotel inspection. This isn’t true. In fact, you want to start from the moment you drive into their parking lot. Besides looking to see if there is garbage around, you also want to notice how they repair their parking lot. Does it look like it hasn’t been cared for in years? Do you see any fresh paint for the parking spots? Take your time to notice the large and tiny details. When you think about what to look for, remember the saying, “First impressions mean a lot.”
Other than garbage and the basics of the parking lot, other factors you will want to consider are the exterior of the hotel. Do you notice that the landscaping is cared for? Are there exterior plants and flowers to give the hotel a more comfortable or homey feel? Is the grass mowed and cleaned up? You can even take a look at the exterior of the building, from the siding to the windows. For example, are the windows clean and free of cracks? In other words, do the owners and employees of the hotel make the outside look as they care about the building and business?